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Ant Capistrano

Well, they came back. The ants have decided to return. There was one in the bathroom and one on the desk in my room. It crawled on my hand. They do that sometimes. So SecondBasic apparently has very limited 32x capabilities, so I've decided to make this a Genesis game. I figured out how to add tiles to my game so it now looks like this: Even though it's no longer a 32x game, I am still active on this, still playing with the programming, trying to understand stuff. Nobody has explained


atari2600land in 32X

32x stuff

So I am beginning to make a 32x game. It's going to be about elephants stomping grapefruit. I had to download an emulator and find 32x BIOSes, but I eventually did that. I downloaded Gens because it has 32x support and I want to make a 32x game. And after a few hours of cursing, sprite designing and other programming. I got one sprite to show up on the screen. And now, this is the title screen for the newest 32x game. It's so new, it just got began being worked on. The plural of "


atari2600land in 32X

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