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Game time.

I've been busy. Yesterday I worked on HERTS3 for the Game Gear. Got some stuff in. New title screen: In-game stuff: I got the level intro in the game. When you die, it doesn't appear again like it does in HERTS2. It just goes straight back to the action.   And today I've been working on some Jaguar stuff. Mostly just messing around, but if you want to take a look, you can find what I did here. I should hook up the Jaguar and see if it still works. The Jaguar



pause the game (part 2)

A few blog updates ago, I told you about the trouble I was having getting my Game Gear game to pause correctly. Well, someone from the SMSPower forums chimed in. With their help along with me repositioning code snippets, I was able to get the sprites not moving an extra pixel before the game is paused. This after I said I was going to stop working on other projects until I get the Cranberry game done. Well, the truth is, I am sort of burned out on that project, and I have no more ideas for it, s



Use the green key.

So yesterday afternoon, I went to the store and got some Flex Glue, the stuff they advertised on TV. I applied some to the outer rim and pressed up on it (it was on the ceiling) for at least a minute. It didn't stick. Then I noticed there were holes underneath the stuff that made sure the bulb didn't get too hot and melt stuff. This was interesting since there are screws up on the ceiling where I pulled the thing off. The holes were wide at one tip and narrow at the other. So I aligned the screw



Have a heart

I went back to work on "Quest of the Cranberry," my epic Channel F game I've been making for at least two years now. Which is how long it took for Frank the Fruit Fly to be completed, but this game is nowhere near finished. I figured if I wanted it finished, I'd better drop all my other projects until I finish it. So that's what I'm doing.   I noticed that when you get past level 2 it goes to the title screen instead of going ahead to level 3. So I fixed that. Most of the work was addi



Light problem.

So the flickering light bulb flickered its last. Time to change the light bulb. I had a problem: I couldn't get the dome part opened. I pulled and accidentally pulled the dome off the ceiling! Now it's just dangling there from a wire or two. Which is really sad and depressing because I don't know who I would call to fix it. I thought an electrician, but then mom said that wouldn't help, I need someone to put the dome back on the ceiling. But I eventually got the dome open after and changed the l



pausing the game

I wanted to put the word "pause" on the screen when a player pauses the game. I noticed that putting it onto the screen made the sprites move one more pixel before stopping even when the game was paused. So I decided not to do that. I figured having the music stop would be a good indicator of whether the game was paused or not. So I put that in instead.   Emulicious got a brand new update that made my computer crash with a "Thread stuck in device driver" message whenever I tried to bri



Burger work.

I worked a whole bunch on my new project yesterday and today. I added title screen music, and also the beginnings of the game. Since I added in pizzas shooting pepperoni slices and tacos shooting nachos, I had to redesign the milkshake so I could streamline the enemy displaying code better. The enemy shooting is also random. Sometimes it shoots once, sometimes twice, sometimes it doesn't shoot at all. The in-game stuff has the title screen for a background since I haven't made a backg



Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 3 (Game Gear)

I am beginning a new project for the Sega Game Gear. I figured it was time to brush up on my Game Gear coding skills (however many there were to begin with.) Plus, I found my Game Gear everdrive so I now have that to help me. I had put it somewhere where I thought I knew where it was going to be but then I forgot. It was with my Micro Machines collection, waiting there at the bottom of the bin waiting to be discovered.   So anyway, I copied some code from the second one to get me start




So I dug out the 32X and finally found the correct cable needed for the Genesis-to-32X. I found the games I had. Awhile back, I sold most of the games I had for it because I didn't play it as much. I learned my lesson: NEVER SELL ANYTHING. I found my Sega Master System. All this after trying to find my Gamecube controller so I could plug it in and play Mario Kart Wii on the Wii I found while trying to find the 32X cord. So now I want some more games because all I have are crappy sports titles no




I have been working on Upmonster for the Odyssey 2 a lot today. Here is a screenshot of the most current version: I noticed some things when I returned to working on this. First, the platforms seemed to be all grouped together and not going to the left very much. So I spread the pit out wider. Yes, the upmonster can jump from one edge of the pit to the other if he needs to. I also made it (IMO) easier to control by lessening the amount the upmonster moves when it's moving.  



Odyssey 2 programming is hard.

I spent all night last night trying to do something. I had to wave the white flag and go to sleep at about 10 a.m. So now I'm back to being awake all night and sleeping all day. When I got up tonight it was about 7 p.m. I tried a new thing based on the old thing I was trying to do. Three hours went by, but finally I had it: A new Cedar Games intro. I always didn't like the buzzy sounds it made, so I was trying to replace them. This all started with a post about sound effects in the videopac.nl f



Chris's Odyssey²

So I got home and while I was in the garage, I noticed my Odyssey 2 games sitting on the floor in a box and I thought to myself, "I should hook the thing up and see if it still works." It had been sitting in the hot pantry while the temperature outside got to a toasty 117 degrees. So that made me wonder even more. I plugged it in after fighting with the rat's nest of cords the power cord it became entangled in. I turned it on, and there was a little bit of static. You can hear a little bit of st



I never promised you a Rows Garden

The thing I have been working on I did just for fun and waiting to die has been completed. It is called a "Rows Garden." It is like a crossword puzzle, only different. I know probably zero people here would be interested, but I finally did it, and you can download it here. There are instructions on the site to solve it as well in case you are interested in it. This style of word puzzle was invented by Patrick Berry (fitting name) in the 1990s. And yes, it is a pun on "rose garden." It has flower



Another new title screen

Today I spent most of the time working on something else, one of my personal projects I do just to waste time until I die. But then I got to thinking, perhaps, if I were to make a little logo for the game, since its title isn't very long, that would look better. The word "Yum!" takes 8 tiles to draw. I will attempt something in the way of title screen music tomorrow. And then the hard part of the game, adding the candy and vegetables.   Speaking of food, I fixed that pizza u



A new title screen.

