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New Atari Console that Ataribox?


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I'm sure some percentage of the backers are genuine old Atari fans who do not follow the in-depth news as we do and are unaware of all the warning signs, Atari SA sad history and the pattern of similar crowdfunding failures. They also do not mind this box being unattractive regarding price vs specs vs usability - again, as we do.

Now, this is perfectly fine and I (and hopefully most other "haters") do not judge or feel ill will towards these people. Not everybody is a retro gaming news junkie and sometimes it's fine to just blow some dosh on a whim without doing tedious research. No problem here.


The problem is with the other types of backers: firstly, the thirsty speculectors/scalpers who only care about getting the ridiculous "certificate", will never even open it and already calculate future profits based on some delusional "rarity scale".

The other type is a blind zealot who despite knowing all the facts goes the three-monkeys route and refuses to acknowledge anything substantial, instead hand waving away the facts and acting as free mouthpiece on the behalf of the crowdfunders . Dunno, there must be some sort of bias involved here, such as a need to believe, notsalgia overdrive, protect-the-investment or some other ones, perhaps all at once.


Crowdfunding is actually about 10 years old now, fairly old in modern fast moving times and we've witnessed enough spectacular failures to perhaps wise up. And yet, the same patterns emergerepeatedly, from Chameleon to Vega, through Smach Z to this one here. The aforementioned backer types are a big part of the problem, they justify and enable these things to happpen over and over again and for that they deserve all the scorn and derision.

Great points.


The best thing out of crowd funding in gaming has been Shenmue 3 IMO. Other than that nothing really has grabbed me fully. The Ataribox is of interest to me and can see one in my house if it is developed and is interesting. Id paid a bit more for a Atari branded box to be honest.


Id also wager there is a group out there that would trash this thing if it came out, was able to play everything between the 2600 and the Jaguar and the Atari computer games. Heck it could spit out grill cheese sandwiches and cold beer as well and some would still trash it. Not me, love a good grill cheese!


Agree that nostalgia is a huge factor, and today thats still sucks me into bad movies from the 80s, crappy hair metal from the 80s and a odd fascination with most things 80s. Atari has a hold on me because of that as well.



Im pretty objective about this entire project, hope it works out but if it does not it will not really effect me much. Dont really need more games in the backlog to play! :0

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Dungeon Stalker is on my short Lust for next 7800 homebrew. If you have access to get a Pokey chip and like Adventure Island type platforners then you need to get Bentley Bears Crystal Quest for 7800. If the 7800 got more games like it back in the day Nintendo wouldnt have ran over it near as easily.

Good advice thanks. Ill check it out.


Born in 68, skipped from the 2600 to the Atari 400 to a Apple IIc for gaming so never really played many console between the 2600 and the SNES. Just diving back into all that Ive missed out on with those consoles. Lots of catching up to do!

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I'm fairly new to the INTV too but I like how this system is sounding amd I like how they are going about it. Probably helps it is the same company since the beginning.

We so lusted after one as kids, it just seemed so much more advanced than the 2600s we had. Heck might have to get one now to fulfill childhood dreams :0

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Anyone remember Zantigo? I bet a lot of the people on an Atari forum would be old enough to remember. They were big in the 70s and 80s and bought out by Taco Bell in 1986.


They still exist in Minnesota with 4 locations. Actually, it was a new chain using the Zantigo name that was started in 1999 by a former Zantigo Manager that uses a lot of original recipes and menu items.




There's a Zantigo 3 blocks from my house. In the early 1980s, it was a Zantigo, then a Taco Bell, and now a Zantigo again.

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We so lusted after one as kids, it just seemed so much more advanced than the 2600s we had. Heck might have to get one now to fulfill childhood dreams :0

I don't have many games for mine but I do have one of the D&D games. Loved it. It does take getting use to the disc controller. It isn't bad just different.

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Effected means to actually do something, to execute, produce or bring about something. It's an action word of actually doing something, i.e. "He effected a reorganization of the finance department." Affected is used to describe something being impacted.


I remember this from college. I think you have it backwards (if what I'm reading is what you intended). Affect is before and effect is after.


In everyday speech, affect is a verb. It means to influence something.


Effect is most commonly used as a noun meaning the result or impact of something, an outcome. Effect can also be used as a verb to mean to produce or to cause to come into being.


Most of the time, you'll want affect as a verb meaning to influence something and effect for the something that was influenced. Remember that affect comes first alphabetically, and an action (to affect) has to occur before you can have a result (an effect).



..Those 7 years of college actually paid off finally. Now if I just can learn how to spell....

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One thing i'll say, and it also goes for Sega. Atari had only one successful console (The 2600) They made numerous other consoles (5200, 7800, Lynx, Jaguar, etc.) And they all failed. Same thing with Sega, they're only success was pretty much the Genesis. Hence why people refer to the Genesis simply as "The Sega" And the 2600 as " The Atari" When you hear someone casually talking and they mention "The Sega" you can automatically assume they're talking about the genesis and more then likely if you tell them Sega made numerous other systems they'll look at you like your smoking crack and won't have the slightest idea as to what you're talking about.


In this day and age, what would possibly make people think a new console from either of those 2 companies would be successful? Exclusives have become a lot less popular. It used to be the exclusives defined the console but now a huge amount of the big and popular games are multiplats (Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed, Madden, etc.) Theres very little difference between the PS4 and Xbox One. Internally, they're just about identical. Honestly, the biggest difference between the two is the controller and the interface/UI (despite what any fanboys claim) Theres a lot of people where the deciding factor of which console to buy is which one their friends have.


