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7 minutes ago, Sean_1970 said:

i never bought the Namco cart because it was portable only, but can anyone confirm if it works in the Pocket?


Also given the love shown to Atari, Intellivision and Commodore on Evercade, why isn’t there a subcategory devoted to it in this forum?

Namco carts do work!


Evercade gets mentioned a lot but there probably isn't the volume of users to fill its own subforum. A lot of important systems don't have their own forums, not even the Game Boy.

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28 minutes ago, jgkspsx said:

Namco carts do work!


Evercade gets mentioned a lot but there probably isn't the volume of users to fill its own subforum. A lot of important systems don't have their own forums, not even the Game Boy.

Awesome I’ll have to track those down now!


Honestly if the only game this thing played was Space Invaders I’d still have bought one so I’m pretty jazzed that it has 18 games built-in AND plays my other Evercade carts. Next lengthy trip I’m on I’ll have this, my Flashback portable and a deck of cards 😁


If it wasn’t for the number of Atari carts I could understand not having a subforum, but I’m glad there’s at least a thread where I can post how cool the Super Pocket is 😁

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3 hours ago, Sean_1970 said:

I really enjoyed this. Possibly the only indie game on Evercade I have played to completion (so far) and far more accessible than the Delphine titles recently released which were way too hard to get into even when I played them during the time when they were new (though they look great).

I’m very much in favour of games you can play in a couple of sittings. I’m sure if you just want to play it you could get it on Steam or elsewhere for cheap, but the cart release is kinda deluxe for an indie game, so I opted for the deluxe release of this 😁

Clearly, my problem with compilations (or fullsets of ROMs) is that I can't choose a game and end up playing each game for 5 minutes. Meanwhile I for instance beat Full Void, Xeno Crisis, and Tanglewood, so I tend to prefer when there are not too many games on a cart so I can focus on them.

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4 hours ago, Sean_1970 said:

I picked up my Taito Super Pocket from Game today and was stunned to see that it has a cartridge slot for Evercade carts - seriously way to bury the lead guys, I cannot remember any mention of that in any of the pre-order comms I got!

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you here. Their first video back in July mentioned Evercade compatibility.

It was also mentioned on the landing page on their original website:

Screen Shot 2023-11-18 at 5.40.54 PM.png

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57 minutes ago, roots.genoa said:

Clearly, my problem with compilations (or fullsets of ROMs) is that I can't choose a game and end up playing each game for 5 minutes. Meanwhile I for instance beat Full Void, Xeno Crisis, and Tanglewood, so I tend to prefer when there are not too many games on a cart so I can focus on them.

I get that - same issue here: just play each one for five minutes when there’s loads so with Full Void I was determined to give it more time and see it through. Going to try to do the sane with Alwa’s/Cathedral, though they’re both proving quite challenging.

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3 minutes ago, madman said:

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you here. Their first video back in July mentioned Evercade compatibility.

It was also mentioned on the landing page on their original website:

Screen Shot 2023-11-18 at 5.40.54 PM.png

Guess it didn’t register for some reason, so it ended up being a surprise 😂

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I really like fullvoid. Played through in one go, and the ending made it a bit better than I thought it was while playing, but there's not much replay value on it. I don't think I've ever completed an evercade game before.


I'm doing PETSCII robots now, while I wait for the 2d Duke games--and I'm doing as terribly on amiga as my attempts at SNES, genesis and others 🤣

I'm going to have to get more creative when the 'chair + gun' anti-robot technique starts to fail.

Edited by Reaperman
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My two cents... For those concerned about the size of the Super Pocket screen, I do have to say it's too small and too low resolution to enjoy fine details like the enemy shots on Space Invaders. I know others are just fine with it, but my 51-year-old (surgically corrected; monovision) eyes just think it's a bit too small for comfort. I do like the controls and the layout, at least when it comes to the front-facing d-pad and buttons. The rear ones are definitely not in the best place.

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I personally haven't found the screen to be too small, but like I said, I do agree w/the rear buttons. How anyone w/adult hands is playing SF2 on the Capcom edition is beyond me. I can't see this replacing my EXP. I feel like the scanlines option should've been left off this lower res screen, they just don't work for me anyway. For someone just discovering the Evercade, I think $60 is a good entry point plus it's cheap enough to purchase a couple extra carts. The EXP will be the go to for people more into the library.

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It's a bit surprising to me because I compared both systems side by side and Super Pocket's screen is not that smaller than EXP's, technically. The total surface is smaller since EXP's screen is 16/9, but the actual display is not a lot smaller. But sometimes a small difference can be very significant I guess. It also depends on games, obviously.

