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  1. GemWare Games
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    *sigh* Just another day without the Coleco Chameleon. I would have TOTALLY bought it. If it were actually here. I hope another group releases a similar console in the same vein. If only...

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    I am inviting any and all Atari collectors to my new website. It is for buying, selling, or trading of Atari games. It only is able to search through MSN.com not Google yet. Please come check it out. I also have a link to my eBay site for other games. It is allatari.com please message me there for any questions.

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    It's fair to say I've neglected this blog. But now I'm using it, so that's cool. You probably shouldn't expect updates to be regular.

    I'm finally taking the first steps in writing an actual game for the VCS, and I'm doing it from the inside out, more or less. Making sure the individual effects and modules work, and that I thoroughly understand them, before integrating them.
    This first module is rather generic and could be used in any number of games: a sound driver and its associated data format. It's pretty simple, with only three message types: sound updates, sustain times, and end-of-sound. Sound updates are 3 bytes that map directly to the AUDx registers. The sustain and end-of-sound messages are control messages, and I set the high bit to mark them. End-of-sound is $FF, so that leaves the other 127 values for sustain times of 0-126 frames. A zero-frame sustain sounds a little weird, but only one message per channel is processed per frame, which means every message has an inherent length of one frame, so a zero-sustain just leads to a sound fragment that lasts for two frames. I'll also write a macro for making the sustain messages more readable. End-of-sound sets everything to zero. But really I'm just repeating the comments I wrote in the source code. The driver will be elaborated on eventually; I plan to reserve a special sound effect ID that will cause the driver to bypass normal processing, in order to allow for randomly generated music and effects. By the way, if you read the source code, I apologize for the cycle-count spaghetti. I just had to make utterly sure the code would run within the VSYNC period in all cases. It so happens I have plenty of time left over, and the code so far is only about half a page long, so there's room to expand in both dimensions.

    For the actual numbering of sound effects, I already have a format worked out:

    [7][6][5][4][3][2][1][0]\____/\_/\_____________/  |    |        |  |    |        \-> In-page sound ID  |    |  |    \-> Sound-already-playing flag  |  \-> Page number

    I don't seriously expect to need a full kilobyte of sound data. I may not even need more than a couple pages, but it's better to have too many possible addresses than to run out. And I'm fairly certain almost every sound effect will be longer than four or five bytes (including end-of-sound), so the limit of 32 sounds per page is a reasonable tradeoff. The already-playing flag will only exist in RAM, after a sound ID has already been loaded, to avoid needlessly setting the sound data pointers on every frame. Regardless, I haven't used it yet, so this format is subject to change as I figure out the logistics of interpreting it. Actual sound design should come first.

    In the meantime, have a noise burst and a bwoop sound, in the attached binary. :P Press fire on the left joystick for the noise and push the stick to the right for the bwoop.
    Comments and critique welcome. Cheers!

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    Hello, just got a lot of ataris one was suppose to be a heavy. the shell is but the boards are for a sixer light.

    Not sure if I should be upset or not. I knew this day would come when I run into a problem like this.

    I'm most likely just going to hang on to this case and use the guts for parts for other consoles.

    I would assume that collectors would not be happy to find this.

    I'm interested in any thoughts in this matter.

  2. Folks, I have wanted an "ultimate" Atari for a while now, and for me that is : VBXE, 65c816 and hdd solution. And it will have a flat screen monitor. And it will be connected to the internet. These solutions have extended memory and SDX on them - that's implied. But some things that might be in another's ultimate atari, are not in mine - I do not care for side loaders, stereo cards or cards that interface with other cards and allow you to turn off features in software. I don't really need a keyboard interface. I wouldn't mind a laptop, but that's a bit of a stretch.

    I've been unable to obtain my desired Atari for a while, because my first attempt at purchasing a VBXE resulted in a total loss of my investment (VBXE was never shipped).

    65c816 was unobtainable at first...there are some classic upgrades or I would've counted the 65802, even without acceleration, but those were impossible to obtain. Then came the rapidus.

    Then the irregular availability of HDD made that hard. Although I've owned a Sio2SD for a while, and frankly I should've just counted that. Because I love my SIO2SD and use it all the time...but I got stock on ordering something like an IDE Plus or SIDE 2 or blackbox or even a classic HDD, like a Supra (impossible to find in working condition).

    Anyway this is to say, today I have a VBXE/Rapidus/Side 2 and while it is unbelievably flaky for doing things like - putting a cartridge in to play a game, somehow it does work perfectly for what I want it for, so far.

    Now, I haven't gotten much into using the 65c816 yet, so we'll see....but it does "finally" have permanent storage. VBXE has worked for a while, and I have a flat screen. I once had a sio2pc setup, but have gone backwards on that...but so be it, I was never really happy with that anyway.

    OK, long story short I have finally gotten at least something that works, flaky or not, I can finally transfer Frake...test it on real hardware.

    So, I have finally returned to programming and did my first feature update in a month. It now remembers the direction you entered the room, instead of always nonsensically starting you at the bottom and going up.



    An Observation to anyone who has ever wanted to pursue a creative discipline, but didn't do so because they felt they "didn't have sufficient inspiration:"



    I've been writing software for the better part of 25-30 years. I have never written games during this period of time, because I didn't think I had a game idea sufficiently interesting enough to write. I have also followed homebrew gaming development since the late 1990s, when I first joined the Stella mailing list (for Atari VCS homebrew coding enthusiasts)...



    ...and in that time, some 20 some odd years, I had wanted to write a game...



    ...and finally, on May 31, 2016, that game idea came to me, fully formed, in my head, in a massive flash.



    But, as I started work on this idea, I realized something: If I had been writing little practice games, all these years, I would have been infinitely better prepared to solve the problems that I am working through now, such as understanding the tricks needed to write a proper display kernel for the Atari VCS.



    I am now compressing some 20 years of learning, into a much shorter amount of time, which is both necessary, and very painful.



    So, I beg all of you, if you want to make anything, anything at all, make it, and keep making it, over and over again...you will get better, and when that amazing idea comes around, you will be mentally equipped to be able to actualize it.

  4. A while ago I was working on a project and needed to know where the Atari OS chose to create its graphics modes in memory. I ended up making a tool in BASIC XL that walks the current display list, and describes each ANTIC instruction.

