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Do you prefer the recharged games or the original version's ?


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 Can we really consider Cyberpunk to be a dystopian setting at this point, it just feels like modernity but somewhat better.The evil corporations like Arasaka and Militech are so much more cooler and badass compared to the bland souless megacorps of today like Microsoft and Apple, the people that run society in cyberpunk settings like Saburo Arasaka have much greater ambitions and frankly are  just better leader's than the buffoons that rule over us today, honestly it feels like we've gotten the short end of the stick compared to people in the cyberpunk world, no cool implants either and even if we did get them they're gonna be filled with spyware so that we can be tracked at all times during the day, no one  back in the 80s could have  imagined how advanced the big brother surveillance state would have  become just a  few decades later, in the end we are the ones  living In the real dystopia .



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8 minutes ago, Wildstar said:

For my 8-bit stuff, I can usually do everything myself

Any Atari-homebrews in your production-horizon?


- - -


I’ve sometimes looked into the line-up of non-coding PC-game developer-tools.

(And would like to see stronger and better things for ios).


Do I remember correctly that Godot comes high up, or is it for coders?

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9 minutes ago, Giles N said:

Any Atari-homebrews in your production-horizon?


- - -


I’ve sometimes looked into the line-up of non-coding PC-game developer-tools.

(And would like to see stronger and better things for ios).


Do I remember correctly that Godot comes high up, or is it for coders?

Possibly at some point. From the commercial video game development business end, I have to keep some priority of time on the stuff for modern systems and increment some stuff for the classic 8-bit platforms as side projects.


Godot as in game engine & development toolset is a free open source game engine and does a fair job and doesn't require paying some kind of royalties so I'm not bound to that. Graphic like 3d modeling, a person can use a variety of programs but Blender can be used and is one of my tools. Then I have tracker (modtracker type tools) for making tracker style music. 


For 8-bits, I have to apply more old school processes. 



For more information: 

Godot - https://godotengine.org/   - there is coding and visual scripting options if I remember. 

Blender (stock vanilla Blender) - https://www.blender.org/   3d modeling & animation

UPBGE (Blender with a game engine) - https://upbge.org/


Then there are various tools for game development for 8-bit systems. The list gets long.




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2 minutes ago, Wildstar said:

Possibly. Godot as in game engine & development toolset is a free open source game engine and does a fair job and doesn't require paying some kind of royalties so I'm not bound to that. Graphic like 3d modeling, a person can use a variety of programs but Blender can be used and is one of my tools. Then I have tracker (modtracker type tools) for making tracker style music. 


For 8-bits, I have to apply more old school processes. 


Hey wildstar any thoughts on my latest post, as a cyberpunk fan I'm sure you must have something to say.

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20 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

megacorps of today like Microsoft and Apple,

You can find peoples from any cultural ‘layer’ and background, worried that Big Tech is just getting too big.

Not all feel like they need to ‘go punk’ in order to privately reduce its use or complain loudly.

Everything from US and EU politicians have had hearings with Zuckerberg (FB is considered Big Tech).

If Apple and Microsoft (other Big Tech companies) goes to far, enough people gets dissatisfied, all it takes is one good, independent competitor who provides a better option that more people will like.


Not everybody is equally stoked on ‘cool implants’ - for endless individual reasons…, like they don’t see the need for anything like that in the first place, and then secondly - how will it be used by the corporations providing such things beyond things that are just (common) ‘medical necessities’?

I like it best when Tech- corporations sticks to providing good products in a transparent (open about how it works, what users sign up for etc) way, and leave it consumers how they ‘ll use the products.

That human behaviours in words may often be, well, suboptimal as to morals and decency isn’t exactly news: welcome to reality.

The way to deal with that (in my opinion), isn’t Big Tech overlooking and controlling every post and thing shared and said.


People need to learn from many sources in a society, that everything will go better if people try to behave, and if they cross the lines, that they say ‘sorry!’ or if people who’ll never-agree goes each their own thing (keep their distance).


