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    roguesttitle.gifI'm trying to gauge public interest in a 7800 or 8-bit or 5200 port of Rogue. I've written a couple of test "Rogue-likes" for Linux and OS X just to mess with the level generation algorithms and I think it'd be fun to play, either as a straight port or as my own take on it.Cybergoth, I stole the image above from your website :PEDIT: I made this a draft and republished it, because I think I'm going to proceed with this project. I've been looking at the source of a lot of different versions of Rogue (including the Epyx MS-DOS one) trying to get a feel for the levels and the gameplay. I'm also learning the 8-bits/5200 in the process :)Any feedback? Would you buy a cartridge if it were a faithful port, or has Rogue been done to death? Which system would do the best job?
  2. combatting blog rot.......6 months at a time. :)(originally entered 01/11/06...aka today)

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    Yeah, Keilbaca and I decided we're better off as friends than anything else. I probably should have realised that a lot sooner, but at least I realised it before things got more serious. Since we're tied into the lease together, we'll be staying as roommates, for several more months, but since it was a friendly break-up, it won't be a problem.So, on to the single life. ;)

  4. I managed to get very lucky and got an Xbox 360 from the Circuit City website last Friday. I was going to keep it for myself, but after I heard they were selling on eBay at a ridiculous markup... in some cases as much as 500%... I couldn't pass up the opportunity.So I did what any good capitalist would do, and put mine up for sale. I set the price higher than I thought was reasonable, because I kind of wanted to keep it for myself. But it did end up selling, and I made double what I paid for it. Nice. I can wait for 2006 to get another one.

  5. For me the most enjoyable part of creating a design treatment for a game is designing and developing characters. The attached gallery is of three characters for a game concept called Paradious Island. They were heaps of fun to create and I'm really pleased with how they've turned out!Hopefully I'll have some sort of protoype of the game running in the next few months that I can offer up to you guys to play. In the nearer future I'll try to keep you up-to-date with more art and some completed documentation, as and when it comes.

  6. Hi,So, what is this frog game?We are a little frog who must simply eat and survive; this is a classic!Different creatures live and move around either in the sky or on the ground.In the sky we can see bees, flies, and probably other species.Under the ground lives a marmot.When you press the button, the frog's tongue tries to reach an insect to eat.If the insect is a bee or a fly, it gets eaten and all is fine.But if the bee is nervous it becomes red and the frog must not eat it otherwise it dies.When the frog stays too long at the same place, the marmot goes right under and starts going up in the ground: the frog falls in the tunnel and dies.That completes the general description of the game and it's dynamic.---Bonjour,Qu'est-ce c'est que ce jeu de grenouille?Nous incarnons un petite grenouille qui doit simplement s'alimenter et survivre. Classique!Diverses bestioles se promenent soit dans le ciel, soit au sol.Dans le ciel on peut rencontrer des abeilles, des mouches, et surement autre chose.Sous le sol vit une marmotte.Quand on presse le bouton, la grenouille projette sa langue pour attraper un insecte.Si l'insecte est une abeille jaune ou une mouche tout va bien.Mais parfois, l'abeille est enervee et devient rouge: a ce moment il faut l'eviter sinon la grenouille meurt.Si la grenouille reste au meme endroit trop longtemp, la marmotte se deplace sous la grenouille et creuse pour sortir, ce qui fait tomber (et mourir) la grenouille.Voila, ca complete la description generale de la dynamique du jeu.

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    Today has been pretty exciting, I guess.I woke up around 12, and me and dad headed over to the Lions practice, which was free to the public. Stayed there for about 2 hours, before heading back. It was kind of cool, I guess. A bit boring. After that we went back home and decided to go to Canada, for no reason. Went to a mall, and I picked up a Modest Mouse CD, The Moon & Antarctica. AWESOME CD, I love it. Much better than the other MM CD's, in my opinion. Came back home and slept. Yeah, not very exciting I suppose. Oh well, back to the CD.Later.

