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Do you prefer the recharged games or the original version's ?


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1 hour ago, ledzep said:


If you actually answered the questions, maybe.  But instead you act like you were asked a different question and you answer that imagined one instead.  Like here, just now.  I appreciate the background on your life, but that was never asked of you.


So, this time, go ahead, walk through the list of unanswered questions I posted earlier, answer a few of them.  Don't add shit that wasn't included in the question, just answer what was asked.  For example, if someone asks you how tall you are, tell him how tall you are, don't go off on some tangent about food or where you grew up or talk about how height is viewed differently by zoomers or how it's handled in a video game, get it?  It makes the discussion drag on way longer.



Never said the recharged games don't have a right to exist, that's you hearing something that nobody said yet again.  Moving the goalposts.


The original games can't be both pretty much flawless yet also so bad you and your zoomer friends laugh your asses off when you see them and won't even consider playing them after 5 minutes.  What is "umpf" in this video game context?  I mean compared to the originals.  I'm sure you won't, but be specific.



Gamer culture isn't a wider culture, it's the same culture the game is in, you were making grandiose claims about Atari affecting everything forever because a neon logo appeared in a movie that didn't even do that well when it came out, along with claiming that "music" with zero connection to Atari was somehow what all Atari fans loved.  Or something, go back to what I listed out above and answer those specifics if you can/dare.



Yes, I think that didn't have an impact on culture because nobody I've ever talked to about games or movies or TV has ever mentioned that show.  So what if an anime series did well on Netflix.  Not everyone watches Netflix, those who do watch Netflix aren't all anime or gaming fans, your feelings aren't facts or data.  This has been asked of you repeatedly, do you have any evidence to back up your newest imagined claim that because Cyberpunk 2077 did well as an anime adaptation on Netflix that that impacted a wider culture?!  I will put all my money on 'No'.



What "public conscious"?  You think everybody is playing that fucking game?!?  Atari's appearance in that game might keep the brand alive in the gaming consciousness, ok, but that's not everyday society, not even close.  That doesn't even apply to gamers who don't play Ciberpunk.


Hold on, do you think everybody does what you and your zoomer friends do, that if you are aware of something that automatically means that so is everyone else?  If you think something is cool that means everyone also thinks it's cool?  Seriously?  You are not the center of the societal universe.  I think we can agree that the vast majority of people on AtariAge like/love Atari (and video games in general).  Most people in society don't give a shit about Atari, though they are probably aware of the name and that they make video games.



You are putting waaaaay too much importance on the momentary inclusion of an Atari sign into a couple movies.  As Flojomojo mentioned, many other companies were mentioned in "Blade Runner" and that didn't help shit, they all disintegrated.  So much for your "not forgotten by the younger generations" theory, none of those other brands survived into the future although I guess a couple were taken over by other companies.


But go ahead, keep avoiding answering simple questions about your wild claims.  I would, too, if I knew I had no way of backing them up.  But then I wouldn't make those kinds of claims in the first place without having some substantiating evidence to support them because I'd know that probably someone would call me on them.

The questions you ask are so broad and the burden of proof is so high that no answer is ever gonna satisfie you. The original Atari classics were fine as they were, they didn't need to be improved, the recharged games are  modernized version's of them filled with modern additions that appeal to modern audience's, that's it, each are good in they're own special way. Like I said before my friends may have laughed at those old games but I didn't, I appreciate them for what they are and how influential they were.

What does  cultural impact mean to you, because that can  mean many different things to different people and I think we may very different definitions of what it means, I have  5 friends that watched  Edgerunners the Cyberpunk anime at the same time I did  and then decided to play the game and fell in love with it ( just like I did ), I then pointed out to them how the recharged games I introduced  them  to would fit perfectly inside the game in an Arcade center like the Yakuza games do and they all agreed that would be a great idea,  little things like these impact culture over time, just because you don't notice it doesn't mean the public conscious isn't constantly shifting.

