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Pitfall Harry's Contest of Doom

Pitfall Harry

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The mystic reached into his coat and removed the folded square of paper he'd kept in his pocket. Spreading the page onto the tabe, he studied it for a moment or two. "I'm going to go see a movie today," he announced at last. Then, patting the paper with his hand, "Here's a little something to keep you two weightlifters busy for awhile."


"What are you going to see?" Harry and Anna asked together.


"The Matrix Reloaded." And out the door he went, leaving the square of paper on the table where it lay.


Harry and Anna went over to the table and gave the mystic's paper a quizzical look.


"It's a word search puzzle," Harry announced matter-of-factly.


Anna immediately recognized several familiar game titles hidden within the puzzle, all with pencil lines running through them. "I count all forty-eight," she said finally. "It looks as if this puzzle has already been completed. I wonder what made the mystic think it would keep us busy?"


"If I know the mystic," Harry began with trepidation, "There is more."




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Do I dare?


OK, let's keep this moving forward. I offer the following list of 14 words:



three lives

Explorers Club

twenty minutes

David Crane



golden rope

Lost Caverns

silver bar


electric eel




Now what?

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This whole thread just goes to show why I design my contests to be ridiculously easy - I don't want to embarass anybody or make them feel stupid just for the purpose of getting a game. I think if you translate the number of hours spent trying to solve this into cost of productivity (how much time you're worth per hour to a job by your own estimate) you could probably buy this game on eBay cheaper. This is no offense meant to you at all Ben, but your puzzles are just way too damn hard even for a guy of moderate to somewhat above average intelligence, let alone the very smart people who are completely stumped by it.

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You're looking at it all wrong.  It's all about the challenge (and slacking off at work).

Yup, exactly!!!


BTW: Depending on the folding (spacing) allowed I found some more games (some even multiple times) e.g.

A-Team, M*A*S*H, Mr Do, Ram It, Polo etc. (with and without knees)


I am sure there are more than "just" 48 words hidden.

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There are LOTS of words hidden in the puzzle, and even some other non-Activision 2600 titles.


The important thing is to figure out which words matter and which don't...


By the way Thomas, I just want to say how impressed I am at your ability to do all of this in a foreign language!

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OK, let's keep this moving forward. I offer the following list of 14 words:


Did you actually find these words in the puzzle?!


I'd like to know how the mystic had the map folded in his pocket... I'm at a loss now (again.)


I'm taking a break from this puzzle over the weekend. It's a long weekend where I live and I'm going camping with my family. Good luck everyone! Solve the damn thing by Monday, Ok? ;)

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Is the general consensus that words can only have 1 knee, or bend in them? if not I have like 7 or 8 oinks....just checking


good puzzle


Ben said he's never seen a leg with more than one knee, so I take that to mean the words can only bend once.

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I'm still trying to make sense out of these two clues:



SILVER KNEE PADS: ??V???U???? M?? W??? P????B??

Here's what I've narrowed it down to:





And I think the other words MIGHT be:




Putting them together and shuffling the words leads to something like:


Score is possible with Pitfall II Adventurers Edition map


Huh? Obviously I'm not all the way there yet. :dunce:


I've actually figured out the ?'s on THE GREEN FOLDER but I think I should keep that to myself for now... :wink:

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Those pathetic, uncompensated fools!  If only they had the common sense to switch off their brains the instant the quitting whistle blows.  Like the smart people do.

Boy, now you really HAVE made me feel stupid.


I'm so embarrassed. :P


Hey, it's Friday. I'm gonna go out and get wasted... :D :roll:

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I'm still trying to make sense out of these two clues:


Putting them together and shuffling the words leads to something like:


Score is possible with Pitfall II Adventurers Edition map


I've actually figured out the ?'s on THE GREEN FOLDER but I think I should keep that to myself for now... :wink:


Wow, that's brilliant! I was way off... unless you are way off. ;) Your's seems so much better than what I had. Maybe the cryptic post earlier was the answer: 99,000 ? Perhaps the puzzles already been solved.


Puzzles are fun... that's why I offered to practically give away the prize if I were to succeed. The challenge is the fun part... if there were no prize I still would be trying to figure it out. Sometimes the intangible rewards are the most prized. That sounds corny eh?

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Maybe the cryptic post earlier was the answer: 99,000 ?  Perhaps the puzzles already been solved.


I don't think so... I counted the gold bars on the adventurer's level, and it's either 45 or 46. (I lost count. :dunce: )


Anyway, at 5000 points each that would be 225,000 or 230,000.


Besides, that's just a clue that wasn't even in the puzzle itself, so I don't think it's the "secret question"! (Unless Ben's "secret" is that the question's not in the word search at all.)

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I have to ask a question of Ben:


Was the OINK that is highlighted on the attached version of the puzzle an accident?


It is the only one of the Activision game titles I've found with a yellow letter in it, and I am wondering if it was deliberately in the puzzle that way or if it was an error.



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I'm still trying to make sense out of these two clues:



SILVER KNEE PADS: ??V???U???? M?? W??? P????B??

Here's what I've narrowed it down to:



I'm pretty sure the SILVER KNEE PADS clue is Adventurers may want possibly, but I'm not sure. Since I've already conceded defeat, and this may or may not be correct, I don't see anything wrong with providing that bit of information.

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Adventurers may want possibly


That's what I thought too, until I realized, since neither of the fill-in-the-blank clues for THE GOLDEN TOUCH and SILVER KNEE PADS made much sense on their own, that maybe they went together.

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By the way Thomas, I just want to say how impressed I am at your ability to do all of this in a foreign language!


Well, I can do the map, but I am totally lost at the clues. At least I found the "knee" angram, using the web engine you suggested. ;)).


But for the nice compliment, here are some more words:
















I am limiting the search to equal distances up to 2, else you can find heaps of IMO totally unrelated games.


BTW: Why is Kung Fu in there? :?

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