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Password screen work 2

I knew I had some sort of code somewhere that told the computer what to do if a number was higher than 9 in hexadecimal. I found it in my snake game. I tweaked it a little and applied it to the Quest of the Cranberry game. Now the game doesn't accept the code if the health % number is invalid. Just to make sure, I put in a number which was invalid ($7A) and it worked. It rejected the passcode. But I spied something I forgot to do the last time: I forgot to reset the passcode to 0 if it was inval



Sleep, work, repeat

It seems like all my life is is just working on video games, eating, going to the bathroom, and sleeping. I sleep a lot. Anyway, e5frog helped me with the password code for Quest of the Cranberry for the Channel F and I think I have it working correctly now. The hard part was converting parts of a variable to different values, separating the variable, and then storing those separate variables into new variables. I must have worked on this for a total of about 12 hours before life finally le



Think like a computer.

So I decided that the thing to do after spending all day and failing at that, is to split the 8-bit number into 4 2-bit numbers. So, if I ended up with, say, 95, it would print %01, %01, %11 and %11 on the screen (or 1, 1, 3, 3). But I'm having trouble with even this. I figured all that was was a matter of shifting numbers left and right, but I shifted them left and right in various ways in an attempt to make it work, but to no avail. I wish I was smart like you guys.




So I finally fell asleep at 2 a.m. I purposely wanted to wake up at 10:00 a.m. for eight hours of sleep (Instead of my normal 12-14). Eight hours later, I awaken, and I'm sleepy. But now that I've been awake for half an hour, I'm not as sleepy, but it's still hard. I guess I really didn't need half a days' worth of sleep. But if not, why did I not wake up?   One of the things I worked on last night was Quest of the Cranberry for the Channel F. I added two more digits to the passcode. I



Channel F musings.

So I was working on Hamburgers 2 when I realized something was up because it wasn't playing the explosion sound after you shot the milkshake and a new one shot an onion ring. Those two sound effects are on different channels so both of them should play. I went to SMS Power and looked at my former posts and realized the value I was putting in c was incorrect. "3" should not be for channel 3, but if the effect was using both channels 2 & 3. Went to sleep at 1:30 a.m.   Woke up at 3 p



Burger trouble

So last night I tried my game on a real Game Gear. It had some weird graphical glitches when you died. I was able to fix that by turning the screen off. Then, all of a sudden, I had a bunch of weird problems pop up. I had discovered why I quit working on it. Stuff just wasn't working right. I started work at about 10:30pm last night. Into the night I worked on the game. Sometimes I thought I had fixed something when it happened again. I tried tons of different code patterns trying to fix a myria



Avatar changing time.

As amazing as 7-Up is, I decided to get rid of it and it was time for a change. But to what? Why, watermelons, of course. Why watermelons? About a year ago, I started composing a song about watermelons. I quit on November 19. And then I got sidetracked with another musical project. Mind you, I just do these for something to do, just biding my time, waiting until I die. I got about 30 minutes into the watermelon song called "Watermelon Surprise (part 1)" and quit. New Years Day I started what I h



Hamburgers fixed.

Bad news: We have to replace the "dinosaur" ac/furnace. Good news: I spent some time trying to fix my Game Gear game "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2", and I think I fixed it.   I forgot what the problems were, but after fiddling with the code and running it, I got rid of the problems up until the boss part. If you died at the boss part, it made the 'boss got hit' noise when the action resumed. So a bit more fiddling with the code fixed that. I think the problems were with th



Art imitates life again.

I have this weekly webcomic. It is a lot like the Far Side. I sent it to syndicators but they turned me down. I thought it was pretty funny, I guess they didn't. Anyway, yesterday was a horrible day. My toilets weren't working. This started at about 10 a.m. I had to go down to the clubhouse a couple of times to use their toilets. Someone came to help at about 5 p.m. after we called for help. They fixed it. I was so glad. That little episode inspired this comic, to be posted on my comics website




So I finally worked for a few hours and finally got my TI 84+ responding to the computer. But the bad news is the software used to make assembly files is too old and won't respond to 64-bit Windows computers. So I went back to work on my Basic program. A plus sign multiplying itself while trying to avoid an asterisk doesn't really make for good gaming, so I guess I'll go back to working on my other stuff. When that cable comes I am going to try TILP with it. TI Connect software only s



How TI-pical

So I woke up at about midnight. Not very rare, I often wake up in the middle of the night. But this time was different. I decided to start programming the TI-84+. Spent two hours trying to hook up the thing to the computer with a regular USB cable. Nothing was working. I apparently need a special one. So I began looking for it. No success. So I bought one off of eBay. It was only $5. And it's supposed to come June 4. (I want it NOW though!) So apparently it's either find the one I had or wait un



The Wonderful Wizard of Game

No, no YouTube video. You deserve better. Today I'm going to talk about what came in the mail. I finally got my copy of Lady Frog for the Odyssey2, but that isn't what I'm going to talk about. I also got something called a Game Wizard. It came with three cartridges. Mine is Star Wars-themed. I know nothing about Star Wars, but that was the only choice I had. Looking through eBay I saw a Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers-themed one and a VR Troopers-themed one. I wonder what would happen if I put a M



Attack of the Wuzzles!

