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Entries in this blog

No Zyx collection #2

Since apparently ggn decided to take Raptor Basic + off the internet forever in a strange post, I will be stopping all future development for the Jaguar. I will finish Zyx #1, but this apparently will end it. I guess I can take the #1 off the title screen. He gave no reasons, he just decided he'll be pulling the files off the internet for no good reason. Very sad and disappointing news. I guess I'll devote more time to my other projects. Jaguar developing was fun while it lasted. But you can't g



NBA Live '98

Aaaand, SNES Reverse Chronogaming has returned. Sacramento beat Vancouver 84-79. Fortunately, I was Sacramento in my first NBA Live '98 outing. For a guy whose only video game basketball experience is NBA Jam, this was an adventure out of my comfort zone. The Grizzlies had the lead a few times, but fortunately a few late errors by Vancouver, I was able to win by 5. A few times the AI started going up the floor while I had the ball, making me wonder if I actually did. So I just shot it and it wen



Going to Saturn

I have been working about changing my sleep cycle so that I'm awake during the day and sleeping all night. I woke up this morning at 3 a.m. after going to sleep at about 1 p.m. What the oddest thing about sleeping 14 hours is I woke up not because I had to go to the bathroom. So hopefully I can go to sleep at about 3 p.m. today instead of 1 p.m. I have a Saturn game coming in the mail today. I had one arrive Saturday, and I bought one at the store as well. I decided I needed more platform games,



Swat those flies! (part 4)

I've been working on the railroad Flies! game for the Game Boy again. What I've done this time is add some bee spray which, when swatted, will get rid of the bees for a few seconds. Just discovered a weird thing about the lives counter being screwed up when I pause the game that I need to fix. Other than that, everything looks good. I went to the local game shop. Everything seems to be going up in price there. N64 consoles for $100, Same for GameCubes. The store is ridiculous. Bu



Swat those flies! (part 3)

I thought I was somewhat finished with the fly swatting game on Game Boy. So I went and posted about the game over at Video Game Sage. Someone suggested I put in a boss robotic fly. So that's what I did. Although the fly isn't robotic, but it is big. I am using 8x16 sprites, so this screenshot has 7 sprites going around. I think the maximum on the Game Boy is 8, so I can't really add much more to the fly boss stage. The boss stage has a giant fly that you must swat 10 times to defeat



A better bird

So I've been tinkering with the bird design a little bit. It now looks like this: I have been having tons of problem with the screen and the collision detection. If it detects the bird collision and the egg collision at the same time, the game crashes. So it's been a big fight trying to make it so when the bird's y collision area ends, the egg's y collision begins. Which is especially difficult when you have no idea what you're doing.   I finally fell asleep at about 4a.m. a



Night owl

Sleeping all day and being awake all night again. Being like this you see stuff outside that you don't normally see during the day. A couple of hours ago around midnight, I saw a rat on the back patio. It was gray and disgusting. I needed to work on my Pokemon Mini game called "Frank the Fruit Fly." Inspired, I tried drawing a rat, but nothing looked good. So I attempted to turn it into a bird that flies from right to left dropping eggs. Frank wouldn't get injured if he touched the bird, just th



Cut it out! (Trimerous update)

A big box arrived at my home today. Inside are 24 Trimerous chips, 24 boxes, 24 front labels, and 24 side labels. And they all came not being precut, which means I have to be the one cutting. I did the first one with scissors, and it looked okay despite me having shaky hands. Then I remembered "I have a cutter for this type of thing!" So the second one looks much better. Unfortunately though, the labels have curved edges (of course they do.) So that part has to be hand done. But other than that,



My arm hurts.

My arm still hurts from that vaccine I got yesterday. I went to bed at about midnight and woke up at around 5 a.m. because I had an acid reflux episode. They tell you to drink milk and not water. Luckily, I had some cereal and milk, so I had a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats (it was either that or Rice Krispies.) I went back to bed at about 7 a.m. and didn't get up until 2 p.m. As I'm writing this, it's almost 7 p.m.   I am busy putting the finishing touches on Zyx #1. I can make & des




So today I went to the doctor's office. I finally fell asleep last night at about 10 p.m. and woke up at various points throughout the night, spent trying to get myself back to sleep. Well, I finally woke up at about 8:50a.m. got out of bed, got myself ready, and went to the doctor's office. There was a tent outside, I guess to help treat those who may have "the virus." They checked my temperature, asked me if I was in any contact with anyone who had "the virus", and if I felt sick when I exited




I wanted to make the Yeti in "Quest of the Cranberry" faster. This presented a problem. Since the yeti was moving two pixels left instead of one, it left green splotches of "residue" since I had only one pixel worth of border. So I changed the Yeti. It's now a grape. It could be an unripened cherry tomato, but it is a grape. Grapes are funnier. I've been having trouble with my mouse lately. It is hard to left-click stuff. I think I need a new mouse. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow fo




It's 98 degrees right now (not sure about the .6 part) I was having trouble. I discovered that left in my Bert game wasn't working on real controller. So I tried various things but to no avail. I thought my 7 button was broken. So I opened the controller up and cleaned 7. It was clean already. Put it back together. Then I thought of the keypad test I had on my computer, so I put it to the test on a real Atari 2600. All my numbers were working fine. So it must have been something in my code. Even



Return to Zyx

I was trying to find something yesterday. Ran into my Jaguar games. Went to sleep and woke up the next morning at about 5 a.m. I was working on a Jaguar game. I decided to see if I could make it any better. I fixed the jumping gravity problem I discovered in the Running Zyx game. And, I also made the title screen look much better. Unfortunately, due to the way Running Zyx works, I am unable to fix it up with an actual mountain, highway, and field (plus, it will take a lot of effort to put a pict



Bert's pick up lines...

