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...and the ability to set to DLI and Sprite positions whilst in zoom mode, that would make editing much quicker than pixel by pixel (although most of the time this is the way you need to edit most sections).  

Nope. These operations (setting sprite & DLI) aren't meant to be used in zoom mode. Why? Because one should see whole screen when changing something. Some settings also affect other areas and so it must be as is. :P


...the cut and paste is very handy to put the sections back together as this copies all the dli and sprite data in the selected region. another excellent feature... Talking of which, I wonder if it would be possible in future revisions to be able to select PF and/or PMGs when using copy and paste that would be very useful.

hey, can you write more clear about it? I and TeBe don't know what's going on about this.... What do you want exactly as regards copy & paste, how should it work in particular ??? :roll:

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Hi Dracon/Tebe,


hey, can you write more clear about it? I and TeBe don't know what's going on about this.... What do you want exactly as regards copy & paste, how should it work in particular ???


What I meant was, in the move x,y feature there is a copy/paste where you can copy a selected slice of the screen to paste later. As it stands, this copies all the data in the section you copy from IE. the raw graphics data the pf dli data and all the PMG data. It would be great if you were able to select what was copied IE. an option to "copy all data" or "Only PMG data" or "PF DLIs" or "raw screen data"


This is a handy tool to use when you need to work on the separate slices of a screen because sometimes selecting a different colour as the inverse is needed in different parts of the screen. When I work on the "slices" of the screen separately I import just that section in as a BMP with the rest of the picture blank and then put these sections together with the copy/paste.


Why would I need to select PF,PMG or DLI when using copy/paste?.... Well this is why...

A lot of times when I'm working on a picture I already have included detailed PMG positioning then, I find the need to move section/s of the screen. Rather than redraw the whole section pixel by pixel I move what i need with a PC paint package and import that section from the BMP as a new G2F file and use copy/paste to put it into the picture I was working on but I will then lose my PMG and DLi data and will have to redo..


I hope that makes sense this time... sorry for being unclear

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As it stands, this copies all the data in the section you copy from IE. the raw graphics data the pf dli data and all the PMG data. It would be great if you were able to select what was copied IE.

I'm starting to understand.... although sorry for being not so clever enough to figure out what do you mean by "IE" ? :roll:


Heaven - No time for such experiments this time. As you will see below I've done other work here, maybe more useful? ;) I must admit that translating something like G2F's manual is a hard job and time-consumingl.... :| It took pains to do it so far... but is it fully understandable and helpful in real terms? I don't know yet... :roll:

So here is what Tezz particuralrly asked for (I did my best, though):



. EDIT RASTERS (ALT+A) (from Graph2fnt manual)


To enable raster editing, select following mode: GED+ or GED- (pixel=1 or 2 ; screen=32 or 40 bytes).


There are 4 or 3 global changes per one line available, i.e. this changes are being made outside screen's frame and they can change whole line from left to right edge.


4 changes for GED+ mode and 3 ones for GED- at width=40 bytes, but at width=32 (narrow screen) there are 4 changes available /instead of 3 ones/.


So it all comes to fact that chars mode is faster than bitmap one (1 cycle more for bitmap screen).


Besides global changes, you can change up to 6 changes in a line (rasterline). Shortcut for raster editing is ALT+R, and there are two modes available: Automatic and Manual.


AUTOMATIC - here you theoretically may set 3 changes in a rasterline. But to tell the truth, you change one or two values and the third one serves to restore initial state of just changed register.


Range in which you set the change, is more limited than in MANUAL mode in order to eliminate possible error when counting delays in cycles. There are some errors possible for screen width=40 bytes so then you need to correct them by hand.


Set range of LINE and RANGE in which you want to make a change at beginning of the color change (LEFT EDGE) and its end (RIGHT EDGE).

Every change of right and left edge has to be confirmed by APPLY button.


You can restore register value at beginning of the line or at its end. This one at beginning is called "A" and that one at the end is called "C".

Value "B" is meant to be main register's change.

If you don't set "A", then its change goes to next line. It is visible only on real machine (G2F won't show it).



- here you can decide about changes in raster as if you would do this from assembler :).

There is 12 fields (checkboxes), and using them you prepare a special program to change raster.

BTW. As I understand these 12 checkboxes are related with parts of the screen (it's divided).


lda#, ldx#, ldy# - loading a VALUE into A, X or Y (same as in assembler)

sta, stx, sty - putting a value from A, X or Y into REGISTER


GED+ (char mode)

for screen width=32 you must do everything in 68 cycles ( LIMIT=68 ).

for screen width=40 you must do everything in 60 cycles ( LIMIT=60 ).


GED- (bitmap mode)

for screen width=32 you must do everything in 68 cycles ( LIMIT=68 ).

for screen width=32 you must do everything in 54 cycles ( LIMIT=54 ).


Every change of VALUE or REGISTER must be confirmed by pressing APPLY button - that's only way to make this change accepted.

There is one disadvantage, though: rasterline is modificated at the moment of pressing APPLY button, so you shouldn't press CHANGE button until you set-up all fields.


G2F shows when there is a need to press APPLY button - when its name looks like this: '> APPLY <'.


