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AtariAge + Atari Q&A


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Whatever we might think the worst move made by Atari in its various incarnations over the past 50 years might have been, it wasn't hiring Albert and acquiring AtariAge.  Albert is the greatest, and having him brings Atari closer to greatness.  Albert, I hope they treat you well, and I hope they treat the community here well.  If they simply leave well enough alone, and support you financially and maybe with a helping hand with producing cartridges, and securing rights agreements/licenses, it'll be a beautiful thing. 


Of course companies have to protect themselves against liability, and protect their rights, which as we've seen will mean some things will change -- things, which, I think were inevitable anyway on a long enough time scale. But overall I have the same good feeling about Atari Age that I've had for as long as I've known about it. Which is quite a bit longer than I've had this forum account.  @Albert if your alternative choice was to shut things down that would have been worse and I still would only have good things to say about you.  Thanks for everything you do to keep the Atari legacy systems alive and relevant to us diehards, congratulations on 20+ years of this, and here's to many more.

Edited by guppy
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9 hours ago, Albert said:

That is not going to happen, as someone else said earlier, most people who just want to discuss video games more casually are going to use social media to do so, leaving forums to those who invest more serious time in the hobby.  Of course, that's not a hard and fast rule, but the forum has already been around for over 20 years.  There have been plenty of temporary spikes in new members for various reasons over that time, and the forums have weathered those events just fine.


It's also grossly unfair to prejudge members who might join because they saw a "viral post" somewhere. I welcome new members to the site, regardless of how they may learn about it. Your argument is also weakened by the fact that the member above who I kicked from the thread joined the forum over TWENTY years ago.



This statement would carry more credibility had you not just kicked someone out of a thread without warning. 


Yes, he was acting like an ass, but instead of a gentle “go to bed, you’re drunk,” you flexed your admin powers like a petty tyrant.

Your site, your rules, but this is not a good look. Your reputation deserves better. 

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15 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

This statement would carry more credibility had you not just kicked someone out of a thread without warning. 


Yes, he was acting like an ass, but instead of a gentle “go to bed, you’re drunk,” you flexed your admin powers like a petty tyrant.

Your site, your rules, but this is not a good look. Your reputation deserves better. 

I'm inclined to agree with you that booting a 20+ year member from the thread for that seemed a little overkill...BUT, then I noticed he mentioned Tommy T and everybody knows if you type his name 3 times in the same topic there will be disastrous consequences!!

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18 minutes ago, Flojomojo said:

This statement would carry more credibility had you not just kicked someone out of a thread without warning. 


Yes, he was acting like an ass, but instead of a gentle “go to bed, you’re drunk,” you flexed your admin powers like a petty tyrant.

Your site, your rules, but this is not a good look. Your reputation deserves better. 

This is not a new protocol. If you act like an ass, you get kicked out of the thread. It's not the end of the world... the person can still go on their way, discussing things, hopefully without being an ass, in other threads. The person also has opportunity to appeal to the moderators, in case there's mitigating circumstances.


He didn't get kicked out of the thread after the Tommy T mention. Albert saw that right away, and let it go. It wasn't until he said he was "just having a laff" and "time for a flame war dude" that he got the boot.

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13 hours ago, bloodreptile said:

Just having a laff before too many people tell me I am a div (I think the literal use of American phrasing is a wuss).


Jesus, too unintelligent to even get that right. Div = retard in American English. Wuss = Wimp in his English. And how is it he doesn't seem to know what a wuss is? It's commonly used in the UK.

Been a long time since I heard anyone use the word "div" outside of web design.

13 hours ago, 5-11under said:

No. Time to ignore.

Perfect response. 👍

As for Albert kicking him off this thread. His site, his rules. What bloodreptile actually said was the internet equivalent of "do you want to step outside?" What you said was "nah, I'm fine here by the bar nursing this beer. Now, fuck off." Class.

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3 hours ago, Flojomojo said:

This statement would carry more credibility had you not just kicked someone out of a thread without warning. 

He kicked him from a thread for acting bad.