I discussed about it with a French YouTuber who is at least 50, and he mostly agrees with me he may play the Super Pocket more than the EXP in the future, even though he indeed thinks he wouldn't like an even smaller screen; that's "his limit". But we agree on the fact that there are not that many TATE compatible games, not a lot of games use the shoulder buttons (I personally don't care for SF2), and we could also do without EXP's free games (the monthly games get eventually released on cart anyway).

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Got the super pocket in this week. So far mostly cool, I got the taito flavored one (sorry if its offensive, I'm not into fighters)


So far, the console is great. I've not played any external games that make use of the shoulder buttons yet, but being side by side I could see them being a problem. Only other device I've ever used with side by side shoulders is the 3ds and I hated them (console was great, but hated the few times I had to use both sets of shoulders, like Minecraft)


Surprised there's a console colored plug, er, empty cart shell, makes it a great pocket able system even if you don't use a game cart, or don't have one. LOVE bubble bobble, and its the real one, where you jump on, and encapsulate baddies in bubbles, not every sequel ever where you shoot bubbles with more bubbles. Not that I objected to those later games, I just love the original. Oh, and space invaders 91! ❤️ I don't know why, but I've often been called a liar (even on this site) that such a game even existed, space invaders with a pounding soundtrack and power ups woot!!


Yes the screen is smaller, I think its roughly the same height as the previous evercade handhelds, but its narrower, being closer to 3/4 instead of 16/9 (or whatever their aspect ratio is) largely its not an issue, games are mostly 3/4 anyways being 80's and 90's era 3/4 games anyways. Oh, and no external sound knob or buttons. I turned the machine on the first time and was rolling it around looking for volume as it was louder than expected lol. Its ok, you can set it through menus, just something to know.


Anyhow, so far, like it, it won't replace my exp, but its somehow more portable feeling. I did get a case


This one, which is nice, with room for cables and a few games.

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6+ months after placing the order, these came today (hoorray!)


… and one week after I ordered this, which came on my door … today (hoorray-hoorray!!)




For some reason the Evercades had expensive custom-clearance, while Analogue just got delivered on my door…


Well, what do I know about these rules.


Anyway - cannot get much cuter than the Hippo in Liquid Kids (I thought it was supposed to be a cartoon Platypus).


And now I also can enjoy collecting every possible Hello Kitty game ever released for a handheld system - playing them unashamedly on the train in a pink … handheld unit with realHelloKitty-carts sticking out of it…

I’ll buy a full Neo-outfit to wear, just for this - black leather jacket, coat, belt, pants, black shades, black leather boots and listenin’ to electronic metal… playing    Hello Kitty on my … pink… yes, very, very pink Analogue Pocket… so baby-pink it couldn’t even have a tiny tone of metallic in it… goodness they could’ve called it lip-gloss pink, and I could just twist my mind into believing it was metallic pink… but, hey I got an Analogue Pocket… within a week after putting in the order!!!! A real Analogue..!!!  All I need now is a set of converter pieces $99 (probably to surface during 2023) 73 Lynx games $6400 at ebay Ghost n Goblins for Gameboy Color (about $120 at the cheapest) … and well, I’m set to do all play, no work, so I won’t become a dull boy! Yay!

Edited by Giles N
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So what did I think about the Evercades:


A bit small screens, and shoulder buttons should’ve been up where the volume button is and be of hard plastic, not rubber…


Taito line-up is almost-perfect, but they could’ve swapped one of the lesser-known titles for Space Gun, since it boosts awesome music, atmosphere and just deserves to be more recognized. 

Capcom could’ve compensated doing another console-unit with their inbuilt game by adding 1 or 2 title(s) not found on the EXP.


Except for those issues, they’re bag-fulls of game-gems put out on bright screens with vivid colors and quality sound… very portable too.


Nice choices of coating and colors for the units…!

Edited by Giles N
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Thank you, yes it does have volume buttons beside the cart hole, dunno, I was probably covering it up while panicking "oh my god, louder than expected, other people trying to sleep" lol


Huh, my super pocket is teal colored, but solid, not translucent, and my shoulders are hard plastic. Did they do uh, "special" editions or something?


Nice Giles, I love my analog pocket, great console. Not seen the pink one before. So far it does game boy perfect (I've not run into problem games yet) game gear is hit and miss, mostly hit, and amazing when it works. Still waiting for the other adapters.

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The latter part of my post concerned the color of the Analogue Pocket - a color that may perhaps not exactly have been my initial number one choice if I could choose -  so I rambled and ranted a bit about that. 
It didn’t strictly concern the Evercades, and jumping directly from the mention of the cute Hippo in an Evercade game to a long ‘not-my-favorite-color’ rant for the Analogue, may have come off as unclear.