If total amount of cycles in lines fits into LIMIT, you can make changes in selected screen area (LINE and RANGE) by pressing CHANGE.


DEFAULT VALUES button puts default values into current edited line

(these default values mean some commmands that do nothing: lda#0 sta $d01e. And thus, you can delete all raster changes, reset them at initial stage).


For changing graphics mode in rasterline please refer to "Changing graphics mode in new line".

A trick about showing three different graphics mode in one rasterline (that is used in Our 5OFT's demo-part for UNITY project) can be done as follows:

Screen is set to hires mode (pixel=1) and somewhere in the middle of the rasterline you can try to set up the 16-shades gtia mode (same as graphics 9 in basic / $d01b=$40) and at the end you must turn it off ($d01b=$00). And then you can see 3 different gfx modes already. It seems to be a little trick or "bug" in GTIA. :)


Remark #1:

Left side of the screen is slower than right one, i.e. raster changes will occur on larger area than on right side.


Remark #2:

ANTIC in charset modes takes every 8th line for itself, i.e. raster dividing won't work in every 8th line of screen (there will be visible empty lines, so-called "dirty lines"). To hide them you should draw properly or hide them cleverly with sprites (PMG objects). Empty lines apply to every color that is being changed or object in GED+ mode.


Remark #3:

Graph2Font displays only color changes in raster. Changes related to other PMG objects aren't fully added yet, but it doesn't mean they don't work on Atari already.



Hey, to make things more clear, here is an excerpt from one of TeBe's mails to me. :) This one regards details of "raster programming" in Manual mode:

this raster-program can be viewed by entering EDIT RASTERS (ALT+A), next point to any line by cliking mouse cursor and then some values in comboboxes should appear.


global offset = -2

(BTW. global ofset means shift of raster for the whole screen. It's

different, depending on screen's width and pixel size)


1. -> checkbox number

ldx# $FC


sta $d01e or NOP4


lda# $40


sta $d01b (therefore from this moment you have 16-shades mode, because

there is value of $40 in Accumulator)


ldy# $F4


stx $d017 (X value was set at the beginning and here it is activated)


lda# $00


sty $d016 (next color)


lda# $00


sta $d01b (here you turn off 16-shades mode, and then 4-color mode appears ; and there is its value in Accumulator - it equals $00)


lda# $00


sta $d01e


4-color mode that appears after that 16-shades one, has shifted color pallette (moved to the left by 1).




And finally there is a "crib sheet" on using raster changing in AUTOMATIC mode (the way I used in my FIGHT picture so far!):

- AUTOMATIC works best for screen width=32 (narrow screen).

- to easily enter desired values into 3 small windows, remember:

1. press APPLY

2. set VALUE of color you want to see

3. then select color REGISTER to change

4. press APPLY to confirm this change ; now you see enetered value

and description with register.


In case of MANUAL mode, you can set VALUE and REGISTER by clicking APPLY button for each separate field.

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ok... next thought...what about inventing ig2f (interlace g2f) which means combining kind of XLP paint with players? (2 antic 4/e screens interlacing)...


Nah, personally I've never liked interlaced modes, though it shouldn't be too difficult to implement. You can even do it manually, by just painting two pictures, and later combining the whole thing in the .asm file, and a slightly rewritten vblank routine.

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Thanks a million for the translation :) It must have taken ages to re-type. That's really apreciated, I hope it helps others also to use mid scanline changes.


I'm in your debt..

I'll hopefully post some new pics with successfull midscanline changes ;)


BTW, IE. means "for example"

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... can you help me in terms of "jgp"???? is it an animation format? never heard of that...


JGP stands for "JET GRAPHICS PLANNER" and is one of small Polish charset editors for ANTIC 4+ mode. This ANTIC mode was commonly used in games from L.K.AVALON in the past.


You can dowload and try this tool from this place. :)


And here is how it looks like.... Slaves tried to do a chars animation for a game. 8)


Tezz and the others - I'm really glad that my efforts are appreciated. :D

It took me about two full hours to retype and translate this excerpt from G2F manual. Anyway, translating whole Graph2fnt manual still seems to be a huge job... :roll:

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I'm looking forward to trying out some maual rasters tonight. Hopefully I can then produce some better pictures and advance what is possible with G2F and show others what's possible.


Looking forward also to checking out the new RMT.


These must be amongst the best cross platform development tools around right now. All this new creativity is a tribute to Raster and Tebe.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Perhaps some people know this MCS Picture that I had drawn in 1991...


Now I wanted to put it into G2F and give it some enhancements...

So the pic has 6 colours only, It set orange to grey and green to red and would gain a 4 colour picture at 160x192.... that's what I thought.

I saved the picture several times as a 4 color image with the res. of 160x192, but after importing it, the colours are weird because after importing, the Picture has "more" colours than before...


It is a riddle for me why some images are imported correctly and some not...

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Anyway, again you got good result !  



Ahem... :ponder: .... this is the original MCS picture... the enhanced version will appear when the picture is going to be imported without any problems...


How about doing something new in 16-shades mode or that multi-mode (gfx 8/9)


The next will be a Game Titlescreen... so be patient :)

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