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    In a short form:- PAL/NTSC detection with (simple) speed and color adjustment- Smiling frogs at the end of each level- Snake on the log- Some Pokey sound/music- one more level- size reduction to 32kb due to pokey support- crocodile in the slotsStill a lot to do...

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    There really is no defined purpose to my blog but I probably won't be putting much video game related stuff here since it will go in the forums. Aside from that, I make no promises as to the content of this blog.

  8. Most of you know, if you know me, that I got to go to E3 this year. The trip was great. E3 itself was great. What was really great was getting to see some old friends again (Jed, Danny and Tiff, and R!) SO good to see you all again! *mass hugs*. I was very sad that I didn’t get to see Wendie or to finally meet little Holly though. I also got to meet a few new people, which is always awesome. I got to meet Joe Grand, the ever smiling.. Kurt, King of the Flashback and last but certainly NOT least was De whose wit was as sharp in person as it is online. Great times :) I wish I could have spent more time with everyone! I think the best part of any trip is the people you get to share it with, especially those certain special people in your life and that would be no exception in this case.Here’s a great shot of Albert, Kurt and Smilin’ Joe Grand in front of the Atari booth!pacman_jr.zipNow.. I could spend hours talking about all the new systems and all the new games I got to see, but there are plenty of places online you could go to if you want that. I just want to write a bit about some of the things about the show that were highlights for me personally, in no particular order.First, the Gameboy Micro! Sure they are repackaging the same thing yet again, but it’s so small and cute and you can customize it with cool faceplates and.. and.. and… did I mention how cute it is?! So yeah.. if it doesn’t cost too much I’ll probably get one. Here’s a pic of me playing with it. Notice the cuteness? Do ya?post-6066-1107759185_thumb.jpgNext.. I Love Katamari! Yes I do… I love Katamari Damacy, and I also love the sequel :) I got to play the cooperative mode with one of the other attendees and we totally kicked it’s butt! Yeah! One of the most fun things I saw at the convention was the giant Katamari. Albert brought a first run Combat cartridge (for the Atari 2600) and the guy stuck it on for us. It was so awesome! Here’s a pic of the combat cart and one of me stuck to the ball.. heh. I’m gonna be a star! :Ppost-6078-1101869752_thumb.jpgOne of the coolest things I saw at the show, and maybe EVER, was the Stargate!. I love Stargate SG1 and it was aweome to get my picture taken standing inside it. I guess they are making an FPS based on the series, but I didn’t play it so I can’t comment on it. It looked good, from what I saw, and I distinctly heard the voices of the actual actors who play the characters so it couldn’t be all bad.. could it? WELL?!? COULD IT?!superpacman.zipmissile_tc_1.2.zip*cough*Sorry.. better now.. heh.One of the benefits of being with Albert is that you get to chill out back in the Atari V.I.P. area at E3. I should have gotten more pics of this place, it was dead sexy back there. Plus, free drinks and food… so that was neat :) Here’s a pic of me in front of one of the interesting decorative features. A fake fur wall treatment that matched my hair!post-6066-1106190238_thumb.jpgA major highlight of the entire trip for me was getting to meet one of my personal heroes, Richard Garriot of Ultima fame. Lord British himself! Lord freakin British y’all! I’ve been playing his games since I started playing PC games way back in the day. The guy lives in a real honest to goodness castle! And he was so nice, he chatted with me for a few minutes while Albert was busy and I was so star struck it wasn’t even funny :) And yes.. Albert was nice enough to take this pic of us so I’d have something to remember the meeting by. *melt*So those were the parts of the show I enjoyed most, and the ones I want to keep in my memory. There are tons more pics soon to be online at AtariAge once I’ve finished sorting through them, mostly of the show itself.. if you’re interested :)