He didn't ban him from the site for life, repo all his retro hardware, and kick his puppy on the way out of the house...


Why are people so worried about someone getting in trouble for their actions?   Sheeesh...

Edited by desiv
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17 minutes ago, Sauron said:

Now that we're back on topic, it's time for the most important question of this thread:


Did you get a free speakerhat?


Y’all remember that one guy a few years ago who was super into his speakerhat? Like, actually walking around listening to music on it? I hope he’s okay and I wonder how many Amicos he ordered.

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1 hour ago, Albert said:

Let's please stay on topic. 

Thank you. 


star wars stay on target GIF

1 hour ago, Rodney Hester said:

I've always wondered about the rancor against the speakerhat.


Granted, I don't own one and never will, but still...I kinda see it like a moped.  You may look entirely silly for using it, but that doesn't mean there isn't at least a small amount of pleasure to be had from it.  The trick is not being seen doing it.  LOL

I think it was the ridiculous price of it, tied to a guy who was also shilling their penny stocks pretty hard. I think at one point there was a $1


Also factor in that Atari at that point seemed less focused on games and more weird ways to make an easy buck. Be it Tokens, hotels, or speakerhats. Yes they did go for the VCS at that time, which was not only handled the best, but turned out to be a flop. If they had a different business plan that resembled what they have now that VCS $$ could have went more towards something like games. Or a more feasible project that wouldn't lose them money.


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4 minutes ago, MrBeefy said:


 Yes they did go for the VCS at that time, which was not only handled the best, but turned out to be a flop. If they had a different business plan that resembled what they have now that VCS $$ could have went more towards something like games. Or a more feasible project that wouldn't lose them money.


You're speaking as if the  VCS is already dead , when in fact it's receiving more games this year then all other years it's been out combined,  oh if only Atari could have fixed they're shipment problem's 

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7 minutes ago, GoldLeader said:

And calling it the "VCS" when a VCS already exists and is beloved was the dumbest thing I've ever seen!  Now suddenly when us old timers do a search for real VCS stuff on the internet,  guess what comes up?

I mean the original VCS has been called the 2600 since 1982, no one outside of a very small  group of old Atari fans even remembers that it was called that, I think most people are fine with the modern VCS taking that name and  will just keep calling the original the 2600.

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14 minutes ago, JPF997 said:

I mean the original VCS has been called the 2600 since 1982, no one outside of a very small  group of old Atari fans even remembers that it was called that, I think most people are fine with the modern VCS taking that name and  will just keep calling the original the 2600.



Let us just hope that they don't put out some new product that uses "2600" in the name...

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9 minutes ago, GoldLeader said:



Let us just hope that they don't put out some new product that uses "2600" in the name...

The 2600 "+" won't cause any confusion, just by including the + it distinguishes itself very easily from the original hardware, even casuals on IGN's YouTube channel could tell the difference, this isn't the slam dunk you think it is 

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50 minutes ago, juansolo said:

I still for the life of me have no idea who the VCS was aimed at. It certainly wasn't me... It's continued existence and customer base baffles me.

I’ve seen people on YouTube mod the vcs with ram upgrades. There must be market for molders.

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1 hour ago, GoldLeader said:

Now suddenly when us old timers do a search for real VCS stuff on the internet,  guess what comes up?

I haven’t been around these things as long as you my friend, but read about how they screwed up several lineages of Flashbacks all the way back in 2004, and then endless back and forth.


I can understand some real frustrations with endless recirculations (particulary for old-timers)


No need to get rid of the old, real hardware!!

Even though I hope they’ll get-on from here to actually deliver the goods, I’ll keep my real-hardware 7800 (at least one of each region).


But for me the release of the 2600+ gave me another initiative to have look at the full line-up of 2600 games. (They still need to get some of the better to work though, which I why I’m on wait)


Even though I’m more naturally at where the 5200 and 7800 would be my starting-points (as to retro-hardware-collecting), the most impressive and classic of the 2600 have caught my attention.


Edited by Giles N
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