I associate Atari with space themes primarily for two reasons: 1) It was founded just a couple year's after the moon landing and you could see the influence that the space age had on Atari immediately just looking at there first game computer space. 2) A great percentage of Atari's classic's revolve around space, Missile Comand, asteroids, gravitar, major havock, yars, star raiders... space themes are far more present in old Atari games than any other theme ( fantasy, history, sport's ect ) that why I made that connection, hell the vector graphics in the non space related games ( pong, centipede, black widow etc ) make them look like space games,  what more do you want me to say.

Synthwave fit's Atari for me because of what it evokes, 80s nostalgia, and Atari is a key part of that 80s nostalgia, that's the simplest explanation I can give.

There are you satisfied now, did I  finally answer all of your questions like you wanted me to or do you want this "debate" to continue even further than it already has.

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I like the Recharged versions, because I enjoy the 1980s synth pop music and neon visuals. One try and your out is kind of like the Challenger Series of Odyssey 2 games, which are the best things on that platform. They make some of the old games a bit more accessible. I've bought most of them so far because I enjoy the concepts. More than the original quarter-snatchers? I don't think so, considering how original the namesake games were. 


Also, taking vertical games like Breakout and Centipede and stretching them out to 16:9 is very silly. Atari needs more intellectual property, I'm tired of Asteroids and Centipede. Maybe they can do Berserk Recharged since they own that now. 

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11 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

Wait I’ve figured out the problem. We’ve been debating Synthwave as some kind of musical “final form”… but everyone forgot about Yacht Rock!



This is hilarious and also alarmingly fantastic.


If you haven’t watched the docudrama parody series Yacht Rock, it is a gift to both yacht rock haters and lovers alike.



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6 hours ago, jgkspsx said:

This is hilarious and also alarmingly fantastic.


If you haven’t watched the docudrama parody series Yacht Rock, it is a gift to both yacht rock haters and lovers alike.



Does anyone here like this style of music, I don't even know what it's called but it sounds pretty good



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6 hours ago, jgkspsx said:

This is hilarious and also alarmingly fantastic.


If you haven’t watched the docudrama parody series Yacht Rock, it is a gift to both yacht rock haters and lovers alike.



Does anyone here like this style of music, I don't even know what it's called but it sounds pretty good






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10 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

Does anyone here like this style of music, I don't even know what it's called but it sounds pretty good




I would call it repetitive disco...Not really my cup of joe...


The other one (Cynical) comes up as unavailable in my country.

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2 minutes ago, GoldLeader said:

But only in Techno (and offshoots of techno) do they describe things more vigorously than in Metal, and man,  That's saying something!

I read a long conversation on a metal website yesterday where they were explaining the difference, at length, between Death Doom and Doom Death. What’s awesome is everything they were saying made sense but man, us metal heads love our categories (and Satan, apparently).

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1 minute ago, jerseystyle said:

I read a long conversation on a metal website yesterday where they were explaining the difference, at length, between Death Doom and Doom Death. What’s awesome is everything they were saying made sense but man, us metal heads love our categories (and Satan, apparently).


And here I thought I knew my Metal!   Doom,  Death Metal, or even Doom laden Death Metal,  Sure,  I mean,...Of course....But Death Doom?  What are they on about?  It makes No Sense!


PS:  No Need to link anything.  My Metal knowledge is Complete.  I consider myself Jedi level.  I will now stop all future knowledge from entering the brain,  I don't want to bump out any previous knowledge.  If I were to learn what "Death Doom" is,  I might forget that Savatage is called Power Metal, or that the true difference between Symphonic Metal and Folk Metal depends on whether or not they call their violin a "fiddle"...

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1 minute ago, GoldLeader said:


And here I thought I knew my Metal!   Doom,  Death Metal, or even Doom laden Death Metal,  Sure,  I mean,...Of course....But Death Doom?  What are they on about?  It makes No Sense!


