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Intellivision Ebay Roundup

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1 hour ago, BigDumer said:

My take is that you have a unique item (as far as we know).  Don't take off the sticker so you end up with a regular Astrosmash painted-label cart with some minor damage where the sticker took off some paint.

When I found the first white box FC Carnival, this is like someone saying, "If you grab some markers and paint it blue, you can make it look like a regular Coleco Carnival box!" 

I think you should keep it and brag about your unique item or, if you don't want it, see who will pay/trade you the most for it.



Actually, I respect your opinion even if I happen to disagree with it but it's much more fun to boo someone  :D

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First of all, i want everyone to know the patient is fine and recovering quietly with No Damage.

Thank you for your concern.



Here are the results.




"Frog-Tron"? "Tron-Bog"?

"Trog Deadly Biscs"?


Label was just pulled back a bit to see, then layed back down. Label was very sticky still so no issues.

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17 minutes ago, atari2600land said:

Play INTV on your NES?

I guess so.

IIRC. the Technosource plug-n-play devices contained a NES on a chip, with the games on them PORTED to that environment.  Someone at one of the CGEs had made NES cartridges of some of the individual games and tried to get Keith to produce more. He declined, for various reasons, but I suspect that this may be using those versions.

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2 hours ago, BSRSteve said:

IIRC. the Technosource plug-n-play devices contained a NES on a chip, with the games on them PORTED to that environment.  Someone at one of the CGEs had made NES cartridges of some of the individual games and tried to get Keith to produce more. He declined, for various reasons, but I suspect that this may be using those versions.

Wouldn't you have needed Technosource's permission to use that code.



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1 minute ago, Psycho Stormtrooper- Rog said:

I would think so.. but ive seen many games released on intelli without permission. Not everyone has scruples.

Yes but the proposal was to Intellivision Productions and they couldn't do that for a number of reasons.  The guy that made the cartridge for sale on ebay would need permission from both Technosource and IE, but they wouldn't care.

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On 8/3/2023 at 9:56 PM, Psycho Stormtrooper- Rog said:

I just picked up a UK Bowling game. Has anyone ever seen this before on bottom sticker? (Purple over Blue?)




Extremely interesting Rog!

New variant for me, I’ve never spotted that purple sticker, not only on Bowling, but in any game so far.


The bowling 0810 I have is without sticker and it’s for the UK market, with the text "distributed by Advanced Consumer Electronics, manufactured by Radofin etc…"


It looks like they did put that sticker to sell it in the US…

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3 hours ago, Morpheus said:

Extremely interesting Rog!

New variant for me, I’ve never spotted that purple sticker, not only on Bowling, but in any game so far.


The bowling 0810 I have is without sticker and it’s for the UK market, with the text "distributed by Advanced Consumer Electronics, manufactured by Radofin etc…"


It looks like they did put that sticker to sell it in the US…

I got it from UK.

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On 8/3/2023 at 12:56 PM, Psycho Stormtrooper- Rog said:

I just picked up a UK Bowling game. Has anyone ever seen this before on bottom sticker? (Purple over Blue?)




Well I thought I did.... I know I've seen purple stickers on the bottom but I guess not for Bowling. I have 0810's with white Lifestyle stickers for Australia and 0810's with ACE UK right on the box. Congrats on a cool find. This goes on my need list.... 👍🏻

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Hi All,

Since no one has brought up the rare items I have up on ebay I guess I'll have to plug my own auctions.

I have lots of good stuff up with more to come.

Here is just one of them and of course you can click the "See other items" to see all the listings I have up.


Here is the LTO Flash.




Also check out the Super Rare (don't you just want to cringe anytime the Rare comes up for auction like a loose Donkey Kong cartridge?)... My Super RARE Press Releases for 4 games. These are all original, no copies.


Yes I do ship to all countries but ebay makes it very difficult (for me) to figure out how to set the shipping parameters. 


Please bid high and often, the proceeds go to me!


I want to let all of you Intellivisioneers know what a great privilege I have had over the years associating with and to get to know many of you personally.

I have sold and bought many game from many of you over the years and have enjoyed it immensely. 


I have had so many inquires asking about my health from AA members I guess I should say something so you get it straight from the horses mouth, or in this case the horses ass.


On Mar 7th my check up showed I was cancer free. On June 6th my check up showed the cancer had returned. It returned to the prostrate area and they still have not identified what kind of cancer is in my liver. Imagine is this day and age to be 1 in 8 billion to have a cancer that is unknown. Anyway in on the 21st of June the doc said I have 3 months unless I take the chemo but the doctor would not say how long I have if I do take the chemo. It is so aggressive that they could not believe how much worse it was from the 26th of June CT Scan and the July 31st CT Scan. I am looking into additional treatments and have hope that I can find one that works, in the mean time I am trying to clear out my Intellivision collection. So much Intellivision so little time.


For all you movie fans do any of you know what movie and who said "Keep that sense of humor, it's critical". It became my life motto as my children and I have used it for more than 40 years. 


Sorry for the long post but I think this is the place for it. If not the administrator can erase it.


Thank you all for so many years of friendship and literally tons of fun from auctions to conventions it has been great.


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