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Games you wish had come out on the 7800

Silver Back

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8 hours ago, TIX said:


I'd love to work on a Pitfall "redux" !


a couple of years back while hacking the A8 version,

I came up with this new Harry sprite, unfortunately I couldn't use it due to technical constraints..


So that's a start I guess  😉





That would be an interesting project.


I think for the 7800 we could even spare a few more colours in the sprite :) 

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I was talking with a friend and he got me hip to International Karate Plus (stylized as IK+).  I'd love to see a game like that be done on the 7800 but you'd have to keep the crazy flips and double kick intact!  Lol. 


Also I heard that the original creator of IK+ passed on Christmas Eve 2022.  RIP Archer McLean (if there is truth to this)

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On 2/14/2023 at 2:24 AM, Revontuli said:

A lot of the games I've made for the 7800 were meant to fill in genre gaps in its library.  I generally try to add my own spin on the games instead of direct remakes, but the missing/underrepresented genres certainly have informed what I've chosen to code.  Instead of remaking R-Type or Columns or Metroid, I'll try to add some unique story, graphics, and mechanics to make the game my own,  (insert any "we have [popular game] at home!" memes here).


I'll also add that most of these games are for sale in the AtariAge store (or I plan for them to be) if you're in the mood to play a puzzler, shmup, or MetroidVania on the 7800.


Dragon's Cache, for instance, is a puzzle drop game that supports 2-player head-to-head, along the lines of Columns or Tetris, and is something the 7800 totally needed, IMHO. 




Dragon's Havoc is a side-scrolling shooter, another genre oddly missing from the 7800 (Plutos and Sirius never got out of prototype phase, IIRC).  It was fun leveraging the 7800's graphical system to implement parallax scrolling - easier to do than on the NES.  It also has 2-player simultaneous play!




Harpy's Curse is currently in testing, but is my stab at a MetroidVania - it's more like "Joust Meets Metroid" but has over 500 screens (1000+ with a second quest in the work) to explore and uses horizontal scrolling engine.




Each project I endeavor to learn more about the 7800, and build of off the code I wrote from the previous games.  I've currently got a platformer and an RPG in tentative works, and seeing how they develop, and I usually post more about them in the programming forum as I make progress.


The 7800's potential combined with its original, neglected library is one of the reasons I homebrew for it.  If I make a shmup or platformer for the NES, it's one of hundreds that already exist.  If I make a shmup or platformer for the 7800, it's nearly unique and feels like it's filling in a gap.


On 2/14/2023 at 8:39 AM, GoldLeader said:

I'll try and do a list...


1) Pac Man Plus games (but Back in the Day!!)

2) Pinball -  something like Revenge of the Gator meets Jaki Crush

3) An R-Type variant-ish

4) Star Castle

5) an Adventure sequel with bigger mazes and neat looking dragons, (Maybe make the dude look like the guy from Deadly Towers)

6) An Omega Race sequel (with the original included too,  ideally)

7) a Sydney Hunter game

8 ) An Arkanoid sequel with non-linear levels (something where you could randomly jump ahead at times)

9)  Something original that reminds one of Viewpoint

10) Something Horror

11) Something MetroidVania-esque but preferably original

12) Jinks II (Hey, it's My List!)

13) One that plays like Dark Cavern, but with endless mazes to explore and different colors/themes

14) A Mr. Do! sequel with new mazes and backgrounds, different monsters, better music,  and as long as we're dreaming, let's say Officially Licensed

15) A Demon Attack meets Phoenix crossover event

16) Rikki & Vikki II

17) A Dr. Mario-ish clone but with Heavy Metal Music, Exploding skulls, and nudity


I think both of these posts, speak to the topic (Games we wish HAD come out), but also (perhaps even more importantly) to the topic of Games we want to see come out in the Future.  That is one of the coolest things about the 7800 now...Modern homebrews in the scene.  If anything the 7800's Glory days are NOW.



PS:  You guys are right!  A new Pitfall! would be Awesome!! (I'd dig one that started off the same,  but kept going, then added new scenes and an ending)...

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/26/2022 at 2:37 PM, Silver Back said:

Over the last year I've dived into the world of homebrew games for the 7800 and it's been an awesome ride.  Everytime a new game comes out, (or I get a new to me homebrew) I like to pretend I'm a young child again, picking up a new and exciting title for the console.  I try to look at it through the lens of that time and mindset, and ask the question "how would I of responded to this game back then?"  It makes me think about what other games I would've liked to of seen on the 7800 as a kid. 