PS:  No Need to link anything.  My Metal knowledge is Complete.  I consider myself Jedi level.  I will now stop all future knowledge from entering the brain,  I don't want to bump out any previous knowledge.  If I were to learn what "Death Doom" is,  I might forget that Savatage is called Power Metal, or that the true difference between Symphonic Metal and Folk Metal depends on whether or not they call their violin a "fiddle"...

What about Neo Folk, Post Metal (and Post Metal Core), Djent…

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4 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

What about Neo Folk, Post Metal (and Post Metal Core), Djent…




Actually Djent (The sound a guitar makes hehe)  was the last one I figured out,  but I don't think that term will last very long...Then again I said the same thing about "Shmup" and "Podcast" so I could be very wrong...

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54 minutes ago, GoldLeader said:




Actually Djent (The sound a guitar makes hehe)  was the last one I figured out,  but I don't think that term will last very long...Then again I said the same thing about "Shmup" and "Podcast" so I could be very wrong...


I think this covers about 5%… it doesn’t even have Pirate metal on it :)

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6 hours ago, roots.genoa said:

Are there different genres depending on if the "singer" vomits, barfs, or throws up his lyrics? 🙂

I mean, sure, you’ve got (adjusts Satanic monocle) power violence, noisecore, grindcore, blackened grind, crust punk, deathgrind, grind crust, screamo, blackened punk, death roll, black n’ roll…


I could go on because the weird delineations are awesome haha

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On 9/23/2023 at 5:38 PM, Giles N said:

Here’s a rough draft/cut and paste-sketch of the general look of what I think such games should look (more) like since we speak releases from c. 2018-2023:  


Centipede Recharged:






Oooh!  Now, see, that would be an interesting new take on that classic game.  Sort of making the arcade sideart (or cart instruction bullshit backstory) kind of true?  While it's really just converting the game into almost a first person shooter (near person shooter, is that a thing?) it would very much alter the graphics and gameplay, I think.  Just no multibarrel minigun power-ups, please.  And bring back the psycho spider.  It would justify camera/view shake, though I would beg for that to be an option I could disable.  With bugs that big it would be worth it to program in the ability to blow off just legs (if you don't hit the section square in the middle) maybe, too.  Might be too hard to deal with, though.  The centipede should be smaller and longer so that it can still snake through/around the mushrooms instead of just walking over them, it should wind up being as tall as the mushrooms.  It could still work with a trak-ball, too, if you make the left/right edges into walls (I suppose bricks like in a backyard garden) with a few gaps for the scorpions or whatever to come in from the sides (or they could just climb over and down from the bricks, that could give the player a quick warning).


I would prefer that the person character doing the shooting would look like the firing pod or whatever the original game had but I can see where many gamers would welcome the little fairie or whatever that shooter at the bottom is supposed to be.  So make that selectable.


Way better look than the actual recharged game.

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On 9/23/2023 at 5:51 PM, JPF997 said:

The questions you ask are so broad and the burden of proof is so high that no answer is ever gonna satisfie you.


How would you know until you actually answer them?  Don't speak for me.  None of the questions were "so broad", they were directly related to the statements you made.  My questions are mostly asking you to either provide some evidence to support your statements about Atari and society or asking you what you meant by certain statements.  So if my questions are "so broad" then so were your claims.


On 9/23/2023 at 5:51 PM, JPF997 said:

What does  cultural impact mean to you, because that can  mean many different things to different people and I think we may very different definitions of what it means,


If you don't know what the terms you're using mean, don't use them or look them up to be sure you're saying what you think you're saying.  You made big claims about, for example, an Atari sign showing up in "Blade Runner" changed the way that people viewed Atari forever (if I remember correctly) and synthwave being loved by modern Atari fans, to name just 2.  I'm not going to go through it again, I went to the trouble to lay out each of the questions in the previous post that you consistently ignore.  You can read, yes?


