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New Atari Console that Ataribox?


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What about sauce? I need hot sauce with that and, where is the beef?


The hot sauce will be supplied by Llamasoft. Be sure to let them know, because we haven't told them yet.


We had the beef all lined up, but someone offered a cheaper cow at the last minute we're deciding whether to switch or not.

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The negative press effected the project, thats the point. However it comes out will not be the same as it would have been had the press not occurred.


No ideal why you feel the need for the hostility towards me. Just trying to have a conversation, the point of any thread.

I feel no hostility towards you.


The "press" isn't saying anything that isn't true. The public (including bloggers and youtubers and wankers in this forum thread such as myself) has no power over Atari's engineering or design or marketing. If "controversy" like Atari falsely implying that Tempest 4000 was running in Linux on AtariBox hardware without the developer being on board hurt the number of pledges they were able to take a year in advance, too bad for them. If Atari showing empty boxes as if it's a "working prototype" and lying about the nature of the press encounter hurt Atari's ability to collect no-refund "pre-orders" that aren't pre-orders, that's not the fault of anyone but Atari.


Atari doesn't deserve any benefit of the doubt. They've demonstrated bad faith repeatedly, and if you're unable to see that, you're not paying close enough attention or thinking critically. Discussion is moot until they show something. Until they do, their promises are as empty as the placeholder template on the website of their bigshot partner. www.tingiant.com.

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Effected means to actually do something, to execute, produce or bring about something. It's an action word of actually doing something, i.e. "He effected a reorganization of the finance department." Affected is used to describe something being impacted.

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I feel no hostility towards you.


The "press" isn't saying anything that isn't true. The public (including bloggers and youtubers and wankers in this forum thread such as myself) has no power over Atari's engineering or design or marketing. If "controversy" like Atari falsely implying that Tempest 4000 was running in Linux on AtariBox hardware without the developer being on board hurt the number of pledges they were able to take a year in advance, too bad for them. If Atari showing empty boxes as if it's a "working prototype" and lying about the nature of the press encounter hurt Atari's ability to collect no-refund "pre-orders" that aren't pre-orders, that's not the fault of anyone but Atari.


Atari doesn't deserve any benefit of the doubt. They've demonstrated bad faith repeatedly, and if you're unable to see that, you're not paying close enough attention or thinking critically. Discussion is moot until they show something. Until they do, their promises are as empty as the placeholder template on the website of their bigshot partner. www.tingiant.com.

Going to have to disagree about some YouTube channels. Their tabloid like coverage of this issue was nothing short of clickbait. Their attempts to appear objective (which many tried to do) were very poor. Reminded me of supermarket tabloid type headlines on their videos. It was more their delivery than message that turned me off of them. To each their of course, others clearly disagree.


No horse in this race myself at this point. Its interesting to see this develope though , Ill stay tuned to see if / how this item reaches the market. Still might get one of the final product if it is something interesting enough.

Edited by RugglesTx
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"The National Atari SA Haters service has issued a Severe Haters Warning effective until Spring of 2019 for the affected websites: AtariAge, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook. Should you be an Atari SA supporter, you should expect severe hostility, being called a dumbass, severe criticism, and pictures of tacos."

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The negative press effected the project, thats the point. However it comes out will not be the same as it would have been had the press not occurred.



No ideal why you feel the need for the hostility towards me. Just trying to have a conversation, the point of any thread.

How has the press affected the lack of a prototype? How has negativity affected them faking game footage? Last I checked dumb youtubers don't randomly build stuff for companies like Atari. Isnt that their job?


And I am tired of hearing Nintendo mentioned in conjunction with this box. Last time Atari went up against Nintendo they got their ass kicked as Nintendo brought gaming back.


Also I also remember the time that my parents had to fund the SNES a year in advance to predict to have it under the Christmas tree for the following year? Wait what is that? That didnt happen? You mean they went into a store where it had already been built and on a retail shelf? Last time I checked I didnt do any indegogo crap for my gameboy, gba, gamecube, wii, or wiiu.


If you want to compare this to anything there are two things close to this project.


1. Ouya Similar: crowdfunding, can play old games, can play indie games.

Differences: was on kickstarter meaning they had to have a prototype before they could list it. Kickstarter kicked ataris indegogos ass.


2. The Chameleon Similar: New system from a retro company, atari cases, no prototype, ran by people who has not built shit before.

Differences: shows some sign of trying to get some games on it. Granted ones footage was faked and the other probably as well, but at least I believe they will get ported.


I am not a fan of the taco posts, but I am also not a fan of people trying to make this into something that it isnt. It will not touch the Switch. It is something you can easily replace with a computer. It is too expensive because unlike the other companies who lose money on console sales, they dont have any software to back it up. Tempest and Vault are a horrible software selling point.


Those who back just need to admit that they are an easy mark for retro nostalgia and are perfectly happy with an expensive streaming box that may play some low end games and dont want to hassle with a cheap and easy retropie setup for classic gaming.


