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Intellivision Amico’s trademark changed to ‘abandoned’

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9 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

The Detective games wouldn't be one of these by chance would it? They go under $5 often, and I've had them on my wishlist but not bought any yet. https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/the-darkside-detective-switch/


Yes, these games are awesome, I have both of them. No interest on playing it on a Switch. My daughter has a Switch, but that's not my thing.



9 hours ago, MrBeefy said:

If you like the console because it has an Atari symbol on it, stop tiptoeing around it and just say it. I don't understand people's need to not just say it outright.


I'm definitely not tip-toeing around it. I thought I was SUPER clear when I said this:


"I guess I disagree with that. I really like the VCS. I got what I expected, and I've been really happy with it. The games that I've been buying on the VCS are unique enough that it warrants me buying the system, and for me... the nostalgia of playing it on an Atari is as much a part of playing the game."


It was literally the first thing I responded to you with... but yes, if it wasn't made by Atari, I would have had absolutely no real interest in it at all. Look... I'm just going to say it. I'm not a dork. I don't really play games very often. I don't have 1,000+ systems, or watch gaming news YouTube videos and podcasts, or whatever. I don't have a PlayStation, or an Xbox. When I'm not working, I'm working on the house, building engines, or going to the beach.


I bought the Atari VCS because it's a modern Atari system. I'm a 45 year old man... I don't play the games most of these people play today. There is nothing "lesser" or "uncool" about having a modern Atari gaming system. Honestly... I look sideways a little bit at grown-ass men that have a Playstation 5 or an Xbox 360 or whatever the new version is. I like Atari... same reason why I buy the cars I do, or eat at the restaurants I do.


EDIT: What I want to know is... why does it bother you so much that people would RATHER buy an Atari VCS than a Nintendo Switch or a Playstation, or whatever? What you consider practicality, others may consider superfluous.

Edited by 82-T/A
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7 minutes ago, 82-T/A said:



Yes, these games are awesome, I have both of them. No interest on playing it on a Switch. My daughter has a Switch, but that's not my thing.




I'm definitely not tip-toeing around it. I thought I was SUPER clear when I said this:


"I guess I disagree with that. I really like the VCS. I got what I expected, and I've been really happy with it. The games that I've been buying on the VCS are unique enough that it warrants me buying the system, and for me... the nostalgia of playing it on an Atari is as much a part of playing the game."


It was literally the first thing I responded to you with... but yes, if it wasn't made by Atari, I would have had absolutely no real interest in it at all. Look... I'm just going to say it. I'm not a dork. I don't really play games very often. I don't have 1,000+ systems, or watch gaming news YouTube videos and podcasts, or whatever. I don't have a PlayStation, or an Xbox. When I'm not working, I'm working on the house, building engines, or going to the beach.


I bought the Atari VCS because it's a modern Atari system. I'm a 45 year old man... I don't play the games most of these people play today. There is nothing "lesser" or "uncool" about having a modern Atari gaming system. Honestly... I look sideways a little bit at grown-ass men that have a Playstation 5 or an Xbox 360 or whatever the new version is. I like Atari... same reason why I buy the cars I do, or eat at the restaurants I do.


EDIT: What I want to know is... why does it bother you so much that people would RATHER buy an Atari VCS than a Nintendo Switch or a Playstation, or whatever? What you consider practicality, others may consider superfluous.

It's less of what they buy and more the Psychology of it all. People acting like things are the best thing ever despite all the contradicting information. It's like people posting delusional posts about how it's a miracle the NES beat the 7800. Subjective experience vs objective reality.


Many act like the VCS was great for Atari despite it being a money loss. People act like VCS does something different when in fact it does less. It does less than the other available options on the market. There's a reason the Atari games are not exclusive to their platform. 


While you might not tiptoe around it, many and most do. It often comes across as old men with deep seeded hatred for Nintendo because it "killed" their childhood console/feelings. That or they are afraid to try something new or different.


