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New: VECTREX Joystick Kit for sale


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project update:


All preordered controller kits have been shipped. I have parts for another like five controller kits. Since the demand seems to be satisfied now, I'm going to put the project to an -at least temporary- halt, which gives me time and space to start something new. I cannot be involved in too many projects simultaneously.


If you still want a Vectrex Controller Kit, I'll put your name into a list and start making more kits at a certain threshold.





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  • 1 month later...

During the last few months, I shipped a number of Controller Kits. Today I would be interested in some feedback/results:


Has anybody already built a Controller or are the boxes still sitting "on the shelves"?

Is anybody willing to share a photo of his creation?

Did the kits work as expected?

Is there anything I should have explained or mentioned?


Some feedback is highly appreciated.







Concerning the case of the destroyed Controller delivery (photos in this thread above):

We identified the missing parts and I shipped replacements for all, free of charge.

DHL's insurance covered the damage completely.

So it's all settled.

Edited by Rolo
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I'm about 85 percent finished with one one of the Rev 1 kits. A few holes in the enclosure (for the Autofire switches), solder buttons 1-4 and the 9-pin cable and I'm done with fabrication. Then it will be testing and making a sticker for the facia.


It's been pretty straight forward. Probably not an endevour for a novice with electronics but maybe with a video tutorial they could accomplish it.


Concidering how few analog options other than the original controller there are, it's great to have something that can be customized to the players liking. I just wish someone had a 3D printed case to offer another option for finishing.

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I admit mine still sits in the box.


.. I do think that a single and complete step by step instruction for "standard assembly" would be useful. For myself a printed version would probably be more useful than a video.


The customizable nature of this controller is appealing and I definitely hope to complete mine in a unique way, but I guess I would be much more likely to get started if everything needed to assemble a working model was included, (except for tools of course). I'd really like to see and feel how this thing functions before i build a custom enclosure, or decide how to orient things permanently.


.. I'm not suggesting sending enclosures to people who already bought. Just saying that it might be a better way for the next batch, or for another future project. An all-in-the-box kit would widen the customer base to appropriately include novices.


.. It might be just as good for me though if a few others complete their kits and report back here what it's like and how it turned out.

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Yes, I see, casing indeed is an issue.

  • Making 25 or 30 cases would require shop and machinery, which I do not have.
  • Making those manually would take me forever. Not good.
  • Ordering custom cases at some company would probably cost a fortune.
  • I could suggest some standard cases, which can be bought at any electronics dealer. Relatively cheap, but not super good looking.
  • 3D-printing: Maybe someone likes to try and come up with a design-file? I still fear, that this will not be too cheap. Even the small controller levers cost approx. 4.50€ each, but it definitely would be worth a try. Maybe I'll give it a second thought and try something, just to get some experience.

If demand for the kit should raise again some day, I'll probably put a little paper step-by-step instruction leaflet into the box. I simply did not really have time for that, since I wanted to ship the boxes quickly. But I know, this is missing...


Thanks everybody for the feedback :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: !



@gliptitude: You could just wire up your kit without case, just on the desktop, like I do for final testing of each kit. This is sufficient for a little bit of MINESTORM, just to see, how the controller works. Or you just make a preliminary flat panel, like I did (thread above), where you mount the main controls. Just for testing. That's a bit of extra work to do, but would provide the input you need.

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If it were my project, I'd fabricate an enclosure out of 1/4" MDF. Making straight, accurate cuts with a circular saw is a pain but it can be done.


Ideally one would need at minimum a table saw and a drill press to build woodkits efficiently. The 1/4" MDF panels could be stacked when cutting to efficiently produce multiple enclosure kits. Sanding, finishing, gluing, and final assembly could be left up to the end user.

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I agree. It might be a good compromise to combine a (more expensive) custom printed panel, providing all the cut-outs and holes etc., with a cheap standard case bottom part. If you want to take "a pre-existing controller's bottom part", which one do you suggest, where do you (still) get that and how about costs?

At the moment, it looks like you don't have to consider larger numbers of printed panels, since demand for controller kits went down rapidly after the first rush. In the end, it looks like most of the VECTREX-owners do have enough (working) controllers or prefer digital controllers or digital-to-analog adaptors, (which is fine with me :)).

