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Quest of the Cranberry

So I am fiddling around with Quest of the Cranberry, the Channel F game I was making before I made Golf. I made a title screen. I tried everything I could, but I could not make the sky white. Good thing it is blue and not some other dumb random color like green or something. I'm making level 2 underwater and level 3 be a snow level.     Last night I was working on Frank the Fruit Fly for the Pokemon Mini, trying to put all the graphics in one bank. It took me all night, but



Weekly doodles #2

Last week, I had a doodle comic strip thingy. I thought I'd continue it. So I have this one, the next one and two more I need to scan and color. Here is this week's "Igloos Ablaze." About the rightmost plate. I was originally going to draw a chocolate cake there, but after attempting to, I erased what I had and made onion rings instead. I also don't know why I draw the spoon there since he's not going to use it. Come to think of it, he's not going to use the knife and fork, either. I



SNES homebrew: where to get them?

I went to the game store and got Kirby Super Star for SNES. I beat Spring Breeze. And it made me think of what homebrew games are available (Don't ask me how my mind works, I don't know.) I cleaned my DKC cart which was horribly dirty and actually got it running now. I am listening to the map music as ambiance. So I went on a google search, but didn't really find much. An outdated list of what was in stock as of 2012 at NA was all I could come up with after googling "Super NES homebrew". So I po



Goings on for August 7, 2019

At about midnight, I gave up trying to go to sleep and began wanting to work on a MIDI of a long song. But the one I wanted to work on, I couldn't find the CD it was on, but it was okay because a search on Google revealed someone already did it. I also found lots of Dream Theater MIDIs someone made, making mine I did a few years ago unnecessary. I found "Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence," but it was broken up into 8 parts. So I wanted to "glue" them together. After downloading and trying to use a



C is for Cashew

So I got to thinking about Midspace for the Atari 2600 and what else I might want to add to it. Enemies that shoot are out since that would take way too much space. So what could an enemy do new besides shoot? Move in a different direction. I thought to myself "If this takes up too much space I'll ditch it." But after drawing a diagonally moving enemy, the scanline still stayed steady at 262.   But what could I put in the game? What would the diagonally moving enemy be? I got to thinki



Weekly doodles #1

Every Sunday I will present one of my comic strips I make because I have nothing else better to do, well, except for programming video games. But drawing is my second passion. What I did was take an 8.5x11 piece of paper and make it horizontal and think about what could be funny. Then when an idea hits, I take one half of the page and draw it, like a comic strip. What I used for the measurement of a normal comic strip was I looked one up on the King Features website and used that. So anyway, I n



Minor changes

I won't put up a picture because it looks so similar to the previous version. Although I did add some yummy Chex pieces to the game. And I made them appear less fequently. I actually had to delete a line of code to make that happen. I called the RNG and added an "and #1" to get a number between 0-1. I just deleted that line to get a number between 0-255. And since I wanted it to appear less, I made any value above 240 the Chex piece. Since I wanted it to appear about 1/16th the time as the pretz




"You know when you lament about Chex Mix and how they put those evil icky pretzels in it which prevents you from getting it at the grocery store? Well, imagine big huge pretzels. As big as the rocket you're in, trying to find a place in the universe that has Chex Mix without pretzels in it. And they make you so angry because you hate pretzels because they taste like cardboard. So these big huge pretzels have forced you into this green forcefield and they won't stop attacking you. So you begin sh



Life is crap

I've decided to stop programming video games. Any new ones, anyway. I'll finish up what I have and then quit altogether. Perhaps my mood will get better and I won't say "life is crap" anymore. It seems most of my rage and frustration in life comes from the fact that I can't do what I want in programming. I know stuff I want to do is possible but god forbid I know how to do it. And then so I ask for help and nobody replies. Well, that's it.   So I have Golf and Frank the Fruit Fly. Golf



Icy frog

I brought back the frog from level 1. Now he can hop across a pond. Frank tries to avoid the frog and get to the right side of the screen for a new encounter with something I haven't thought up of yet, and will probably be the end of level 2. I like the fact that there are no "boss battles" and the ultimate goal of Frank's is just to get to the end of the game. I was having some interesting problems on the emulator again. But they haven't happened the last few times I perfected the fr



Frank and the snowman.

I discovered a bug in Frank the Fruit Fly. When it reached screen #15, it went back to the title screen. This after doing an experiment with the code about bankswitching. I decided to keep my experiment in because when you reach the end of what I have it goes back to the title screen. More on the bug. I discovered it had to do with drawing the screen and figuring out which screen to draw.   As it turned out, I had to remove the headless snowman and instead tell it to draw a snowman wit



Eli Ate My Kidney Beans

Issue 1 of the thing I was making was done early, so I also decided to post it early. I made a webpage for the newsletter-type thing I made and you can find it right here: Eli Ate My Kidney Beans I doubt many people will read it, but it was fun to make and I'll go ahead and make a second issue. It will be the back-to-school issue, so I want to finish it by the end of August. I am trying to think of a game idea based on the words "Eli Ate My Kidney Beans" but I can't think of anything.