Taco people should recognize that some people are okay with the above.

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How has the press affected the lack of a prototype? How has negativity affected them faking game footage? Last I checked dumb youtubers don't randomly build stuff for companies like Atari. Isnt that their job?


And I am tired of hearing Nintendo mentioned in conjunction with this box. Last time Atari went up against Nintendo they got their ass kicked as Nintendo brought gaming back.


Also I also remember the time that my parents had to fund the SNES a year in advance to predict to have it under the Christmas tree for the following year? Wait what is that? That didnt happen? You mean they went into a store where it had already been built and on a retail shelf? Last time I checked I didnt do any indegogo crap for my gameboy, gba, gamecube, wii, or wiiu.


If you want to compare this to anything there are two things close to this project.


1. Ouya Similar: crowdfunding, can play old games, can play indie games.

Differences: was on kickstarter meaning they had to have a prototype before they could list it. Kickstarter kicked ataris indegogos ass.


2. The Chameleon Similar: New system from a retro company, atari cases, no prototype, ran by people who has not built shit before.

Differences: shows some sign of trying to get some games on it. Granted ones footage was faked and the other probably as well, but at least I believe they will get ported.


I am not a fan of the taco posts, but I am also not a fan of people trying to make this into something that it isnt. It will not touch the Switch. It is something you can easily replace with a computer. It is too expensive because unlike the other companies who lose money on console sales, they dont have any software to back it up. Tempest and Vault are a horrible software selling point.


Those who back just need to admit that they are an easy mark for retro nostalgia and are perfectly happy with an expensive streaming box that may play some low end games and dont want to hassle with a cheap and easy retropie setup for classic gaming.


Taco people should recognize that some people are okay with the above.

If someone does not like crowd funding then dont support it or products that are funded by it. No harm no foul. No reason to attack those that do, its their money. Lots of attacks on those backers over the past month.


Its still a relatively new business practice so historical comparisons dont fully apply IMO.


It did get Shenmue 3 rolling and developed and thats sweet! So it does work on occasion.


We all over pay for things in our lives, its pretty subjective when it comes to value. Ive done it plenty of times :0 If somebody wants a Atari branded box that they pay more for just because its Atari branded then God bless em IMO.

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Lol. Well I tried.


I am super tired of people thinking this is going to compete with Nintendo. Or acting like Nintendo has been crowdfunding.


No one knew what the NX was blah blah....yeah and they kept their mouth shut until they had something. That is something Atari should have imitated. Hey we are Atari and we are working on something new. Just leave it at that. Dont show a shell, dont fake footage, dont give specs, dont attack buyers, dont corwdfund. Do build a machine (working not some plastic with led lights) show it off and then if you absolutely have too crowdfund to pay for plastic or whatever. (Use kickstarter)

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If someone does not like crowd funding then dont support it or products that are funded by it. No harm no foul. No reason to attack those that do, its their money. Lots of attacks on those backers over the past month.


Its still a relatively new business practice so historical comparisons dont fully apply IMO.


It did get Shenmue 3 rolling and developed and thats sweet! So it does work on occasion.


We all over pay for things in our lives, its pretty subjective when it comes to value. Ive done it plenty of times :0 If somebody wants a Atari branded box that they pay more for just because its Atari branded then God bless em IMO.

I have crowd funded stuff but Atari needs to pull up its big girl pants if it thinks that they will get no criticism for using a more unreliable site than kickstarter and having no prototype.


I am not saying they will but they could run away with basically 3 mil and not give anyone anything. They dont want that negative backlash? Then make a prototype first and dont give them a reason.

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I have crowd funded stuff but Atari needs to pull up its big girl pants if it thinks that they will get no criticism for using a more unreliable site than kickstarter and having no prototype.


I am not saying they will but they could run away with basically 3 mil and not give anyone anything. They dont want that negative backlash? Then make a prototype first and dont give them a reason.

What was odd is they set a target of $100,000 for the crowd funding. Pretty low number overall. Maybe to gauge interest? Who knows.


Might or might not see the light of day. Might or might not fail if it does. It will not challenge the big 3 console makers at all..no way that occurs.


Not if we wanna see crowd funding go nuts then Star Citizen is that product. That is a crazy story that is still ongoing. Makes the ole Ataribox look like a gold medal winner! Up to what $150,000,000 raised now..some individual folks $25,000 into backing? Thats crazy.

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All I know is that we have yet another new member, who only posts in one topic, defending AtariBox in a rather sea lion-like way.


"Who knows."

"That's crazy."


Dude, there are a lot of better, more interesting threads in which to talk about Atari games, old and new. The ship has sailed on this one.


? ? ?

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All I know is that we have yet another new member, who only posts in one topic, defending AtariBox in a rather sea lion-like way.


"Who knows."

"That's crazy."


Dude, there are a lot of better, more interesting threads in which to talk about Atari games, old and new. The ship has sailed on this one.