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23 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

 Can we really consider Cyberpunk to be a dystopian setting at this point, it just feels like modernity but somewhat better.The evil corporations like Arasaka and Militech are so much more cooler and badass compared to the bland souless megacorps of today like Microsoft and Apple, the people that run society in cyberpunk settings like Saburo Arasaka have much greater ambitions and frankly are  just better leader's than the buffoons that rule over us today, honestly it feels like we've gotten the short end of the stick compared to people in the cyberpunk world, no cool implants either (and even if we do get them they're gonna be filled with spyware so that we can be tracked at all times during the day, in the end we are the ones  living In the real dystopia ).

Got it: Okay. 

Dystopian is meant to be a view opposite of utopian (happily ever after fairy tale). Sometimes, reality is worse then some dystopian setting because sometimes the state of the world is dystopian in many ways sometimes in worse ways in some really screwed up fashion. In which case, sometimes its aspirational of a better future but then we currently have some real douchebags in Congress, corporations, and such that should just get lynched by a mob to learn a lesson and get the message. Granted, ideally, it would not come to that to do so but it may be the case unfortunately.

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9 minutes ago, Giles N said:

You can find peoples from any cultural ‘layer’ and background, worried that Big Tech is just getting too big.

Not all feel like they need to ‘go punk’ in order to privately reduce its use or complain loudly.

Everything from US and EU politicians have had hearings with Zuckerberg.

If Apple and Microsoft goes to far, enough people gets dissatisfied, all it takes is one good, independent competitor who provides a better option that more people will like.



This is a bit naive Giles, big tech companies like Microsoft cannot be replaced by a competitor offering better products, not anymore, these companies are to deeply tied to our governments these days for them to be allowed to fail, the days of real free market capitalism have been over for a long time now, certainly since before I was born, now it's just neoliberal global mega corp's  like black rock and vanguard who are in  control of everything and they won't allow any potential competitor to rise up, they would be squashed like bugs the moment they tried.

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33 minutes ago, Giles N said:

You can find peoples from any cultural ‘layer’ and background, worried that Big Tech is just getting too big.

Not all feel like they need to ‘go punk’ in order to privately reduce its use or complain loudly.

Everything from US and EU politicians have had hearings with Zuckerberg.

If Apple and Microsoft goes to far, enough people gets dissatisfied, all it takes is one good, independent competitor who provides a better option that more people will like.


Not everybody is equally stoked on ‘cool implants’ - for endless individual reasons…, like they don’t see the need for anything like that in the first place, and then secondly - how will it be used by the corporations providing such things beyond things that are just (common) ‘medical necessities’.

I like it best when Tech corporations sticks to providing good products in a transparent (open about how it works, what users sign up for etc) way, and leave it consumers how they ‘ll use the products.


Among reasons implants are concerning to some.... we all watched the movies. These movies and books are cautionary tales. Some might wonder, does the implant have some mechanism that if you disobey, a signal is sent from a maniac in control that will turn you off (execute) like turning off a TV with a remote. This raises concerns for some because the most craziest people with the most aggressiveness and the means rise up to power because good people are friendly and passive and therefore don't know how to break bones (paraphrasing Kahn in Star Trek Into Darkness). Passive and meekness means you get stomped all over and kill. It means you are prey. The aggressives are the predator and the prey is food. well... this plays into how dictators rise up to power on a silver platter because the passive and meek don't fight. They just spineless, weak, and don't fight back and resist... and then gets oppressed.


It takes a Dee Snider style (Twisted Sisters)..... "We're not going to take it" rebel to stir up a movement and people ready to do what it takes to fight oppression and restore freedom, liberty and justice for all.




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10 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

This is a bit naive Giles, big tech companies like Microsoft cannot be replaced by a competitor offering better products, not anymore, these companies are to deeply tied to our governments these days for them to be allowed to fail, the days of real free market capitalism have been over for a long time now, certainly since before I was born, now it's just neoliberal global mega corp's  like black rock and vanguard who are in  control of everything and they won't allow any potential competitor to rise up, they would be squashed like bugs the moment they tried.

