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I have been following the thread since last year, but not sure if I have declared interest, I think I was waiting for an official pre-order thread. Either way, I NEEEED ONE!! Please! My new house is almost ready to move in and I'll finally have a gameroom (after 10+ years of collecting). So this will be so great!

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Wow.... This outpouring of interest and support has me really excited to cross the finish line. Thanks, guys. I truly do appreciate it. :) Ship day nears! SOON!


Everyone who's stated interest here and in the other LTO Flash thread will definitely be contacted when ship day hits. I also have collected a list of emails to contact outside of AA. Trust me, I have no intention of making the release a secret. Why would I do that? :)

Edited by intvnut
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Definitely interested in IntyBASIC and making homebrew Intellivision games. From my experience with 2600 and Sega Genesis development I really, really need the assurance of hardware testing before I invest time and brainpower into such things. I need a flash cart like thingy to make that happen.


If this is the place to request such a device sign me up please!

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Definitely interested in IntyBASIC and making homebrew Intellivision games. From my experience with 2600 and Sega Genesis development I really, really need the assurance of hardware testing before I invest time and brainpower into such things. I need a flash cart like thingy to make that happen.


If this is the place to request such a device sign me up please!


Intellivision + IntyBASIC + Flash cart = developers' paradise ;)

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Lots of interest for a very cool cart. Having touched it at PRGE and seeing the beautiful board in the clear shell, I will want several. It really looks like something that Steve Jobs would have demanded. I'm sure the board didn't NEED to be laid out that way, but the way you did it, it looks like a fine jeweled watch. Hat's off to you and the team.


The Cuttle Cart looks so "Last Millennium"! The interface looks great, would love to see how the software UI is for the Mac.

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Intellivision + IntyBASIC + Flash cart = developers' paradise ;)


You know it :D


I'm going to have to get 2 of them - one to load up with games and put downstairs for actual playing, one to stay upstairs for development.


I can't say enough good things about this, guys. It's absolutely indispensable if you ever want to play around with development, and just about the best thing ever made for playing games. No more stressing the cartridge ports. No more thinking "goddamn, I'll never play Spiker! on a real console". It works, and it works well. It's dead simple to fill with ROMs, and you can organize the on-cart menu however you like (not that the Intellivision has 1000 games like some platforms, but still...).


Plus it comes in a slick gatefold box, and hopefully they'll all be shrinkwrapped. That way everyone needs to buy 2 or 3 and drive up demand for the next batch!


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What is the soft target price range. Somewhere between $xx.xx to xxx.xx ? This may have been talked about before but with 19 pages its getting to be a long re-read. Seeing it in Portland was great. If it is still an unknown but I'm saving money from my newspaper route to buy about 4 of these. :-)

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I thought it was around $120 or so.. IIRC.


That's about where my mind sees it, but I could be pulling that out of thin air. I don't know if it's actually been determined/mentioned so I don't want to set people up for disappointment if it's higher. Because it'd be worth buying at a much higher price. IMO of course.

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The MSRP is $119, as we announced in the podcast. I could have gone higher, but I wanted to keep it affordable, while still covering development costs, etc. I don't think I'm even making minimum wage on the engineering hours, though. ;) That's OK. This is a labor of love.


I do have some plans for low-serial-number units to make them extra special. Those won't be $119. Those details will be posted when I announce availability.

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