    The output looks like this below. The example is a dump of the GRAPHICS 2 display list which includes a text window:

    Disassembled Display List (GR2)to its corresponding graphics lineand Scan Line...DL Byte  Value   Gfx Line Scan Line(s)         TV Scan Line(s)      Description=======  =====   ======== ============         ===============      ============$000 000 $70 112          $01 - $08 001 - 008  $08 - $0F 008 - 015  8 Blank Lines$001 001 $70 112          $09 - $10 009 - 016  $10 - $17 016 - 023  8 Blank Lines$002 002 $70 112          $11 - $18 017 - 024  $18 - $1F 024 - 031  8 Blank Lines$003 003 $47 071 $01 001  $19 - $28 025 - 040  $20 - $2F 032 - 047  Mode 7 + LMS (16 Scan Lines)$004 004 $70 112$005 005 $9E 158$006 006 $07 007 $02 002  $29 - $38 041 - 056  $30 - $3F 048 - 063  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$007 007 $07 007 $03 003  $39 - $48 057 - 072  $40 - $4F 064 - 079  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$008 008 $07 007 $04 004  $49 - $58 073 - 088  $50 - $5F 080 - 095  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$009 009 $07 007 $05 005  $59 - $68 089 - 104  $60 - $6F 096 - 111  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$00A 010 $07 007 $06 006  $69 - $78 105 - 120  $70 - $7F 112 - 127  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$00B 011 $07 007 $07 007  $79 - $88 121 - 136  $80 - $8F 128 - 143  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$00C 012 $07 007 $08 008  $89 - $98 137 - 152  $90 - $9F 144 - 159  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$00D 013 $07 007 $09 009  $99 - $A8 153 - 168  $A0 - $AF 160 - 175  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$00E 014 $07 007 $0A 010  $A9 - $B8 169 - 184  $B0 - $BF 176 - 191  Mode 7 (16 Scan Lines)$00F 015 $42 066 $0B 011  $B9 - $C0 185 - 192  $C0 - $C7 192 - 199  Mode 2 + LMS (8 Scan Lines)$010 016 $60 096$011 017 $9F 159$012 018 $02 002 $0C 012  $C1 - $C8 193 - 200  $C8 - $CF 200 - 207  Mode 2 (8 Scan Lines)$013 019 $02 002 $0D 013  $C9 - $D0 201 - 208  $D0 - $D7 208 - 215  Mode 2 (8 Scan Lines)$014 020 $02 002 $0E 014  $D1 - $D8 209 - 216  $D8 - $DF 216 - 223  Mode 2 (8 Scan Lines)$015 021 $41 065                                                   JVB - Jump Vertical Blank$016 022 $58 088$017 023 $9E 158


    All the numeric values are output as hexadecimal values first, and decimal values second.

    "DL Byte" reports the instruction byte's offset from the start of the Display List.

    "Value" is the Display List Instruction.

    "Gfx Line" counts the number of text or mode lines of actual graphics output by the display list. Blank line, LMS, and Jump instructions do not count as graphics lines. (Yeah, kind of useless. What was I thinking?)

    "Scan Lines" shows the starting scan line and ending scan line of the instruction as ANTIC outputs scan lines.

    "TV Scan Lines" reports the starting scan line and ending scan line of the instruction. The reason for the difference is that the Atari's scan line generator doesn't start until the 8th scan line of the television.

    "Description" is a text explanation of the ANTIC instruction plus any other options added to the instruction.

    If I were to do this again, I think I would add a screen memory counter to report the physical memory ANTIC outputs with the text or map modes.

    Here is the BASIC XL listing:

