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2 worthy video game podcasts


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The latest Intellivisionaries, besides an excellent nostalgic Tommy Tallarico interview, has me REALLY interested in Bomb Squad. I wasnt a fan of PS2 Intellivision Lives (or the Intelly itself for that matter) but now Im contemplating buying it on the DS. & now tonight I can listen to Retro Obscura for an opinion/review.


Also, Intellivisionary host Nurmix guests on ANTIC.podcast. Awesomeness readings off the chart!

Thanks, RJ! Glad you enjoyed the episode. Tommy is a great guy all around (and one hell of an Intellivision competitor).


I can't personally speak for the quality of Bomb Squad on the DS, but Will said it plays really well.


And it was fun being part of the ANTIC Podcast. Those guys are great! And Kevin Savetz from ANTIC will be on our next Intellivisionaries episode as a guest. I really enjoy the cross-podcast stuff.



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On mention of Factory Sealed podcast above, I decided to give a listen. I missed out on this early because I was coming off RFCollectorCast & Retro Collect, & the name "Factory Sealed" implies similar content- I didnt want more "game x is worth y dollars" (though in 6 eps. of FSP I've yet to hear any true collector talk.)


They lean RPGish & dont do pre-NES (yet?) Still mostly meets ideal podcast criteria. A minor complaint- the shownotes arent descriptive at all. I'm guessing this is a method to "trick" listeners to hear each show.


Oh, I skipped the last half hr of Retronauts Baldurs Gate ep- did they even mention the PS2/XB/GC versions?

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Always a pleasure to meet another AAger in person! I was thrilled & honored to visit behind-the-scenes. Just realized we couldve done an impromptu CCG minisode, but I had to get home & lie down again- hangover fix didnt totally work. I'm out of practice.


Thx again for the loot- my boys love TMNT.

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Always a pleasure to meet another AAger in person! I was thrilled & honored to visit behind-the-scenes. Just realized we couldve done an impromptu CCG minisode, but I had to get home & lie down again- hangover fix didnt totally work. I'm out of practice.


Thx again for the loot- my boys love TMNT.


Yeah I was wearing my hobo-ish "work in the garage" clothes that time. Heck, I'm so lazy you should just record a whole episode for me. Heh.


Total AtariAgers that have visited mah house: 2.


I loved the unbelievably corny "Asteroids" song the latest ANTIC podcast, right at the end.


For the "gaming of the shrew" episode, it's all modern game talk.

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Haha, for a sec there I thought it was a "murder your visitor" shirt :lol:


But I dont care what folks wear around their homes. Im usually not let out in public wearing what I had on then (loud plaid lounge pants- or, some call them jammies) but I was home alone that afternoon & didnt have to pass inspection.


About to hook up/test the FB2...:)


Is there a better way to exit a game to the main menu w/out hitting power every time?

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Haha, for a sec there I thought it was a "murder your visitor" shirt :lol:



Is there a better way to exit a game to the main menu w/out hitting power every time?


That's from the Trevor Phillips collection.


No other way to exit the game. They fixed that in the FB4 with an additional "reset" button on the wireless controllers.

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Nice to see a return to form for the Retro Gaming Roundup top 10 in the latest episode, in which they discuss top 10 handhelds. That segment is always a great listen when they actually talk about games and systems rather than fluff like "top 10 main character hairdos" and the like. There were several in the last year that I had to just skip over because the topics just didn't have enough substance to support a real conversation, IMO.

Edited by Cynicaster
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Bailey of 1 More Castle is starting to sweep the "most irritating host" award....Yes, scream into the microphone.

I downloaded some examples (I quit subbing to Podcastle long ago) to hear what you mean...I think I found them.


Funny, at the start of their latest ep. their co-host says he only listens to "3 or 4" podcasts habitually because others are hard to listen to...which is a reason why I stopped subbing to his.

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I tried listening to another episode of Arcade Outsiders. What did I get? Talk of putting peanut butter on your genitals and letting a dog go at it.


I tried listening to another episode of Retronauts. Something something obscure RPG and name-dropping FF every 5 minutes.


I did not know what I was thinking.

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