So apparently I can't change the entire background at once without it flashing, so that makes my current title screen the way I had it impossible to do without making the face blink off for less than a second, which, which doesn't seem that much, is actually quite noticeable. So I changed the title screen to this: One good thing I can do is get rid of the text very easily. I also got help with the mouth opening and closing. To start the game, you press Start. You press B to



Yum! (NES)

Different than the Game Boy version I made a few years ago. This version of Yum! is based on the Atari 2600 version. I wondered whether or not I could make the beginnings of a new NES game or not. So I worked and worked and went through every error message it spat out at me. Until finally, success! I have a title screen. I always wondered why most video games don't have a white background. So I made the background color white. I also don't know how to make the mouth open and close. Th



a picture i drew

My light in my room was flickering. I leave it on almost all the time, but I figure now I shouldn't. It uses one of those special light bulbs that are supposed to be more eco friendly or some stupid crap. Anyway, I decided instead of taking a picture of the sky and inserting cucumbers in it, I should draw what I wanted instead. That way I could get the image I had in mind as perfect as I could. So I drew a detailed picture. It is this one: I call it "Jimmy Hoffa Doing the Mashed Potat



wisteria worms

So I've decided to cut my song into fifths, each part being about fifteen minutes. Originally I was going to make one 79-minute-long track, but then I thought "I'd better cut it into pieces so if people listen to it, they can come back to where they left off." I am also making a little book of lyrics for my CD. I have about two minutes to go until I finish part 1. Not bad since I started this project on June 10, almost a month ago. If I keep going at this rate, I can finish it in November,




I got a copy of Cliffhanger for the NES. I think it's the same one that I've seen there a few games before. I think various people bought it and then traded it in. Well now I've got it. I remember the little cyan-colored stains on the end label. I wondered if it would work. For all the money I paid for it. I put it in my NES and voila. The Sony image came up. It works. So there. I worked all afternoon on the third game of my Press Fire game, I finally got it working. Now I'll add a fourth game a




So we broke the all time hottest record here. Last time I looked yesterday before I went to sleep it was 112. A few hours ago, it was 117. Since then it's cooled to 115. Today I've been angrily and busily working on my game. I discovered something that will work and so I've completed "Bomber Pilot." It is a port of the old game where you bomb boxes and make sure you don't hit them so you need to clear them away by bombing them by dropping bombs on them. This has 4 levels of varying de



Press fire.

I am beginning to make a collection of games where the main idea of each is to press fire. The fire button will be the only button used. No joystick movement, either. Right now I've been working on the first game, which is a version of everyone's favorite arcade game. I did a version of this a long time ago, but now I want to make a version that actually works. Actually, for it being 102 degrees outside, it doesn't feel it in here. Must be the A/C. Anyway, I've been working on this a



A giant raspberry (part 2)

It's 90 degrees at 11:30 a.m. Earlier this morning, I wasn't as hot, so I decided to make the raspberry shoot seeds at Craig. The raspberry will only shoot down if it is near Craig. This picture was taken when I had the raspberry shooting all the time. I was so happy to see that. I had to rearrange a lot of code for the collision detection though. It was hard, but I had it finished well before it got hot.   There is something wrong with me. I am sleepy all the time. I got up



A giant raspberry

In yesterday's blog, I mentioned putting a flying raspberry that shoots down seeds at you. I got the raspberry movement part in, but it doesn't shoot seeds out yet. And it probably won't until after this weekend. I mentioned we're going to be having record-breaking heat this weekend. I don't want to be hot and angry if I can help it. I had a little bit of anger today trying to put the raspberry in. But they're expecting 95 today and I have my fan on even though we have a/c but Mom won




With them threatening all-time record-breaking heat this weekend (it needs to get to at least 111 degrees in order to break the all-time hottest temperature here ever) I decided to beat the possible heat by working on Craig the Cranberry for Virtual Boy and having the next level, the one I'm working on, be "snowland." I HATE SUMMER. Craig slips and slides on the frozen path. Some things I want to include in the second level are flying raspberries that shoot raspberry seeds down on you



49 years ago.

The year was 1972. Magnavox had just put something on the market the world had never seen before: a video game console, The Magnavox Odyssey. I am lucky enough to have one of these things. It had been sitting in the corner of my room collecting dust though. While I was going through the files of my computer, I came across the instructions for a one-player game I never used. I tested the game with the instructions. They needed tweaking so I tweaked the instructions. But the story begged the quest



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