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A blog that is mine.

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Sonic X Blog: Depths of Danger (Season 2, Episode 3)

It's been almost a week, but here's the Sonic X blog again. In Depths of Danger, Sonic and his friends try to retrieve the fourth chaos emerald from a sunken ship. However, Robotnik has his heart set on the emerald as well, and Sonic's dislike of water presents problems.   What's to say that hasn't been said? It's another worthy episode, and it's got a few unexpected things in it. Seeing Sonic trying to overcome his hydrophobic tendencies was pretty entertaining, too.   Watch episodes here.



Sonic X Blog: Skirmish in the Sky (Season 2, Episode 2)

It's been a while, but here I am again, and this episode is Skirmish in the Sky. Since Sonic and his friends have been publicly recognised, they can go anywhere without getting busted now. Ella takes advantage of this by taking Christ, Tails, Amy, and Cream to the mall. However, people won't leave them alone. What's worse, Robotnik shows up in his emergency hover base, and starts wreaking havok on the city.   Overall, it was a very good episode, and the idea of the Sonic characters trying to i



Sonic X Blog: That's What Friends Are For (Season 2, Episode 1)

Season 2 has begun for the Sonic X Blog, and the HOT!, NEW! episode is That's What Friends Are For. Due to Sonic's recent defeat of Robotnik, he has become quite the popular one (Sonic, not Robotnik). This has begun to intimidate the president's aids, who think that Sonic might run for presidency next and ruin their chances of re-election. Their plan is to invite Sonic to a party and have him shake hands with the president, in order to show people that they're "in" with him. However, Sonic has p



Sonic X Blog: Beating Eggman, Part 2 (Season 1, Episode 13)

Season 1 is over, and the last episode is Beating Eggman (part 2). Coming off from the previous episode, Sonic has to rescue his friends, get the chaos emerald, beat Robotnik, and destroy the fortress. Meanwhile, Rouge and her team continue their infiltration, with the help of Knuckles.   Well, Season 1 certainly ended on a high note. There hasn't been this much action in an episode since Chaos Control Freaks, which is actually upstaged here. As a whole, I give Beating Eggman (part 2) and Seas



Sonic X Blog: Beating Eggman, Part 1 (Season 1, Episode 12)

We're nearing the end of season 1 here, with the second-from-last episode Beating Eggman (part 1). In the first half of this two parter, the president decides to take action against Robotnik. They're going for a full-out attack on his base, and they have the help of Rouge and Topaz, who already know the inside of the structure. Meanwhile, Sonic and co. locate another chaos emerald, and give chase for it.   I must say, this is a very good idea. There's no better way to end a season than with an



Sonic X Blog: Flyspy (Season 1, Episode 11)

Here's the blog again, and the 11th episode is what I'm going over now. In Flyspy, Rouge makes her first real appearance by stealing a very large diamond from a museum. She is later cought trying to take another gem, but instead of throwing her in prison, they strike a deal with her. If she helps them capture Robotnik, they won't arrest her (and she gets to keep the diamond). An infiltration into Robotnik's base follows.   I typically hate Rouge, but she's actually done really well here. Inste



Sonic X Blog: Unfair Ball (Season 1, Episode 10)

It's that special time again where I write stuff about Sonic X, and specifically about episode 10 for today. In Unfair Ball, Tails finds another Chaos emerald in a baseball diamond after the emerald's energy spikes force him to land. Through a series of sudden events, both Robotnik and the Sonic team find out about it, and race to get it. Once there, a squabble over the emerald ensues, but Robotnik decides to settle things in an uncharacteristically sporting way: a game of baseball.   I'll adm



Sonic X Blog: The Last Resort (Season 1, Episode 9)

With my Satellite Swindle DVD in my possession, I can get back to business with episode 9, The Last Resort. The plot is that Amy, Tails, Cream, and Chris are going to the beach. Amy offers for Sonic to come along too, but he refuses, due to his extreme dislike of water. However, Sonic is coerced into coming later on when Robotnik shows up with the Octorog, and proceeds to demolish everything.   Also known a, "The Episode Where Amy Kicks Azz", The Last Resort is a really wonderful episode. Not