    1000 Save "D2:EXAMDL.BXL"1005 Fast1010 Rem DISASSEMBLE A DISPLAY LIST.1015 Rem RESULT APPEARS ON "D2:"1020 Rem JUST SET GMODE TO THE DESIRED1025 Rem GRAPHICS MODE AND EVERYTHING1030 Rem ELSE IS AUTOMATIC.1035 Rem A CLEVER PERSON COULD CHANGE1040 Rem HOW THE DL LOCATION IS1045 Rem DETERMINED AND SO DISASSEMBLE1050 Rem A CUSTOM DISPLAY LIST.1055 Rem1060 Rem DL BYTE, VALUE, GFX LINE, SCAN LINE(S), TV SCAN LINE(S), DESCRIPTION1065 Rem1070 Dim Scl(16)1075   For Loop=0 To 15:Read Scl(Loop):Next Loop1080 Data 0,0,8,10,8,16,8,16,8,4,4,2,1,2,1,11085 Rem1090 Gmode=0:Rem OS GRAPHICS MODE.1095 Dev$="D2:":Rem DEVICE STRING.1100 Rem1105 Trap 1880:Rem STOP DISASSEMBLY.  CLOSE FILE.1110 Rem1115 Tmode=Gmode&$10:Rem TEXT OPTION.1120 Gmode=Gmode&$0f:Rem BASE GRAPHICS MODE1125 If ((Gmode<1) Or ((Gmode> And (Gmode<12))) Then Tmode=01130 Graphics Gmode+Tmode1135 Dl=Dpeek($0230)1140 Maxoffset=240*3:Rem MUST BE A LIMIT SOMEWHERE1145 M$="023456789ABCDEF":Rem MODES. $2 = "2"1150 Gline=0:Lastg=0:Rem CURRENT GFX LINE1155 Sline=0:Lasts=0:Rem SCAN LINE1160 Tline=7:Lastt=7:Rem TVSCAN LINE. FIRST ONE REPORTED WILL BE 8.1165 Scanlines=0:Rem SCAN LINES IN CURRENT INSTRUCTION1170 Jvb=0:Rem FLAG THAT JVB WAS SEEN TO END THE LOOP1175 Fname$=Dev$,"GR",Str$(Gmode+Tmode),"DL.TXT"1180 Open #1,8,0,Fname$1185 ? #1;"Disassembled Display List (GR";Str$(Gmode);1190 If (Tmode) Then ? #1;" + ";Str$(Tmode);1195 ? #1;")"1200 ? #1;"to its corresponding graphics line"1205 ? #1;"and Scan Line...":? #1:? #11210 ? #1;"DL Byte    Value     Gfx Line  ";1215 ? #1;"Scan Line(s)          ";1220 ? #1;"TV Scan Line(s)       Description"1225 ? #1;"=======    =====     ========  ";1230 ? #1;"============          ";1235 ? #1;"===============       ============"1240   For Loop=0 To Maxoffset1245   Rem DISPLAY LIST BYTE OFFSET1250   Vla=Loop:Gosub 1665:Rem DOHEX1AS3N31255   ? #1;"   ";1260   Rem DISPLAY LIST BYTE VALUE1265   Dla=Dl+Loop1270   B=Peek(Dla)1275   Vla=B:Gosub 1700:Rem DOHEX1AS2N31280   Rem WHEN DUMPING ADDRESS BYTES1285   Rem SKIP THE REST OF THIS ...  1290   If (Dladr>0) Then Goto 1505:Rem SKIP REMAINDER OF PROCESSING1295   ? #1;"   ";1300   Rem DISSECT INSTRUCTION1305   Dlins=B&$0f:Rem DL INSTRUCTION1310   Insmod=B&$f0:Rem INSTRUCTION MODIFIER1315   Rem TEST FOR JUMPS1320     If (Dlins=1):Rem PROBABLE JUMP1325     Rem FIELDS UP TO THE DESCRIPTION ARE BLANK.1330     ? #1;"                                                      ";1335       If ((B=$01) Or (B=$41)):Rem JUMP1340       Dladr=3:Rem JUMPS ARE 3-BYTE INSTRUCTIONS1345         If (B=$01):Rem DL JUMP TO ADDRESS1350         ? #1;"JMP - Jump To Address";1355         Else :Rem JUMP VERTICAL BLANK1360         ? #1;"JVB - Jump Vertical Blank";1365         Jvb=11370         Endif1375       Else :Rem ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION1380       ? #1;"Illegal Instruction";1385       Endif1390     Else :Rem BLANK LINES OR GFX LINES?1395     Rem TEST FOR BLANK LINES1400       If (Dlins<1):Rem A BLANK LINE INSTRUCTION1405       Rem GFX DATA LINE IS BLANK (OBVIOUSLY, SINCE NO RENDERED PIXELS)1410       ? #1;"          ";1415       Scanlines=((Insmod&$70)/16)+1:Gosub 1615:Rem DOSCANLINES1420       Rem DESCRIPTION1425       ? #1;Scanlines;" Blank Line";1430       If (Scanlines>1) Then ? #1;"s";1435       Gosub 1830:Rem DOMODIFIERS1440       Endif1445     Rem DO REGULAR GRAPHICS LINES1450       If (Dlins>1):Rem EVERYTHING $2 TO $F1455       Scanlines=Scl(Dlins)1460       Gosub 1570:Rem DOGFXLINES1465       Rem DESCRIPTION1470       ? #1;"Mode ";M$(Dlins,Dlins);1475       Gosub 1830:Rem DOMODIFIERS1480       ? #1;" (";Scanlines;" Scan Line";1485       If (Scanlines>1) Then ? #1;"s";1490       ? #1;")";1495       Endif1500     Endif1505   ? #11510   If (Dladr>0) Then Dladr=Dladr-1:If (Jvb And (Dladr<1)) Then Loop=Maxoffset1515   Next Loop1520 ? #1:Close #11525 End1530 Rem1535 Rem DOGFXLINES1540 Rem FOR ANY NORMAL GFX MODE USING1545 Rem SCREEN RAM JUST INCREMENT THE1550 Rem LINE COUNTER.  A BIT OF CHEATING1555 Rem HERE AS WE FALL THROUGH TO THE1560 Rem DOSCANLINES CODE ...1565 Rem1570 Gline=Gline+11575 Vla=Gline:Gosub 1700:Rem DOHEXAS2N31580 ? #1;"   ";1585 Rem1590 Rem DOSCANLINES1595 Rem GIVEN THE NUMBER OF SCAN LINES1600 Rem UPDATE THE SCAN LINE COUNTERS1605 Rem AND PRINT THEM.1610 Rem1615 Sline=Lasts+1:Lasts=Lasts+Scanlines1620 Vla=Sline:Vlb=Lasts:Gosub 1765:Rem DOHEXPAIR1625 Tline=Lastt+1:Lastt=Lastt+Scanlines1630 Vla=Tline:Vlb=Lastt:Gosub 1765:Rem DOHEXPAIR1635 Return1640 Rem1645 Rem DOHEX1AS3N31650 Rem OUTPUT A NUMBER AS 3 DIGIT HEX, 3 DIGIT DEC1655 Rem INPUT = VLA1660 Rem1665 Ha$=Hex$(Vla)1670 Print #1; Using "/$!!! &&&",Ha$(2,4),Vla;1675 Return1680 Rem1685 Rem DOHEX1AS2N31690 Rem OUTPUT A NUMBER AS 2 DIGIT HEX, 3 DIGIT DEC1695 Rem INPUT = VLA1700 Ha$=Hex$(Vla)1705 Print #1; Using "/$!! &&&",Ha$(3,4),Vla;1710 Return1715 Rem1720 Rem DOHEXPAIR1725 Rem OUTPUT ONE OR TWO NUMBERS AS1730 Rem 2 DIGIT HEX, 3 DIGIT DEC1735 Rem IF SECOND NUMBER IS LESS THAN1740 Rem FIRST NUMBER, DO NOT OUTPUT1745 Rem THE SECOND NUMBER.1750 Rem INPUT = VLA1755 Rem INPUT = VLB1760 Rem1765 Ha$=Hex$(Vla)1770 Hb$=Hex$(Vlb)1775   If (Vlb>Vla):Rem OUTPUT BOTH1780   Print #1; Using "/$!! /- /$!!  &&& /- &&&  ",Ha$(3,4),Hb$(3,4),Vla,Vlb;1785   Else :Rem OUTPUT ONLY THE FIRST1790   Print #1; Using "/$!!        &&&        ",Ha$(3,4),Vla;1795   Endif1800 Return1805 Rem1810 Rem DOMODIFIERS1815 Rem OUTPUT TEXT OF MODIFIERS IF SET1820 Rem INPUT = INSMOD INSTRUCTION MODIFIERS1825 Rem INPUT = DLINS INSTRUCTION1830 If (Insmod&$80) Then ? #1;" + DLI";1835   If (Dlins>1):Rem REGULAR GRAPHICS1840   If (Insmod&$40) Then ? #1;" + LMS";:Dladr=3:Rem THIS HAS TWO TRAILER BYTES TO PARTIALLY IGNORE1845   If (Insmod&$20) Then ? #1;" + VSCROLL";1850   If (Insmod&$10) Then ? #1;" + HSCROLL";1855   Endif1860 Return1865 Rem1870 Rem HOPE FOR CLEANLINESS.1875 Rem TRAP ERROR AND CLOSE FILE.1880 Poke 82,0:Poke 710,0:Graphics 01885 ? "Trap Error ";Err(0);" at line ";Err(1)1890 List Err(1)1895 Trap 01900 Close #11905 End

