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GoSub - September 28, 2019

So I have been working on GoSub for the Atari 7800 the past few hours. I learned I have room for 25 levels. After every five levels there will be a boss stage. I thought I had more room than I originally did, but found out that the bigger the pictures are, the more room they take up, which is logical, but even in the mainspace and DMA holes they take up space there too, which I am wondering why since the pictures all have their own area to be stored.



Need a way out

I can't get my pills any more because SSI just denied me even though I've been on it for several years. I need some new anti-crazy pills that cost way less. Even though I don't think I need them any more.




I was having trouble keeping the flying hamburger's y position visible on the screen during the title screen. Then, after I don't know how many attempts (including when I was working on the first game), it FINALLY dawned on me. The y position will give a psuedo-random number from 0 to 255. SO I HAD TO PLAN AS SUCH! I had to plan for a number being 255.   So now my code looks like this: resetburgerx        ld a,5        ld (burgerx),a        call GetRandomNumber        ld hl,



More hamburgers

Work on HERTS2. I had to redo tons of stuff because something wasn't working right. It claimed there was no room in bank 0. So I had to redo some code. Eventually I'll make new music and put it in. But for now, here's the title screen. That's quite a yummy-looking hamburger. And the title screen burgers (they look small here) are flying from left to right. In fact, I've already thought of level 1's location: Outer space. I've thought of some more locations: snow-covered field, desert.



Year-old hamburgers

So it had been a long time, about a year, since I last finished my Game Gear game called "Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland." I bought a Game Gear game on eBay (there was actually a fair priced, non-crappy sports title I didn't have!), and that led me to playing it again. The farthest I got was level 3. The last time I did any Game Gear coding was way back in March. But now I've decided to pick it up again and make something new. I liked the hamburgers shooting milkshakes with French fries idea



Trimerous (Channel F) news

So I have decided to go ahead with producing a first run of Trimerous, me and e5frog's Channel F game. It will be a while because e5frog is working on improving my code and adding stuff. I am making an 8-page color manual to go along with the game. Today I worked on the Golf part of the manual. I have 14 spare Channel F carts. I ordered another 11 off of eBay. So that will make me have 25. So I think the first run will have 25 carts, which will result in 22 up for sale. I want this game to be co



It's a race.

I worked on Chris the Cranberry some more and made track 1. It was hard to put in the ending because it didn't like the way I made it. What I wanted was the track number to not appear until the player stopped pressing right on the joystick. In the end, I figured out the reason why it kept showing up: Because I told it to, I just hadn't realized it. So with a little code editing, I now have the first track in there. There's three laps in it, and thirteen different obstacles. I reach the end of it



13 or 16 obstacles

So I am doing math now. A page has 255 bytes. Subtract the code for placing bytes and I'm guessing I have about, let's say 200 bytes. For there to be 5 tracks, each track would have to have about 13 obstacles. For there to be 13 obstacles would take up 39 bytes of code the way I've set it up, and 39*5=195. Or if I felt that 13 obstacles wasn't long enough, I could have there just be 4 tracks, each with 16 obstacles. (16*3)*5=192 bytes. Either way, I'll probably have enough room in one page to ha



Too much stuff!

So the time has come. I have made the poor computer work too hard with Chris the Cranberry. So what to do? Well, what I usually do when I'm overworking an Odyssey 2 with my program is add an extra call waitvsync to it. This makes the program run slower. So in turn, I have to speed everything up by one. So instead of subtracting one to the x position of the items going by, I now subtract 2. Yet it looks the same as if I was subtracting 1 because the computer is running slower.   I hones




I've been working on Chris the Cranberry again today. While I was, I had a few instances where the entire screen flashed. I've had that happen before in games, but in this one, I wasn't doing much computing in it, or at least I thought I wasn't. But I think I have it squared away. I figured out my problem last night and I worked on it today and found another problem. But I think I solved it.   Here's what I am going to do. I will put the game's engine in the first 1k and the track info



One-track mind?

So I ran into a bit of a problem while coding. It has to do with data tables. And how to make code that advances the variable that reads it. Because I've tried everything and I can't seem to do it. Last night I made a poster for the game. And I have been working a lot on it. I figured a data table would be the route to go with this game because I want the tracks to be somewhat long in length. I played Excitebike last night searching for ideas. That led to a zipper thing that I added i




So I thought I'd do another Odyssey 2 game. To see if I still could make an Odyssey 2 game. So I made a title screen: So I made this, and then wondered what to make the game about. Since an adventure game would be too complicated, and I needed something non-random seeing as how I'm using something that apparently disables me being able to use random functions somehow, I thought and thought. The result: Make it a racing game, like Excitebike (or, since after all I am atari2600land, Mot




So it looks like I won't be getting a JagSD cartridge. The reason? The price. It's too expensive. I could understand $100. But $170? That's too much for me. Is there a reason behind the exorbitant price? I want to work on Aaron the Aardvark again but I need some new backgrounds. I got out my Jaguar and after getting a red screen of death a few times got a game to work. Is it just me or is everything Jaguar really expensive? It shouldn't be. How many Jaguar consoles were sold? Wikipedia says 250,



