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! FlashROM 99 & FinalGROM 99 - Repository

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I loaded them in v9t9 and they run, I am trying to figure out how to save them because when I try to convert them for FlashRom99 I get this error: program does not have a correct v9t9 file header


I use module creator 20. Usually it works just fine.


Strange it didn't work. I used Classic99 without problems.


I figured it out! There's a nasty bug in Module Creator. It's a bug that has tripped me up more than once. Fred is copying words from ROM to RAM (2 bytes at a time), decrementing the counter register by 2 (DECT) and checking for zero to indicate completion. That's fine if the count is always even; but, in the case of Joe's compiled-XB game (Doncaster Racecourse), the copy count is odd! :-o Copying words is faster than copying bytes; but, was fatal in this case because of the above-mentioned counting problem.


The fix for converting Joe's game with Module Creator is to change the 4th byte of the file, GAMEG (after the file header), from >65 to >66. The first 6 bytes of the file are


00 00 07 65 F8 82


but should be


00 00 07 66 F8 82


for Module Creator to work.



Edited by Lee Stewart
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FlashROM99 bin files and Milton Bradley MBX unit


I haven't seen any comment yet, so for the curious- the MBX bin files and the FlashROM99 are compatible with a functioning MBX unit with speech coming from the MBX unit, the MBX "keyboard" functional and the triple axis joystick functional - where the modules originally used them.


Great job! :)



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I haven't seen any comment yet, so for the curious- the MBX bin files and the FlashROM99 are compatible with a functioning MBX unit with speech coming from the MBX unit, the MBX "keyboard" functional and the triple axis joystick functional - where the modules originally used them.


Yes, tested myself with the MBX :)




I just ran across Munchman, I checked and double checked because I though for sure this one was already done but it looks like it was not.


Does it run without graphics corruption? I looked at it early on but when converted and run on the TI it had some nasty graphics corruption.

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Yes, tested myself with the MBX :)





Does it run without graphics corruption? I looked at it early on but when converted and run on the TI it had some nasty graphics corruption.

I don't know, I did not play it beyond the 1st round. I will have to check it out tomorrow.


I played it this morning, I got to level 7 (Yea, it has been a long time) Did not have any problems with the graphics.

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Scud Buster: SCUDBUSTER32KB8.bin (you may have to turn off your PEB for 15 seconds or so if you have been playing something else, it does not like to load with other things in memory)

Backsteine: BACKSTEINE32KB8.bin (Select players with the joystick: left and right)

Cave Creature: CAVE32KB8.bin

Space Agressor: S-AGRESSOR32KB8.bin

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Fred Kaal (@F.G. Kaal) has graciously updated Module Creator 2.0 to force loading of an even number of bytes. This insures that Module Creator 2.0 can successfully convert an E/A5 program with an odd number of bytes (such as can happen with some exports from Harry Wilhelm's (@senior_falcon's) XB Compiler) to operable ROM binaries, including those targeted to the FlashROM-99 cartridge. Thanks, Fred!

You can download the current Module Creator 2.0 from the “Modules” page of Fred's website.


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The control screen for Backsteine, accessed by CTRL E, is corrupt.

Possibly this requires disk access to the levels files.


It may be just me but this Backsteine also seems to play at an insanely fast speed even on level one. Perhaps someone could hex edit the speed down a mite if at all possible. How does it compare to a disk based "Vn 1.2"?




Scud Buster: attachicon.gifSCUDBUSTER32KB8.bin (you may have to turn off your PEB for 15 seconds or so if you have been playing something else, it does not like to load with other things in memory)

Backsteine: attachicon.gifBACKSTEINE32KB8.bin (Select players with the joystick: left and right)

Cave Creature: attachicon.gifCAVE32KB8.bin

Space Agressor: attachicon.gifS-AGRESSOR32KB8.bin

Edited by blackbox
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Fred Kaal (@F.G. Kaal) has graciously updated Module Creator 2.0 to force loading of an even number of bytes. This insures that Module Creator 2.0 can successfully convert an E/A5 program with an odd number of bytes (such as can happen with some exports from Harry Wilhelm's (@senior_falcon's) XB Compiler) to operable ROM binaries, including those targeted to the FlashROM-99 cartridge. Thanks, Fred!
You can download the current Module Creator 2.0 from the “Modules” page of Fred's website.


I am going to go back through my collection and try to convert some that converted but did not run. Thanks!

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I just ran across Munchman, I checked and double checked because I though for sure this one was already done but it looks like it was not.


2 versions:


The one we all know: attachicon.gifMUNCHMAN32KB8.bin

and an alternate version: attachicon.gifALTMUNCH32KB8.bin


I posted previously requesting Munchman. The other one I requested was Munch Mobile.

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You know, Scudbuster would probably fit in 8k with a little tweaking, the bank switching wouldn't be needed. ;) (it's like 8.2k of data in there right now... ;) ) Alternately, maybe the missing instruction file could be added?


Anyway, here's a patched version that should boot more reliably. Give it a shot.



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Munch Mobile I seem to have this on disk in every format except EA5- even the "hidden m/code XB program" format.


However in case someone can work with these files, here in an unknown image format is a disk with both Munch Mobile and Ghost Spell (take a ride on the Night Mare!)




Hope it helps. Stephen


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I don´t know if Breakout from Software Specialties is already converted , but here´s it is


This is probably the best playing version of Breakout that I've played on the TI. It would be PERFECT if it were not for that white background that is too hard on my eyes. Too bad it does not have a black background with a maybe a green or grey color for scoring numbers, paddle and ball.

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