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8-Bit Software: A Preservation Effort


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Thank you soooo much SoulBuster, again! :-))))


Just saw AlgiCalc above. Well, we have this marvelous program besides the series:

Algicalc, Polycalc and Calculus Demon

What we are missing and seeking the most is the manual of: Polycalc (APX-20127)

If you or someelse here may have this, that would be Eastern sooooo much ahead.... :-)))

May you all have a great weekend.

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2 hours ago, luckybuck said:

Thank you soooo much SoulBuster, again! :-))))


Just saw AlgiCalc above. Well, we have this marvelous program besides the series:

Algicalc, Polycalc and Calculus Demon

What we are missing and seeking the most is the manual of: Polycalc (APX-20127)

If you or someelse here may have this, that would be Eastern sooooo much ahead.... :-)))

May you all have a great weekend.

When we find a copy of Polycalc manual, you will be the first to know. I promise. 

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I have not gotten a fujinet as of yet - but im curious - is someone actively scooping up collections like this and adding them to some master software list that is then available via fujinet? I know when I was originally looking there was a file server type thing one could run and serve out disk images for others to download and run.. 


this is doctor_x by the way.. havent converted over to the new username system yet..

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Joystick Sketchpad (1983)(Atari)(US)(BASIC)[cassette]


  1. Side 1: Spliced together from 3 different recordings out of 20+- from the same cassette.  Source of the splices are included, numbered by the piece I took from it. I was not able to make a CAS from this spliced WAV so I made a CAS from the first spliced wav piece, and CSAVED the two remaining programs to make a complete and working CAS.
  2. Side 2: Single recording, complete.


Autoboot side 1 with basic enabled. Use CLOAD for all other programs.


Joystick Sketchpad (1983)(Atari)(US)(BASIC)[cassette].zip




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2 hours ago, SoulBuster said:

Joystick Sketchpad (1983)(Atari)(US)(BASIC)[cassette]


  1. Side 1: Spliced together from 3 different recordings out of 20+- from the same cassette.  Source of the splices are included, numbered by the piece I took from it. I was not able to make a CAS from this spliced WAV so I made a CAS from the first spliced wav piece, and CSAVED the two remaining programs to make a complete and working CAS.
  2. Side 2: Single recording, complete.


Joystick Sketchpad (1983)(Atari)(US)(BASIC)[cassette].zip 171.24 MB · 7 downloads




I tried CLOAD on both the cas and wav files but both ERROR- 21 out after a short time of loading in Altirra.

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21 hours ago, Doctorx said:

I have not gotten a fujinet as of yet - but im curious - is someone actively scooping up collections like this and adding them to some master software list that is then available via fujinet? I know when I was originally looking there was a file server type thing one could run and serve out disk images for others to download and run.. 


this is doctor_x by the way.. havent converted over to the new username system yet..

Yes, I am.  I was setting it up and going alphabetically and came to Analog, first tangent.....  and so on.. and so on..  Eventually it will all be at the tnfs sever in my sig.

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23 hours ago, Allan said:

When we find a copy of Polycalc manual, you will be the first to know. I promise. 

Thank you sooo much Allan, too. 🙂

That would be very cool for the community, because the Hawaii Software, later bought by Texas Instruments, as far as I know, can integrate and deviate analytically!
You input x and 1/2*x^2 + c will occur... 🙂 and vice versa, of course...
The same with Calculator, without the manual, it was hard to get behind everything. Here, of course, we have the source code and can get behind it much quicker. But with the manual even more quick... ;-)

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59 minutes ago, pmgraphics said:

I tried CLOAD on both the cas and wav files but both ERROR- 21 out after a short time of loading in Altirra.

autoboot side 1 of the cas or wav with basic on.  The first part is a machine language program.  cload everything after you get the basic ready prompt


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3 hours ago, SoulBuster said:

Joystick Sketchpad (1983)(Atari)(US)(BASIC)[cassette]


  1. ..... I was not able to make a CAS from this spliced WAV ...




That is why we are in a community... 🙂


Before it takes another round, please find the solution attached.


The main problem here: two assembly files in the first of side A on the tape.


Even more problem: our tape was damaged, yours seems to be damaged, too.


Thanks to a US-German co work, we were able to preserve the tape in whole. Was a long night at a meeting...


All credits go to: Bill Lange, Stefan Hoehl, Helmut of Saxony, Floppydoc and all who helped in this case

All shame goes to: luckybuck for not uploading earlier due to lack of time and other things...


Edited by luckybuck
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1 hour ago, luckybuck said:

That is why we are in a community... 🙂


Before it takes another round, please find the solution attached.


The main problem here: two assembly files in the first of side A on the tape.


Even more problem: our tape was damaged, yours seems to be damaged, too.


Thanks to a US-German co work, we were able to preserve the tape in whole. Was a long night at a meeting...


All credits go to: Bill Lange, Stefan Hoehl, Helmut of Saxony, Floppydoc and all who helped in this case

All shame goes to: luckybuck for not uploading earlier due to lack of time and other things...

Atari_TX_9032.atr 90.02 kB · 1 download

Cool, translated to disk?

