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Atari projects, Mac mini DVR, and other things

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Networked Tuners on sale at Woot!

If you're interested in cutting the cord now might be a good time to get started!   Your Choice: SiliconDust Streaming Boxes   $149.99 - Simple.TV $119.99 - HDHomeRun PLUS $ 79.99 - HDHomeRun DUAL <-- this is what I'm using   All of these are dual-tuner units.   I'm not familiar with Simple.TV unit and don't have time to research it this morning. At first glance it appears to be a DVR that you add an external drive to, though it appears to be


SpiceWare in DVR Project


Read this on the USA Today app on my iPad yesterday - TiVo is also catering to cord cutters.   The $200 Roamio will record 4 shows at once (same as my Mac mini setup). It can also hook up to optional equipment like Mini to watch live and recorded TV in other rooms as well as Stream for watching TV on your mobile device from anywhere you have internet access.   The $150 $75 (appears to be on sale) Premiere will record 2 shows at once and will also work with Stream.  


SpiceWare in DVR Project

April Savings

Heard good stuff about the new show Fargo so bought the season via iTunes. That puts April's savings at $123, with cumulative savings of $1915. Balance remaining to pay off the setup is $1149.   Haven't watched any episodes of Fargo yet, been to busy with other projects like emptying out my office so I can get ready for my new Treadmill Desk, which will be delivered Monday. My Roomba's been busy vacuuming the office - after it recharges I send it in for another pass. I plan keep doing


SpiceWare in DVR Project

115 Channels, HBO on Amazon Prime

COZI moved, which was slightly aggravating as I've been recording The Avengers on it.     COZI's now on channel 47.3, but the TV Guide still has it on 57.5. Wonder if TV Guide will ever get updated - Retro TV's changed twice, first from 34.2 to 34.3 back in December 2012 (my comment about RTV from the 4th), and once again to 34.4 in March 2013 - yet TV Guide still lists it as 34.2.   Replacing COZI is a new channel, The Works.   The only info I'


SpiceWare in DVR Project

March Savings

Another month with no new content* so saved $151 in March for a cumulative savings of $1792.   I did have to buy a new Thunderbolt cable though, the one that came with the Drobo had a short. That puts the hardware total at $2978, so the balance remaining is now $1186. Should have included the DVD Superdrive - revised hardware total is $3064 with a balance remaining of $1272.   I've been watching Grimm Season 2 on Amazon Prime and recently the image quality has greatly improve


SpiceWare in DVR Project

February Savings

No new content was purchased in February, so my $151 savings for the month leads to $1641 in cumulative savings. $1306 left to pay off the DVR setup (mini, Drobo, antenna, etc).   Sad news - the free content from SyFy appears to be going away. I'd started watch the new series Helix (I get an Aperture Science vibe from the show) and the episodes disappeared so I clicked Full Episodes and they want to verify your provider. Direct links to Being Human and Face Off still work, and are stil


SpiceWare in DVR Project


The mini's working just fine with the HDMI to Component Video adaptor:           Before I plugged everything together I made sure to set up my mini for Screen Sharing. I did this as the HDMI to Component converter supports 1080p, but my TV only supports 1080i, and I expected the Mac to default to the "best resolution" it's been told about - which it did. By remoting in I was able to change Display Preferences:   The Underscan


SpiceWare in DVR Project

The DVR Project - aka "Ditch DirecTV"

A while back I calculated that if I ditched DirecTV and went over the air for the networked shows plus Blu Ray/streaming/digital-download for cable series I watch that I'd save about $800 a year in expenses. Various things kept the project on the back burner though.   Today I noticed that the HD HomeRun Dual, part of the hardware I planned on getting for this project, is on sale at Tech Woot! so I've finally started the ball rolling. The HD HomeRun Dual is a dual ATSC tuner that sits o


SpiceWare in DVR Project

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