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This was an idea I was concidering on an old routine I worked on a long time ago, As far as I know, the PMG vector is initialised after each scanline has hsync'ed so multiplexing on the same scanline isn't possible... That is as far as I could gather after further checking out Mapping the Atari, De Re, Compute's books etc.. But i guess much of what you guys are doing today was deemed imposible back then.. It would be great if it was possible but surley there is no more CPU time left in the interupt. I used to count the maximum CPU cycles available to plan my routines, there's some web links that escape me at the moment that go into detail about this I will read them later on today and pass it on to you all although I'm sure most of you will have greater knowledge about this already..

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tezz... fröhn is talking about c64... not atari... on atari you can definitly multiplex sprites in one scanline... search analmux post regarding his multiplex demo where he shows how to...


your dli code would look like this:


dli pha

sta wsync

lda #position1

sta hposp0




lda #position2

sta hposp0+1




so no magic here... ;)

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wow! yes after reading further it is possible after all. That's really impresive, I have seen analmux's routine now.


... g2f is prepared for that as in GED mode you can alter the multiplexed register doesnt matter if its a colour or a sprite register...


I guess this is only possible in bitmap GED mode only after reading the posts regarding the timing issues, Can all 4 PMs be repositioned in GED mode. and can the size also be altered?


I wonder if it would be ever possible to multiplex PMs in graphics 12 "font mode" which provides the extra usefull "inverse" colour register? This would make so much more possible. I guess this would be the limit then in terms of what is possible.

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I wonder if it would be ever possible to multiplex PMs in graphics 12 "font mode" which provides the extra usefull "inverse" colour register? This would make so much more possible. I guess this would be the limit then in terms of what is possible.


I every first scanline of a charmode, midline changes are not possible ... so multiplexing for PM in that lines is not possible. For the rest of the scanlines it is the same like in bitmap mode.

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Emkay wrote...


every first scanline of a charmode, midline changes are not possible ... so multiplexing for PM in that lines is not possible. For the rest of the scanlines it is the same like in bitmap mode.


Ah right OK... I would say that missing the first scanline would be a minor thing to live with, I hope Tebe makes this available in a future release...


By the way, is it possible to multiplex 1,2,3 or all 4 PMs per scanline in the current GED mode.

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By the way, is it possible to multiplex 1,2,3 or all 4 PMs per scanline in the current GED mode.


Could be, it really depends on what you want to change about a Player or Missile. First let's only concentrate on muxing players, as muxing missiles is hardly worth the effort.


When you multiplex a player you'll always need to reposition. That's at least 6 cpu cycles per player:


lda #newposition = 2 cycles

sta hposp0/1/2/3 = 4 cycles


Suppose we want to change shapes too then that's additional 6 cycles per player:


lda #newshape = 2 cycles

sta grafp0/1/2/3 = 4 cycles


Now we might want a colorchange, then another 6 cycles. (and eventually we want to change the width of the players)


So if we want to change them for ALL 4 players --> 4*3*6 = 72 cycles. In GED we have only a 40 cycle wide range on screen (minus 9 DRAM refresh cycles on left part of screen), so it won't be possible. I think without any PlayField gfx turned on it IS possible to do it.


We have a maximum of 5 registerchanges on screen in GED, so you can make a choice:


-change all registers of one player, and just reposition or recolor a second player.

-just reposition/resize all players (hey, what about resizing a player at the half of a scanline: bits: 76543333222211110000 :) )

-....and so on



Note: not in all situations we need changing of all three registers (hpospx/grafpx/colpx) of all players, so we might be able to multiplex them all, especially in repeated graphics (like the bitter reality screenshot from emkay: repeated sine textbar at the left AND the right side of the screen).





...and to all: don't forget the so important registers grafp0-3


Are these registers supported in GED mode too?

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multiple Player0 (color RED, 6 positions)


player1 - green

player2 - blue

player3 - brown


g2f example in zip_file (mode GED--)


if you want change sprite data, you must disabled DMA for PMG and filled 2 register -> position and GRAPH_pm (max in one line 3 different positions, and data)


6 positions (G2F -> Edit Rasters ... global ofset=-2), 36 visible CPU cycle:

lda #$44

ldx #$68

ldy #$86

sta $d000

stx $d000

sty $d000

lda #$a8

ldx #$b8

ldy #$c8

sta $d000

stx $d000

sty $d000



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Your highres picture looks cool  8)  Nice to have more than 1 luminance on this mode.

yeah, decent result.

But what about colorful pictures in hires then?

As you can see there is a picture named "DIABLIK" in G2F package.... And this is colorful hires but sprites are partly visible on area that they definitely shouldn't be... :( :?

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But what about colorful pictures in hires then?

As you can see there is a picture named "DIABLIK" in G2F package.... And this is colorful hires but sprites are partly visible on area that they definitely shouldn't be...   :(   :?


If the STARSOFT Logo is finished, I´ll try out "Gr.8"-Mode. But I think, the matter is, that you´ll have to use non strechted PM for that. The priority restrictions in Gr.8 are not really useful.


Only 2 of the players can really be behind "Color 1".


EDIT: Just recognized, that I´m wrong with this... All players are some kind of transparent ones.

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Now, let me introduce "The Gate". Done by me in august 2003, handcoded at that time, now converted to G2F format.


I've included two g2f-files in the ZIP. In gate_v4.g2f I didn't paint (cut) the sprites yet, to give you a feeling how the color areas are divided. gate_v5.g2f is the final version.


(By the way: no GED used)

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Hi all,


I know it's been asked for many times, but can anyone translate the G2F documents to english? the majority of the program is straight forward to follow but particularly the EDIT RASTERS (ALT+A) section would be nice to read to be able to fully use scanline changes.


I've personally concidered online Polish -> English translation sites such as http://www.poltran.com/ which gives some reasonable results although of course it's mainly just technical terminology used which it won't cover very well.


I'm extremely happy to see that multiplexing of Players may be included soon for Font mode, I have several projects half finished hoping that this appears soon. :) that feature even with limitations above any other would make a world of difference.

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