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    It's really nice of AA to offer these free blogs. I've decided to let this be the gaming-related blog, separate from Lesterblog. This is a score in itself, so I think I should share the recent scores I found this past weekend.First I finally found a complete original Nintendo console at the Goodwill in Athens. I think it was something like $8 for the console, controllers and A/V cable, and a separate $2 price on the light gun. In all these years I've never owned an original Nintendo console. The score I'm really most proud of came from GameStop, of all places. They had a used Nintendo 64 with power supply and one controller, all shrinkwrapped together, for $20. It's also the green plastic model, very much like the green X-box. It was another $10 for three carts, South Park, Star Wars Episode I Racer (basically Podracer though not identified as such) and John Madden N64, because one simply must have at least one Madden port for every system.I never owned an N64 either. I was immediately impressed at how close in quality it is to the first PlayStation. I guess the only real reason the PS1 is a CD-based system is because cartridges cost more to make. I don't really know at this point how much can be stored in an N64 cart but it still seems to me that CD games are bloated with useless data and things that don't really help the gameplay. I guess I'll learn more about it soon.Since this is Thursday and tomorrow is my payday, I'm close to another day of thrifting and treasure hunting. I'll have more to report very soon.

  9. An7ron

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    Night riding in my GyroPed (4K binary)

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    Testing the setup.May 29th I'm leaving for Thailand, and staying there for a month, back June 28th.Hopefully this blog will keep my friends a little bit updated on what I'm up to.

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    Yeah, so I've been collecting video games for how long? Seems like too long at times. Nah, I like games. Not just video games though. I like card games and board games too. So, I suppose it's in my cynical nature to destroy stuff by the most primitive means.I began to set goals for myself (not just with games) some time ago. I am also a better person because of it. It helps me to stay focused on what is really important in all I am involved with.So, on to the game collection goals. I have made it a long term goal to collect every rarity 1-9 Atari 2600 game AND all the instruction manual variations for each game as well. I have come to realize one important thing in this hobby. You have to be PATIENT. You know as well as I that there isn't going to be some miracle find in anyone's near future. The great finds are few and far between now. If only it was 1992 again. I certainly would have done things differently. I could have ordered about a dozen copies of every atari game I still need for my collection for under $15 each! Oh well, I'm still happy I kept my SNES from back then. Wish I still had my NES though. But we all learn as time goes on what really makes us gamers happy.I have an additional goal to collect one prototype, one complete boxed game, and all the catalogs from each individual company that produced games for the 2600.I've come to realize that the era we live in now will never have "3rd party" releases of video games like there were back in the 80's. It simply isn't possible when Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo control the market and each title has millions being traded back and forth before the programming is even completed for the damn game.Ok, so fast forward 25 years into the future..... People will have some newly invented form of playing video games that is way cheaper to produce and way "cooler" than even the best PC systems of today. Will you be playing games off some sort of disc? Probably. Will the vast majority of the population care about cartridge based games and the pitfall harry's of yesteryear? Well, I doubt that too but some certainly will. I know I will. You see, you have to remove yourself from the times we live in now in order to realize what will be considered historically important years from now. I am a firm believer that the PSX as well as the NES, N64 and Atari 2600 will be the most important cart based systems that were ever made. I certainly doubt that there will be any "carts" produced in 2030 cept for the homebrew and hack sceens of course!Another goal would be to have all the arcade games that are my favorites up and running 100% in the same room. I have a list and it goes like this.Peter PackRatAsteroids/Ast. DeluxePac Man/Ms PacCrystal Castles/Missile CommandTempest w/Zektor PC board installed and custom control panelComet pinballT2 pinballVertical MAMEHorizontal MAMECocktail MAMEI'm about halfway to completing this goal.Onto another topic, video game characters... If you had to pick one single coolest classic game character, who would it be? Some say Mario but he is way too mainstream to be that cool. Sonic? Nah, Sega doesn't even make hardware anymore and they had the best system ever when the botched it all up. I propose to all that Q-bert is the one. That's right folks, Q-bert. He doesn't have any arms or mouth but he sure can cuss like a sailor. He's like that cool uncle that only comes around on holidays and gives you neat-o presents and kisses your mom the wrong way and swears at old people cutting him off in his El Camino. In the mean-time, hope this blog hasn't bored the hell out of you. Rock on Uncle Bert!