    Below in tar and zip file formats is the source program, and the program's output for all the regular Atari OS text and graphics modes (rename .tar.gz.zip to .tar.gz):

    Source code:

    Display List Dumps:


    1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight. As it is written: "He catches the wise in their craftiness";

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    Just Jeff
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    I've been trying to program a home brew for a while now. Here is a brief summary of where I am at this point.

    Here is a picture of my previous attempt at the point I gave up. The program became too disorganized and there was too much useless stuff that confused things further.

    Then I re-started with a more simple program that was much easier to keep track of. Here I'm using the same data to display both players and some playfield.

    Then I split the screen up into 5 bands. I'll use one for the score, two for the playfield top and bottom edges, one for the main playfield and one for a special area of the playfield.

    Here is the current version

  5. scrottie
    Latest Entry

    LiveJournal won't finish loading on the cell data connection, and my pattern has always been to blog in out of the way places (Advogato, whose admins gave me a cookie I saved in a text file when I lost my login info, use.perl.org, ...).


    I'm rolling in to Davis, CA, where a bunch of exceedingly tiny houses in a row are connected via some duct-like overhanging facade in the front. They look like they might have a living room with a bed nook jutting out. Leaving, there are electric third rail warning lines.


    I followed the shore line down to Amtrak Emeryville after essentially riding to Rebecca's boathouse, then wound up on the wrong side of the tracks, fobbling down a few blocks trying to get around a mysterious one way street, then a street that only dumps into a shopping complex parking garage, then heads towards freeway interchange before turning around and spotting a ped overpass on the GPS. It has stairs and elevators, and the elevator on the far side dropped me right where I'd be boarding after removing protrusions from the bicycle. The Richmond station is another case of popping out of an elevator and finding yourself on the train platform.


    As a kid, I at some point became aware of bicycle of bicycles without kickstands. Maybe it was in the small-town Schwinn dealer. I don't know. It seemed alien and impragmatic even though my cousins and I would often pick our bikes up from the ground crashing them, or perhaps because of that. The bike comes up off of the ground because you wiped out, and picking it back up is associated with doing a quick mental injury check.


    The Amtrak baggage dude who was being super-helpful and asked me if I had ever done that before -- package a bike into an Amtrak bike box. "No, but I have packed it into my own bag in the past when riding Amtrak". He told me yeah, they started getting serious about the bike boxes after someone's self packed bike popped a kickstand out while being handled, and the kickstand lodged in the handler's shoulder. Ouch.


    There's a jackrabbit running along the tracks. We're stopped again, this time in Sacramento. There's a jackrabbit running along the tracks.


    There's something about getting on a train, or getting ready for a long trip. You have to make peace with where you're leaving from. I read an article once a long time ago that attempted to to answer the question of why you forget what you were doing when you go into another room to do something (or, alternatively, why sometimes old people will walk into the supermarket and the step dead as soon as they've planted foot inside). Temporary changes in context help break life up into chapter.

  6. blog-0876350001467638411.jpg

    Finally completed!


    This idea started when I acquired a 5" LCD panel about a year ago, and I thought about making a mini arcade machine around it. I figured 1/4" scale, because originally they used 19" monitors, so 20" (I rounded up) divided by 5" = 4. I then decided to start with a mini upright pacman, and would like to do others as well (i.e. Asteroids, Defender, Galaga, etc.) Sort of like a 'mini arcade' for people like me who don't have the room for full size cabinets. :D


    First this I have to say, is that this would not have been possible without John from Boulder Arcade Factory. He was helpful, willing to try something new (he usually sells full size cabinet recreations... I made a Cabaret version with one of his cabinets here), and just a nice person all around.

    John made the scaled-down cabinet out of MDF, and I took it from there. The cabinet was perfect, and he paid attention to every detail.


    Unfortunately, the side art I had printed last year came up a little short (about 1/2 inch), so I painted the bottom. I must have mis-measured last year when I was trying to build it myself.

    Other than that, I tried to follow the exact way the full size cabinet is made. I ended up 3-D printing:

    - The marquee retainers

    - The red joystick ball

    - The Control Panel itself

    - The Coin Door

    - The speaker grill


    AA user 'spawnshop' desgined the coin door, and printed the first one... which I subsequently ruined :( since then, I purchased my own 3-D printer, and was able to print another two of them, using his design. Thanks spawnshop!

    I found a small joystick on the net and used that as you can see in the pictures.

    I pulled off the keycap, and printed the Red ball as noted above.


    I also used Orange magic marker for the ‘t-molding’, and black marker for the inside. ;)

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    Still need to figure out a 'non-permanent' way to attach the monitor bezel (which has the LCD panel attached to it), as well as the Control Panel.

    I used a Raspberry Pi for the innards, and made it boot directly into Pac-Man only.


    Thanks, guys!



  7. blog-0142822001465870815.jpg

    Oldschool PS1 fans prayers have been answered! The gaming gods of playstation have handed down blessings fourfold this day at E3! Sony announced at their press conference that they and Activision would be remaking Crash 1, 2, 3 for the PS4! On top of that, Crash is bringing the Bandicoot to Skylanders! Thats it! Im getting a PS4!


