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My thoughts on everything.

Entries in this blog

Meeting SID

No, not Sid Caesar. No, not SID the Spellbinder, the SID, the one responsible for Commodore 64 sounds. It stands for Sound Interface Device. With help from AtariAge member carlsson, I now have sound in my game. It takes some getting used to talking to SID, but once you know what to say to it, it will reply with glorious music (well, as glorious as you can make the music.) I have to make another, longer SID file for in the game. I don't know if I can have more than one, though. I probably can,



The sounds of silence

I guess my game is going to have to be silent. I made a .sid file, I found some code on how to activate the SID. I put it in. Nothing. I tried it with just the code, creating an all-new .asm file. Silence. But at least my game is looking a little bit better after adding the French fry to shoot. That was one heck of a few hours of cursing and yelling. I made it a dark sky so you can see the French fry better. It came up on the cyan colored background, but it was hard to see.



Hamburgers Going to Switzerland.

I made a lot. Now I'm tired. Here is a screenshot of the game so far. I am wondering what to do about the border, though. If I get rid of it, the clouds end early and that looks ugly. If I put it in, the clouds end okay, but the big border looks kind of ugly. Next up, I want to do some music for the title screen. Right now the silence is really awkward. And then make the burger shoot French Fries. And make a sound effect for it. I have no idea how sound works on the Commodore 64. I'll have to d




So I can't do hamburgers. I tried and tried but could not get multicolored sprites to work. It kept giving me the sprite as if it was not multicolored. So I decided to instead put lettuce in the game. I put in a lettuce sprite. And I have it moving back and forth. I don't really know how to define variables yet, so I had to guess. I am guessing this is ok? Because it works. It's right after org $1000. MOVETIMER = $64MOVETIMER2 = $65DIRECTION = $66 I also had to reacquaint myself with using



Title screen

there. Now what I want to do is have this start automatically WITHOUT me typing "SYS 4096." The * symbol does not want to work in DASM, so * = 1000 is out of the question...



Commodore 64 - expensive.

A few years ago, I bought a Commodore 64 at a used video game shop. Periodically I get it out and play with it and then it goes back in the garage. The first computer I ever used (when I was 3 or so), was Commodore 64. But sadness came the day Dad sold it because he bought me an NES. Anyway, I want to get back into C64 collecting. But there's a problem: The prices of games. Why are Commodore 64 games so freaking expensive? Right now I have 5 games: Clowns, Frog Master, Omega Race, Radar Rat Ra



New SMB1 Comic

Well, apparently there is no SMB1 calendar for 2019. Shucks. I thought up of a good joke for my SMB1 comic. Since all of the ones are screen grabs of an actual SMB game in progress, I had to time it just right to get this one. Fortunately, you can press PAUSE and the game freezes so you can get a good picture from your emulator (like the guys who programmed it back then thought of emulators!) Since this is the only update to the SMB1 Page that I maintain, I'll just put the comic here. I also hav




I have been making a new game for the Atari 2600 called "4-Mula." Here is its backstory: Alien Professor McScooper was hard at work creating the successor to 3-Up called 4-Up. This was, of course, the days before 7-Up. The humans wanted to try 4-Up for themselves. They had heard it was 1,000 times better than Coke or Pepsi and wanted it so badly they sent a guy into space. Bob Lbjsdfk, donning his spacesuit, snuck into McScooper's lab and got the bottle of 4-Up. The only trouble is he doesn't



Mr. Stick - cancelled

I tried and tried to get the food to move down when Mr. Stick did the wrong thing, but the stupid program kept disobeying me. That leaves me no choice but to give up on it. I am so sick of computers disobeying me that I could just die. Why do they all have to be so f***ing evil? Perhaps the Amish are right.



Mr. Stick - 11/30/18

So I worked on Mr. Stick for five hours straight last night. Work began at 5pm. I went and started adding improvements to the game. Then lots of wrong crap started happening. I went to sleep with a broken game. I woke up and worked on it some more. This was the most common problem: Yeah. It started doing that. Whoopee. So after a few more hours, I think I finally got that under control. I played for 7 minutes and it didn't show up once. So here's what I changed. + Added a second food item on sc



Fists of Foam

That's the subtitle of the Didj game I played a little of last night. It's the SpongeBob game I was going to play in honor of Mr. Hillenburg's passing. It took a while, but I found out that I had left out batteries in it so they wouldn't corrode. Thus, in order to play any game, I would either have to put 4 AAs in or play it with the charger plugged in. I went the charger route, even though unfortunately the cord wasn't long enough for me to play whilst sitting on the toilet so I had to stand up




Well, the time has come to finally sell stuff I don't use any more. I can't walk around in my room. It has a whole pile of games and game consoles on its floor. So I'm going to sell some of it. But while I was going through it all to find stuff to sell I came across my old LeapFrog Didj handheld console. It had been ages and ages since I last powered the thing up. In fact, I think some of the games are meant for kids the age of which I last played the thing actually. It's an edutainment device




Back in July I started an off-shoot of my website for the Intellivision. I didn't tell anyone. Time marches on. Cut to now. I got my prizes for finishing second in the contest today. They guy dropped off the package at 6:30 at night. I didn't know that the mail people worked that late. Getting the Intellivision stuff got me inspired to work on Intellivision coding. So I've started a new project on the Intellivision. And you can see the first image of its title screen at my website intellivisio