Actually they can but Microsoft won't necessarily go out of business. Microsoft isn't invincible. They could even be broken up like AT&T was. Competitors could deliver superior products. Commodore kicked the ass out of TI in the computer industry so hard that TI has not been a major player in PCs industry and only a few times made PC (desktop or laptop) since the 1980s. Microsoft won't necessarily go out of business. Someone could develop a superior OS and it takes hold. Microsoft still makes office software and games. All it takes, really, is companies lik nVidia to opensource their drivers and promote Linux and games to be made for Linux and Windows reign could come to an end. Even Microsoft is incrementally migrating to the Linux architecture, albeit as slow as molasses but still. So, they could end up being Linux in the end. They just migrate their MS Office suite and they're fine there and make games. 


As for game consoles, Microsoft can easily be displaced as was Sony (to an extent) and Nintendo (who used to be the reigning ruler of consoles) and Atari before Nintendo. It could be Atari in the future, as again. Atari needs to build themselves up to be able to take market share but they need capital to get there and that's incremental not sudden overnight. Even Commodore need the success of the PET/CBM line, then the Vic-20 to become the success they were with the Commodore 64.


That's the reality part.  

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26 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

This is a bit naive Giles, big tech companies like Microsoft cannot be replaced by a competitor offering better products, not anymore, these companies are to deeply tied to our governments these days for them to be allowed to fail, the days of real free market capitalism have been over for a long time now,

Well, I’ve taken a long break from


Felt it was really hard for a time.

Then I checked the updates after 8 months away: they were all the same. 


If people get more awareness about not just thinking getting likes or go for the biggest click-baits, the semi-addictive dopamine-reaction will settle down a bit, and if people don’t really let themself get hooked on likes-rides or clickbait-‘news’, people will resettle to more normal patterns of interaction.

Then these companies just won’t have the sort of ‘hold’ they have now.


That means they cannot take their ‘Big’ for granted.


They’d have to go for selling Tech to users who can think with awareness of what influences them and how things influences them, and get a more free choice as to how and where to spend their time.


And without users that behaves likes social-media addicts, they cannot take customers for granted.


Less customers, less money and power.


So, at least a part of this is user/customer awareness.

Sure, super-big companies that are so rich and powerful that they can close in getting practical monopoly, without breaking monopoly-rules per see, has been a problem for a while.


I can start with: what do I really need in life…? To interact with people and be social etc…? I cannot without these Big Tech providers…?


Hmm, it’s like I hold all such loosely; if it gets sufficating I leave… and call friends using the phone or grab lunch with friends…

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Atari needs successful games. This would help to fund and market a more powerful game console and be infrastructure ready to handle the increase of customers which means they'll need to hire more. Like 1000s more. They'll need to do that before going toe to toe against the Evander Holyfield of the mainstream game console market. They got two heavyweight champs at the top and a third, yet still strong competitor. Then you have also Sega who makes games that may eventually make a new mainstream console after they have a strong position of titles. Atari should pay attention to how Sega has been strengthening themselves and not be as dependent on being a hardware console developer by making games for the consoles, furthering their brand IPs. Atari should likewise do with stuff. First, be the video game company making video games. Consoles don't mean dick without the games. That's what subsidizes the cost of consoles and what gets people on your platform versus someone else. Content must be #1 priority.


Atari has many opportunities to make games but quality games for PC, Android, iOS, etc. Get stuff on the current consoles and prepare for a next gen super duper console to compete against Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo. Then a follow up console to up the ante after that. They could take a system today that is a miniPC and compete with PS6 and next Xbox console. No major R&D needed, really. This can get then back in the mainstream along taking a chunk of the market from Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo a little. They need to get the Atari store working right and fix issues, the AtariOS is still a good starting... take it further. More important part of the strategy is making good video games not just marketing nostalgia to ad nauseum. They can still have that but the major growth won't come from there.


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1 hour ago, Wildstar said:

Passive and meekness means you get stomped all over and kill. It means you are prey. The aggressives are the predator and the prey is food. well... this plays into how dictators rise up to power on a silver platter because the passive and meek don't fight. They just spineless, weak, and don't fight back and resist... and then gets oppressed.


