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My thoughts on everything.

Entries in this blog

Working walls.

I've been noticing that the walls in my 2600 game Castle of Doom weren't working very well a while back. I tried to make them work okay a few times, but each time I tried ended in failure. You see, the guy in the game stopped just short of the wall instead of bumping into it. I figured it must be because the pfread variables weren't set up properly. So I went to work trying to change them. This is where the failure kicked in. Each time I tried to change it, either the guy got stuck in the wall



In the city.

So my package is actually in the city where I am now. I don't know why it lingered in San Francisco for 3 days, though. I hope to have the stupid package on Tuesday. If so, it took 2 weeks to get here from Germany even though it was only supposed to take 1. And I'll finally figure out why it was in California in the first place. I worked on the Game Gear game about hamburgers. That didn't go very well. I think I'll give up on it. It's doing weird stuff it's not supposed to be doing. I worked on



Electrode's Eventful Evening

It's a wonderful summer Sunday evening, and Electrode the Pokemon is out for a stroll. Or should I say roll? This is the second game in Pokemon Party Mini 2. It will be a lot like Kevin Vs. Tomatoes, which by the way, I took some time off this project to finish building the cartridges for. Taking apart and putting back together a Channel F cart is frustratingly hard. But I have 9 of them. They need labels and instruction manuals before they can be shipped off. Anyway, back to Electrode. T



Moving Marill complete

The only thing missing is noise. I'll get to that later on. For now I'd like to present a new idea I've been working on that Moving Marill will be part of. I've decided to make a Pokemon Party Mini 2 game. My mom woke me up last night at 9pm to tell me the TV was broken. I went to the living room and it had been turned to channel 7 somehow. So I changed the channel on the TV to 3 and the picture magically reappeared. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. So I worked on my game. I worked



The package saga continues

Last night at around midnight, the package tracking status said "Your package delivery has been delayed." Well, can you tell me WHERE IT IS? Meanwhile, I have been working on the Pokemon Mini. I made a fish show up. But I can't draw a swimming fish, so I need help with a b&w, 2 frame, 12x12 pixel fish animation picture. This is what I have in here now: I slowed down the fish because it was moving too fast.



Time on Pokemon Mini

So my package was mistakenly sent to Palo Alto, California instead of here. I'm guessing someone typed a 4 instead of a 7. 4 is right below 7, so I think that's what happened. So now I don't know whether I'll get it or not. It left the Palo Alto post office, but I have no idea where it's headed. Disgruntled, I went to the game store and bought a magazine from 1990. It had the big lists of games from companies ads. One ad has a very small Atari Lynx section. I worked on my Pokemon Mini game. I



What about Marill?

So I've been working on my Pokemon Mini game. I was having a very hard time with it. The problem was I had digits but I couldn't display them. But now I can. The next thing I need to do is make the digits change and act like a timer for the score. This Pokemon Mini programming thing is really difficult. Of course, I said that for Game Gear programming and now I can do that fairly easy. But I think the Pokemon Mini is much more complicated than the Game Gear. Probably since it's about a deca



Anyone hungry for chicken nuggets?

I began the process of putting chicken nuggets in the hamburgers game. The chicken nugget will begin appearing on level 2, so this screenshot is impossible. I just put it in level 1 for a test. Right now it's just a static image, but I hope I can get it moving. And get it in any level after 1. And not have it appear very often yet still random. I'll make it so the maximum amount of lives you can have is 9. So what does it do? Once I get it all programmed, if you touch the chicken nugget, yo



Super Mario Bros. comics

I was looking at my Super Mario Bros. themed wall calendar. May is an image from level 4-1. (Am I a geek for knowing which level that's in or what? It doesn't say.) Then I remembered something: I had a comic I used to make about Super Mario Bros. using actual screenshots from an emulator. So I got the ROM, downloaded an emulator and went to work. These are what I came up with. As you might expect, I now have made 42 SMB comics. I have a special Christmas 2018-themed idea I'm going to do co




I woke up at exactly 2:00 A.M. I woke up and looked at my clock. It read 2:00. I've gone back to working on the Hamburgers game for Game Gear. I've changed level 1 from the plains to a desert. Level 1 will have only the strawberry milkshake, and since deserts are primarily orange in color, it would be hard to see the onion rings coming at you. I've tried different pictures for the background, and settled on this one: Morning in the desert. Since level 4 will have chocolate milkshakes with t



Marill on screen

So after working almost all day yesterday, I finally got a sprite to display on screen. The only problem is I don't know how I did it. But he can move around all over the test screen. I had to disable diagonal movement because it slows him down. It's almost 4am as I write this, I just woke up. I woke up at 10pm, but went back to sleep at midnight because I have to be up to go to the post office. Anyway, the next step is to make a water screen for the Marill to move around in. I'm thinking the



I try another console

Yesterday I tried my hand at making something for the Pokemon Mini. After a successful "Hello World," I decided to try my hand at making an image appear on the screen. But this is as far as I got. I have no idea how to make a sprite appear on the screen and move it around. I looked at various code from other games and didn't understand any of it. Which is too bad because I have an idea for a game now. And it's also too bad that I can't try what I did on a real Pokemon Mini because the guy that



Pokemon Mini return

So I thought to myself after looking through eBay to look for Pokemon Mini games I don't have already. I have all the common ones, so anything I would find would have to be about $100 or so. Going on a few days ago, I found some guy in Portugal trying to sell his copy of Togepi's Great Adventure for about $400. And there was a Pichu Bros. Mini game for around the same price. But something new popped up. A guy in Germany put up a Pokemon Race game for sale for 90 euros. I looked at the US Dollar



Catching up on Zs

So I think I tried to go to sleep shortly after I wrote that blog entry. And I went to sleep. I slept all day. Noises kept waking me up since I had the window open, but they didn't wake me up enough to actually be 100% awake. I usually just went right back to sleep. I slept for about 14 hours. When I finally couldn't go back to sleep, it was about 4pm or so. It was about 87 degrees when I woke up, and to my surprise, the A/C was running. I guess it was so hot, even Mom couldn't stand it. I wen



I'm having trouble sleeping.