The reason I mentioned the Analogue Pocket was because both arrived at the same day, which seemed both thrilling enough for me to mention in the same post, while also giving me an opportunity to wonder why the Evercades needed custom-charged while the Analogue.

- - -


Now, since this thread is about the Evercade(s), I can throw in that the semi-transparent covers wasn’t to my taste either: the blue on-light felt distracting. Must be horrible to use if ever forced to play games in dark places.


I hope that clears up the picture of my first post.


- - -


Some of my humor may not come across as remotely funny, unless one tries to visualize the concept, going with catching the drift.


Moreover, it may make things much worse that I mayhap just outright stink at writing things in a funny way.

I hope that clears up unclear matters even more.


And of course, you can just quote me and say, ‘hey, man what’s this all about?’

Edited by Giles N
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2 hours ago, Video said:

Nice Giles, I love my analog pocket, great console. Not seen the pink one before.

Soo, the pink one wasn’t there originally.


What a surprise.

- - -


But I think I have a back-up plan how to get around the socially akwardness it may cause me, pulling it out on the train from inside my jacket…




C’mon … someone must be   the one   to bring back this style…


Mem.: new clothes for next year… early 8ies all-in 

- - -

But don’t tell anyone I actually own a FM Town Marty console 


… I mean… my social status man… I try to resque what still can be saved…

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3 hours ago, Video said:

and my shoulders are hard plastic. Did they do uh, "special" editions or something?

They are hard plastic! They felt so wierd… but they’re hard, you’re right.


Not comfortably placed though. Like really wierd design.


Yes, limited editions.


Blinding and distracting on-light gives all games an extra difficulty-level…


So now you can play Street Fighter 2: Hyper Edition set to full speed default + akwardly set shoulder buttons + blue strong on-light right in your face.

What is just casual fun to japanese gamers may come across as frustrating to a western retro-gamer .. or am I just to old for this … 

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I'm just currently dreaming of Evercade carts for us VERY old retrogamers that will probably never happen. Thinking of Exidy and Universal collections makes me giddy. I wonder if there's a chance anything more from the Golden Age will be released?  I hope so.  Seems retro means 90s more and more. In most cases anyway. 

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3 hours ago, Giles N said:

Blinding and distracting on-light gives all games an extra difficulty-level…


So now you can play Street Fighter 2: Hyper Edition set to full speed default + akwardly set shoulder buttons + blue strong on-light right in your face.

What is just casual fun to japanese gamers may come across as frustrating to a western retro-gamer .. or am I just to old for this … 

I'm not sure I'm understanding your last comment. The Capcom Super Pocket with its oddly placed shoulder buttons and blue light have nothing to do with Japanese gamers. Blaze/Hyper Mega Tech is not a Japanese company. Neither Capcom nor Taito designed the Super Pocket devices. 

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17 minutes ago, Recycled said:

I'm just currently dreaming of Evercade carts for us VERY old retrogamers that will probably never happen. Thinking of Exidy and Universal collections makes me giddy. I wonder if there's a chance anything more from the Golden Age will be released?  I hope so.  Seems retro means 90s more and more. In most cases anyway. 


Now, THAT would be cool!!!

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On 11/23/2023 at 9:36 PM, jgkspsx said:

There's really nothing I would swap out on Taito except maybe Volfied for Qix, but I have been enjoying spending more quality time with Volfied.




Don't scare me like that you $%$%  Crazy Person!   Along with Space Invaders,  VOLFIED is my Favorite game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It'd be like swapping out all 3 Arkanoids and a paddle control for a joystick controlled version of regular Breakout...It'd be like trading in your brand new, (wait,  let's not go Crazy!) your 2014 Corvette for a secondhand Yugo (No Offense @Charlie Cat),... It'd be like eating KIX* when you could have Corn Chex, Rice Chex, and... ummm Oat Chex(?)  OK NO One remembers the 3rd or 4th Chexes...




OK,  I'm just ramblin'!**  You know I love you guys!  You too Niles err Giles and Roots,  Don't Ever change!  And all you old bastards with 50+ year old poor eyesight like myself...(I had Radial Keratotomy Surgery on the old eyeballs that kept them corrected for about 15 years FWIW), but now?,  Well,   I need new glasses at this point but I carry on...


*(QIX,  get it?)



**My spellchecker thought I meant "Marbling"...Yup,  I'm just a marbling over here don't mind me...Jus struck me as funny...



We can put a man on the Moon and we have computers and stuff but they seem to think we're marblin' a lot more than we are... (Heh)



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