So with that being said I thought it would be fun to discuss what games we would've or would like to see on the 7800.   I have five to start, in no particular order:


Castlevania (NES, various others) - This would've been an awesome game to see on the 7800 and graced many of my dream lists as a child. More than likely compromises would have to be made but with a talented crew, I'm sure it could've been done.  Admittedly the proline wouldn't be my first choice for controlling Simon Belmont.  But with the European pad, and today's alternatives, I think it could play well. 


Gremlins (5200) - This is an awesome late release on the 5200.  But I think it could've faired well on the 7800.  I haven't played it personally but it looks awesome.  I would've added Countermeasure to this list as another 5200 game that would be cool to see, but PacManPlus took care of us there already (Failsafe)!  A good name for a homebrew version of Gremlins would be Mogwai, so there's that. 


Sinistar (arcade) - Ok so there's really no benefit of having Sinistar on the 7800.  I doubt the iconic voice clips would've survived on the prosystem.  But I loved it in the arcades and I would've died to have a home version, especially on the 7800.  I know there's a homebrew version on 5200 and I'm sure it's great, but I'm a 7800 guy. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. 


Paperboy (arcade) - Idk why but I always felt this was a game that should've found its way to the 7800. While I know nothing about programming I believe the vertical scrolling would be difficult to do on the 7800. But as a kid I always felt that paperboy should of been on the Prosystem and that thought remains today. 


Sprint master (2600) - or any top down racer really. I love this style of racing games and I think it would work well on the 7800.  As long as it has 3-4 cpu opponents (at least), multiple tracks with interesting scenery, and a few game modes like season, single race, 2-player and time trial, I would be entertained.  


That's my personal list. As a kid it would've included games like Super Mario Bros, Metroid, Mega Man and Zelda.  And honestly those would be cool but now I understand that those are Nintendo IPs that Atari could've never got (Mega Man isn't but still).


This isn't a call for homebrewers to make these games but a fun discussion of games that would be cool to see on the Atari 7800 Prosystem.  Do you agree with my choices or do you have reasons why they aren't a great match for the console?  What games would you liked to of seen ported to the 7800 back in the day or even in the future?  I'd love to hear!


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I will second Paperboy! Doom could work also! Pitfall with the better grapx would have been a good one, RiverRaid, with the better grapx, Another car racing game other than Pole Postion, I'm thinking somethng along the lines of Final LapFormula One: Built to Win, Spy Hunter, Off Road Etc.

Contra comes to mind! Would have loved to have seen PitFighter finished! Zaxxon could work! Toki, would be great and was found on a Atari test department drive and in PAL verson, Electrocop, Etc. There is so many that should have been done back in the day but thats neither here or there! The guys here that put out new stuff do a fantastic job and I get everything I can when I can! But man the posibillitys for this system seems to be endless!

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4 hours ago, dodge ramman said:

I will second Paperboy! Doom could work also! Pitfall with the better grapx would have been a good one, RiverRaid, with the better grapx, Another car racing game other than Pole Postion, I'm thinking somethng along the lines of Final LapFormula One: Built to Win, Spy Hunter, Off Road Etc.

Contra comes to mind! Would have loved to have seen PitFighter finished! Zaxxon could work! Toki, would be great and was found on a Atari test department drive and in PAL verson, Electrocop, Etc. There is so many that should have been done back in the day but thats neither here or there! The guys here that put out new stuff do a fantastic job and I get everything I can when I can! But man the posibillitys for this system seems to be endless!

Let me add to this if I may A good Golf game!

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1 hour ago, Silver Back said:

You my friend have hurt the feelings of Mean 18 Ultimate Golf.  It has ultimate right in the title what could top that?

I was just saying, another Golf game woud be great! Mean 18 is great!


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One thing we can appreciate the 7800 for is it's uniqueness.  Sure... It might not have a motorcycle game, but what OTHER system has a Water Ski game?


Or an aptly named Ninja Golf combo game?


And anyways, if Mean 18 doesn't do it for you, it's a good reason to fire up an emulator and play Links or something. And for me, motorcycle games kinda start and end with Excitebike, so there's not much point in trying to top any of those.


Oh, but since I'm posting in this thread again, I'll take my opportunity to plug my dream that a talented programmer might take an interest in any of these titles for the 7800...



Dino Eggs

Short Circuit (check this out on the Apple II)


Edited by CaptainBreakout
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On 2/23/2023 at 2:06 PM, John Stamos Mullet said:

For the level design maybe, but I always found the Sega version’s character graphics too “cutesy”. I like that sprite animation above better.

That's crazy. I did not know that there was any kind of actual Pitfall! Arcade game.

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