Go a head and enjoy the console, but don't be surprised when someone pushes back on stupid comments about the VCS being the best thing ever. It would be like me trying to say it's a miracle the WiiU didn't rule the gaming landscape. Did I enjoy it? Yes. But that doesn't mean it was the greatest thing ever.


It reminds me of the type of cognitive dissonance or mental gymnastics this person does. Him and his wife complain about how janky the games are to play, but basically how he's happy they are honoring preorders despite there being no console. The dude is happy he paid $100 for a non-existent console and as a consolation prize got a $15 game available on other consoles for "free".



Ironically enough, I was planning on getting an Amico before I got our Switch. Even idiots like @Swami thought I owned one for simply pointing out that things Tommy and the Amicolytes were saying was incorrect/dumb/etc.




Oh and



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1 hour ago, 82-T/A said:

I bought the Atari VCS because it's a modern Atari system. I'm a 45 year old man... I don't play the games most of these people play today. There is nothing "lesser" or "uncool" about having a modern Atari gaming system. Honestly... I look sideways a little bit at grown-ass men that have a Playstation 5 or an Xbox 360 or whatever the new version is. I like Atari... same reason why I buy the cars I do, or eat at the restaurants I do.



1 hour ago, 82-T/A said:

EDIT: What I want to know is... why does it bother you so much that people would RATHER buy an Atari VCS than a Nintendo Switch or a Playstation, or whatever? What you consider practicality, others may consider superfluous.

I'd say people get bothered at you buying Atari instead of "Switch, Playstation, or whatever" for the same reason that you "look sideways a little bit at grown-ass men that have a Playstation 5 or an XBox 360 or whatever..."    


I don't mean this an an insult, but both sides of that coin are equally stupid, including your "look sideways" view.  We all have our hobbies, whether mainstream or niche, and just because someone enjoys a modern video game system on (whichever platform) doesn't somehow make their hobbies and preferences (or them, for that matter) any less than the others.

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1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

It's less of what they buy and more the Psychology of it all. People acting like things are the best thing ever despite all the contradicting information. It's like people posting delusional posts about how it's a miracle the NES beat the 7800. Subjective experience vs objective reality.


The NES beat the 7800 for several reasons:


1 - Atari pulled the 7800 right at a time when it might have been profitable.

2 - Most of Atari's 7800 games were ports of Atari ST or PC / Computer games (California Games, Ace of Aces, Choplifter, etc.).

3 - Nintendo came to market with something completely different. A different style of game, a whole new theme if you will.

4 - Nintendo had better marketing.

5 - NES 8-Bit was just a better system.



1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

Many act like the VCS was great for Atari despite it being a money loss. People act like VCS does something different when in fact it does less. It does less than the other available options on the market. There's a reason the Atari games are not exclusive to their platform. 


I never would have been exposed to these games, had it not been for the Atari VCS. I'd thought of buying a Steam console (if those are still something you can buy?), but I don't really like generic stuff... and the Atari VCS comes as a well thought-out package. Yeah, it has some Q/C issues with patching, but it's overall a good quality system, with a nice interface, and the nostalgia that I want, with modern indie "console" style games that I like.


If everything I did was purely logical, I'd only eat 1,500 calories of tuna fish a day with a wedge of lemon, I'd hose off my butthole in the backyard witgh a garden hose after crapping. And I'd drive a Kia. What would life be like then?



1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

While you might not tiptoe around it, many and most do. It often comes across as old men with deep seeded hatred for Nintendo because it "killed" their childhood console/feelings. That or they are afraid to try something new or different.