It takes a Dee Snider style (Twisted Sisters)..... "We're not going to take it" rebel to stir up a movement and people ready to do what it takes to fight oppression and restore freedom, liberty and justice for all.

I hear many people take this sort of tone, perhaps, I’d rather call it ‘choose to see things that way’.

I have nothing against calling out things that are un-transparent.


However, the description of the ones who’re like that vs that, (meek vs aggressive, predator vs prey etc etc), is to me just a re-run of things done throughout history, which when it goes beyond a certain point of making the distance between ‘us and them’ big enough, gives rise to a sort-of black and white-mentality where people all-to-often, loose out of view, - I’ll get proverbial here for a moment - to remove the plank in their own eye first…prior to fixing the world…


Moreover, I don’t like things that goes too much into factionism when it comes down to use of power.


I have nothing against people én masse deciding to walk away from something dysfunctional.


Neither have I any problems with people saying with words and arguments ‘this is wrong because of that’.


How many people throughout history wanted to fight oppression and injustice etc, - only to become so hard themselves they became the next iteration of what they initially set out to take down?


Some thinks that calmness only counts for unwarrented meekness (to oppressive forces).


I disagree: I think that in an calm attitude - willing to walk away from both oppression and chaos, there may be a greater strenght.


Of course, everyone is free to disagree; I’d hate to try to manipulate, silence, stiffle or rage & fume in reaction to others who holds different opinions than mine.


If the world uses words and straightforwardness, we may never become perfect, but go a long way to make things better in a somewhat civilized manner…

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7 minutes ago, Giles N said:

I hear many people take this sort of tone, perhaps, I’d rather call it ‘choose to see things that way’.

I have nothing against calling out things that are un-transparent.


However, the description of the ones who’re like that vs that, (meek vs agressive, etc etc), is to me just a re-run of things done throughout history which when it goes beyond a certain point of ‘us and them’, gives rise to black and white-mentality where people all-to-often, loose out of view, - I’ll get proverbial here for a moment - to remove the plank in their own eye first…


Moreover, I don’t like things that goes too much into factionism when it comes down to use of power.


I have nothing against people én masse deciding to walk away from something dysfunctional.


Neither have I any problems with people saying with words and arguments ‘this is wrong because of that’.


How many people throughout history wanted fight oppression and injustice etc, - only to become so hard themselves they became the next iteration of what they initially set out to take down?


Some thinks that calmness only counts for unwarrented meekness (to oppressive forces).


I disagree: I think that in a calm attitude - willing to walk away from both oppression and chaos, there may be s greater strenght.


Of course, everyone is free to disagree; I’d hate to try to manipulate, silence, stiffle or rage & fume in reaction to others who holds different opinions than mine.




My point isn't necessarily a call to violence unless it is necessary but lesser violent but equally aggressive as in active push back so tyranny of a dictator doesn't take control. The point is don't hide with head in a hole. Don't just let yourself be walked all over. Fight back but not necessarily break bones if not needed. But don't be so weak and meek that you won't do what you need to do even if it is necessary to break some bones to fight back when a dictator has risen to a level of power to oppress. In those cases, you need to use more harsh means including physically throwing out the dictator and leaving a message that will be forever imprinted. Now, there is a double edge sword to be careful to not become the oppressive dictator you just threw out. That is what must be remembered in the process. 

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12 hours ago, JPF997 said:

I think I'm starting to understand why ledzep was having such an issue with my opinions, he  thought that I thought that everything I was saying was a literal statement of fact and not an interpretation ( perhaps a bit to idealized/romantic of an interpretation ) maybe I could have worked things a little better to avoid confusion.


Yes, repeatedly.  You gave no indication that anything you were saying was anything other than statements of fact about whatever you were going on about.  You reinforced that with responses that also did not mention anything about romantic interpretations but instead were just more claims about society and synthwave and whatever, hard to keep track, the tangents became almost exponential.


I told you already, if you are talking about real things from the point of view of romantic interpretation/poetry or whatever, make that clear at the  beginning.  Saves you a lot of wasted explaining.  In general, nobody in these forums is speaking from the romantic interpretation point of view, that's not expected in a group of people discussing some random typical subject.  Unless you're in the WritingAge or PoetryAge forums.  So don't assume people will get that you're not being literal or matter-of-fact.  Warn us.  If your wording sounds like statements of fact, people will interpret them as statements of fact and that's on you.


