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Forum Upgrade Complete!


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I just updated the icon with the proper one. My browser had it cached so I was still seeing the correct icon and not Invision's icon. You may have to clear your cache to see the proper icon. Thanks for pointing that out.


Also the add/remove from favorites icon is missing in the community blog when view_type=table. It's there when view_type=list, though as a heart instead of Yar.

Will take a look, thanks.



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Looks like signatures over a certain length are being cutoff.


Is there any way to make them disappear completely?


*EDIT: This might be a browser issue. That screenshot is from Camino. The signatures look fine under Safari.


Regardless, is there an option to hide signatures?

It looks okay when I view it in Firefox as well:




Yes, you can hide signatures here:




It's the first option.



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Once again, I would like to bring up the point that most quotations, if not all, made before the upgrade are messed up.

I have to run a script to rebuild all the bbcodes in posts, which includes the quotes tag. I will be doing this overnight in the background. The script will take about 12 hours to run, but then all the bbcodes will be properly parsed.


Also, the longer URLs don't show up well.


(Click on the link in the first post of this thread)

I can look on extending the length of the URL that is displayed. Not sure why they shortened it as much as they did. I've added this to my list. Thanks.



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Are subscriptions being offered yet cause i looked all over the control panel and didn't see an option to buy a subscription.

No, I need to get things settled down with this upgrade, which I expect is going to take me a solid week, before I can even consider setting subscriptions up. :)



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Maybe I missed it-- how do I ignore certain forums? I had that set before ... now when I click New Content I get everything....

That's another mod that was added to the previous software. I will have to do the same for this forum. I've added it to the list of things to do, thanks for bringing it up.



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I've started rebuilding post content. With any luck it'll be finished around noon tomorrow. Takes a long time to process 1.8 million posts!


I'm going to spend some time tomorrow to work on the font sizes a bit to match up the fonts a bit more closely with the older skin. This will tighten things up a bit.



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I don't like that the "my posts" option is gone. Is it coming back? Otherwise it looks great :)

Yes, I will be adding that back. It's a custom modification I wrote for the old forum software, so I will need to write it again.



Ah, good to hear :) The "my posts" is one of my favorite things about this forum, I don't know if I could function without it - lol :D


Totally depending on that as well. Where are all my active discussions now...

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Totally depending on that as well. Where are all my active discussions now...

I've never personally used it, except when I was testing it initially. I generally use the "View New Posts" (now "View New Content") query to see which topics I'm interested in viewing, and the icon is different if it's a thread you've posted in. I also will subscribe to any topics I want to keep tabs on, which often happens to be topics I've posted in (and of course, you can do this automatically). But I certainly understand that many people did use "My Posts" on the old forum, so I'll work on getting that added back as quickly as possible. It won't be tonight, though. :D



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Where is the "Mark all Blogs as read" button? Is it (still) missing?


Unfortunately the blogs seem not to have improved much. If a user is marked as having a new blog entry reply, I still cannot find which blog entry was updated. So when someone replies to an older entry, it is hard to find answer.


And without the missing button, I am now forced to manually check all entries to get the "new" mark away.

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I very much miss the "My Posts" feature. Frequently I want to cruise through and check on the replies to some question I posted earlier. When I didn't have time to wade through all the new posts, that feature was extremely handy. Oh, and please bring back the "Mark all as read" function too!

Edited by Frotz
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