On 9/23/2023 at 5:51 PM, JPF997 said:

I have  5 friends that watched  Edgerunners the Cyberpunk anime at the same time I did  and then decided to play the game and fell in love with it ( just like I did ), I then pointed out to them how the recharged games I introduced  them  to would fit perfectly inside the game in an Arcade center like the Yakuza games do and they all agreed that would be a great idea,  little things like these impact culture over time, just because you don't notice it doesn't mean the public conscious isn't constantly shifting.


You and your 5 friends aren't any yardstick for culture, you are again saying that something within a video game impacts culture over time like it's a given and not just your wishful fanboy opinion.  Prove it or stop making that goofy claim because I don't see any cultural impact from that Cyberpunk game in everyday society.  Just because you think it happens based on your limited personal experience doesn't mean dick.  You've just made another claim, that because your 5 friends agree that including Atari recharged games inside another video game would be a great idea, that means doing that will impact culture over time.  Dare I ask, you have anything to back that up?  Again, I bet on 'No'.


On 9/23/2023 at 5:51 PM, JPF997 said:

I associate Atari with space themes primarily for two reasons: 1) It was founded just a couple year's after the moon landing and you could see the influence that the space age had on Atari immediately just looking at there first game computer space. 2) A great percentage of Atari's classic's revolve around space, Missile Comand, asteroids, gravitar, major havock, yars, star raiders... space themes are far more present in old Atari games than any other theme ( fantasy, history, sport's ect ) that why I made that connection, hell the vector graphics in the non space related games ( pong, centipede, black widow etc ) make them look like space games,  what more do you want me to say.


I want you to stop changing the subject and support your ridiculous theory that '80s Atari arcade games dreamed about the endless possibilities of space.  Do you understand that "dreamed about the endless possibilities of space" is not anywhere near the same as associating Atari with space themes or Atari's classics revolving around space?  As I've said before, and you stubbornly ignore, just because a game is set in space doesn't mean it dreams about the endless possibilities of space, get it?  There are maybe a dozen games that would fit that dreamed about the endless possibilities of space standard, the rest don't.  That's not a "great percentage", not even close.  Honestly, do you even know what "dreamed about the endless possibilities of space" means?  That's science fiction book shit, not single-screen shooter games.


Back up what you have previously claimed, don't reword it into something else and then say you already answered the question that nobody asked about something you didn't originally say.


On 9/23/2023 at 5:51 PM, JPF997 said:

Synthwave fit's Atari for me because of what it evokes, 80s nostalgia, and Atari is a key part of that 80s nostalgia, that's the simplest explanation I can give.


Yes it is the simplest explanation ("for me" being the key phrase), and it's far away from the ridiculous claims you were making earlier about there's nothing more Atari than synthwave blah blah blah.


On 9/23/2023 at 5:51 PM, JPF997 said:

There are you satisfied now, did I  finally answer all of your questions like you wanted me to or do you want this "debate" to continue even further than it already has.


Not by a long shot.  You barely answered a couple questions and moved the goalposts on others to make it sound like you said something else originally.


Go through the previous post that summarized the questions that were asked of you (9/23/2023 at 1:35 AM) in earlier posts sprayed all over this thread and, simply, fucking answer them.  How hard can that be when they're based off of your own goofy claims?  Answer them.  Or don't, just finally admit that those claims made no sense and you can't answer them because there's nothing to back them up.  Just please don't start a new victim thread somewhere else about you don't understand why you answer everyone's questions so thoroughly and accurately but nobody will accept your answers only because you're new.  You haven't answered most of them yet, still.

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On 9/22/2023 at 3:45 PM, Matt_B said:

Cyberpunk 2077 is obviously a huge success, but it was a very expensive game to develop, costing upwards of $300 million.


In contrast, Atari's annual R&D spend across all their projects - as can be gleaned from their annual reports - is about one percent of that. They're a tiny indie game publisher with an old brand that used to be a big deal. Please try not to mistake them for anything else.

Most is done by third party which are likely putting out most of the investments in the recharge projects except those directly developed by Atari.

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