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This is where I will keep my Atari 7800, Lynx, and Jaguar projects. Be it demos, sprites, or screenshots.


Entries in this blog

Atari Jaguar Font Templates

I thought I would do everyone developing Jaguar Homebrews a favor. Just open these up in Paint.net, Photoshop, Aseprite, Paint Shop Pro, Krita, EDGE, Graphics Gale, etc.; add a couple of layers and create some fonts. f_16x16 Template.pdn f_8x16 Template.pdn f_8x8 Template.pdn


SlidellMan in Homebrew

My Furnace Tracker instruments

I might as well share these, and I plan on posting my TG-16/PCE instruments for those interested. atari_lynx_closedhihat.fui atari_lynx_delayedpluck.fui atari_lynx_industrialbass.fui atari_lynx_industrialkick.fui atari_lynx_noisesnare.fui atari_lynx_squarestring.fui Neo_geo_fm_edgystring.fui Neo_geo_fm_electricpiano.fui Neo_geo_fm_gong.fui Neo_geo_fm_pipeorgan.fui Neo_geo_fm_trombone.fui

A list of things that my Jaguar homebrews must have.

1. No bugs, glitches, or crashing. 2. Good art direction and color theory. 3. Tight, responsive controls. Even Out of this World, Flashback, and Oddworld's grid-based movement was responsive. 4. Decent graphics or better. 5. Good sound effects and music. 6. Appropriate pacing. 7. A decent story or better. 8. Both physical and digital releases. (Yes, I'm including cart and CD.) 9. Addicting gameplay and just plain fun.


SlidellMan in Homebrew

Angel designs for the Demon Lands

Shrapp - Serpentine Dragon angel. Plural: Shrappim Has six wings, front paws have one human face on the back. There is one more located on the top of the head. Color: Glowing electric blue. Name is a play off of Seraph. Kherub - I'm going for a Centaur-inspired design. Has the head of an ox with a human face in-between the eyes. I'm keeping the eight conjoined, eye-covered wings. Plural: Kherubim. Name is a play off of how Cherub was pronounced in Hebrew and Latin. The Islamic Ang


SlidellMan in Homebrew

Music Ideas

For one Jaguar homebrew idea I have, here's what I want it to sound for the most part: I have two songs for it made, along with some graphics. Speaking of Baroque, the Saturn/PS1 is now available in English and Spanish! If you have a Satiator or a PS1 SD card reader, now is the time to download the patches. (I have the Wii remake, by the way.)


SlidellMan in Game Music

Influences on The Agathodaimon

I thought I would list what inspired me to come up with this: -Rastan Saga -Gargoyle's Quest (The First two) -Zelda II: The Adventure of Link -Megami Tensei (The whole franchise.) -The Shadow of the Beast trilogy (Fantasy meets high-tech, surreal details, and many of the creatures.) -Ancient Mythology -Masters of the Universe (Fantasy meets high-tech) -Thundercats (Fantasy meets high-tech) -Steampunk (Most of the technology that does get displayed.)



Potential other 7800 ideas

Other games besides platformers and ports that I might make for the 7800: -At least two horizontal shooters. -At least one overhead adventure game. -At least one other vertical shooter.   However, not until Heofonfir is done.



Potential Ports

First, here's some potential 7800 ports that I might make: -Thunder Force (Sharp X1/Fujitsu FM7) -Bad Dudes vs. Dragon Ninja -Darius -Salamander/Life Force -Space Gun (Will have Light gun, Mouse, and Trak-Ball support.) -Marble Madness (Will have Trak-Ball support.) -The Fairyland Story -The Legend of Kage (Possible dual joystick support.)   Lynx ports: -Magical Drop -Cadash -Aqua Jack -The NinjaWarriors -The New Zealand



Atari Jaguar Plans

Before I begin, this will focus on original titles, and not arcade ports. -Zenithian Khei (Mega Man X meets Super Turrican 2) -Ginnan (Actraiser with an Old English/Anglo-Saxon twist. Part of the Middanyeard series.) -At least three shmups/space shooters. -At least two more Middanyeard games. -At least two titles in the Demon Lands series. -One Isometric game.



Atari Lynx Plans

I might as well discuss my plans for Lynx homebrews. -Snáwcild (Think of this as a better Ninja Gaiden 3 than the one that the Lynx actually got. As in nicer-looking sprites and sound.) -Zenithian Micro (Mega Man X with bits of Kirby Super Star.) -The Agathodaimon Mini -At least one space shooter/shmup. (Vertical/Tate mode will be supported.) -Red Wolf (FPS/Adventure) -At least one Middanyeard game. (Will be better than Viking Child.) -RC Car Combat. -Poss



7800 Platforming plans

Here are my plans for platformers using that 7800Basic demo. The Agathodaimon (Rastan Saga and Curse of Issyos meet Zelda 2, Gargoyle's Quest II, and Robot Ninja Haggleman 3. I was planning on having 7800XM support, but Curt Vendel's death shot the chances of that happening down.) Kid Zenithian (Classic Mega Man, but with the ability to duck and shoot upward. See also Magical Doropie/The Krion Conquest.) Ð838 (Metroid Clone) Snáwcild (A Ninja Gaiden clone featuring a Demon La



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