I was looking through the special section of last Sunday's paper. Our local newspaper is owned by USA Today for some reason. Sometimes we get these special sections filled with puzzles. I came across these things called "wuzzles." I googled it and sure enough, it is a thing. I think it's a portmanteau for "word puzzles." I mean, how else could you get the name wuzzle? Anyway, a loooong time ago (like when I was a kid), I remember starting this book of some, but I didn't know what they were calle



Jaguar mood

Today I'm in the mood for the 64 bits of powa. I worked on Zyx Game Collection #1 even though it has practically no chance of getting released ever. I wonder if Songbird would like to? Just to make sure my Jaguar worked, I plugged it in, plugged the cord to my TV, and pressed the button. The power light didn't light up. So I tried again. Nothing. I was beginning to think my Jaguar had died after each attempt. I unplugged it, made sure the power strip was plugged in, made sure it was plugged in f



The process of getting stupid

Or perhaps it's just a case of using too much brain power. I finally solved the last 4 puzzles of Polarium on the DS. Without using a cheat sheet. I was so frustrated back then that I had to resort to one back when it was new. But now, only using hints, I solved the last 4 puzzles. I was trying to get some good ideas for my 1-Line game I was making for the Atari 2600. I got this one idea, and so I tested it and solved it, but now I can't solve it again. Nor can I the other 3 puzzles I made. But



MidSpace update (part 2)

I found out that if I left the missile in and you shot the enemy and a new one came from the other direction, the missile would switch directions. So I had to take that out. Now it's back to disappearing once the enemy gets shot. I did a lot more bug fixing and stuff and I think I have just about completed it. I had to set the # of lives you start with to 3 (it was dependent on other code.) I have to group things together to save on bytes because I only have 1 byte left. Even though I had to get



MidSpace update

So I have been working hard on MidSpace lately, along with a couple of other 2600 projects. I've made some changes that I think improve the game. Mainly bug fixes and stuff. But I did make one change that is kind of important.   When you shot an enemy food, its missile went away. I thought that shouldn't happen, at least it wouldn't in real life (if some rocket was stuck in space with laser shooting foods attacking you). So I changed it. The missile does not disappear when you shoot an



Frank the fruit fly: Fireplace

So while Frank is in this house, he discovers the fireplace. I tried to make the fire flicker, like it was when I was attempting to display it, but to no avail. I finally got to sleep even though it felt like there was something in my eye. It still feels that way. Anyway, before I went to sleep, I was working on this even though I was really sleepy. So if Frank moves to the right side of the screen, you'll find that it won't automatically move to the next screen. So how do you clear i




So now I have a ton of projects going simultaneously. Every day, I pick which one I'm going to work on. Frank the Fruit Fly (Pokemon Mini) Hamburgers En Route to Switzerland 2 (Game Gear) Craig the Cranberry (Virtual Boy) 4-mula (Atari 2600) Frog Crossing (Channel F) The first two are about 50% complete, but the other three I just started on, so it will take a while for them to get done. Rev announced the Peter the Pea game (f.k.a. Pea-Man). I was glad




Steve Jenkins has an enormous problem. He was from the 3-up corporation and successfully obtained the formula for 4-up from the 4-up corporation (this is before the days of 7-up). But now he can't get out of the place! Seems the 4-up corporation planned for someone like Steve to break in and get the secret formula because robots and other stuff have blocked his path. How will Steve ever get out of the 4-up HQ alive? "4-mula" is a game I started on the Atari 2600 using batari Basic ove



4,000 blog entries!

I guess that's what happens when you blog continuously since 2006. Actually, this is blog entry #4,003. I was waiting for #4,000, but it snuck by me. Hm. Auto spell is underlining the word "snuck". It's in the Scrabble dictionary, though.   Anyway, I went to bed at 3 a.m. and slept all day. I woke up at 4 p.m. I intended to not do that, but I was so sleeeeepy, so I had to go back to sleep because I couldn't force myself out of bed. So after I forced myself up at 4 p.m., I went to work



Another sprite designing plea

I need help with sprite drawing again. This time it's for the Virtual Boy. As you might have guessed, it's for Craig the Cranberry. And as much as I love bananas, I can't seem to draw them very well. The VIDE program turns all the shades of color into the three shades of red and black the Virtual Boy can display. So in order to know what's going on, I use white for the highest red, yellow for medium, and red for low. As a result, this is what the banana looks like before I convert it with VIDE.



A comic from the future

It's always fascinated me that we have this B.C. comic strip about cave dwellers, but we have no opposite. Well, about a year ago, I rectified this situation and made the first comic strips of "A Future Comic": I put a few weeks' worth of them on my comics webpage and then moved on to something else. Well, the urge to do some comic strips hit me again (my website had been updating every week), so I decided to do a few more "A Future Comic" strips. In case any reader was actually readi




So I resumed work on Craig the Cranberry for the VB. I wanted to put in Chad and Chuck the cherries. My original idea wasn't going to work. So I had to come up with a second one. The trick to getting past the cherries is to get in the middle of them while they walk towards you, and then when you're in the middle, wait until it starts walking again and lifts its right "leg" to exit. You can't jump over them because if you jump, they'll jump. But when I was done with that, I wanted to p



Mr. Claylegs episode 12

So today I just made my first episode of Mr. Claylegs in over 4 years. Yesterday I downloaded a program to make it. Since it is ancient, it makes .avi files. So I have to convert them to .wmv. Then I added the titles and converted all of that to .mp4. Earlier today, I found the Play-doh in the garage. It was hard. So I added some water to soften it up. This helped a lot. Then I went to work with my digital camera I had charged up yesterday. I figured out how to make the files not as huge as they



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