Sonic X Blog: Game Boy Advance Video

It's been few dsays since I did one of these blogs (due to running out of episodes I've seen), but I do have one more card up my sleeve to occupy the time until I get my Satelite Swindle DVD. That card is the one and only Game Boy Advance video of Sonic X, which contains episodes one and two.   It always suprises me how well Game Boy Advance can handle full motion video, considering the nature of the handheld. Unless you're watching something like Spongebob Squarepants, the animation tends to



Sonic X Blog: Satelite Swindle (Season 1, Episode 8)

Here I am again, and here's the Sonic X Blog with Satelite Swindle. Right from the start, we see that Robotnik has sent a new robot called the Super Sweeper into space, in order to suck up satelites and recycle them for robot parts. After one failed attempt at stopping the mashine, Tails realises that the Tornado will need an upgrade in order to beat the Sweeper. Thus, the X Tornado is born...   "A little less talk, a little more action" seems to have been the motto for this episode. Very litt



Sonic X Blog: Party Hardly (Season 1, Episode 7)

With the month of March dawns the new edition of the Sonic X Blog, going over Party Hardly. As it goes, Chris's mother is having a party, and Chris has to keep Sonic and Co. hidden while it happens. This is complicated by Cream's desire to help with things, which usually creates a mess that has to be explained away. As well, Chris's teacher invites himself to the party, in an effort to find out if Sonic is hiding there.   It seems the creators of Sonic X were out to prove that they could do a



Sonic X Blog: Techno Teacher (Season 1, Episode 6)

The Sonic X Blog is at it again, and this time we've got Techno Teacher, the 6th episode. The center focus is here is Chris, who gets a new robotic teacher at school, courtesy of Robotnik. Though the teacher-bot was sent there to make the kids respect Robotnik, he soon finds that it's much more enjoyable to have them respect him instead. While this is going on, the real teacher tries to get back into his classroom.   With that out of the way, what happened here? This isn't nearly up to the sta



Sonic X Blog: Cracking Knuckles (Season 1, Epsiode 5)

It's time for the new Sonic X Blog, with the 5th episode: Cracking Knuckles. This time around, Robotnik convinces Knuckles that Sonic sent them all to Earth on purpose, and is deliberately trying to keep them there. Of course, Knuckles flies into a rage and challenges Sonic to a fight to the last man. Meanwhile, Chris, Tails, and Amy have discovered the possible location of another chaos emerald, and set out to find it.   If you've ever wanted to see Sonic and Knuckles duke it out, here's your



Sonic X Blog: Chaos Emerald Chaos (Season 1, Episode 4)

Time for another Sonic X Blog, and on to episode 4. In Chaos Emerald Chaos, a chaos emerald is found in a construction site, and Sonic and Robotnik both race to try and get it first.   As per usual, there are plenty of high-speed thrills to be found here, as well as some neat plot development. What's more, we're finally able to see Chris getting involved in the action, instead of just being a bystander. If you've been watching up to this point, you won't want to miss this.   Watch episodes h



Sonic X Blog: Missle Wrist Rampage (Season 1, Episode 3)

Well, after having internet problems for the past two days, I'm back to writing the Sonic X Blog. Anyway, in Missle Wrist Rampage, Robotnik (no, I won't call him Eggman) has decided to try taking over the city with a robot called Missle Wrist. Meanwhile, Knuckles and Amy try to get out of the sewers and find out where they are.   Missle Wrist Rampage continues the last three episodes' trend of high speed action and interesting conversations between the characters, a trend I don't want to see d



Sonic X Blog: Sonic to the Rescue (Season 1, Episode 2)

It's time for the second Sonic X Blog, and todays episode is Sonic to the Rescue. In this episode, Sonic and Chris find out that Cream and Cheese have been captured and taken to a facility called Area 99, where they are going to be tested on. Naturally, they (and Chris's Grandpa, who finds out about Sonic) rush to the rescue, and what follows is another great episode.   Once again, Sonic X has managed to dish out an action-packed, well-written episode that left me wanting more. It may not be a