12 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Ledpez also had a problem with me associating Atari with things he thought had nothing to do with it, but he has to understand that the little details and distinctions he cares so much about are not that easy for young people of another generation to understand. The way I see it old Atari was relevant in the 80s, blade runner and the cyberpunk genre were born in the 80s, Atari was referenced in blade runner and so the two became connected in my mind , cyberpunk the tabletop game also referenced Atari and so the connection in my mind grew even stronger. Same thing with Atari and synthwave,you go on YouTube and type Atari and Synthwave in the same sentence and what do you get, Atari themed synthwave music, you go to Google images and type Atari cyberpunk and you'll see a mountain of cyberpunk themed artworks with the Atari logo proudly displayed, you start making connections through the media you consume, is this factual evidence, probably not, does any of this have real cultural impact in the real world,  who knows, maybe I'm the only one that ever made these connections, but given the amount of content I have seen on the internet  over the years made by other people who also make these loose connections I sincerely doubt it.


First, it's 2 syllables, you can figure out how to spell Ledzep correctly, yes?


I can see how you and your friends can get a very different view of Atari and what it is/means in current society, you weren't around when they (and the other arcade companies) first showed up.  New is only new once.  But that's what the Internet and researching is for.  Do it right.  Besides Atari (which I don't have to research for since I was there), I'm also into muscle cars.  Those are technically before my time so I've had to read about what the performance wars and societal impact were like for those people 20 years older than me who were seeing them for the first time.  But I did read about it (still do) and hear about it (videos and car collectors) so I have a pretty good idea of what that all means, I don't just use my personal experiences to define what it is.  Reading is not the same as living it, but I wouldn't pretend that only what I personally experienced covers the whole reality of those cars and events.


Also, I just did this now, Google "porn synthwave" and see what you get.  Would you claim, based on those results, that synthwave = porn?  Of course not.  Which means that just because you can find connections with synthwave and something through a simple Internet search, that doesn't mean that that's what everyone else is seeing or that it's significant.

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12 hours ago, GraffitiTavern said:

Technical Death Metal was always my favorite a few years ago, but of course now being a sophisticated upstanding member of society I prefer Progressive Death Metal


Interesting.  Ok then, Judean People's Front or People's Front Of Judea?



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12 hours ago, Giles N said:

Better now…?


(no guns will ever be removed…ever)



Hahahaa, dammit, could have been a cool game without the super mega cannons.  I do like the vibe otherwise although the mushrooms need to be big enough to force the insects to go around them.  Where are the fleas?

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13 hours ago, GraffitiTavern said:

Thoughts on the reimagined games from Atari 50? I love Neo Breakout (gonna guess you just aren't a fan of Breakout but curious)


As far as Neo Breakout went, it was good... for Breakout.  lol


I liked the reimagined games on Atari 50, particularly Haunted House.

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9 hours ago, Giles N said:

As to most dystopian fiction: movies, books, animations - my general feeling is that they take whats unsettling in the time and just cranck-it up in straight line from where they are.


So Blade Runner has this look and feel, A.I. this look and feel, - Metropolis of course this look and feel (german/expressionistic/neo-gothic-apocalyptic-dystopian 1920-styling).


Well, the definition of dystopian is just "relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice".  Which means it could be set a week into the future or set in the Dark Ages.  But most people, when talking about movies and books, seem to assume dystopian means a world run by big corporations where no one is free except the rich, or a post-nuclear war type setting (or zombies, way tired of that one).


9 hours ago, Giles N said:

These franchises rarely manages to guess at where the future-society will move - given just a few major-changes in technology.


They often tend to be linear from the fears and scares of the moment.


Ya, it's hard to predict the future.  If you are in the mood to read some great books that tackle that subject, may I suggest -


"Halting State" and "Rule 34" by Charles Stross

"Rainbow's End" by Vernor Vinge


I swear, about 90% of what they've written is coming true or will soon.


