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NEStopia stuff.

So I had an idea for one of my webcomic about Mario using screenshots from Super Mario Bros. I went into Nestopia but it didn't recognize the button presses of my Tomee NES game pad. Even though it said the NES game pad was set to the default controls. So I had to reset the game controls to fix it, pressing every button so it recognized the controller and not the keyboard. And when I was done, I remembered to unplug the thing because when my computer resets it just hangs forever if it's plugged



Elevator Events: Day 4

I finally got a score in after spending all day yesterday working on the game. I also made it so once you reach the top right, you start again at the bottom right. So what's next? Rest. I've been working on this game so much I'm tired of doing it, so I'll take a few days off. I know I said that in the past and then worked on it again a few hours later, but right now everything is the way I want it to be and I need a break from programming this. When I return, here are the things I was planning o



Elevator Events: Day 3

So one of the things got crossed off my to do list: Make the elevators start at random y positions. But one thing is the same: They all start moving down. I have an idea on how to change it but I don't know how. What I want to do is check the rightmost bit and if it's a 1 (odd number), start moving up and if it's a 0 (even) start moving down. But I don't know how to check certain bits. e5frog and I worked on the random y position problem. We got it working good. But even after making three games



Elevator Events: Day 2

Another day, another work session. I don't know why the elevators appear as lines (I was trying to make a solid rectangle), but since it looks like an Elevators Amiss elevator (and I don't know how to change it), I'm keeping it in.   I had to slow down the elevators sometimes since they were moving too fast sometimes. Whenever left or right are not pressed, they went faster. So to compensate for that, I added some unnecessary code for it to mull through so it slows down whenever he's n



Elevator Events

So I worked on a new Channel F game. I don't think it would be very good on its own, so I am wondering whether I should make a Trimerous 2 cartridge even though the first one isn't finished yet, or what to do with this. I call it Elevator Events. Right now this is the fastest the elevators can go. I don't know how I got the smooth movement of the vertical movement of the elevators, but it looks really good. The X movement of the guy could use some work, but I don't know how.   It's a C



A tale of two fish

So I waited for the snow to come. It's midnight now, and there isn't any. Kind of hard to snow when it's 35. I was hoping for visible, white dots falling from the sky, but I guess it's not going to happen this time. I got the fish design back. I took another stab at designing a fish. This is my result: While it looks weird, when you put it in motion it looks better. But I need your help. Which one do you like better? I found a bug pertaining to the score in version 97 that



Level 4 began

So with the Blazers loss, I decided to write this blog entry. Not about how badly the Blazers suck, but about the work I did on Frank today. I had a hard time getting level 4 music in until I realized I had named the labels in the level 4 file level3 because I copied the level 3 file. Now it works okay. I don't know what to do about the ocean though. Right now the top of the ocean is a two-frame animation. I tried to do a two frame animation on a fish sprite but I just couldn't do it. So I asked



Level 3 completed

So I just finished up level 3 of Frank the Fruit Fly. I think with help I finally conquered the fact that I had to put all the screens in the first bank. This helps a bunch because my original plan was to make a massive game out of this, with like at least 8 levels, or as many as I can fit in. And with the game at 97KB and all the retail Pokemon Mini games having 512KB, I have a loooong ways to go. Which, while good, it also means tons of work for me. And seeing as how I've been working on this



Back to Frank

I don't know why or how, but getting rid of the ".orgfill 0x10000" statement made me able to fit in another screen. So I'll be working on Frank the Fruit Fly until I can't any more. It is odd though that I can. But I don't know how much longer it will let me. I've finished level 3 and will get to work on level 4 now. Hard to believe that tomorrow is Thanksgiving. And then Christmas and then... the roaring twenties. Help me. I'm old. But I shouldn't feel all that old because I'm only in my late 3



Greedy Zyx part 2

Worked on the game again today. Life seems to be just speeding by lately. I guess it's because I've been sleeping a lot. Anyway, I now have the game like I want it for now. I changed an image and learned that choosing scaled might get rid of the lower pixel row if your image is 24 pixels tall. So I set it to unscaled and it worked. Now I would love some feedback on how I'm doing with this so far. I ate some onion rings today and didn't choke.



Greedy Zyx

I named it "Greedy Zyx" because it plays a lot like the game "Alien Greed." I had a ton of trouble trying to make multiple lists, but I think I have the hang of it now. I have been working a lot on it today. Like, almost all day. And now I'm tired of it. But I'll go to sleep and want to work on it tomorrow, making some sound effects for the game. Right now it technically is a game, where you can die if the eggplant touches you. I don't know whether more enemies should come as time goes



Jaguar stuff

So I thought to myself "Hey, why not just make my proposed game using the uDraw from yesterday's blog entry for the Jaguar? At least I have the software needed to make a working Jaguar game." So that's what I was going to do. I had a horrible problem though that I got help on. And then I added some music to the title screen.   I'll work on this some more Monday. I thought of another game I could put in the collection: So now I have 3. Classic Zyx - Zyx is in a well and you need



Wii uDraw

I can't find my Wii anywhere, so I guess I'll have to get a used one at the game store. So I found my uDraw games. I wanted to play them, but I need my Wii. I looked around, I found my Wii-U, but no Wii anywhere. And I can't use the Wii-U because I have no cord to plug it into the TV anywhere. What I basically want to do is make a Wii game. But not just an ordinary Wii game, but one that uses the uDraw. I found the uDraw, I found the games for it, but I have no Wii and I have no controller.