I hate that I'm an "old man," but I guess I have to identify with that. They say a man's biggest fear, is that people no longer fear him. I'm 6'3", 220 lbs, only lost one fight in my entire life, and it was to Joyce Gracie's nephew because he knew Brazilian Jujitsu, and I only knew Catholic school playground combat. But I definitely do not have any deep-seated hatred towards Nintendo. My first video game system was an Atari 2600 that my mom bought in 1977 (I was born in 78). The movie "An 8-Bit Christmas" is almost literally my childhood. I wanted an NES so bad, but my parents refused to get one for me. So I did a bunch of odd-jobs around the neighborhood to earn money for it. I then rode my Smokey & The Bandit BMX bike to Toys R' Us and bought it with a bag full of coins, singles, and 5 dollar bills. I bought the Action Set. The lady was pissed and closed down the register as she counted all of my coins, and I was like 3 dollars short, but a lady that saw it pitched in so I could buy it (I didn't really understand tax). As I rode home, the box fell off my bike and landed in a puddle, messing up the box. But I brought it home and hooked it up. When my mom came home, she saw me playing it and was pissed, but my dad let me keep it because I'd worked for it.


Metal Gear and Dragon Warrior were my all-time favorite games. Damn those games were awesome...



1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

Go a head and enjoy the console, but don't be surprised when someone pushes back on stupid comments about the VCS being the best thing ever. It would be like me trying to say it's a miracle the WiiU didn't rule the gaming landscape. Did I enjoy it? Yes. But that doesn't mean it was the greatest thing ever.


I don't know anyone who's said the VCS is the "best thing ever." I also wish the WiiU didn't suck. If it didn't have that stupid tablet that you're FORCED to use, I'd have bought one already. My wife still plays the Wii that we have, and there's several games for the WiiU that we'd like to have, but I don't want that dumb controller. 😕



1 hour ago, MrBeefy said:

Oh and



Happy Thanksgiving!




5 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

I'd say people get bothered at you buying Atari instead of "Switch, Playstation, or whatever" for the same reason that you "look sideways a little bit at grown-ass men that have a Playstation 5 or an XBox 360 or whatever..."    


I don't mean this an an insult, but both sides of that coin are equally stupid, including your "look sideways" view.  We all have our hobbies, whether mainstream or niche, and just because someone enjoys a modern video game system on (whichever platform) doesn't somehow make their hobbies and preferences (or them, for that matter) any less than the others.


Totally... this is the first time I've said that, or at least I think the first time I've said that... but it's only because I've had 8 posts where someone cannot understand why I would buy an Atari VCS when I could either buy a Switch, Playstation, or whatever else... so I was simply reinforcing that we all have different perspectives. I'm glad there are old farts playing games. It keeps the hobby alive.

Edited by 82-T/A
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2 hours ago, 82-T/A said:

Honestly... I look sideways a little bit at grown-ass men that have a Playstation 5 or an Xbox 360 or whatever the new version is. I like Atari... same reason why I buy the cars I do, or eat at the restaurants I do.



Yeah I was with you till you decided to go the “real man” route. I’m 46 and am looking forward to getting a new Switch soon (gave my daughter the other one).  Why does liking modern gaming (been gaming for 40 years!) make me less of a “grown ass man?”


Oh and I also drive a Kia. 

Edited by jerseystyle
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1 minute ago, jerseystyle said:

Yeah I was with you till you decided to go the “real man” route. I’m 46 and am looking forward to getting a new Switch soon (gave my daughter the other one).  Why does liking modern gaming (been gaming for 40 years!) make me less of a “grown ass man?”


No real man would play a modern game system!!! Haha... nah man, I'm just kidding. We each have different priorities, and mine aren't any better than yours. Sometimes in a back and forth, the unspoken opinion slips out a little... it doesn't mean I think less of anyone, I just am simply stating that gaming is not something that I so focused on with modern gaming. I may actually buy a PS5 because my daughter kind of wants one so she can play games with her friends. To be honest, if I'm not working on something at all hours of the waking day, I feel like I'm wasting time. There's enough pull with Atari things that I can justify in my mind that it's OK to give myself a break.