...of code. Today I put in a lot. I fixed the problem I was having with the box. And I put in some code that when you press the key left of 0, Bert will turn around and pick up the box (if he's near it.) I originally had his head facing backwards when you went to pick up the box, but that was creepy. The plan is to have 5 x positions Bert can be at. 3 in front of the separate bins, and 2 for picking up boxes. Sort of like Big Bird's Egg Catch. This means that there will be a total of 2 possible



Swat those flies! (part 2)

So apparently all this working on Game Boy games isn't yielding any feedback. Nevertheless, I continue. I added a way to get back some lives. If a heart comes along, swat it and you'll get an extra life. I was trying to think of stuff in the Mario Paint game even though it's been eons since I last played it. Although I guess I could download a SNES emulator and get a Mario Paint rom, but then I risk getting viruses, which is really dumb. Why would the virus people target likely people who would



Swat those flies!

Remember that old game in Mario Paint where you moved the mouse around and clicked it to swat flies? Well, I've been working on a Game Boy version, for fly-swatting action on the go (or in the bathroom while pooping a bunch.) What made me stop? I don't know. What made me continue? Yesterday's blog entry. I found this uncompleted game being in there and I said to myself "I really should finish this. I hardly ever finish anything." Work I have done this morning includes getting two



Burger boy

So I attempted to make a Game Boy game larger than 32k. I think I succeeded with a start. I put some data in bank 3 and read it from bank 0. Which is a huge start. I've made a 64k ROM. So we'll see where this goes. My interest in the Bert game has been lessening. I found a way to test it on a real Atari 2600, though. I put the font in bank 3 as well, and read it in bank 0. This is just a test screenshot. I plan on adding a burger in the background. Getting the burger moving was hard,



Where Bert frolics.

Finally got the keypad working. So with the title screen done, it will probably not magically change any more. To start the game, press 1 on the Kid's controller. Unfortunately, it is impossible to test on a Harmony Cart because the Harmony Cart menu does not work with a keypad controller. Pressing the game select switch just has the cursor flickering between the first and second items. (Perhaps) the final Bert design. I moved the nose one pixel up. So anyway, this will be wher



Bert's head (part 2)

So I slept a lot yesterday. I went to sleep on the couch at about 11 a.m. Woke up at about 2 p.m. and moved myself to my bedroom. I didn't think I'd sleep a lot, but I slept a good 11 hours on my bed. Woke up at 1:30 a.m. After having a bizarre dream about going back to the video game store and buying something else and having the car disappear when I got out, I thought "I don't want to continue this nightmare," I woke up and went back to work on Bert's head. I made Bert's unibrow a pixel wider,



Bert's head

I think we all know Bert is hard to draw. Even at that, imagine drawing it with programing using Atari 2600 assembly. I wanted to put Bert's head on the title screen of my game. This is the first attempt: Bert's pupils are yellow, which made him look weird. So I went for a hunt on how to make them black. Then I found a way to make them green. So I changed the background color to gray (Bert just had to have black hair.) While I was programming it, it magically changed size and this is




So today I got a Kid's Controller at the store for my 2600. I noticed that Ernie, Oscar, Big Bird, and Cookie Monster each have their own game. But who's missing? (And if you say "Elmo" I will scream.) Bert is missing. (Well, so is Grover, but that's a different story.) So I want to rectify the situation by making a Kid's Controller game featuring our ol' buddy Bert. (Just don't tell Sesame Workshop.) I worked and worked and eventually got the Sesame Street theme playing on an Atari 2600 using a



Screwed up "schedule"

These past few days I have been getting up at 10pm and taking a nap at 4am. Which is fine, except for today I didn't wake up from my nap until 11am. Which probably means I'll be asleep soon. Something is making me really sleepy. Before I am off to slumberland, I just thought I'd share with you what I've been working on these past few hours. I got an idea for a Frank the Fruit Fly screen. The bees move diagonally between their tree and the center one. You can pass through the center tr




So I misjudged how big I can make the sprites. It turned out it was 5x6 not 6x6 as I had thought. Tried to redesign the yeti, but couldn't make it look as good. So I made the sprites 6x6 (in actuality 8x8, but the blank border is needed so artifacts don't clutter the screen!) Lots of time was spent trying to make it move correctly. I spent two days on it. I've been sleeping a lot, which is why I'm on this site less. Don't know why. The yeti moves "randomly" around the screen. If he co



Cranberry update

A lot of work has been put into the raining in Quest of the Cranberry for the Channel F. And since I added a snowflake falling in the snow level, that too. The gist of the random number generator, I think, is this: 1. Generator gets number between 0-255 in a certain table of numbers (that seems random) that the lookup point increases by one if you add to it. 2. Make the number be between 10-73 with some code. 3. Put said number into the x position of the raindrop or snowflake.




So I was working on a song I was making. I got it all beautiful and stuff when suddenly my computer became unresponsive for a few seconds and then abruptly restarted. I had saved the last 45 minutes of my song, but the last 2 minutes weren't saved. I was so angry because it was so beautiful. So I had to redo it. It wasn't as beautiful as the last time I created something, but oh well. I hate my stupid computer.   And this morning I woke up and there was a huge spider, about a couple in



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