Insomnia has been hurting my head the last couple of days. I can't sleep. And even if I am lucky enough to fall asleep, I'm only asleep for 2 hours or so. I lay in my bed supersleepy for a half-hour yet can't fall asleep. The fact that it's hot in my bedroom doesn't help either. Fan is going, window open at night, yet I can't fall asleep. So now it's 4:30am and I have been awake for 3 hours or so. And it's boring just laying on my bed with my eyes closed. I guess I'm the type of person that li



7 minutes is too long

So I created an animated movie short that's a little over 7 minutes long in Windows Movie Maker 2.6. And it's taking forever to save. Or is it even doing anything? I checked Task Manager and it appears to be doing something since it's taking a little over 30% of my CPU, but all it has to show for itself is a 13.2k .wmv file that's 0:00:00 long. It's been doing this for the past 5 minutes. I cancelled it and retried it and it just sits there not seeming to do anything. It says "Estimating Time Re



Craps? Crap!

I'm working on a Virtual Boy version of the casino game Craps for my Virtual Boy game "Chris's Casino". But there's one problem: I don't know the rules. I read some rules on Wikipedia and I've implemented "Pass" and "Don't Pass" bets, as well as rolling the dice. I don't understand the "Come" and "Don't Come" bets. If I get this working, I think I'll call it done, since it seems like 4 games is enough. Like I've said before, I think Video Poker is undoable, at least by me, because of the amoun



The return of Frank the Fruit Fly

Frank the Fruit Fly will be the next project for the Game Gear I will work on once Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland is finished. But that will be a while since "Hamburgers" isn't even half done yet. I decided that since I can have bankswitching on Game Gear and not Game Boy, that I will make all further handheld games on Game Gear. Still awed at the fact that I got a tie down to the hundredth of a second in Mario Kart 64. That has never happened in the 19 years I've owned it. I still have my



I get it!

So the light switch in my head turned on and I finally understand bankswitching and slots. As it turns out, you tell the bank which slot it should be in. As sverx pointed out in the SMS Power forums: The reason I was having trouble in the first place was because I had put something in a bank that was defined in another bank. Thus, when it got time to get the thing I hadn't defined, the game froze because it wasn't where it was supposed to be. But now I have that figured out. What's more,



Bigger burgers

So I spent a few hours on my burger game for the Game Gear after I woke up at about 4pm. I slept for 15 hours last night, which probably isn't very healthy, but if I didn't need the sleep then I wouldn't sleep, right? Anyway, I noticed that once the random mode kicks in, the straight burgers only had one speed. I've noticed this for a while now, but now I did something about it. Tested the game on a real Game Gear and found the music for level 2 was louder than level 1's. Not wanting to redo a



Deadly Onion Rings

I have decided to give up on Even Number Man. Even if I got it working, it just takes up too much space to do what I want it to do. So last night, I went back to work on Hamburgers. Even that wasn't working for me. It was late, about 3am or so. I decided to go to sleep with that broken. There were thunderstorms here last night at about the time I went to sleep. I woke up and decided to work on Hamburgers again. It kept giving me false deaths. I was trying to add an onion ring to the game that



I hate it.

I'm give up on Even Number Man after hours of trying to make it do what I wanted it to do, I realized I need to give up on it. RIP Even Number Man.



Even Number Man

So I have been working on my latest game for the Odyssey 2 I'm making called Even Number Man. Now I have a bunch of projects going on at once, along with Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland, My History Teacher Ate Lemons, and Castle of Doom. So anyway, I am looking at the website I made for it and am wondering how to NOT make it automatically switch to a new line when </h3> is used. Or is that even possible? If you look at the website, I want to have the "last updated" part on the same line



More work on level 2

So while I was working on the burger game, I began to feel really hot. I don't know why since it was only low 70s today. Anyway, I worked on it for awhile. I fixed it so when the final milkshake of the level gets shot, it makes a noise like all the others. I made the beginning of level 2. I managed to squeeze in a song in the bank I mentioned yesterday at being 5% empty. Now it's 1% empty. So no more in that bank. While playing, I thought of some stuff I could do for level 2. Level 2's milksha



A sneak peek at level 2

I began work on level 2 of Hamburgers ERTS. I found a picture online of an ocean. I had to restrict it to 15 colors and change it around so it would fit on a Game Gear, like I did with level 1. Bank 1 is 95% full of pictures, but I think I can fit a song in there for level 2. So here is a picture of level 2 in the works. The hamburgers are going over the Atlantic Ocean in level 2. They're en route to Switzerland, you know. Before I went to sleep, I worked on Castle of Doom. I went to sleep.



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