Dragonfly in the game

Been working on lots of stuff. First I worked on Golf for the channel f. e5frog alerted me to a few problems he was having. I made it so hitting the ball into a tree costs you a penalty stroke. I have also been working on Frank the Fruit Fly, getting the dragonfly to appear in the game.   Pokemon Mini sprites can be a maximum size of 16x16 pixels. Since the two dragonfly sprites when put together were 32x17, I had to do more code to make sure it wouldn't bounce up and down. I had to pu



Frank the Fruit Fly update - second one of July 2019

I have been so busy working on Golf for the Channel F that I decided for a change of pace to work on something else. I decided for a challenge, to make the numbers in the password letters, so it resembles an actual passWORD (instead of passnumber). The part I had forgotten was before I actually used to write the word on level 2's intro screen instead of making it the entered entry. Which I guess doesn't make much sense. How would you know it if you got to level 2 and didn't know it before? I'm s



20th Anniversary of Dreamcast approaches

And nothing really seems to be going on with it lately. It would have been nice to see some sort of new game to celebrate the 20th anniversary, but it looks like it's not going to happen. I brought out my Dreamcast and hooked it up. It still works. Which is good because I went and ordered some Dreamcast games off eBay. They are all games I previously had but sold because I got uninterested in the Dreamcast. But I kept the system and 50+ games, which is good because I am interested in it again.



It's never too hot for golf

...especially when you're programming it in an air conditioned house. So I was working on Golf for the Channel F again. I was working all night from about 8pm to now. It's almost 1:30am here. I added two holes to the game. But when I started at the beginning, I broke hole 11 somehow. So most of my time tonight was spent trying to fix it. I finally did. I don't know how I did, either. So all that's needed to be done is add 5 more holes. It's getting really hard, since the code is 5,471 lines, not




Insects are everywhere. I saw an ant in my room. It was horrible. They've been on the kitchen counter for a while now, but not in my room. I went to work on Frank the Fruit Fly last night. I was having trouble with it. Whenever I died, there was this pixel up at the top of the title screen. I kept trying different things to get rid of it, nothing was helping. Until I realized that that pixel wasn't just a bug pixel, it was the pixel from the bottom of the snowflake. I had set the snowflake's y p




This is Steve the kidney bean. I drew him for a mascot of the new newsletter thingy I'm working on called "Eli Ate My Kidney Beans." When I was a kid way back in 1995, I made these little newsletters for my friends. I still have most of them in a book form. But a lot of stuff has changed since then and I now have the internet so I can reach everyone around the world with my creations.   Anyway, I wasn't sure he'd come out this well when I scanned the paper I drew him on. But



Frank the Fruit Fly update - July 2019

Worked on Frank the Fruit Fly some more. Sometimes when I went to the password screen, it was kind of messed up. Other times it worked perfectly. So I wanted a wonderful working password screen. So I thought I'd take a second stab at redesigning it. This is what I got. Since the redesign, it has been working fine. But that doesn't mean it will always. Pokemon Mini game programming problems seem to pop up and disappear whenever they feel like it. One thing I've also noticed is that the



Wumpus Room

I'm making a new project. A new newsletter-type thing. It will have pages of useless information and trivia in it. In case you've ever read an Uncle John's Bathroom Reader, kind of like that, only crazier and in newsletter form. Anyway, I decided to make a page dedicated to the wumpus. Why? Because it sounds funny. But there's just one problem: I don't have a TI-99. So I went to Wikipedia to research the page. What I want from TI-99ers is if you could read the page and verify the information on




I was poking around my computer, finding stuff that I forgot about, when I ran across my old Ants game for the 2600. No, not the very old game, the more recent one which was a port of the Jaguar game I was working on. So I continued where I left off and added some more stuff. I have 952 bytes left until I run out of room for 4k and then have to make it 8k.   I don't know what to add or change, though. I put a whole bunch of sound effects in the game yesterday, working while it sounded



Game.com trouble

So I decided to play my game.com. It had been right next to my bed for months, so when I got it, it was covered with dust and stuff. So after dusting it off and plugging it in, I decided to play Indy 500. Whenever I hit a curve, my car would automatically hit the wall and spin around, no matter where I was on the track. Also, the car ahead of me seemed to always block me, wherever I was. So I gave up and played Sonic Jam. I actually beat Stage 1 of Sonic 2! I am so proud of myself. So then after



Blinking ball

One of the things that bothered me was that the ball flickered when it hit obstacle #2 or 3 when it was a tree. Yesterday I tried to fix the problem but was unsuccessful. Today, though, I think I did it. The problem was the ball wasn't appearing when the power meter was reducing, thus causing the flicker. (I don't know why it wasn't happening to obstacle #1, though.) So now it does the same thing when all three obstacles are hit when they are trees.   I made the third obstacle be able



Hole 10

Friday night I started working on making three obstacles in the game for the 10th hole. It kept making weird stuff happen, so I had to give up. Saturday afternoon I started up again. I kept working even though the weird stuff kept happening. I kept working on it all night starting at about 10 p.m. At 3 a.m. I finally made it happen. Then I went to sleep and woke up at 2:00p.m. and then my back teeth started hurting. Yes, you can go between the two trees, but you will waste your time t



More Frank work

I thought something wasn't working right when I played Frank the Fruit Fly on real hardware. As it turns out, something wasn't. I thought in theory you made a gray color by alternating between black and white. While it does work, it produces a sort of unwanted, annoying "shimmering" effect if you do it to large areas. The solution?   Checkerboard the larger areas instead of make them all white then all black. So I went to work changing all the screens in the game that had gray in them



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