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My thoughts on everything.

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So I was working on a song I was making. I got it all beautiful and stuff when suddenly my computer became unresponsive for a few seconds and then abruptly restarted. I had saved the last 45 minutes of my song, but the last 2 minutes weren't saved. I was so angry because it was so beautiful. So I had to redo it. It wasn't as beautiful as the last time I created something, but oh well. I hate my stupid computer.   And this morning I woke up and there was a huge spider, about a couple in



Odyssey 2 stuff

So I began work on a new Odyssey 2 game that has the same idea as an Odyssey 2 game I finished but never got released. I figured since it never got released that I would see if I could make it any better. So swat the flies. I had to make the fly body a square since the round body was just not working at all. I only have one sprite left though. The hand is one, the handle is one and the swatting part of the fly swatter is another. Stuff I plan to do in the near future: + Make the




I was working on Frank the Fruit Fly making sure the passwords worked right. I tried level 3. I got four screens in when it started acting weird: So I went through the code and determined that the cause was code placement. I tried for about an hour trying to move code and stuff. I then remembered about the .orgfill statement. Perhaps that could help. So I tried putting that in the code in various spots. It worked. It also made my code 40kb larger. When I get all done adding levels, I




I hated the way the passwords in Frank the Fruit Fly were kind of "guessable." So I changed it. If you wanted 99% health, the first and third letters were "k". But now it isn't like that. It now varies with each level password, making for a more random look if one were to look at the 99% health codes list. Granted, they're still K's, but they're now in different places, and hey, who is going to begin each level with 99% health, anyway?   I could have gone the route I did for Quest of t



Computer this weekend

Just a heads up. If you want to contact me via e-mail, I won't be able to view it until at least Monday. Right now I'm on the spare computer in the den instead of typing on mine in my room because the fan gave out and it needs to be replaced. Unfortunately, this means not only will I not be able to respond to any e-mails, I also can't work on any of my projects until I get my computer back. I can still go on the internet and stuff, but I'd just prefer not to mess with the settings.   S



Frank level 6 music

So I wanted to work on Frank the Fruit Fly. But I had no ideas for the next screen. What to do? Then I remembered I needed to make some new music for the new level. So that's what I did. Got my normal 15 hours of sleep. Woke up, and posted a YouTube video of it. As you can see in the video I'm working on level 6. I don't know how many levels I'll end up having though. And I sure did think I made a blog entry after Sunday, but it's gone. Either that or the days just zoom by so they



Fun with Colecovision

So I took my Colecovision out of the garage. I found the games, and eventually the power cord (it was hiding from me), so I plugged it in and tested it. The lines came back. A whole bunch of rubbing alcohol was used near the power switch. Next was the troubling fact that there was no sound. I jiggled the cable going to the TV. The problem was that it wasn't plugged in far enough. But I plugged it in as far as it can go, and I don't want to sit there holding the cable. Eventually I got sound from



Trimerous (Channel F) update - 7/8/2020

There will be 2 dozen copies for sale. You'll get a Trimerous cartridge complete with lovely labels and instruction booklet in a lovely box. It's not ready yet. I will make a for sale thread for the game in the Marketplace forum when I am ready. I don't know when I will be ready. It may be a couple weeks or a couple months. Anyway, I want to thank e5frog for making all this possible. This isn't possible without him.   I actually woke up at a sane time (4 a.m.) It took some effort to st



Raindrops keep falling on my cranberry

Working on Quest of the Cranberry for the Channel F again. I had to change an important aspect of the game: The way the raindrops fall. Discovered that raindrops falling off screen are bad. So instead of them falling slanted, to make it easier on myself, I made them fall straight down. This way I could control the x position of each raindrop better. I also made the raindrops' x positions random instead of in a pattern. Well, as random as the Channel F (and my programming skills) can get. And sin



Another return of burgers

I decided to work today on Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2, my sequel game for the Game Gear. A few nights ago, I had an idea for a level: Why not at a fast-food restaurant? I also discovered I needed to make the lowest milkshake level possible a bit lower. One can just go to the bottom and sit there without anything hitting you. Of course, you'll never pass the level and you certainly won't get any points for doing so, But in the interest of making a good game, I'll lower it...o




Oregon is a backwards state. We can't pump our own gas, there's no sales tax, and fireworks that go more than 12 feet in the air or explode are illegal. But if you're near the border of Washington like I am, that doesn't stop fireworks enthusiasts from obtaining illegal ones and they light them off anyway. Creating big huge thunderous booms. Here it is, the night of July 2, and there are people lighting them off. I can hear them. Our poor dog has to suffer because she's scared of them. Tomorrow,



12 years for this?

Twelve years ago, Nine Inch Nails released a double album called "Ghosts I-IV". Twelve years ago, I eagerly awaited the next installment. Years pass. I decided to make my own sequel. So today I made two new songs for my sequel. I go to the Nine Inch Nails website just because I wondered what Trent and Atticus were up to. To my surprise, they had finally decided to make two new Ghosts albums. I was all ready to pay and get them, but to my surprise, they were absolutely free. (After a huge downloa



A couple hours for this? (part 2)

I improved the 7800 program I had. I added some music and changed the font to resemble my own handwriting more. I still don't know what to do with the program though. It most likely will be a title screen, but what will the game be about? It was a little work drawing 62 letters and numbers in Photoshop and "correcting" them but I think I did a good job of it. Am wondering why more games don't use a white title screen like this. If white web sites are the best ones to look at, then why



A couple hours for this?