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    Anyone know the year this was made? Nutting Associates warranty says model 180-LA and serial 36101

  8. Well, it looks like I won't be parting with the FM TOWNS Marty after all. I officially sold it (i.e., received payment for it) last Tuesday. I streamed it Thursday night afterwards and then went to record last-minute game footage Friday night before shipping it out, only to find that the discs refused to spin. I dug into the unit and could only surmise it being an issue with the laser (the switch that makes the drive spin seems to function properly). I moved it a little and it started working again, but then 30 minutes later the discs stopped spinning once more, to which I tweaked it again and it started working a second time. So, the Marty is too unreliable to sell and I just provided a refund. I don't exactly have a paperweight on my hands as it seems like it's functioning now, but it is going to need some TLC in the future and is not in a sellable state. Even if I do get it working 100%, I'm not sure if I will sell it again. Perfect timing on this current failure though, it's almost as if the system doesn't want to leave my collection, haha. Anyway, if anyone knows where you source replacement drive lenses for the Marty, let me know.

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    • 2008

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    Had a great weekend out at the Midwest Gaming Classic. Got a lot of praise for the Lego NES consoles, and there were a number of people interested in buying one of them. The highlights of the event for me were seeing Ben Heck's giant Game Boy and getting to chat with him for a bit, and seeing the band Mechanical Life Vein play a jazz version of the Metroid music while a guy in front did a speedrun of it. Also was cool to see the Nintendo Playstation prototype, and had a huge laugh at the Coleco Chameleon out in the vendor hall.


    While I did have way too much fun and excitement over the weekend, its nice to be back at home with the family. Also nice that things will be slowing down for me and getting back to normal.

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    Anybody have a spare 4013 IC I could use for some upcoming 5200 surgery? Yeah, I could get like five of 'em for $1.50 shipped from China, but I don't need five... and if one of you fine folks has one laying in the bottom of a drawer...

  9. Absolutely great!!! I now have an English help file!!


    Source: TL866CS MiniPro Eprommer

    I downloaded the file but it only translated the left side - when clicking on any items there - nothing displayed on right - what is wrong?

  10. I had some computer problems (my windows XP machine died), and now I'm working on a cheap laptop, while I get things sorted out.

    Here's the last mock-up I had worked on, for "Cat Quest 2600". Dark Caves, lit by a lantern item.
    Enemies would be invisible in caves, when the player does not have have the lantern.


    Recently, I've been working on a collaboration with a fellow porn artist, on a hentai parody of Hydlide.
    The game is titled "Transamnia", after Global Transient Amnesia.

    The game's plot follows a hermaphrodite heroine Jizzabelle, on her quest to fuck, or be fucked, while facing off against the forces of a mysterious entity known as "DARK PHALLUS" :P

    (Insert adult-themed cover-art here, complete with phallic imagery. Which I will NOT post, here.)

    The game is NROM-restricted, and makes use of organic tiling, for a more convincing world.
    There is time travel across 5 time periods, all of which are affected by Jizzabelle's actions in the past.
    (For example, Jizzabelle can impregnate NPCs in the past, increasing the future's population.)

    Here's a preview of a more recent mock-up. Beware of fish nipples. :P


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    man when i picked this game up from the fleamarket i was super excited. i mean i was excited like Hillery Clinton getting out of lying about landing under sniper fire, or lying about email security. I was excited! I had been playing galaga 7800 and enjoying it, but my heart always beckoned back that 2600 time. Just like Doc brown took me back in time, I found that copy of galaxian! I jetted back home to my own time and slapped it in! Instantly remembering the sounds, graphics, control's. It was wonderful. My wife recently picked it up and started playing it. She loves it (and is playing it right this very second). The game looks great. The game plays great. The game is just that. It's just great! Thanks for taking the time to read what I thought of it. God bless

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    Saw this infographic and thought I'd share.


    Remember Nascar on the Atari? Looks a bit repetitive on this vid!




  11. I started another project after I failed to convert Rockcutter a Megacart format. I soon figured out that if --codeseg bank1 is in that command line, then it would compile the code and const segment in 1 bank. SDCC -? help got me a list of switches to tell me what each switch does. So I found --codeseg and tried it out. Sure enough it compiled both const and code in 1 bank. I used cvmkcart.exe to put the segment together and sure enough it works(once I figured out which bank is the right one.)

    So I decided to try making Rockcutter to Megacart again that I know --codeseg is needed. I first made a 80KB ROM since I already made 4 banks of graphic and code, but it failed to work. So I already experienced with 128KB, so why not go for that size. Sure enough I was saw KIWI on my logo screen, which the font was taken from the BIOS. No graphic was loaded since I was at the wrong bank. So I fudge around with it until the game was running perfectly. So now it work like my original 32KB version. I can now add more stuff to it. Music is one of the feature I want to add to this game. Better titlescreen for sure and better ending screen. Even a story screen, and a tutorial level for those who don't want to read the manual first. Maybe add more tile graphic to the levels.

    I really need to get on making that manual. And hopefully the game will be release in Summer 2016.

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    For those who don't wish to watch the Gamester81 coleco chameleon thoughts video, the following is a rough transcription of John Lester's dialog from it. I will not go as far as to say it is a perfect exact word-for-word transcription of it but it is the best and fastest I could do. It is quite long:

    Guys whats going on? before I start with the cc because i have a lot to say uh about this, just a quick disclaimer. I know it sounds cheesey but uh I have a lot of people come up to saying that they watch my show with their kids and they enjoy. Being a parent myself I respect that, I think its awesome. So, This may not be the best video for your kids to watch honestly, uh I'm pretty pissed. (laughs) and uh I did and uh honestly I'm not one for confrontation. Last thing I want to pride myself on having a lot of friends and no enemies and uh know where I'm at right now (laughs). And I'm not here to change anyone's opinions. k? Opionons are like assholes we all have an opion i respect others opinions, I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinion. I don't expect people to watch this video and people to say wow john you were absolutely correct and wow I changed my opinion. I don't expect people to be that easily swayed. I'm not here to defend the Chameleon either, cause, lets be honest, just be honest. it's beyond defending at this point ok? uhm, but I simply here to defend my reputation, defend my, my uh integrity cause its been taken a jab at uh recently and that kind of fucking pisses me off to be honest, to be completely honest with you. So I've been part of the gaming community since 2008 uh I've made a lot of friends. The gaming community I'll be honest with you guys, means the world to me. You guys not to sound tacky are like family to me. You guys are awesome, everything about how you feel about the show, how you feel about me as a person, means a lot. You can call me ugly, you can call me stupid, whatever I've got thick skin but when people start attacking my integrity I take that very very seriously. Uh and recently a video came and I'll talk about it later in the video that uh may not, may indirectly call me out and put me kind of in the corner so I feel like I have to do this video. Because I was going to initially going to stay quiet and distance myself because I don't want to add fuel to the fire so to speak. I'm not that kind of guy.