Sonic X Blog: Chaos Control Freaks (Season 1, Episode 1)

Well, I'm back to blogging again! This time, and from now on, this blog is going to be for Sonic X. In case you don't know, Sonic X is an anime TV show based on the Sonic the Hedgehog games. The premise is that Sonic and his friends have been caught in a huge explosion of chaos control and sent to Earth, where they befriend the household of one Christopher Thorndyke, and try to get back home. It follows the art style of the Sonic Adventure games, and even has episode series based directly off of



TV: Invader Zim

Wow, it's really been a long time since I did a blog. And what better thing is there to blog about than this brilliant Nickelodeon TV series? Invader Zim is the continuing story of an Irken invader who is sent on a fluke mission to conquer Earth by the Almight Tallest, along with a slapped together SIR robot called Gir. Once there, he not-so-subtly disguises himself as an elementary age human boy. He also immediately makes an enemy at school in the form of a brilliant (but crazy) boy named Dib,




Wow, has it really been 9 days since my last blog? How time flies. Anyway, todays review is Kangaroo, one of those obscure arcade games that found a much more appreciative audience on home systems. The object of the game is to help Momma Roo get to her precious Mini Roo at the top of the screen, all the while helping herself to some of the fresh fruit in the level (which happens to be growing in a tree. Huh.). This is easier said than done though, since Mini Roo is being held captive by a gang o



Sonic Colors

As a select few might know, I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog fan. I buy every Sonic game I can get, and play them all to death. I've played both Sonic Adventure games to completion, got all the ending is Shadow the Hedgehog, aced Sonic CD, and won every Sonic game on Genesis except 3D Blast and Sonic 2. So it is with baited breath that I await Sonic Colors, the newest Sonic game on the Wii.     From what I can see of the screenshots, Colors looks very much like a more polished Sonic Unleashed. It h



Sonic CD

If you've ever owned a Genesis, odds are you've heard of Sonic. He was the thing that made Genesis so hugely popular, and he even managed to carry others like Master System and Game Gear well into the 90s. And of course, Sega wanted to extend Sonic to other systems of theirs like 32X and Sega CD.     Now, Sonic CD was originally not going to be Sonic CD. Back when the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was in development, Sega had planned to have the same game on Genesis, Game Gear, Sega CD, and Master S



Sonic Spinball

Sonic Spinball was one of two Sonic spin-off games released in 1993 (the other being Dr. Robotnik's Mean bean Machine). Both games were met with applause and high sales, perfectly serving their purpose of holding people over until Sonic 3 & Knuckles. But while Dr. Robotnik's game was a fantastically fun Puyo Pop-alike, Sonic Spinball is a pinball game gone wrong.     Putting Sonic in a pinball game is a concept that seems practically foolproof. After all, one of Sonics big powers is tha




Xybots may not be the most well known arcade game, but the Lynx version is one of the most popular Lynx games around. It is a 3rd person shooter that tasks you to make it through a maze while blasting the Master Xybot's minions. Along the way, you will run into teleporters, power-ups, and life-sustaining energy. In between levels, you are given the opportunity to upgrade yourself in preparation for what lays ahead.   While Xybots may not seem terribly interesting at first, spend some time with



Frogger on Genesis

Frogger was an odd release that came out during the last gasps of Sega Genesis' life (1998). It's a port of the arcade game (not the "new" Frogger that came out on Playstation), so if you've played that you've played this. You try to get your frog across a highway and a river 5 times, each time filling up one of the holes at the top. if you hit a car or fall into the water, you lose a life. Simple, much like other arcade games.     Now, the Genesis port (unlike others before it) is arcade p



The many, many faces of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man

Pac-Man has appeared on every system from Channel F (yes really, Channel F!) to Xbox 360, and everything in-between. Any system with a name people know has some kind of Pac-Man, so whatever system you buy, you can be pretty sure it will have at least one version. So without further ado, let's take a look at every version of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man that falls from the sky. WARNING: this is going to be very long and wordy.     Now, Pac-Man came into existence when Pac-Man creator guy (I can n



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