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19 minutes ago, 82-T/A said:

I wanted an NES so bad, but my parents refused to get one for me. So I did a bunch of odd-jobs around the neighborhood to earn money for it. I then rode my Smokey & The Bandit BMX bike to Toys R' Us and bought it with a bag full of coins, singles, and 5 dollar bills. I bought the Action Set. The lady was pissed and closed down the register as she counted all of my coins, and I was like 3 dollars short, but a lady that saw it pitched in so I could buy it (I didn't really understand tax). As I rode home, the box fell off my bike and landed in a puddle, messing up the box. But I brought it home and hooked it up. When my mom came home, she saw me playing it and was pissed, but my dad let me 


That's a great story! 🤣

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Some of the best gamers that are playing modern consoles are grown ass men and women. Wishing everyone a happy turkey day whether you like Atari, hate Nintendo or are some lunatic CEO that is looking for more investors for their failed product that still has a cheer leader that lurks in the woodwork here. Peace!

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1 hour ago, jerseystyle said:

Oh crap. I just started playing Grim Fandango. What’s gonna happen to me?!


39 minutes ago, Razzie.P said:

You'll probably laugh a lot and enjoy an awesome, quirky story.

Sounds like a bunch of gaming racism!


Now enjoy your Intellivision made Thanksgiving dinner!


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1 hour ago, jerseystyle said:

What’s hilarious is this is my daughter’s first exposure to pong. Between this and my Mini Arcade Space Invaders, she’s now convinced video games and TVs were tiny back then. 

Have her try to lift up a 32" tube TV vs a flat screen and she will think otherwise.


I started my kid on my 2600. He liked it, but he's now into Kirby on the Switch. I wonder if he would be better at Space Invaders now?

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9 hours ago, TrekMD said:


What the shit kind of article is this?


Really,  they buried the lead here didn't they?  It'd be like an article from the 80's that simply said DeLorean can not afford to make cars anymore.


There is literally No mention of Tommy Tallarico's lies, Tommy Tallarico's mismanagement, Tommy Tallarico's Guarantee that the "refunds" were 100% refundable at any time, No investors,  No Founders...No mention of HBOMBERGUY, No mention of 6 figure Furniture rental, no Ferrari parking, No "Market Research", No Beer drinking slackers employees, No court cases, No AtariAge conquest and takeover thread, No TT censorship and Hater Folders, No Fake licensing deals with (well with Damn near everybody if you believe lies), No going after anyone who asks a logical question,  no threats, No 3 Billion people "possible market share", No expensive offices, no Spiderman underoos, no mention of "being in retail", No 600 years experience, no low level YouTubers, No "unboxing", No OOF!, No "World Records", No Joey No, No gatekeeping, No "Nintendo porn", No "Family Friendly", No First American Sonic shenanigans, no gaming racism, no NDAs, No new updates, No Hall of Famers, No unpaid musicians, no stock music, no stolen assets, "no lag", No No Non nein, Blah Blah Blah, No Blah Blah blah,,,...







(At least afterwards they mention some Black Friday Specials!)

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On 11/23/2023 at 8:07 AM, 82-T/A said:

I look sideways a little bit at grown-ass men that have a Playstation 5 or an Xbox 360 or whatever the new version is.


On 11/23/2023 at 10:05 AM, 82-T/A said:

I'm 6'3", 220 lbs, only lost one fight in my entire life, and it was to Joyce Gracie's nephew because he knew Brazilian Jujitsu, and I only knew Catholic school playground combat.

I look sideways a little bit at grown-ass men who brag on Atari forums about their school playground combat.

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On 11/23/2023 at 7:41 PM, Razzie.P said:








Isn't this the site that Tommy implied they were gonna sue over something?

No that was Ars Technica. Sam Machkovech wrote 3 good articles about it. 


Kotaku wrote this, leading @Tommy Tallarico to confide in one of his groupies something to the effect of: “My career is over, I’m getting cancelled because Kotaku told everyone I followed Ben Shapiro on Twitter.”




The Ars articles were serious, the Kotaku articles were more snarky, but all of them were based in fact and truth. 

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