    So, for those who don't know I am co-owner of a company called collectorvision games. We produce new games for old consoles. ok? So, for example, uhm we you know, we have games coming out for modern consoles, like you know we have games coming out for like ya know, xbox, wii u, ps4, steam, all that good stuff, right? And we also have games coming out for the classic consoles, so anywhere from Atari 2600 believe it or not or Commodore 64 to, to dreamcast it just kind of depends so everything in between, ok. um so the only reason I mention this cause I'm not trying to promote my business to you guys but its relevant to my story I'm going to tell you to my involvement with the Chameleon. About a year a go Mike reached out to me and said John, I'm working on a project its called RETRO VGS Video game system. um I'd like you to be part of it I understand your company works on games. I've known Mike for years, I trust the guy. That's how when you have friends you tend to trust your friends, obviously. So I had no reason to not trust him. You know, agreed, and basically the agreement was, I was told the Retro VGS would run off a FPGA board and basically you take the ROMs and would be able to read the ROMs. So, we wouldn't spend any extra time or money on it. We were already working on two super nintendo, tiny knight and sydney hunter and the caverns of death. So, the agreement was just give him the ROM and he'd handle the manufacturing side of things, we would get a percentage of each game cart and we'd have the pack in game as well. So, for every game system sold we'd get x percent. I'm not going to dive into what percentage that was because, A. it's none of your business and B its not really relevant to the story. But just know that was the kind of agreement. Retro VGS failed, obviously, it was way over expensive. It was just Frankenstein and a whole bunch of things and you know, played Unity and it was really cool but it was just too much. $400 was way too much for a system out of the get-go and no one wants to pay that. There was no prototype ever issued, And during this whole time people were just going on Mike and which caught me off guard because he's been involved in other projects like RETRO Magazine, keep in mind, I still enjoy. Gamegavel.com which is like an ebay auction site for gamers, been around for years. He's done podcasts, retrogaming roundup, for years and people enjoy that. So, theres nothing to me that really told me that spoke out like wow, I should question this guy's motive because he clearly has had a good track record up until this point ok. so ok cool, so the thing obviously fails and during this time I reached out to Mike. Mike let's interview you, get you on my show, talk about your shop. I got a lot of slack for that cause I guess at one point I said, What do you want to address to the haters at Atari AtariAge? Right, So, that was wrong and ignorant of me and I apologize. I know that now. So, I took the video down, A cause the system was no longer, you know, going to be, so why even have a video on it? It's my channel, I can take a videos down and and and also I felt bad about what I said. I apologized to the community, I really do feel bad about what I said.

    So, people were upset with me that I took that video down. It's like oh my god, I'm guilty of taking my own video down. Shame on me. Shame on me. Guys, its a horrible, terrible thing to take a video down, fuck. So, Uhm, so so ok so fast forward uh campaign retro vgs is done, mike reached out to me again. Same kind of deal. We weren't going to Tiny Knight cause Tiny Knight wouldn't be ready for Christmas this year to be honest with you. So you know, Sydney hunter, we talk about as a pack in game. He told me other things, other projects going on. Really good things about retailers possibly carrying the system, among other things. Right, again, none of my business to talk about, I don't want to dive into details, these were all discussed behind closed doors, but just know that, you know, there is reasons and intensives for us to do that. Again, I had nothing to do with the hardware side of things or the decisions behind it. We fast forward to the toy fair, they show the back of the console. Has the cables out like the super nintendo, ac adapter like the super nintendo, uh controllers like super nintendo controllers, it doesn't look good for uh you know when I saw this video, when I saw this picture rather, it's the first time I saw it as well. So, It caught me off guard as well, so people assume that like I was somehow involved in this shit. From the beginning and have some stake in the company, ya know, I guess I do from the point of game sales and the percentage I'd make from games sales but I'm not a part of any decisions. I'm thinking to myself what the fuck, what is all this shit? Now I'm like you guys this is suspect, it looks like a super nintendo inside a jaguar shell. You know but the thing is, I've talked to several hardware guys and here's the thing about prototypes and I don't know if you guys know this or not, by all means I am not a hardware guy, ok. So, I might be completely off base here, but from my understanding is, there are several different type's of prototypes in the stage of prototypes. So, its like you just have a prototype and the next one is the finished product, it's just not how it works. There can be five, ten sometimes more prototypes before you get the final and usually the final prototype looks a lot different than the first prototype or even the tenth prototype. That's the reason why you don't see prototypes for nintendo, sony, microsoft, excreta, you just don't see them publicly, they keep them hidden for a reason. And during the early prototyping stage, they actually, it's not uncommon to take parts from the other boards and stuff and other products to kind of hodgepodge them together and see how it works. That could have very much been the case here, again, I'm not defending the Chameleon, I'm just saying this could have been the case, it could have been the explanation as far as why there was parts of a super nintendo. Mike could have opened it up and done a video, he didn't. So again, Suspect. Right? And I totally agree with you guys again on that.