As for cyberpunk, Gibson is obviously the Michael Jordan of that genre, but Walter Jon Williams, Bruce Sterling and especially W.T. Quick are others.  In fact, I would put Quick's "Dream Trio" of books ("Dreams Of Flesh And Sand", "Dreams Of Gods And Men", "Singularities") on a level as good as Gibson, some might say he practically copied Gibson's themes but I don't see it that way.  Actually, there's a fourth book, "Yesterday's Pawn" which I read simply because I wanted more Quick stories, I'm like halfway through and what the fuck, it's a set in the same universe as the Dream Trio?  And those same characters appear?  Cool!  Nobody mentioned it was another sequel.  I think even Neal Stephenson had a cyberpunk-ish story ("Snow Crash").


And then you have things like anime ("Ghost In The Shell") and TV ("Almost Human", "Westworld") and movies ("Creator" looks good) for more.


All the cyberpunk I'm used to includes bio-implants/augmented humans, everything connected to The Web (though far more powerful and invasive than today), A.I. or near to it running most mundane things and a wide-ranging tier of society that is poor but technologically adept.

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8 minutes ago, digdugnate said:


As far as Neo Breakout went, it was good... for Breakout.  lol


I liked the reimagined games on Atari 50, particularly Haunted House.

You know you should have a bit more respect for breakout, it  literally inspired the creation  of the most successful video game in history Tetris , it also launched the career of Steve Jobs and Wozniak, you don't have to like it but there's no need to treat it like it's some shitty forgettable game.

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8 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

You know you should have a bit more respect for breakout, it  literally inspired the creation  of the most successful video game in history Tetris , it also launched the career of Steve Jobs and Wozniak, you don't have to like it but there's no need to treat it like it's some shitty forgettable game.

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1 hour ago, ledzep said:



 Google "porn synthwave" and see what you get.  Would you claim, based on those results, that synthwave = porn?  Of course not.  Which means that just because you can find connections with synthwave and something through a simple Internet search, that doesn't mean that that's what everyone else is seeing or that it's significant.

Oh come on even you know that this is a very bad faith argument, why do you think the recharged games that you  obviously don't like one bit have those synthwave aesthetics and music, isn't this proof enough that I'm not the only person in this world to have ever made these associations, even modern game developer's seem to think that synthwave and  cyberpunk themes  work perfectly with Atari games, you don't have to like it but clearly I'm not the only one to have ever made these connections (maybe the first person on Atari Age given the pushback I've gotten over this ).

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3 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

Oh come on even you know that this is a very bad faith argument, why do you think the recharged games that you  obviously don't like one bit have those synthwave aesthetics and music, isn't this proof enough that I'm not the only person in this world to have ever made these associations, even modern game developer's seem to think that synthwave and  cyberpunk themes  work perfectly with Atari games, you don't have to like it but clearly I'm not the only one to have made these connections (maybe the first one on Atari age specifically given the pushback I've gotten over this ).


No it's not.  I was using your methodology of combining Atari and synthwave in a search.  Ok, take out Atari, add something else, what happens?  Similar result, a lot of hits.  You can make connections and associations searching for certain things and only certain things and get the idea that everyone sees the same connections you do.  You said -


"...maybe I'm the only one that ever made these connections, but given the amount of content I have seen on the internet  over the years made by other people who also make these loose connections I sincerely doubt it."


Which means, unless you're being romantically interpretive again without warning anybody or whatever, that you feel that if you can find a lot of hits about Atari + something, that justifies your conclusion that that's what other people see, too.  In order to figure out if that's true or accurate, you need to test the search method by swapping in other words, replace "Atari" with something else or replace "synthwave" with something else.  Do you get a similar set of results?  Then there was nothing special or significant with your specific word combination searches, synthwave is associated with a lot of themes (including, apparently, porn).


Those recharged games have that music because it's a current fad, if they'd been programmed 30 years ago they'd have different music, maybe techno or something, who knows, because synthwave wasn't a thing back then.  There's nothing special about synthwave that that's the only choice for in-game music for these Atari recharged games as much as you wish so.

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