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The F stands for 'fly' (part 2)

Last night I made some progress on Flies. I put a score and timer in. I lowered the title screen fly a little. Right now the timer starts at 99, which is way too high, so I'll lower it to like 20 or something. Nothing happens when you get down to 00, but that will be when the game ends. I tried and tried to get a green border in a certain way, but I had to give up. Then I thought "if I made a whole bunch of sprites next to each other since there's apparently no limit, I could mak



The F stands for 'fly'

Between getting ready to ship boxes of Trimerous out (there are still a few left, btw), I have been working on a new Channel F game. Perhaps a game of "Trimerous 2" is in the making? Anyway, it's a fly swatting game called Flies. Flies to swat at, bombs to avoid, great fun for all. Right now I have a title screen and the beginning of an in game thing working. The lovely title screen. What I WANTED to have happen was have a pretty song play here and then pause the song to animate the f



Trimerous on sale now.

So this morning the power went out. It was only like 10 seconds or so, but it was enough to screw up the clocks, AND MY VCR/DVD RECORDER. Which I just had working in my room a few days ago. I tried to get the thing working again. I couldn't. But then I went to the post office and got 24 boxes to mail Trimerous cartridges in. Then I went and got a burger. After that, I tried for about an hour and finally got the stupid VCR/DVD recorder working again. So now I'm selling Trimerous (there's a preord



More work on level 5

I finally am able to use black as a color, but as an expense, I have to use more Worlds. So the setup for each "World" is 3 colors + transparent. Usually the transparent color is black, but if you want to use black as a color, you have to define one of the other three colors as "transparent." But there is a way around this. And that is to use more worlds. A World (in this sense) is basically a layer of the screen. You can put Worlds on top of each other, like pieces of paper. This isn't what giv




So I had ants keep coming in my bathroom. Perhaps a couple every time I went in. So I put two Terro traps in there and went to sleep. When I woke up about 12 hours later, there were about 200 or so ants, with an additional at least 50 dead in the traps themselves. This is crazy. Since I wanted to be able to use my bathroom and not the other one, I went to work killing all them, and I put the ant-covered traps outside. It must have taken me 20 minutes to make sure all the ants I could see were de



Annoying feature.

Remember when you put in the Virtual Boy game, it gives you a screen to adjust the thing? I put that in. Remember the pause feature you most likely turned off where it paused play after 15 minutes? I put that in too. Just finished testing that, and after about 15 minutes, a message came on saying "take a break." To resume play when you get the message, press Start. It's that easy. And, you can turn it off too. This was hard to do, but now I can continue working on the main



Testing the battery.

So I was reading the Nester's Funky Bowling manual trying to come up with something to add to the Burgers game. I'm going to add the Virtual Boy testing screens when I'm finished, but something in the meantime. I came across the part where it talks about an icon coming up when the battery is low. Seemed easy enough, but it turned into a huge production. But I think I have it done now thanks to the Discord people. Unfortunately, there is no function in Mednafen to simulate a low battery, so I had



3-D depth on the Virtual Boy?

Wow, who would have thought? I had some trouble with this. I tried it and they said I got it backwards. So I tried it again, reversing the number from positive to negative and I think this looks better than my first attempt. I am not sure I have the eyes for the Virtual Boy. I can see the tip of my nose. When I hold my hand in front of my face, it sort of doubles and gets blurry. I don't know if it's crosseyed or lazy eyes or what, but the Virtual Boy doesn't really work that much for me. Plus t



Level 3 - the desert.

Work continues on Hamburgers. The past few days I've been working on level 3. I made it so the boss moves up and down. I made a video of it, but it looks really crappy since it only records at 30 fps. So this screenshot will do. It shows cacti and pyramids moving in the background. It took me a little over 7 minutes for me to complete level 3 while playing it, but I'm a real poor aim so it will probably take less time than that for you. There aren't any cacti in the Sahara, but oh wel



Chicken nuggets

Working on "Hamburgers" again. Did a lot of stuff yesterday. I added chicken nuggets to the game. If you shoot one, it doesn't do anything, but if you touch one, you get an extra life. I also made it so they quit showing up after 9 lives, so the maximum amount of lives you can have is 9. I also made it so they can't shoot onion rings, but they do move in the same way the milkshakes do. There is a 5% chance when you shoot a milkshake that the nugget will appear. I don't know if that should be it,



Opening Sssealed Games

A birthday present from myself came in the mail today. I got Sssnake for the Sssupervision (Sssorry.) It was sssealed. Ssso I opened it. I felt bad about opening a sssealed game that had been that way for 30+ years. But video games are meant to be played. And apparently they're cheaper if they haven't been opened. It sssaid "Supervision" instead of "Travellmate". I guess Watara had the possibility of changing the opening to whatever they felt like. It's totally different from the game "Sssnake"



Onion rings!