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    I've lived this long w/o a blog but now I have one. Of course the only reason I never had one before was because I never really had anything I wanted to say. Guess I'll have to think of some stuff now :)

  10. Y'know how some apartment buildings have a lobby camera hooked up to a specific channel on your cable connection so you can see who's buzzing up? Sometimes it's amusing to watch this thing.Like at this very moment, downstairs in my lobby, some teenager is completely blotto and failed to make it all the way to the door. He fell down on his arse, and apparently was incapable of getting up. So, he did the only logical thing he could do at that point: he hunkered down, curled up, and passed completely out. A couple just walked through the lobby and went inside and it didn't even register on the guy.I feel like going downstairs and pouring water on the floor beneath him. :evil: Oh, look! A woman walked in and he woke up as he realized someone was opening the door. He staggered to his feet and, all wobbly, walked in.Okay. Show's over. Nothing further to see here.

  11. Trey's Blog

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    so, i get a call last friday to set up a phone interview. she tells me to call back on friday between 10 and 11. i ask, is this range engineering branch and get, no, this is system engineering. and she says, btw, you were one of three selected out of 200+ resumes. and i'm like, cool.hang up and check my records. i never applied to this branch and have no idea of the job. i call back say, hey its great and all but what the hell will i be doing. so i get a position description. looks good.friday rolls around and i get a demo scheduled for .... friday 10am. i put another guy on it during the interview. about 40 mins into it, my boy comes up from the lab and says there is a problem. i tell the guys on the phone i have a problem and must go, and ask how do we finish. nothing. i ask my options. they say there are none. they have other things to do today and the paperwork has to be filled out today. so, they ask me to make the call. my call was to go solve the problem as i can't ignore my current responsiblities.i figure, if they wanted me, they would have scheduled 20 mins to finish up. but paperwork is paperwork. what a waste.

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    well, just checking this whole blog thing out. I havn't had a blog in years. well, about me abit I guess. I am a 23 yr old mother of 1 (my precious little Laura, 3 mo.). Happily married to the man of my dreams. We share the same obsession for vintage electronics, mainly the atari 2600. our collection is small, but growing. We just started doing the whole ebay thing, trying to build our collection and make some money on the side. We also have a little nintendo collection as well, but i'm not nearly as excited about it. I find i know quite abit more about the old atari stuff than i thought i did, but i am still learning every day. And thanks to AtariAge I can learn even more, and learn from others like me and maybe someday pass on some knowledge to someone else. i think that about sums it up for today, i'm gonna go explore some more. bye

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    I may as well add something to the blog since it's already got 10 views!Found a Mitsubishi Luma Video Phone today in a thrift. Looked different so I grabbed it thinking I could ebay it. My brother googled it when I called him about it and discovered it has an Atari background. Kinda cosmic...It's interesting but I don't know how it works.

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    I found out this evening, (I am about half finished with the dirt) that more than half of the back yard is about 8 inches to a foot above the grade it is supposed to be... :x Oh well, as long as the town doesn't come by and do any surveying...There is a vacant lot next door, and it is for sale, (even though the neighbour said originally that he never would sell it, because he wanted a "buffer zone" around his home).. if they were to sell it and start working this week, I would be screwed...But that ain't gonna happen. :ponder: On a more positive note:ASPARAGUS!blog0419.jpgThe asparagus in the garden is ready for picking! I was so busy digging and throwing, I didn't notice the asparagus was peeking up already.. my wife noticed it just as I was about to shut off the barbecue.. otherwise I would have chucked a bunch of it on there.. mmmm... :lust:

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