Throat stuff part 3

I still don't get why people think I have acid reflux. It wasn't like I got acid in my throat all the time. I very rarely got heartburn and stuff like that. I just got to a point where all I could swallow was liquidy stuff like ice cream. Although the pills he prescribed I got today. WTF? They're big huge squares. How do they expect people with a problem like mine to swallow huge squares like that? So I cut the thing in half and took it, just to see if I could take it without choking. It went do



Throat stuff part 2

I tried to take one of my pills and choked on it. Thankfully it ended after a few minutes. But that's it. No more big huge pills I have to take every day for some other stupid thing I have wrong with me. This after I went to see the doctor about it. He prescribed me some stuff that may help and proceeded to make an appointment with the gastrointestinal people, which will knock me out and stick a camera down my throat to see what is wrong with me. Which I am afraid I may have to do if this medici



Throat stuff

I have been living with throat problems which had escalated to a point where I couldn't take it any more. It all came to a head on Saturday night where I spent ten hours not being able to swallow anything. So I made a doctor appointment for tomorrow. Since yesterday all I had to eat is mashed potatoes and ice cream. I was adventurous and had a bag of peanut M&Ms yesterday but I doubt I'll do that again. Taking the pills I need to take has been an adventure since I need to take 2 big ones, bu



I can drink water again!

Had another one of my choking fits. This one was the worst one I've ever had. I tried to eat a burger at 1pm. It got stuck in my throat. I tried all sorts of things: trying to eat more food, cough syrup, water, bubbles from soft drinks, induced burps, all sorts of stuff. Nothing worked. I tried sleep but I couldn't sleep because I realized I couldn't swallow my own saliva without choking on it. Finally, at 11:30pm (yes, it was 10.5 hours of suffering), I vomited up the offending piece of food, n



Lots of people interested in Keizer, Oregon for some reason

I lived in a small city called Keizer, Oregon which neighbors the much bigger town of Salem. Keizer actually broke off from Salem and made its own city. They voted to do that on the day I was born. I spent my first 10 years of life there. And while we lived there, my parents and sister were coming home from the fair (I don't know why I didn't go), when they decided to break out the camcorder and film our drive down the road. That was in 1988. Fast forward 31 years later to today. I put the video



Sound again!

I finally got the sound back on. I was using Pinnacle Studio 19 a few months ago when all of a sudden, the sound got muted for no reason. Yesterday, I decided I might as well sign up to the stupid Pinnacle forum to see if I could get any answers. The one I got didn't make much sense, but it did lead me to something called B & O Play. One of the options, the one for allowing sound from more than one program running at a time, had been turned off, but not by me. Because I didn't know it existe




So I just ordered a copy of Warhammer for N-Gage off eBay. And if everything goes well, all I'd need for a complete boxed US collection is Civilization. I'm not going to even try to get Sega Rally (a CIB copy is on eBay now...for $500). But I do wonder a few things. #1 - Why wasn't the N-Gage successful? I remember hearing about it back when it was new and thought it seemed pretty cool, but the one thing that put me off was I thought I needed a cell phone plan to play the games. Now I know that



I fixed an Atari 2600

So I got out my spare, backup Atari 2600 out of the garage to see if it would give me an improved picture quality. No, in fact no picture. The thing was broken. It would light up for a tenth of a second and then nothing. I thought to myself "It's dead. I can't harm it any more," so I laid the thing down on the dining room table and attempted an operation.   Attempting to put the thing back together was the hardest part. I think it's a "Vader", if it has 4 switches. It kept forcing the



Cutting off sound

Finally tried Frank the Fruit Fly with sound. Discovered that the game cuts off the level intro ditty. Must have been because I got rid of a little bit of code during it. So since the two variables that control it were maxed out at 255, I decided to speed up the song a little. I don't think it's too noticeable. I was working on trying to get the frog jumping on the oasis screen when I discovered the music thing, and it sidetracked me for a little bit.   A large part of time was spent t




Yesterday I scanned some comics I drew and I wanted to color them the way they appear in the newspaper, to give a sense of actuality to it. You know, the pattern of dots that gives white places a sense of a shade of gray (I assume by tricking the eye). It took a while, but I finally found the shade of gray I wanted to change actual gray to those dots in Photoshop. So I colored it gray, then went to Image > Mode and then changed the number of available colors to 2 under "Indexed color". I chan



2k Contest

Remember those coding competitions for the 2600 (or any other console you wished) where the main goal was to have a complete game in a very small amount of space? Like 1k or 2k or 4k or something (I don't remember what the sizes were.) The games one year were all featured on one cartridge (The 2005 Minigame Multicart). Looking back now, it looks like the contest was called the "[year] minigame contest".   Well, I want to have a similar thing. So I want all of you to get some ideas for




Since I eliminated the bug in Frank the Fruit Fly about the title screen, I noticed a few weird things happening in-game. Since what I did to the title screen seems to have solved whatever was wrong with it, I decided to do the same thing to the in-game code. Actually, I was going to do so earlier but I forgot to. But now I did. I don't know why the game gets all weird whenever the flapping timer gets above the flapping limit. Common sense would indicate that Frank just would stop flapping his w



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