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Yes, because the handling is way easier.


With MyDOS, BiboDOS or so you can copy back to tape.





Floppydoc has made a CAS, too. Wanted to upload this to the Wiki ...

Main problem, one assembly file was o. k., just in the US version and the other just in the German version. When we mixed them back, we could restore the tape... buch of work... many specialists have to come together.

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Unless this has been discovered before, I have some exiting news ....  I am 95% sure that I can repair any of the Dorsett titles.  I just made "Spelling Cassette Side 1" a 10 out of 10 (Both Lessons) by means of repairs.  Well the vocals are not that great but the data works flawlessly, and I think I can do this every time.


I can see that they used a method of streaming each letter for the words that display on the screen.  I have been able to identify each letter of the words, select a good letter from one word and copy it to another word that needs that letter fixed, with some accuracy.


Spelling Cassette Side 1, had 6-10 screens that needed repair and it took about an hour to repair it.  Other ones will take longer.


I would post the cleaned up version, but I have 7 more sides to go through.  It will be posted when all of it is clean.


Here are a couple of before and after shots:  In the first set, I copied the "a" from days to day, from that same screen. In the second set, I copied a whole block of data from another recording of the same cassette.  Too, many letters to copy around, so I copied the whole block.




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Well, the magnificent three in the US have already made all Dorsett tapes, just:

The left ones to digitize are as follows:

- General Shop Practices:

Oa1 Tool Identification Lesson, Part 1
Oa7 Discussion of a Two-Cycle Engine
Oa8 Use of Micrometers and Calipers

- Health Services Career:

Hc5 Medical History
Hc6 Extended Care

- Physics:

Ph16 Theory of Relativity

Well, concerning Physics, we may can restore Ph16 from the Atari-Version of that course, Physics CX6008? Just loud thinking...


are missing from here:

https://atariwiki.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Dorsett Educational System Lesson Cassettes

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On 2/25/2023 at 6:44 PM, SoulBuster said:

Yes, I am.  I was setting it up and going alphabetically and came to Analog, first tangent.....  and so on.. and so on..  Eventually it will all be at the tnfs sever in my sig.

Would be really neat for a collective party take responsibility for finding all things missing from some centralized server and updating said server so we had a single (with mirrors of course) point to reach ALL atari software for the 8 bit.. 


I’m getting ready to send one of my XEGS’s to lotharek to get the u1m FJC mod, and one of the video mods done - plus will get the 1.6 (or whatevers newest) fujinet and will get involved in doing some of this stuff too. Just hate to see a situation where everyone is running their own specialized list of files, and once that 1 person goes away the files are gone.. would be better to have a single point of transmit that combines them all.. hmmm something to think about - wonder if something could run on linux that could host (similar to FTP) the fujinet files using whatever protocol it is using.. that would be fun to code if nothing else.. 

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45 minutes ago, Doctorx said:

Just hate to see a situation where everyone is running their own specialized list of files, and once that 1 person goes away the files are gone.. would be better to have a single point of transmit that combines them all...

MeToo... that is why a plan is underway, just Hannibal Smith is missing to comply... We plan to seek and search up to 2030 to get the very last titles, all hosted on one hard drive and accessible via FujiNet adapter for all. For now, we have a 3 TB hard drive which is cloned several times over the oceans. Furhter, the preservations project via torrent servers. Looks good...
Please remember Spock: the more we share, the more we have. 🙂

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2 hours ago, Doctorx said:

hate to see a situation where everyone is running their own specialized list of files, and once that 1 person goes away the files are gone.. would be better to have a single point of transmit that combines them all.

We already do: www.atarimania.com

They try to be as complete as possible and are quite successful at it. 

Only they do not have a TNFS server for the Fujinet users out there. 

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8 hours ago, DjayBee said:

We already do: www.atarimania.com

They try to be as complete as possible and are quite successful at it. 

Only they do not have a TNFS server for the Fujinet users out there. 

Obviously using a resource like AWS or Azure would be best for this as those locations will be neverending mostl likely.. whatever that “giant atari archive in the sky” ends up being - as someone else said, it needs to be mirrored across the oceans - and yea, fujinet support definitely a requirement - or at least a fujinet server working as a proxy somewhere that can then reach out to said archives and make them available…. Once i receive my FJ i will be able to make better suggestions - im only speaking on what I know from afar this second - but I do know that the fujinet server is already a thing as i’ve seen others running them individually…..  and thank the Lord for whoever made that project happen - it is a shot in the arm that the atari community needed thats for sure!!!!

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Spelling (1979)(Atari)(US)[cassette]


These are as recorded with no edits other than clipping the noise off of each end.


Lesson 1 glitch 1:02
Lesson 3 glitch 6:41
Lesson 4 transition glitch 7:55
Lesson 7 glitch at 1:35
Lesson 8 glitch at 6:23
Lesson 11 glitch 3:06
Lesson 16 ends prematurely.


Spelling Cassette A.zip

Spelling Cassette B.zip

Spelling Cassette C.zip

Spelling Cassette D.zip

Spelling All Other Assets.zip

Spelling Catalog Rev. 3.pdf

Spelling Warranty.pdf
















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