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  • 3 weeks later...

A little update concerning the controller kits


Vectrexer addressed me today, he notices a little click when pushing the lever down and he wanted to know, if there is another button built in and if so, if that can be used somehow. He was suggesting a mod, where the user can select, which of the four buttons is mirrored onto the joystick. This might be of interest for other people, too.


:arrow: Yes, I'm using analog controllers with a little pushbutton inside.

:arrow: No, at the moment it isn't doing anything.

:arrow: Yes, the pcb is prepared to make access easy.


So how do you do it?


I prepared a few pictures:


The idea is to simply parallel the buttons. Problem: In my circuit buttons 1 and 2 are switching GND, buttons 3 and 4 are switching VCC (+5VDC).

You need a 2 layer 1-to-4 rotary switch as selector. One layer toggles between GND and +5VDC, the other multiplexes to buttons 1 to 4.


PCB preparation required: The two pads, labeled as PAD1 and PAD2 directly lead to the built in pushbutton. However PAD2 already is connected to GND.

:arrow: So you insulate PAD2 first.

:arrow: Second you reestablish the, now brocken, GND-connection to plug X1 pin#2.



You carefully cut the tracks with a tiny drill, like a DREMEL.

You reconnect GND with the help of a little wire.



This how you would wire up the rotary switch. In this case a 1-to-6 switch (which I found in the library). 1-to-4 is enough of course.

When connecting the wires to the four buttons, do not connect with the "A-PADS" (1A, 2A, 3A, 4A), but use the "B-PADS" (1B, 2B, 3B, 4B)!


Well, I did not try this myself, so I hope, I didn't make any dumb mistakes. :???: If you see something wrong, please tell me and let me correct it.


Have fun,



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Thanks for the update Rolo.


In my message I did mention the possibility of using the Joystick button to mirror the other buttons on controller port 1. The initial thought was to have an alternate control for use in a game that offered shields Instead of needing to use another finger on the buttons I find it more confortable to mash the joystick button down while maneuvering. Glad to know the possibility exists in the Vectrex joystick kit.


Thanks for checking out the 6-position rotary switch. It will work. I like the thought of being able to swap in any button as needed. That would be easier for use with games that do not allow for modifying button mapping in software. Which is most games sue to the RAM and processor resources of the Vectrex.


I was thinking an 8-position switch might also be useful for those times in the future where the second controller port button might be brought into action. That would require wiring up both controller ports to the a single controller. This might be taken a little father as well to produce a single controller with dual-analog sticks and the ability to map (switch) in the mirrored button of choice into either joystick button. Of course there is no software out right now that could take full advantage of such a configuration. But at least the possibility exists for doing so in the future.


A separate idea for using the joystick button is to incorporate it to something external to the Vectrex. I had joked about a "Beer Call" feature. For home use your partner would have to be very accommodating and share a similar idea in humor to allow the use of that kind of idea to support your Vectrex game play addiction. For people setting records (not related to alcohol consumption) the button could be use to trigger a camera to capture an image. In a business setting, an art installation, or some other event the button might be used to signal an external action to occur. As an evil option in competitive play that button might be used to flash a bright light or activate some other distraction.


BTW, what was the component part used for the joystick? I have a some other ideas floating around that might be possible depending on the part.


Thanks again for thinking ahead to include the button access on the board.

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BTW, what was the component part used for the joystick? I have a some other ideas floating around that might be possible depending on the part.


Sorry I totally forgot about your question.

It's an ALPS stick controller RKJXP1224002. You find the datasheet in the internet.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Funkyspectrum,


sure anytime. They are ready to deliver. I'm just on the road another week and a half, so I can't serve you at the moment.

As soon as I'm back, I'm going to PM you, if that's not too late for you.

Then we can do all the details and so on.



Best regards,



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks! :waving:

@Neuronic: I'm just soldering a few units at the moment.They will be ready and tested in a couple of days. So, you can order, if you like. :thumbsup:

Probably there is not going to be another batch. Demand has dried up completely, after the first rush.

No point in piling kits on my shelf.

Nevertheless, I'm experimenting with a special wooden case at the moment. I'll show you, when I'm ready.





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