    Now, we're gonna fast forward a couple more week or so ago, a couple weeks and this is the day before the Kickstarter was supposed to launch. Friday it was supposed to launch and this was Thursday. At this point I still don't know, I still have no contract, I have not signed, I still have not signed a nondisclosure agreement. I have not signed an agreement for Sydney Hunter, which is the only game we've agreed to port over to Chameleon and uh, I still haven't had the agreement in hand. And so, I guess, you know, on paper we are not linked to the Chameleon at all. I contact Mike, I'm like what's the deal with you know, cut to money before, I'm like dude what's the deal with this? He's like, I'll give it to ya. I never got it. He's busy. I'm like, whatever. So, finally, I get, I never get the agreement but the day, I find out that there's something that's changed, we had a new agreement that he told me about. Again, I don't want to tell, this was talked about behind closed doors, I'm sorry guys. But just out of respect of our conversation and my word. But, I will say this, something had changed, somewhere in that agreement and my understanding between talking to Mike and it pissed me off. It frankly did and I said you know what, I'm done, I wash my hands of it, I'm out. So, literally the night before the kickstarter was supposed to launch, collectorvision games pulled out. Like, we are done and Mike called me back cause he's obviously flustered because Kickstarter was supposed to launch, you know, tomorrow or the next day, and he has no like publisher of one of his launch games is out, and all the videos he has of Sydney Hunter and all that good stuff so he's basically screwed. And you know he's like, Oh John, I'm a stooge, lets push it back Kickstarter, we'll figure it all out. That's probably one of the reasons the Kickstater got pushed back. So, the whole thing has been miss managed from the beginning. Guys, has Mike fucked up? Yes. Did he make mistakes along the way? Yes. But, here's the thing, Who hasn't fucked up? Who hasn't made mistakes?

    If you are perfect, if you have never fucked up in your life, if you have never made mistakes, if you've done everything perfect, I would really like to shake your hand because you're probably mother fucking jesus. You probably are. So, So really we need to get off our high horse, we need to quit pointing fingers, we need to stop assuming that everything is a conspiracy. When really, there could be answers to stuff and when you're looking for facts, guys, go to the source. And that's what I tried to do with the retro vgs. Or I tried to do, right. The reason I'm doing this video is and it's really because I've been called out, indirectly called out is by Pat. Let me say one thing very very clear, Pat the NES Punk is a friend of mine. We've known each other for years. 5-6 years ago we were at PAX, I had a great time hanging out with him. I hung out with the AVGN james and Game Chasers. It was a great time. We had a fantastic time. It was actually like one of my highlights in my youtube career for lack of a better words. If that's what you want to call it. I still have a day job, its not much of a career for me. Regardless, it was definitely a highlight for me, just say that. So, it was a highlight for me, Pat is a super nice guy. As of recently, as of last year. I flew Pat, paid for his flight to come out to Phoenix, to come out to my gaming expo that I do, called the Game On Expo. Paid for his flight, paid for his hotel, gave him a free booth to sell his merchandise, free table and uh gave him a panel. It was a great time, hung out, had a few beers, whatever, we had a great time. As of last week I reached out to Pat to come back with Ian this time for this year, later on. I'd love to have him come back. The invitations always open for Pat to come in and be part of Game On Expo.

    So, no quarrel with pat whatsoever. But, I do have issues with his recent video about the Chameleon. And in this video the most recent video, its like a seven minute video. He's talking about the board, oh I forgot the mention, of course, one of the most important things right. Kickstarter got posponed and they posted a picture, picture of the prototype or the board, the capture card board. Again, caught me off guard. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, right. So that, completely caught me off guard, I was like what the fuck is this. Just like everyone else, okay? So, back to Pat. He talks about this board, he brings it up and he's like, and I'm of course para-phrasing, but he's like, you know, fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you, full me three times fuck off. So he's like, right, in the middle of this video he's like, fuck this is bullshit fuck, you know and he's all getting worked up, and I'm thinking to myself through this whole video, dude, I wanna give this guy a hug, because it's like, I realize that bigger shit is going on than. I'm sorry, I don't mean to down play the whole Coleco Chameleon but lets face it guys, no money was taken. Even with the Retro VGS No one lost any money, I mean, it's like, people are like vilifying uh the situation, like its the worst fucking thing. Dude, ISIS is blowing people up everywhere in the world, kids are starving in the streets, there's you know, he's talking in this video like it's world war three. I'm like what the fuck? and he's like, fuck this is fucking bullshit and I'm ya know he's rallying the troops and in between the video and in the middle of it he's calling out websites that are posting the press releases for the community. Come on dude, you have a website, you know how this works. When you get a press release, it's not your job, you are no accountable for the action of the company. I mean come on, that's bullshit right? Then he calls out RETRO Magazine which again I guess he forgot to mention is that Pat at one time at the start of RETRO Magazine, he was a key contributor to the magazine. He worked closely with Mike, he was like on the team, I duno if he was paid or what that's none of my business but he was part of the RETRO Magazine. So, yeah, he worked with Mike before. So he knows mike pretty well, so he knows mike. And then in the middle of the video he has the audacity to say that, anyone involved in this project should come out to the public and apologize. It's bullshit cause you are, you are, you are part of the project and you are part of the problem. Cause we were fucking supposed to know that shit was going to happen, right? And to say that, it's like this guys, like Sony, lets say the PS4 gets hacked and all of a sudden everyone's PS4 dies and crashes, alright. It's like me going to Naughty Dog and saying Naughty Dog, shame on you for publishing games for this PS4, explain yourself, come out and apologize. I mean that's fucking, it makes no sense to me whatsoever and the logic and he didn't call me out by name. He didn't say Gamester81 or say Collectorvision games but he didn't exclude us either. And then you know people have been on twitter and stuff and facebook, they've been asking me would you clarify your stance? And silence speaks louder than words sometimes. Now I know where he stands on this. So, according to Pat, we are all guilty by association. Because when he worked with RETRO Magazine, it was cool and everything worked out well. It didn't. And when I worked with Retro VGS and the Chameleon and shit hits the storm. And I don't wanna bring up the past cause, I'm not about that. But, if I recall Pat was a part of a Kickstarter that was kind of controversial and no one ever asked him to apologize and no one gave him shit for it. Uhm so, I don't know why all of a sudden I get the fucking Imp. And Pat when you make these kind of things, you are in a position of great power, because you have a lot larger audience even than I do and a lot of other people. And you say these shit and you know people listen to you like its the fucking gospel sometimes man. And I'm like Dude, okay so, I don't know whatever happened to people phoning home but please do your homework and realize that's what you're doing is basing your opinions on these guys showing pictures and all of a sudden these pictures are facts. I has ever dawned on me that there might be a minute chance, a very minute chance that maybe there's explanations for somethings that you see pictures wise, maybe there's an explanation for things has anyone ever dawn, did he ever dawn that he ever actually reach out to mike and ask mike. If he was so concerned about the Retro VGS and the Coleco Chameleon and how the shit was supposed to be wouldn't you think that he would actually go to the source and the find out facts, opposed to like basing his argument based on pictures. And guys, don't get me wrong, I agree that the pictures they look bad and that I'm on board, I agree with what you guys are saying. I'm not saying Mike, I'm not saying that he was right in any of this, he fucked up. But, we need to get off the fucking iris and I'm sorry to say, I'm sorry but who made Pat the fucking Judge of the internet? Who made followers the fucking Jury during this whole shit? Like why should I have to go out and apologize for trying to get my name out there to the masses? What's fucking wrong with that? I'm sorry but this kind of pisses me off a little bit. Ya know? So uhm, you know, you can question, when you start questioning my integrity which you are and my respect and my motivations to get involved with projects, you're assuming that I'm in it for the ill-will and that's just bullshit, so. Yes, I'm sorry if you feel that I have cause ill-will, I'm sorry if you feel I've done shit wrong, I'm sorry that you feel that way. But, I'm not going to apologize for fucking trying to do the best for my company. Ya know, and there's never a time and I do apologize to my company, my collages at Collectorvision games, a number of times they said, hey let's get out and I was Calm, I'm guilty of being ignorant, I'm guilty of being gullible, I'm guilty of being naive, I'm guilty of being many things. So, I am certainly no fault. I'm sorry, I didn't mean that, I'm certainly at fault in some of this as far as us being involved until the very last day, anyway. But I had no idea, this is news to me. So, where do I stand on the Chameleon? I am disappointed, I uh thought the thought of it was cool.