The only way for another company to make it is to have a buttload of system selling IPs, which Nintendo has (Mario, Mario Kart, Smash Bros, Pokemon, Zelda, etc.) And even with all that, Nintendo has had their fair share of struggles (The disastrous launch of the 3DS, the entire Wii U console, etc.) And Nintendo had to work for decades to build up it's iconic and popular IP's that it has, it didn't happen overnight.


There isn't really room in this market for another company like Samsung or Google to release a console that will be a glorified PC and essentially a clone of the PS4 and Xbox One and have the same exact multiplats that the PS4 and Xbox One get, with a few exclusives sprinkled here and there. And using gimmicks as your selling point, which Nintendo does, is not going to work. It doesn't work for Nintendo. No one bought a Switch at launch because of any of it's gimmicks or it's "innovative features" like the detachable Joycons. No, we bought it to play Zelda Breath of the Wild and eventually Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Super Mario Odyssey, etc. No one bought a 3DS because of the 3D screens, we bought it to play the Nintendo exclusives we all know and love.


Still, any of those ideas are better then what Atari is supposedly doing (A glorified Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire Tv, etc that plays games we can download on Steam or PlayStation Netowork or Xbox Live for $3-20) That is assuming Atari is actually making something other then an empty plastic shell (A huge assumption on my part because based on everything we've seen up until now it doesn't appear Atari has actually done anything other then take peoples money and talk smack and damage control on social media)

Edited by Pink
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What was odd is they set a target of $100,000 for the crowd funding. Pretty low number overall. Maybe to gauge interest? Who knows.


Might or might not see the light of day. Might or might not fail if it does. It will not challenge the big 3 console makers at all..no way that occurs.


Not if we wanna see crowd funding go nuts then Star Citizen is that product. That is a crazy story that is still ongoing. Makes the ole Ataribox look like a gold medal winner! Up to what $150,000,000 raised now..some individual folks $25,000 into backing? Thats crazy.


Atari's explanation is that by setting it low then they'd go over the goal. They are going to produce it regardless. If they set it at $3 mil, then they would not have made goal. I understand why they did it like that. It's more like having a presale so they know how many to place orders for.


BTW: Big companies have the houses producing for them the 2nd half of the year so Atari can not get in until maybe feb-march of 2019. An order of 15,000 does not do it. Some have orders of millions. They have to retool and do a lot of work. So the time small orders get done is springtime which means a summer release. It doesn't matter what you are talking about (hardware, board games....). So Atari's July 2019 timeline is probably about right although if they have the specs done by the end of the year, they may be able to produce and ship april-may just to shut people up.



But you know, if Atari didn't do that and waiting until 2019 and released it, people on Anti-Atari Age would still complain.

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Those who back just need to admit that they are an easy mark for retro nostalgia and are perfectly happy with an expensive streaming box that may play some low end games and dont want to hassle with a cheap and easy retropie setup for classic gaming.


Taco people should recognize that some people are okay with the above.


I think "taco people" (the PC term is "haters") generally recognize this and that it's peoples' right to spend money where each sees fit. We try to talk them out of it as a deterrent to the next company thinking of doing this. But, it seems the wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round. We keep seeing the same patterns repeating.

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I remember this from college. I think you have it backwards (if what I'm reading is what you intended). Affect is before and effect is after.


In everyday speech, affect is a verb. It means to influence something.


Effect is most commonly used as a noun meaning the result or impact of something, an outcome. Effect can also be used as a verb to mean to produce or to cause to come into being.


Most of the time, you'll want affect as a verb meaning to influence something and effect for the something that was influenced. Remember that affect comes first alphabetically, and an action (to affect) has to occur before you can have a result (an effect).



..Those 7 years of college actually paid off finally. Now if I just can learn how to spell....

1. You're correct in pointing out the most common usage of these words.

2. You're incorrect when you say that CPUWIZ is wrong, because these words have multiple meanings.

3. Grammar Girl explains this well. Read the whole thing, not just the first page that validates the most common usage.

4. Our new Guinness friend is wrong, both grammatically and logically.

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4. Our new Guinness friend is wrong, both grammatically and logically.


But not about Guinness because that is a good beer. :)


Also, if the VCS made grilled cheese I would buy one.

Edited by SIO2
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As someone who likes peanut butter and dill pickle sandwiches, Id try these.

Wow, never heard of that. Like dill pickles and peanut butter so hmmm.... :0


Knew a lady once who use to take those huge dill pickles and shove a peppermint stick down the center and eat it like that.

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Dear Mister Language Person: Like many writers, I often get confused about when to use the word "affect, " and when to use "infect." Can you help me out?

A. Here is a simple pneumatic device for telling these two similar-sounding words (or "gramophones") apart: Just remember that "infect" begins with "in, " which is also how "insect" begins, while "affect" begins with "af, " which is an abbreviation for "Air Force."

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Wow, never heard of that. Like dill pickles and peanut butter so hmmm.... :0


Knew a lady once who use to take those huge dill pickles and shove a peppermint stick down the center and eat it like that.


It's got the sweetness of the peanut butter and the salty crunch of the pickles. It's a strange combo for sure, but its not a bad.

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But you know, if Atari didn't do that and waiting until 2019 and released it, people on Anti-Atari Age would still complain.


You mean like if it was overpriced, used old tech, had weak included games, and there were decently-comparable options for cheaper?

Welcome to the thread, Biff; I believe you've missed a lot of posts. Taco-envy, methinks.

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Wow, never heard of that. Like dill pickles and peanut butter so hmmm.... :0


Knew a lady once who use to take those huge dill pickles and shove a peppermint stick down the center and eat it like that.

Thats hilarious. :0


Yeah that pickle peppermint thing even sounds bad..but she swore where she grew up (Beaumont Texas) everyone did it.

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