Mr. Stick update

Today's update to the game is one that you can't see. I put all the letters back. I had been using q for the tree and z for the land. But since I decided to make the game better looking, I didn't need to replace letters for 8x8 tiles. And I had been using j for the stick-lives icon. I put that to the beginning of the lowercase letters. The uppercase letters I made lowercase just because. The game doesn't have that much text in it anyway. I bought a Game Boy game. I woke up at noon and went to



Game Boy stuff

So I got an e-mail saying my Game Boy games were finished (it took at least 3 months) and that the 10 copies I had wanted will be shipped now. I think the guy is in Europe, so it will probably take a while for them to get here, especially during Holiday season where people ship a lot of packages.   That inspired me to work on my second Game Boy game (third if you count Oranges). It took a few hours, but I finally made the title screen for Mr. Stick a lot better looking. I added another tree an



A much better frog.

AtariAge member emerson made a frog for me. It is way better than the one I had. I spent a few hours today struggling with collision detection for the frog but I think I finally got it working. Since I have nowhere to go for Thanksgiving, I slept until 11am. It was nice. I have my turkey TV dinner I am going to fix for dinner. It's actually raining for the first time in months. Too bad it had to be on a holiday. Oh well. The people will get soaked Black Friday shopping tomorrow as well. Ha ha. H



I need a pixel artist to help me

In order for one to have a good game, one must have good graphics. It's okay if you're, for example, makng a puzzle game, but I'm not. So the graphics have to be reasonably good. I am working on Frank the Fruit Fly for the Pokemon Mini again. I decided to put a frog sprite in the game and have Frank avoid it and its tongue. But the problem is, I can't draw frogs. At all. Frogs and horses. And, in fact, almost everything else for that matter. So I need a pixel artist. If you want to help, here



Yummy ants

I suppose the reason aardvarks eat ants is because that's the only thing that's around to eat, outside of plants. Anyway, I put some ants and an anthill in the game. Aaron can now eat the ants, but the ants don't do anything yet. The tongue was successfully put in, although I had a hard time getting collision detection for it because to easier make it go in the game, I copied the aardvark sprite, put the tongue in and then erased the aardvark in Photoshop. This was around midnight. I woke up at



Aaron the Aardvark update

So I went back to work on Aaron the Aardvark. I asked for some things to put in the game. I'm going to put in ants that Aaron can eat by pressing A. A will make Aaron stick out a tongue to eat the ants with. I've got the ants and an anthill in the game, and the ants can walk in a straight line, but Aaron can't eat them just yet. I'm wondering if I should make the ants bigger. Right now they're 16x8 pixels, and quite a reasonable size when you compare them to Aaron. But I don't want to make Aaron



Crazy Comics Collage - 11/14/2018

So I had this idea. I was incredibly bored. Mom was working on a collage. She said "Why don't you do one?" I looked around. The only thing that interested me was the comics page of the local newspaper. So I took it, started reading it, and found two panels from two different comics that clicked. That is when the idea hit. So I started cutting out panels from different comics and I ended up with this. I call it a "crazy comics collage." Every day I will go through the comics page, read every com



Hard French Fries

So it took at least a few hours to get the program to choose between putting French fries or a potato chip on the screen. I think it's mostly due to the computer hating me because I tried what worked before and it didn't work. Oh well. Tomorrow I will attempt to put in an onion ring in the game. I want to put in some candy as well, but I don't know which kind. I'd like at most 7 different types of junk food and the pink pickle for a round (in computer terms) number of 8 different food items. I



the scarlet letter, or, red-letter day

So I was going through my computer and I found a version of a title screen for Fatso 2 that was really advanced from the one I remember. I don't remember making this one though. Sad news, though, my Odyssey 2 died, but that's okay because yesterday I went and got a second one in case that were to happen. Odd that it would happen the next morning, though. I turned it on. Dead as a doornail. I kept frantically trying, hoping it would come back, but it never did. So now I am working on my back-up O



Room of Doom - noises

I spent some time yesterday trying to put original, non-stock noises in the game. I think I have done it. At the beginning, the game plays a short "tune" and when you die, the game makes a buzz that isn't like the buzz that you'd hear in a normal Odyssey2 game. The Odyssey2 has a very limited library of noises. But it can make more than just those. If you get out of those noises, you can access more noises it can make by changing the values in registers 0A7-0AA. That's what I did here. For a w



Room of Doom - A ghost

So I put a ghost in the game Room of Doom for the Odyssey2. I've used up 1669/2048 bytes I'm a bit puzzled as to why my game wasn't working when it had way less code than it does now, and I tested my game on a real Odyssey2 and it works fine. Since it's a ghost, you can shoot right through it and it doesn't die because it's already dead. It's a hard game, as someone commented, and my highest score is 38. But I don't know if it's a good game. I can't judge my games as to whether they're good or



Room of Doom - the return

So I figured that since the alien showing up was causing problems, making him not be on the screen all the time and be animated might make the game work better. So I got rid of the alien and instead made the guys shoot at you, which is what I was going to do later anyway. But there was still a problem: The guys shooting at the bottom when they're not there. I went to sleep. I woke up 7 hours later at 11:00pm, tried to go back to sleep, couldn't, so I decided to get up and continue working on the



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