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I use my speaker hat nearly every day when I go for walks around my neighborhood. I got it with the VCS bundle at a really good price earlier in the year and I've been quite pleased with it. I've worn earbuds and headphones for too many years so it's nice to not have anything covering my ears and I can actually be aware of my surroundings outside. Would have I bought one without the bundle, no. But I see it as nice bonus that just so happens to be Atari branded. 

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17 hours ago, JPF997 said:

I'll never understand people's hatred of the speaker hat, I wish I had one , especially the blade runner 2049 limited edition one.

“Hatred” is WAY to strong of a word, and that (along with calling people haters for disagreeing) is s cheap way to stifle conversation. I thought they were far too expensive, had a dumb concept (it’s rude to walk around in public and force other people to listen to your music, same as people who play videos loudly on their phones in public) and gave off “ask me about my hat!” vibes. They were also relentlessly shilled on here by a guy who was convinced that owning Atari penny stocks would lead him to a life of privilege and wealth, and that he represented a rarified genius that none of us were smart enough to understand (sound familiar?) To sum up…



Edited by jerseystyle
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21 minutes ago, jerseystyle said:

“Hatred” is WAY to strong of a word, and that (along with calling people haters for disagreeing) is s cheap way to stifle conversation. I thought they were far too expensive, had a dumb concept (it’s rude to walk around in public and force other people to listen to your music, same as people who play videos loudly on their phones in public) and gave off “ask me about my hat!” vibes. They were also relentlessly shilled on here by a guy who was convinced that owning Atari penny stocks would lead him to a life of privilege and wealth, and that he represented a rarified genius that none of us were smart enough to understand (sound familiar?) To sum up…



I didn't intend to call anyone a hater, maybe I could have written that post better to avoid misunderstandings (it seems my post's being misunderstood is becoming something quite common lately, the Amico thread debacle is a perfect example of that). Anyways I think I know which individual you are referring to, Mr. Powerdubs/Josh right, the man's shilling power level is easily over 9000, but I don't think he's a bad guy, all the times I've interacted with him on Twitter and reddit have been quite positive, if he wasn't so hardcore with the Atari SA pongf stock shilling I think more people would like having him around.

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2 hours ago, JPF997 said:

I didn't intend to call anyone a hater,

Oh, there are definitely haters!!!  
I remember the last time I was happily using mine....  Just enjoying myself with a little Cameo  (Word up!!!)...  Singing along...

Then the stewardess came over and told me I needed to take it off...  Man, haters!!!



Edited by desiv
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3 hours ago, jerseystyle said:

“Hatred” is WAY to strong of a word, and that (along with calling people haters for disagreeing) is s cheap way to stifle conversation. I thought they were far too expensive, had a dumb concept (it’s rude to walk around in public and force other people to listen to your music, same as people who play videos loudly on their phones in public) and gave off “ask me about my hat!” vibes. They were also relentlessly shilled on here by a guy who was convinced that owning Atari penny stocks would lead him to a life of privilege and wealth, and that he represented a rarified genius that none of us were smart enough to understand (sound familiar?) To sum up…



Iirc ole Powerdubs also got duped by the Converse shoe box prototype saying the boot up screen is what he saw at a meeting or something. 🤣


Atari did better than Amico, but that isn't saying much. The whole ordeal was still a mess. I'm glad people at least got their units. I do find it cute when people try and act like the console is a success. Remind me of my WiiU days. Minus me saying WiiU was successful.

3 hours ago, JPF997 said:

I didn't intend to call anyone a hater, maybe I could have written that post better to avoid misunderstandings (it seems my post's being misunderstood is becoming something quite common lately, the Amico thread debacle is a perfect example of that). 

Actually it is probably less about people misunderstanding you, and more that you are a horrible communicator. That's on you doofus.


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4 hours ago, JPF997 said:

Anyways I think I know which individual you are referring to, Mr. Powerdubs/Josh right, the man's shilling power level is easily over 9000, but I don't think he's a bad guy, all the times I've interacted with him on Twitter and reddit have been quite positive, if he wasn't so hardcore with the Atari SA pongf stock shilling I think more people would like having him around.

This is not the first forum where he's done something like this.  I watched him pull pretty much the exact same crap on another forum of which I also happen to be a member, and he didn't make himself any more popular over there than he did here.

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I'm still waiting on those SpeakerPants!


Or maybe that was just an internet rumor,...That someone or maybe me started.



Although just wearing the Speakershoes and the Speakerhat,  It would be pretty cool if you were playing the same song on both...Atari needs their own SpeakerShoes,  and then add SpeakerPants to complete the trilogy!  It'd be the Trifecta!

