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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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Maybe it's so you can connect it back into itself so it can disappear up it's own arse.


You know I had a dream about that one time. The long version is in my "Night Tremors" book. The short version is below:


I dreamed I was playing classic games with my girlfriend and other buddies and we came across this old-school USB 0.5 connector. It was so old the only thing we could do with it was hook it back into itself and thereby causing spacetime to vibrate and suck all the data into an endless loop of molasses.

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I'm not sure which one is the "Kitchen Sink" port, but my guess it's on there somewhere.


That would be the cartridge port. It would have the most connections that go deep into the system. If you want to add peripherals you just stack them. Kind of like how you could make the TI-99/4A longer than your desk. In this situation it would be taller than your desk.

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Well that's true - cost of connectors and traces is practically nil compared to 20 years ago.




Then I demand RGB-HV on BNC connectors, and analog VGA, and DVI-I dual channel and DisplayPort, and JP21 and D5 and of course a EuroSCART, that should cover all the basis. ;-)



...and Component, and TOSEC link and COAX audio ....

Edited by phoenixdownita
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That would be the cartridge port. It would have the most connections that go deep into the system. If you want to add peripherals you just stack them. Kind of like how you could make the TI-99/4A longer than your desk. In this situation it would be taller than your desk.


Hmm. I think we just found how to connect to the Internet. TI-99/4a core, including an RS232, and one of these bad boys:




Edited by PlaysWithWolves
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All irrelevant standards going forward. They're legacy and should be dropping off the market in good time.


For you .... I want them all ;-)

If it pretends to be retro by god better be retro .... it should also have all possible joystick/pad ports for the past 8 gen so I can use my N64 minipad or my NES dogbone or .. or .. nevermind ... mind control is the future ....

... so looking in my crystal ball I forecast a river of tears ;-)

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[so the thing has 5 USB ports ..... but no connection to internet, no way to DL games, no way to update carts ....., maybe the USB B is to connect a CDROM ;-) ]


This is a retro-console. True to its namesake you aren't supposed to be updating the firmware, or cartridges. Nor are you supposed to be doing downloadable content. And definitely no internet browsing or online gaming. If you want those things, get a PC and a recent console from BigBox.


It's retro! Just like my Apple //e !! When I wanted to update the firmware I could do one of the following:


1- Order replacement ROM chips and wait 2 weeks for them to arrive, then plug them in myself.

2- Burn my own chips. But I didn't have an EEPROM programmer, nor the updated code to burn anyways.

3- Or I could take the whole machine to a service center and pick it up the following week after the technician swapped the ROMS for me.

4- Get a ROM card or Language Card where we could plug in ROMS into a card that plugged into the mainboard. Or more sophisticatedly, load the programming language and toolkits into a special RAM area on a separate card.


Ultimately I chose #1 and #4 and asked the bigger kids (serious eLiTe PiRateZ) to help me out so I didn't make any mistakes.


Again, it's retro! Just like my Apple II. When I wanted to get new games I had to make my parents drive me to the computer store to buy games in baggies. Eventually I discovered WaReZ from the kids in school and modems. Once I got the modem and went online the difference between game console and computer became more clear than ever before. Connecting to another computer/device across the town (or country) was something my INTV & VCS would never do. Ever ever ever. RetroVGS is a game console so they better make sure it stays offline.

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All irrelevant standards going forward. They're legacy and should be dropping off the market in good time.



You really don't understand the concept of sarcasm. And so you know "retro" consoles tend to use "legacy" devices. Those words are synonymic. Maybe that word is a little to complex for you (clearly it will be if basic sarcasm is eluding you) so I'll just say that the words retro and legacy are in the same family and they get along great. Something the Retro POS will not do with reality.

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Given no TV made in the last 2 years supports SVideo I see that becoming a major selling point.

I don't remember the last console to have any and all those AV ports all at once.

PS3 supports the PS2 Multi-Out plus HDMI, so composite, S-Video, component, HDMI, analog stereo and optical digital out on one box. I think the 360 supports all of those plus VGA.


And anyone who really needs RF in 2015, presumably for really old CRT, channel 3/4 RF modulators are a dime a dozen at your local Goodwill.