? ? ?


Your acting like a bit of an jerk towards me and for no reason other than we disagree. Ive not attacked you in anyway other than to disagree with your views. If thats not the point of a forum (to exchange different views and share info) what is?


Not sure how repeatly saying it may or may not come out, and it may or may not suck if it does like Ive posted on here qualifies for defending this item. How is that me defending Ataribox?

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What was odd is they set a target of $100,000 for the crowd funding. Pretty low number overall. Maybe to gauge interest? Who knows.


Might or might not see the light of day. Might or might not fail if it does. It will not challenge the big 3 console makers at all..no way that occurs.


Not if we wanna see crowd funding go nuts then Star Citizen is that product. That is a crazy story that is still ongoing. Makes the ole Ataribox look like a gold medal winner! Up to what $150,000,000 raised now..some individual folks $25,000 into backing? Thats crazy.

See this is more of what Atari should have done: http://m.ign.com/articles/2018/07/04/first-details-on-the-intellivision-reboot-console-controller-and-games


Will Intellivisions system be awesome or make it out? Don't know but there is no room for this to be considered a scam.

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Lets part ways now. We would both be better off playing games than spending times going back and forth on a silky subject we simply disagree about. Enjoy your night.

I would strongly encourage you to check out some of the homebrews. Draconian is one of the more recent 2600 homebrews and I had a friend have a bunch of fun playing the RPG Dungeon last night.
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I would strongly encourage you to check out some of the homebrews. Draconian is one of the more recent 2600 homebrews and I had a friend have a bunch of fun playing the RPG Dungeon last night.

Ive heard great thing about that game. Ill have to order a copy.


Want to get a 7800 to play Dungeon Stalker home brew. That one looks cool :)


Played some Commamdo on NES tonight. Also some Iron Tank on the NES. Iron Tank is tough for me..lots of me dying going on in that game!

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See this is more of what Atari should have done: http://m.ign.com/articles/2018/07/04/first-details-on-the-intellivision-reboot-console-controller-and-games


Will Intellivisions system be awesome or make it out? Don't know but there is no room for this to be considered a scam.

Ive not had much experience with the Intellivion, only the rich kids had those growing up, us poor kids had 2600s :0


But that cool they are making that.

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If someone does not like crowd funding then dont support it or products that are funded by it. No harm no foul. No reason to attack those that do, its their money. Lots of attacks on those backers over the past month.


Its still a relatively new business practice so historical comparisons dont fully apply IMO.


I'm sure some percentage of the backers are genuine old Atari fans who do not follow the in-depth news as we do and are unaware of all the warning signs, Atari SA sad history and the pattern of similar crowdfunding failures. They also do not mind this box being unattractive regarding price vs specs vs usability - again, as we do.

Now, this is perfectly fine and I (and hopefully most other "haters") do not judge or feel ill will towards these people. Not everybody is a retro gaming news junkie and sometimes it's fine to just blow some dosh on a whim without doing tedious research. No problem here.


The problem is with the other types of backers: firstly, the thirsty speculectors/scalpers who only care about getting the ridiculous "certificate", will never even open it and already calculate future profits based on some delusional "rarity scale".

The other type is a blind zealot who despite knowing all the facts goes the three-monkeys route and refuses to acknowledge anything substantial, instead hand waving away the facts and acting as free mouthpiece on the behalf of the crowdfunders . Dunno, there must be some sort of bias involved here, such as a need to believe, notsalgia overdrive, protect-the-investment or some other ones, perhaps all at once.


Crowdfunding is actually about 10 years old now, fairly old in modern fast moving times and we've witnessed enough spectacular failures to perhaps wise up. And yet, the same patterns emergerepeatedly, from Chameleon to Vega, through Smach Z to this one here. The aforementioned backer types are a big part of the problem, they justify and enable these things to happpen over and over again and for that they deserve all the scorn and derision.

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Your acting like a bit of an jerk towards me and for no reason other than we disagree. Ive not attacked you in anyway other than to disagree with your views. If thats not the point of a forum (to exchange different views and share info) what is?


to bitch endlessly at eachother, welcome to the internet

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Ive heard great thing about that game. Ill have to order a copy.


Want to get a 7800 to play Dungeon Stalker home brew. That one looks cool :)


Played some Commamdo on NES tonight. Also some Iron Tank on the NES. Iron Tank is tough for me..lots of me dying going on in that game!

Dungeon Stalker is on my short Lust for next 7800 homebrew. If you have access to get a Pokey chip and like Adventure Island type platforners then you need to get Bentley Bears Crystal Quest for 7800. If the 7800 got more games like it back in the day Nintendo wouldnt have ran over it near as easily.

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Ive not had much experience with the Intellivion, only the rich kids had those growing up, us poor kids had 2600s :0


But that cool they are making that.

I'm fairly new to the INTV too but I like how this system is sounding amd I like how they are going about it. Probably helps it is the same company since the beginning.

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