Making this in 7800 BASIC should not take TWO HOURS. I am going to add fancy title screen music. (Well, as fancy as you can get with TIA.) And then what, I don't know. I started out with a fancy actual pineapple. But color #1 did not want to show up. And then I thought "OK, this is ugly. I'd be better off drawing a pineapple." So I did. Color #1 in the palette still wasn't showing up. So I did a work around. I made color 1 insignificant and used the other colors. And I was also h



Level 6

Yesterday I began working on the level intro to level 6 of Frank the Fruit Fly. It was more work than normal. Since there are 32k code divisions, I have been just reentering bits of code used by each level and just changing the labels to say "level_6" instead of "level_5". It seems to be working out good. So I'll continue doing that. While working on this, I hit a milestone. Well, sort of. I wanted to know if anything would change once it reached 128k. So I called one screen in two different lab



Out of the chimney.

Last time we left Frank the Fruit Fly, he was in a chimney. The only way out was to go up into the top and out the hole. I made a screen for what happens after he does that. We discover flies flying up into the sky. They just won't stop. Luckily there is a space between the flies so Frank won't get too harmed by them. I discovered Frank always gets harmed when moving to the right when I have it like this. The flies' speed makes that happen. But if you are a good player at the game, it



Nice things are bad.

So I put in a box in the game. It was working fine. Until I tested it on a real VB. Turns out the box logic was not working correctly at all on a real Virtual Boy and yet it worked fine in emulation. So I took the box out. The item block is still in the game because it works fine, this box was on the ground. I may not work on this anymore. Cause: lack of ideas. I may try to elevate the ground and make a hill, but I doubt I can get it working if I can't even make it so the cranberry stops at a bo



June 20, 2020

Well, work was done on the Cranberry VB game. I didn't add very much, just a faster strawberry, a hole, and another item block. But even just those three things took at least an hour to do. I don't know how long each stage should be. I had troubles with the item block moving when it shouldn't. I had trouble with the hole and enemy not appearing. I don't know how I fixed it, but I did. Or at least I think I did. I also don't know how many stages there should be.   I also made the cherri



Cherries Redux

I decided to work on my craig the cranberry game for the Virtual Boy, this after I started a new project (like I didn't have enough already.) But I don't know whether I should continue my Tempest-like shooter or not because of this. These games have been worked on within the last month or so: MidSpace (Atari 2600) - although this one's done HERTS2 (Game Gear) Quest of the Cranberry (channel F) Craig the Cranberry (Virtual Boy) Tempest-like shooter (INTV)



Yesterday was not fun

Well, we finally got the new ac/furnace installed yesterday. Most of my waking hours were spent cooped up in my room with the dog working on the computer and listening to the jazz station on TV. The jazz station has its flaws, for example, I keep noticing songs that seem that they just played the day before. But oh well. They arrived at 8am and after working all day, left at about 5pm. As a result, I don't know how to work the thing. I thought turning it to heat or cold and turning a knob (like



The day is tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be horrible here. Because that's the day they're going to install the new air conditioner. They have to go up in the attic and bang on the walls and stuff. The poor dog will be locked up in my room with me most of the day. She likes to bark at people.   So anyway, before that is today. I took some time to work on my MidSpace game to try to make the dome centered. It's a good thing I did that. I discovered a few bugs. I was playing version 30 without my headphones on. I di



MidSpace version 30

So I woke up at about 10 p.m. on Thursday. I thought of something I could try to add to MidSpace. I figured the console switches weren't doing much, so I was going to try to make the b&w/color switch work by changing colors. I spent all day on that game and went to sleep at 7 p.m. on Friday night. I tried a few times from starting from version 28. I finally got it working, but the scanlines jumped. So I had to spend more time trying to figure out how to stop it. At about 6 p.m. I finally had



It's always good to finish something

I have a collection of long songs. I also have a collection of long MIDIs. Not a very big collection, but a collection nonetheless. Searching for MIDIs on the net of songs longer than 15 minutes can be somewhat of a let down. Most of the songs I'd like have no MIDI to match. So I got to making them. I pick songs on the easiness level, what would be fairly easy to figure out the notes to? I just now finished Still Remains by Fates Warning. I had a terrible time with it. I doubt I got the vocals c



Frank in the chimney

Last time we left Frank the Fruit Fly, he was at the fireplace getting ready to enter the chimney. Spent a long time yesterday with this, but here (finally) is a picture of inside the chimney. There is a bigger fly trapped in the chimney. All he does is just fly in a square pattern. This causes Frank to fly in a zig zag pattern so as not to touch the big fly. About half of the time was trying to make Frank stay inside the borders, and the other half was spent making the big fly move t



The snowman

I put a snowman in the game. He throws snowballs at you. At first, nothing happened if you touched the snowman except it being erased. Since I didn't want this to happen, I put in collision detection for the snowman as well as the snowballs he throws at you. Clever sprite reuse: the snowballs are also the strawberry seeds of the strawberry. So if you happen to touch the snowman or the snowballs, you'll lose a point off your health. The score acted up and went berzerko, never found the



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