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I'm a lurker here mostly and don't have much presence. I too am happy for Al for his decision and being an official employee of Atari. I've been reading every post and am on page 22 of the thread, but decided to jump ahead and post - I hope I'm not being to repetitive of what may have been stated. Apologies if I am. My feeling about what might be in everyone's best interest is if Atari released official documentation that stated exactly what their intentions are. It's been stated that the intention is to preserve a dedicated community, archival material and even show respect to the dedicated fanbase of gamers and developers. At the end of the day, Atari is a corporation. When corporations buy other entities - they acquire assets.


It's been stated by a few members here that the games and history are more than just hardware and roms. It's experiences. Stories. Culture. Atariage is a community that keeps the past alive, with history, documentation, archiving, and hacks, fixes and very importantly - homebrew. It's very easy for a company to ride on the coattails of the past. It's also easy for companies to release old games as novelties for a quick buck. I personally can't stand mini knockoffs and what have you of old classic games (in the sense of hardware). To me these multi-game consoles, numerous cheap handhelds, mini arcade machines are novelties that get played 10 minutes before getting shoved into the closet and eventually ending up in a pile of unnecessary e-waste. When you sell out your IP like that, it diminishes and disrespects it. Atari needs to get away and KEEP away from that shit.


At the moment, Atari SA is a small company, and seem to be respecting their IP more. I think the Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration is a step in the right direction. It gives those who are curious a taste of what was and its important history. I also like the carts made with serious collectors in mind. They look very well made and packaged. The fact that all collections are sold out, save for the newest game, is a good sign. The new VCS though is a hit and miss. It was never going to compete with the likes of Nintendo or Xbox, as the presence wasn't there and it's really a PC in an Atari shell. No apologies for the blunt description - that's what it is. It's a niche system that is only going to appeal to the hardcore Atari fans at the moment.


My own personal opinion would be that Atari grows slowly and carefully. Not worry about profits at the moment, just keep the lights on and gain ground slowly. While Al is employed by Atari, still, let him have full free reign of AtariAge without any interference. (Of course, it is still understandable not to allow remakes of licensed IPs to be sold.) This community is a huge asset in a positive historical and cultural sense, but not a monetary asset and shouldn't be looked at that way. Acquisition of AtariAge also should not be for the purpose of posturing.. as in not - look bigger or look as if gaining success. Don't try to impress.


If Atari truly respects this community for what it is, is willing to accept constructive criticism, feedback from this community, and be open to suggestions, then this could be a wonderful marriage. I definitely have one interesting idea of my own to share that could help breathe life back into classic arcade machines - and not just those by Atari.


Since this is a Q&A and I've quite blathered on here, I wouldn't mind feed back from Atari reps. To Atari: what do you think of the suggestion of clear and legally official documentation? (If there is such a thing.. I'm not a lawyer.) Does anything I've stated strike a chord in a good way? Will you maintain quality over quantity?

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1 hour ago, Wildstar said:
3 hours ago, Giles N said:

What’s wrong with official, public Speaker-boxers…with hearts and company-symbols…?


No, wait, this is Atari, not Capcom…

We can know right where the vibration be. Oh... right... got to be careful with innuendos

… they can go both ways … 


… I leave to others to sort out whether it concerns vibrations or innuendos…


CANSell-Everything have these Speaker-boxers:



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Lest offense be great and manyfold misunderstood,

Let me assure its only for jest and mockery pure, 

intended only for laughs, not wit, notwithstanding this;

of what to sell or not to sell, may yet from this be learned,

not to dabble darkly with dubious dollars,

neither then to shit your panties in stereo on markets loud




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10 hours ago, GoldLeader said:


I'm still waiting on those SpeakerPants!


Or maybe that was just an internet rumor,...That someone or maybe me started.



Although just wearing the Speakershoes and the Speakerhat,  It would be pretty cool if you were playing the same song on both...Atari needs their own SpeakerShoes,  and then add SpeakerPants to complete the trilogy!  It'd be the Trifecta!

A speaker on both butt cheeks would be very useful to cover up one's farts! 💡

(well, except that after a while, everyone would know why you're cranking up the volume occasionally 🤫)

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10 hours ago, GoldLeader said:


I'm still waiting on those SpeakerPants!


Or maybe that was just an internet rumor,...That someone or maybe me started.



Although just wearing the Speakershoes and the Speakerhat,  It would be pretty cool if you were playing the same song on both...Atari needs their own SpeakerShoes,  and then add SpeakerPants to complete the trilogy!  It'd be the Trifecta!

SpreakerPants?? Hook up a microphone for the ultimate in s**t talking.

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