So after sitting here for I don't know, 4 hours or so, I finally made the milkshakes shoot onion rings only periodically in Hamburgers. Getting the milkshakes to shoot in the first place was easy, the hard part was trying to get it periodically. I'm going to have it the later you are in the game, the better (worse?) chances the milkshakes will shoot onion rings at you. Right now there's about a 1/8 "chance" of the milkshake shooting (12.5%) on level 2.   I'm not going to work on anythi



'Twas the Night Before Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! I suddenly have the urge to make a game involving William Shatner asleep riding a Hello Kitty-bicycle while holding a crackpipe when it's cold outside. I think I'll wait for the urge to pass on this idea. As if making a game about flying hamburgers shooting French fries at milkshakes isn't weird enough for you. Whatever happened to Benny, anyway?   So I noticed the onion rings had an extra line in them. Which is bad because right after the onion rings I p



Supervision: It came

I woke up to find a big box on the hall tree addressed to me. I figured that must be that Supervision I ordered. So I opened it up. Inside the box was a boxed Supervision, complete with (corroded) batteries. Thankfully they were not in the console. So I threw them away and put in four (uncorroded) AA batteries in. The Travellmate logo popped up, then after that, the Cryst Ball title screen, with music. It works, it works! I went on to play Cryst Ball a couple times. The game is like Breakout. Or



Breaking the law

It really is a dumb law, so it's okay to break. Ever since I got that new cable box in the living room, it forces me to not record anything, giving me a message saying I can't due to copyright reasons any time I try. So I figured if I put the DVD recorder in my room where my older cable box is, it would let me. But stuff got in the way of me actually doing that. I figure the 2020 Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade would be an interesting bit of history to have (with the coronavirus and all), and sin



Hamburgers level 1 completed.

So last night I went to work adding in the boss part of the stage. I went back and fixed a bug that happened when you just start out I must have introduced somehow. So now with that fix, I have the "engine" mostly completed. I'll add little bits of code as the game progresses to make stuff harder, like the milkshake's ability to shoot out onion rings. The int main_game (working in C here) has about 250 lines. I tried to compress it, but I'll try to more later. For now I need to te



Supervision: A beginning

My Supervision I got from eBay is making its way to my house. While I am waiting for it, here is a list I've composed of the games I would like to own/play. Block Buster looks to be a Tetris clone. I enjoy playing Tetris, so why not? Classic Casino, because I like casino games. PacBoy & Mouse, since it is a Pac-Man clone. Sssnake because I like the growing snake eating dots on the screen type games. There look to be a LOT more games for the Supervision than there wer



Hamburgers day 2

I did NOT want to get up today. I feel more sleepy than usual, I think perhaps it may be the gummy melatonin I take to help me get to sleep. I find I'm sleepy all the time. Nevertheless, I worked on my Virtual Boy game today. After getting up at almost 3 p.m. after going to sleep at about midnight. Yes, I got about 15 hours of sleep. Not unusual for me nowadays. Anyway, I added a background to go along with the other background. It now looks like this: I think the problem I was having



Red burgers

I wanted to get back into Virtual Boy programming. I gave up on my craig the cranberry game for the Virtual Boy since it didn't have much variety and it was hard to program. So I thought to myself, "Self, what isn't a pain to work on, is semi-easy to program, and, most of all, fun to play? I wanted to work on my Hamburgers 2 game for the Game Gear when it struck me: Why not try programming a Hamburgers game for the Virtual Boy? Work started a day ago. This is level 1: inside a cave. A



A better bear

I changed the bear. Drawing a bear is hard. I was on Discord last night, and based on suggestions from multiple people, I kept changing the bear until someone said it looked a lot better. Then everyone disappeared. They probably went to bed. So I went to bed. Took a gummy melatonin. It took about 20 minutes for me to sleep. It was after midnight the last time I looked at the clock.   Woke up ten hours later. I still felt sleepy so I went back to sleep on the couch. Got up at



Frank the Fruit Fly and the bear.

I had an idea about a Frank the Fruit Fly screen. Unfortunately, it came as I was going to bed. I worked on drawing up screens on it hoping it would help me remember what it was. I took some melatonin gummies. They have been helping me get to sleep faster. Now instead of a couple hours, it's only about 15-20 minutes. But the last time I did that, the melatonin must have worn off since it quit helping.   Anyway, here is my idea: There's this sleeping bear that is sleeping (it



Some other stuff

I was getting nowhere fast on my Nosehair project. It kept giving me an unsteady picture. So I decided to give up and pursue other things. Like my webcomic. I am apparently one of the only remaining people who even use Comic Genesis any more. Sometimes reading the newspaper can give me ideas for my comic. Other times I just think of unusual things, and what could be a funny pun or comment I could make out of it. I got behind, and my comics ended on Nov. 3. Election Day. I made a special day-afte



Changes part 2

Well, whaddya know? As it turns out, my perfectionism got in the way of my vacation. I had to make the game absolutely perfect before I began my break. But now everything is perfect since I worked on it some more and made it perfect. I even tested it on my Atari 2600 to make sure it was perfect. I even got rid of a rather nasty bug that put the scanline at 261 for one frame at the end of the game after the death sequence played. This made the game jump a little on my real TV. But I fixed it.




So I decided that if I was going to continue on the game, I'd have to make some changes seeing as how my nosehair viewing code wasn't going to support a box. So I changed it. I looked at SpiceWare's Collect tutorial on how to do a 2-line-kernel. I had to change some stuff in order to not display an arena and instead show a nosehair. I made the nosehair the ball so it would be even easier, I got rid of the playfield entirely. Now the nosehair is a lot thinner, which is what I wanted. I



The art of nosehair.

I got bored, so I decided to work on a cartridge label for Nosehair! How I originally drew it was having the beginning of the nosehair connect with the n. Then I thought it looked a lot like the word "hosehair" so I changed it. There is even a blank spot down at the lower left hand corner for a logo of some sort, for a company that decides to publish it. Or perhaps I am thinking too far ahead here...   It became clear that odd things are happening with AUDx0. So I switched t



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