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Coleco Turbo "Prototype" RELEASED !


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I tried paddles and driving controllers and neither work. It appears to just be a visual demo. That's a little sketchy since a good programmer could probably whip that up in a couple of days, but the fact that it registers on CloneSpy is pretty convincing (unless Thomas is in on it!! ;))



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ah so you think its the real deal, and not something TJ (or someone,) coded for april fools day.... :-)




found that flyer


its on this page http://www.atarihq.com/museum/2678/games/index.html


wonder if those brazillian 'turbos' are the complete game, from the proto arnie played...



Hmmm too true. too true. :P Damn April 1.. you gotta love it. Ok.. I'll hold off judgement until tomorrow. But you're right. hmmmm.. if it's so, it's the greatest prank/hoax yet!. Damn you Thomas/Slocum! :D


/me remains in confused state ^_^

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For anyone too lazy to scroll down.


Thanks for posting this flier with the screenshot (the promotional flier is mine which I lent to AGH). When I saw the Turbo screenshot yesterday, I knew I saw it before and it wasn't at CES Anyway, 2600 Turbo WAS shown at CES and this wasn't the screenshot that was up and running. If someone comes across the real thing, I will know the real screen image when I see it.

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Thanks for posting this flier with the screenshot (the promotional flier is mine which I lent to AGH). When I saw the Turbo screenshot yesterday, I knew I saw it before and it wasn't at CES Anyway, 2600 Turbo WAS shown at CES and this wasn't the screenshot that was up and running. If someone comes across the real thing, I will know the real screen image when I see it.


I'm just wondering if this was a "proof of concept" thing, like Thomas suggested, and perhaps there was a later, more finished prototype.


The EG review makes me wonder if they'd been shown a different version, since he specifically states "multi-screen scenarios". Not just one:




Do you recall if the version at CES had something in addition to city buildings zooming by?


Whatever its origins, the ROM works in Stella, too. At least on a Mac it does, just as described by others.


And if you stare at the buildings just right... you can make them go backwards. But it'll give you a headache. ;)


Anyway, thanks for posting the binary! I think it's the real deal, and it's interesting to see, in that unfinished prototype sort-of way.

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I'm sure that review from above isn't from Electronic Games. They never gave numerical or star ratings in their regular magazine, maybe in a special edition guide.


I had the EG issue, there wasn't a picture accompanying the review, it was about 4 paragraphs long spread over two pages. memory can be tricky of course, but I know EG didn't give numerical ratings.


All of the magazines of the time (Video games, Electronic Fun, etc) cannibalized their reviews and stories off one another. If one mag reviewed Turbo, the rest would be likely to copy it, even if they never saw a copy themselves. Electronic Fun ran an April Fool's prank in which they reviewed a mythical game by Imagic called Orient Express complete with screenshot. The game was soon reviewed by other magazines.


The EG review was the only reason I believed in a Turbo prototype, they were never known to review vaporware.

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Just wondering, since we now have the talent floating around to create anything imaginable on the 2600, aren't we very likely to see fraudulent prototypes created eventually? Couldn't a slick programmer create their own believable Airword or Satan's Hollow and pass it off as an 80's original? Wouldn't the sale of a single fake Airworld proto be more profitable than creating a new game? I know that Warshaw can identify Airworld, but what about games by CBS or other companies where we can't identify the original programmers? The appearance of Targ surprised everyone.


Is there a way to verify the age of the actual prototype board and prove when the data it contains was created? If we cannot trust the software, can we trust the hardware?

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Then I would say, regardless of the Turbo issue, that we are guaranteed to see fake 80s games appear and may never know the truth. Maybe we're already playing a fake.


So which would make the most money: a fake 2600 "9 to 5" or an original game sold through the usual methods?

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I tried paddles and driving controllers and neither work.  It appears to just be a visual demo.  That's a little sketchy since a good programmer could probably whip that up in a couple of days, but the fact that it registers on CloneSpy is pretty convincing (unless Thomas is in on it!! ;))  




You wouldn't even be able to "add" paddle control very easily to an existing kernal, right? I thought that you guys said that would be more difficult than writing a whole new kernal?

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The best way to test if he's really Australian is to ask him what beer he drinks and who his hero is.. (It should be Fosters and Crocodile Dundee...or the Crocodile Hunter). And how come he doesn't say "G'day"? :? This is looking suspicious...  :x



Oh puuuullleeeezzzz,, Give me a break. What century are you from pal?


Noone drinks fosters except for tourists


Crocodile dundee was nothing more than an embarresment, The crocodile hunter is more popular in the states.


Would you like to hear some UNIVERSAL generalizations about americans?? No? I dont want to give them because forunately im not that ignorant or arrogant.

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