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Nintendo Classic Mini announced

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Your undivided attention regarding the retail availability of this thing is kind of disturbing. Nintendo does this on purpose you know.


We are all excited to get one. If it is readily available somewhere and I don't say then that is denying somebody the opportunity to have one. And the joy of getting one for the holidays to use and have fun with as much as I am dying to have.

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I'm curious if any Canadian users here have gotten one, and if so, where?


I got mine release day from Amazon.ca.


It's thrown in a corner of the closet with the rest of the junk already. Any NES vets, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It was cool for a few hours, but then I wanted to play more obscure things. This item definitely has a market but it ain't me. I needed it for the controller to use on Ouya, though.

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2112 W Peterson Ave Chicago, IL 60659


Brickseek says they just got 12 minis in. But I just called to confirm and the guy said we don't give that info out over the phone because its a high demand item. How stupid.


How cunning. He's just building the hype. Making himself and the product seem more important. It'd be like me saying I can't talk about something because it's a national security issue.

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If it is readily available somewhere and I don't say then that is denying somebody the opportunity to have one.


How are you personally responsible regarding the availability of these things? :?


Are you making these? Do you work at Nintendo's distribution hub? They're a toy company first, and a video game company second. They do this on purpose to keep interest high and you've bought the manufactured hype hook, line, and sinker.

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How you know it is not as popular?

Word. I am almost postive the 3DS Micro sold more units simply because more stock was available. And if you somehow missed out on the LE black and white models on Friday, it's not like they don't still have plenty of other SKU options for playing 3DS games, like 2DS and the xL.


NES Mini made headlines initially because of nostalgia, and because it was the first "licensed" plug-and-play Nintendo device ever. And it's not like us retro gamers don't have other options for playing NES games. To us, it's a shelf piece, or something to hook up in the other room so we don't have to lug our systems around. I did get one (and a spare controller) for my uncle. As for myself, I've resigned to wait until after Christmas to get one, possibly even a used one at GameXChange if Nintendo don't restock. By the time January gets here, the ship will have sailed and most people won't care anymore.


Sometimes I really don't get Nintendo. They've put a lot of investment and effort into a machine that prints money, and decided not to run it until the gears fall off. It seems they were only interested in selling enough units to recoup their R&D investment. :facepalm:

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Sometimes I really don't get Nintendo. They've put a lot of investment and effort into a machine that prints money, and decided not to run it until the gears fall off. It seems they were only interested in selling enough units to recoup their R&D investment. :facepalm:


Nah, they've got the American market figured quite easily. Consumers here are like a distracted puppy, you can only hold their interest so long with a new toy. If they had met demand with this thing, it would have made a great stocking stuffer this year and that's about it. Most people like nostalgia in small doses, and talk of this thing would have died down within a week or two if everyone had gotten one.


By dragging out availability they get to keep discussion going, while also programming the consumer brain that this thing is rare. So come April, long after the holiday fads have passed when ################317 walks into a Walmart and sees one sitting on the shelf he'll buy it.

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Sometimes I really don't get Nintendo. They've put a lot of investment and effort into a machine that prints money, and decided not to run it until the gears fall off. It seems they were only interested in selling enough units to recoup their R&D investment. :facepalm:


It would make sense to me if it were a test to see the demand for a bundle of games. When people describe the value of it I see more of it in the sense of the games than the hardware looking like an NES to an extent that the hardware is worded like the free part. For an example, I have read things like,"It is $60 for 30 games. That is only $2 per game." as if the games are the only thing that is being paid for which implies that the hardware is the free part instead of people saying things like,"It is $60 for the NES mini that comes included with 30 free games." In other words, it seems that people describe the value more in terms that it is the ability to play a bundle of 30 games on an HDTV than to have a cute mini NES hooked up to their TV or sitting on a shelf. So, since Nintendo is seeing a high demand mostly for the bundle of 30 games part then they could be using it as a test to come to a conclusion something like,"Why completely exhaust the demand for this bundle of games by using it to sell NES Classic Editions when we could use the same bundle latter for the Switch? Maybe we could sell the same bundle in a Switch Game Card? Or maybe we could sell the same bundle in the Virtual Console? Maybe we could come up with new bundles to sell with either of those methods? Maybe latter we could have a limited edition NES themed Switch that comes with the bundle?"


To put that another way, Nintendo has said(paraphrasing) that one of the reasons they are starting to get into mobile games isn't just to get mobile sales but to get people more interested in their franchises to create demand to get them to buy dedicated Nintendo gaming hardware. For an example, they have Pokemon Go so people may buy a 3DS for Sun and Moon or later buy a Switch for a Pokemon game that is exclusive for it. So, just as their mobile gaming strategy includes giving a taste of games to get more on the 3DS/Switch the plug and play strategy could be about giving a taste of Virtual Console bundles. Just look at the hype and demand over these 30 games. It already has people wanting a Super NES mini. Why focus on completely exhausting the demand with the NES Classic and a future demand with a Super NES Classic when they could switch the demand for both to the Switch along with potentially even emulating up to the Game Cube in Virtual Console/Game Card? It doesn't get much more mini through HDMI than small downloads and/or small Game Cards that all conveniently play on a handheld that can dock to an HDTV.

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..but this could be an ongoing thing. Make enough minis to keep the hype flowing in anticipation of the next product, a mobile bundle or switch. Then when it comes time to release those, do a limited release again, in anticipation of the NEXT product. Over and over again..

Of course, why do you think the popular amiibos were "rare". If Nintendo had just flooded the market so you could find them in any grocery check out lane, the urge to collect them wouldn't last as long. " nah, but these are rare see...". Keep the hype train rolling.


They're a toy company.

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I got mine release day from Amazon.ca.


It's thrown in a corner of the closet with the rest of the junk already. Any NES vets, I wouldn't worry about it too much. It was cool for a few hours, but then I wanted to play more obscure things. This item definitely has a market but it ain't me. I needed it for the controller to use on Ouya, though.


I'll buy it for $60.

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