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You really don't understand the concept of sarcasm. And so you know "retro" consoles tend to use "legacy" devices. Those words are synonymic. Maybe that word is a little to complex for you (clearly it will be if basic sarcasm is eluding you) so I'll just say that the words retro and legacy are in the same family and they get along great. Something the Retro POS will not do with reality.


Of course I do. All flavors of it. I was building up the point to deliver a coup de grâce on the whole shebang.

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Maybe it's so you can connect it back into itself so it can disappear up it's own arse.

I have always wanted to plug a USB cable into a device and connect it to it's own charging port. Surely this would violate conservation of energy and cause the Universe to implode! :evil:


I tried this with my Cowon A3 media player once and the screen kept blinking as it repeatedly swapped between host device and mass storage modes. I disconnected the cable after a few minutes watching it sodomize itself. I think the media player hates me now and still have nightmares. It will be ten years old this year...

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... When I wanted to get new games I had to make my parents drive me to the computer store to buy games in baggies....



... I was building up the point to deliver a coup de grâce on the whole shebang....


I believe you already delivered.





Mom, mom I want a new game.

Mom, mom!!!


Mom put on the hearing aid, I WANT A NEW GAME,

so make yourself useful and drive me to the game store.


What's that Mom?

You can't drive because of age limits .... says who?


Mom, mom, please???


{pouty face here}


Yes Mom I know I'm 40, I understand you don't want me to wear a bra in public.




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I thought that with 5 USB ports and 2 joystick ports it got multiplayer covered, was I wrong?

And wireless too.


Who's to stop anyone from making a cart that is really flash based with a USB dongle (which is really a wireless card) and build a whole online gamestore ecosystem ....

.... mind you not me, just an idea ... another dongle for tablet support (MiraCast support or whatever is needed) and pronto you got yourself a "Wii U-ish" .. in case you want one that is.



Me, not so interested, but I'd admit I really want to see how it pans out.

I have been wrong in the past, you know.

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Who's to stop anyone from making a cart that is really flash based with a USB dongle (which is really a wireless card) and build a whole online gamestore ecosystem ....

.... mind you not me, just an idea ... another dongle for tablet support (MiraCast support or whatever is needed) and pronto you got yourself a "Wii U-ish" .. in case you want one that is.

What's to stop anyone from building a whole online game store ecosystem for a system that either won't actually come out or won't be successful? Probably the fact that it either won't come out or will not be successful :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like another game is to be announced for part of the RETRO VGS Launch titles. I am looking forward to this system, it will be the first kickstarter I will back. Even if the system is not successful there should be a good run of games for it, think they wanted 16-24 titles to start with. If this system takes off it would be very interesting from game console history and way better than the plug and play systems.


Just think they can put the Atari flash back games on a Retro Cart instead of producing THE FLASH BACK system's, it was cool at first but now there up to like flashback system 9 or what ever and they all look the same with the same games. I know they soon they will stop numbering them and give it stupid names like "Flash Back 2000 same system with 2 new games" only $49.99.

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Hey I heard something interesting last week.


I was listening to Episode 353 of IGN's Gamescoop podcast and at the 45 minute mark they got talking about what is the golden era of video games. They get into the digital download discussion and one of the guys says at the 49 minute mark "I'm following this little project where this group of guys is creating a little hobbyist home game platform ... this is not meant to be a mass market product ... the idea is create like a locked platform for hobbyists to make small arcade games."


Could they be talking about the Retro VGS? Hmmmmm


Check out the audio yourself

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I'm not sure what the title is, no don't think it's Infernax, as that is one they want to port and guess there working with now.


But yes the game that I'm thinking of has not been announced already exists on another platform, from what I understand that it's been ported to other systems or soon will before the RETRO VGS Launch.


Good or bad that is what i was told and no I don't have a real source inside.

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To be honest, many of their launch titles are out there already the "to be announced" games. Some do look good even great but I hope they can have more real RGP games. If this fails, they I will go down with it but I hope it can and prove some here wrong. Im a dreamer and seem to back more failed idea's then successful. There team is top notch, but many good system and games still fail in the retail business.

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