    I thought, I think Mike is a guy who intentions I think were sincere. You know, I'm not calling him a liar or assuming he is a liar and deceitful. Look, here's the deal guys, he owns RETRO Magazine, he owns the Gamegavel.com, other business entities, why would he logically? Just think about this, why would he logically want to fuck people over, intentionally? And try to lie and deceive people if he has all these. Would it not effect, it is effecting these other areas, I'm sure. Also, look at his website, he's got six other guys, seven other guys on his team. Look at the history the resume and all the gaming community and they have a really good strong record up to this point. They're legit guys, so, what are the odds of all seven of these guys getting together and saying, how can we fuck people over? how can we do this shit? I don't know. Let's do it. I don't know what are the odds of that? Now, is it possible that Mike is doing this shit behind their back? I duno maybe, that's quite possible. But the odds of all seven of them rolling together and saying, hmm, lets try to scam people. I just don't think that makes sense. If, my point is, several take aways from this video guys. A. Don't. Form your own opinion, please. Form your opinion, don't take shit you hear on one video that's gospel. Uh, Two, there are always two sides of the story. Every story has two sides. I feel like, in this situation a lot of people are siding with the side that they are, you know, that people want to, they want drama, right? And then, all in the video Pat, in the very end he mention's his book but if you look at the video, his video use. It's the Chameleon shit that's getting a lot of views and I don't blame the guy. We look at, we wanna get views and subscribers to get money but you do that shit to get back at people, you gotta realize when you're talking, when you're bringing something up, you are mauling on people, you effecting people, like myself, and when you start doing that shit and you start effecting other people, that's kind of fucked up, in my book. Because you, you're taking a topic, you're not really thinking through it, looking at both sides, you're looking at basing your argument on pictures, basing your argument on that, you haven't gone to the source, you haven't even reached out. No one reached out to me, to ask me what my opinion, my involvement with Collectorvision Games are. Uhm, you know, I would have been happy to talk to people about it. No ones ever fucking reached out to me, so you know I'm kind of thinking, you might have done this shit just for the views, I don't know. And then he's like, I'm gonna take the gloves off, I'm gonna talk next week. And I'm thinking to myself, gloves off what? You're going to beat a dead horse. Let's face it, the horse is dead ok. Why are we gonna beat someone already down? You're gonna kick someone while they're down, ok good. Good for you. You wanna be that, that's your prerogative, ok go for it. I really think that maybe, uh, society in general maybe, for some fucked up way, we like to beat people while they're down. Maybe it helps us In some fucked up way we feel better about ourselves? Because we're kicking someone while they're down, I don't know. So, my take is yes, mike fucked up. Uh, it's an ugly situation. I'm really fucking pissed because it has effected my company, the way people are associating us with the Chameleon its far from the truth. And I feel bad. I feel bad for Mike, I feel bad for the people involved, I think uh, but I'm not gonna sit here on a high horse and say, you fucking shoulda done this, you fucking shoulda done that and you are fucking wrong. That's that's not who I am. So, take it for what it is, that's my opinion.

    You know, again, I don't wanna fight with Pat, that's the last thing I want. But, the last thing I want is for you to go to his channel and unsubscribe or start a war, Team Gamester vs Team Pat. I'll tell ya right now he'll prolly win because I'm not going to respond much. I'm washing my hands of this. I'm working on other shit. I've got a Pier Solar Dreamcast review. I'm doing a RetroFreak system review I'm working on. So I'm already moving on from this shit, I've learned from it. Uh, I'm moving on. I'm growing from it. Let's all move on together, there's no sense in just keeping in doing a video for video on it, getting those views, getting those subscribers. If that's what you wanna do that's your prerogative, go for it. But I am done with this. Uh, you know, I respect Pat, I respect Ian. Again, I hope they come down to Arizona for Game On Expo. Uh, you know, I have nothing against them personally, This is really bullshit when they start calling people out and people start listening like the fucking gospel, they're the fucking see all do all judge of the internet and I just don't get that. That's just kinda pisses me off. Thank you for hearing me rant, it's good to rant a little bit. Cool off, I appreciate you guys, the community means the world to me. Let's just move forward. As far as Collectorvision games goes, we are working on other games, hasn't really effected us as far as production. We are working on our games, we are moving on from this and I hope you guys do too. We'll see you guys soon, take care and game on.

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    After all this time I finally discovered that object oriented programming can be used in batari Basic xD, *facepalm* I know that is embarrassing the time it took me to find out that you can Dim anything and rename it xD, I'm currently working on a interesting game idea, maybe not so original but I think it's clever, once I have the first playable I'll upload it for anyone interested in playing it, I'm looking forward for testers :D.

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