Between Cacti

I was working on Frank the Fruit Fly again today. I wanted to make it so when Frank went between two cacti. The one in yesterday's picture. Since there's three, I needed to make a way for the game to know which duo of cacti Frank went between and which he hasn't. The answer involved making him go between the right set first and then the left set, thus unlocking the screen so he can continue. But that wasn't all. I had a heck of a time trying to make it so Frank couldn't fly into a cactus from ab



Frank and cacti

Last time we left Frank, he was flying around in the desert. Since then, he came along some cacti. Or at least they're supposed to be cacti. I can't draw very well. And I spent a whole hour refining this image until I got to the point where I got sick and tired of doing it so I've decided to keep it like this: And I have an idea of what Frank is supposed to do in this screen. I had to quit working on the game because I had no ideas. But then last night, while laying in bed trying to s




So birthday present list making time has rolled around once again. This time I'm going to ask for a couple of books that don't have the letter E in them. There are only a couple of them. You can read more about what is called a "lipogram" on the page I made for them http://atari2600land.com/e/ It includes my work-in-progress one I'm working on. And to make sure, after every page I complete, I do a search for 'e'. I haven't had a time yet where I didn't need to go back and fix my occasional



Stayin' Alive

I had this dream where I was making an album of Beatles songs set to disco music. I woke up and thought to myself, "man that was weird, but there's an idea in there." So I began today to make disco Christmas carols. Researching "Jingle Bells" lyrics, I had no idea there were 3 additional verses to it. Mr. Pierpont certainly went a little overboard. Right now I am listening to the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever while I'm typing this. I think I'll add a string section to Deck the Halls. And I



Celeryy kind of day.

Well, what else would you call something that is like celery? Celery-esque? Celeryian? I thought I'd go back and revisit The Adventures of the 50-foot-tall Stalk of Celery for the Atari 2600. The last time I touched it was in February. I worked on it a whole bunch and added a few things and fixed a few bugs. I think I'm somewhere close to being done. Now all it needs is a publisher. The odd thing I find about the game that since all the game's graphics get pushed to the last bank, I still have 1



You got game, boy?

So I decided to just make something for the Game Boy just because I was bored and wanted to keep my Game Boy coding up to speed. I forgot a little stuff, but it was stored in the back of my brain somewhere, and with a little help from other files I was able to remember. Right now, all this game does is just being able to control Frank moving around the screen. The music is the musical scale, while I was trying to figure it out.   I have no idea what Frank is going to do in the Game Boy



3 games

So I was looking around in the garage for something. The garage is the place where I keep most of my video game related stuff. I was looking for those Game Boy games that mysteriously disappeared a long time ago. But what I did find was even more interesting: 3 Atari 7800 games I didn't know I had. Well, I kinda knew I had them, but I didn't know where they were. But I found them.   They are Realsports Baseball, Food Fight and Dark Chambers. Each work good after being in the hot/cold g



My eye hurt

So I went to get my hair cut yesterday. Afterwords, my eye was beginning to hurt, I was having an onset of an eyeache. But I went to Best Buy and got a few things. I wanted Super Mario Maker 2 but they didn't have any. Apparently it's a real popular game? So I went home and ate a couple things. but then my eye started hurting really bad and I went and vomited out in the bathroom. I had to use my mom's because my nephew stank up mine really bad. I weighed myself after. I had lost two pounds. My e



Weekly doodles #4

Another pleasant valley Sunday. Another comic. Yep, it's time for this week's "Igloos Ablaze"! This is also based on the premise that a lowercase i is an upside down exclamation point. (Besides the daughter/dotter pun.) The kid is always thinking about herself, which must be why she wrote "I!!!!!!". Yeah, it's lame. Next week's isn't much better.   I have been working on GoSub for the Atari 7800. In case you're wondering, yes I do have an Atari 7800, with 20 games for it. Al



A Channel F Thanksgiving?

I was thinking about the phrase "you lose turkey" in Tic-Tac-Toe for the Channel F. I tie it to Thanksgiving, since it's Turkey Day. So if you're playing it on Thanksgiving and you lose to the computer, it takes away part of your turkey. And then I thought, what goes good with turkey? Cranberry sauce. Which is where Quest of the Cranberry comes in. I doubt I'll be able to complete QotC by Thanksgiving, so it will have to be a Thanksgiving tradition to play these two games if I ever finish progra



Weekly doodles #3

So apparently, the comics I do don't get much attention. Last week only had 11 views. So let's take a look at this week's. Originally I was going to have the pun involve Bert, but the word is "sherbet", not "sherbert." I looked it up just to make sure. I don't know why the cops are investigating this very bizarre case involving sherbet, but there they are. This comic does have 16 different colors even though it might not look like it.   I am back working on GoSub for the Ata



Snow in August

So I finally got the snow in Quest of the Cranberry problem sorted out. It was because I didn't know that rows #125-6 are used to choose the background. And I had put a sprite there to get rid of it (it's a location off-screen). I updated the title screen a little, and added some blades of grass. It now looks like this: Now I can continue on this. I put in the Easter egg so I wouldn't forget. If you know Channel F programming and looked at the code, you'd probably know what I did. The



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