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My thoughts on everything.

Entries in this blog

Quiz Wiz Discoveries

There are two different Quiz Wiz consoles. I discovered this when I tested the one I got in the mail today. There is a difference between the two. The answers are announced differently in the sound. One has a sound effect for number presses, and the other one doesn't. Later Quiz Wiz cartridges are gray as opposed to black. I got cartridge #60 today, so I know there are at least 60 different cartridges. A lot for sure. I have a few duplicate General Knowledge cartridges, so I guess I had bet



Xybort (part 3)

Began work on the main game. I had quite the problem with the title screen code when I updated it to make it go to the in-game bank. But I think I fixed it. But it took an extra hour or so trying to figure out what was wrong, and I never did figure it out, but I did fix it. I made it so when fire is pressed, the ship shoots a missile. If fire is held, it won't fire another missile until the fire is released and pressed again. I plan on working on this little by little in case I run into a stupid



Xybort (part 2)

I finally got the score in the game. I went to sleep at about 11 a.m. and woke up at 9 p.m. And I'm still sleepy. It's still just a title screen, but it occupies about 900 bytes. So if I'm using stuff like this all the time, the game itself has got to look fairly simple. I think I'll make the enemy ship a character, sprite 0 is your ship and sprite 1 is your missile. And since it needs to look simple and I can't really get a scrolling effect with it, I'll need to make it look more like Astrosmas




The Xybortians in their Xybortex ships are attacking Earth. I'm imagining a Xevious-type game (hence the name) for the Odyssey 2. And so I've designed a title screen for my vertical shooter I want to accomplish. This will be a 4k game. Due to the fact that I have yet to work on the game itself. Bank 3 is my intro and the title screen, while Bank 2 will be the main game itself. I have quite a lot of room in Bank 3. Here is a picture of the title screen of Xybort. This took all night to



Odyssey 2...021

Spent the first few hours of the new year trying to work on an Odyssey 2 game. I introduced a new variable and then wanted to set it before the game started. So I started out with bank 3, which is where the Odyssey 2 starts out all roms. I got the keyboard semi working, but the switch to the other bank to start the game was not working on a real Odyssey 2. Try after try happened until I found the reason: I was switching to the wrong bank. Instead of switching to bank 2, I was switching to bank 0



Flying fly

I'm still a little woozy from that doozy of an eye ache I had. Nevertheless, I decided to work on the fly swatting mini game in Frank the Fruit Fly. I forgot that when it comes up, you need to press A to start it. I was all "how come I didn't make it so the hand moves? I thought I did." Then I remembered that you need to press A to start it. So a few hours later, and the fly can move in 8 directions and stand still. I wish I could get rid of the standing still part, but the way I programmed it,



Ow! My eye hurt again.

My eye hurt again last night. Really bad. Figuring I would just barf them back up anyway, I decided to fix some popcorn and eat some Cheez-Its. Sure enough, a few hours later, there they were in the toilet bowl. I couldn't get to sleep very well since my eye hurt. But I find that when my eye hurts, sleep is the only thing that cures it. Sure enough, I went to sleep and woke up 6 hours later and the pain was almost gone. I decided to go back to sleep because I didn't get enough sleep, so I slept



I hate computers.

So my computer wasn't working very well. So I decided to reset the thing. It took 4 hours. Right now I am in the middle of downloading the programs I had before. Discord is a mean. I can't log on to it. I guess I lost my Discord capabilities because it locked me out even though I already have an account.   After the four hours (it was 2 a.m.), I discovered I had a new video editing tool that I've never seen before. So I decided to use it. It is pretty tough to get going with this myste



Hamburgers finished.

Dinner is served! After a little over two months after starting the project, I am happy to say that yesterday morning (Christmas), I took a little time and finished the game, and it's now in the bug testing phase. If you would like to help and have a Virtual Boy and FlashBoy or HF32 (or just have Mednafen), PM me and I'll give you the latest file. I won't be sharing it with everyone, so you'll have to promise you do the same. When I get some time, I'll try it out on my Virtual Boy and see if it



Quiz Wiz errata

Found a couple of mistakes. Good thing they were typos and not answers. But it makes one wonder: Were the ones I didn't know correct? Hmm. At least they knew Ren was a dog and Stimpy was a cat. Here are the mistakes I've found (so far.) Question 232. "Different Strokes" has an apostrophe. It is actually "Diff'rent Strokes" 250. The show is called "Newhart", not "The Newhart Show." 258. Crusty the Clown of "The Simpsons" fame is spelled Krusty. All three of these were in the T



Quiz Wiz biz

So I got a Tiger Quiz Wiz in the mail today. I like it. It will be a lot easier than I expected to make a new Quiz Wiz game. How? You can choose which questions to answer. I thought it displayed them one right after another. I guess that's what the keypad is for: To input the question number you want to answer. My idea was having silly questions with no answer. Sample question: Who put the bop in the bop sha-bop-sha-bop? A.) Richard Nixon B.) Don Ho C.) Bob Newhart D.) J



Game Boy in 2021.

After reading the Game Boy thread, I got an idea. I had done "Midspace" in 2018 and "Yum" in 2019. I was all set to follow through with "Flies." But then stuff happened. Other projects, mainly, but I dusted off the game's code, and I think I finished the thing. I have no idea for artwork for this. That's where you come in. I need a label. So I'm holding a label contest. Winner gets a free copy of the game. (A $15 value.) There will be 10 copies made, just like those previous two games I mentione




All this talk about Microvision (seeing the new screen topic, reading the Microvision Homebrew thread), made me wonder how my Microvision has held up since the last time I played it. So I got out my Microvision from the cold pantry. Had a little trouble putting in the 9V battery that was in the storage part of the battery compartment, but I forced it in and turned it on. Success! My Star Trek: Phaser Strike copy still works.   I updated my Microvision website with info about the world'



Hamburger work.

I must have spent at least a couple of hours working on Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland today trying to not make there be garbled stuff showing up for a split second between the level and a new game over screen I put in the game. But at last I think I finally did it. A couple of hours ago, while I was working on this same thing, the power went out for like a nanosecond. Not enough time to make my computer go off, or the microwave clock need to be reset, but enough to notice it. I h



Cheeseburgers and 2600 programming.

So I spent all day working on this. I woke up at about 10 or so. After screwing up my Carl's Jr. order (they put cheese on my burger). I thought I would have to give up since it was acting so strangely. All I was doing was trying to add a b&w mode to it, involving just a couple more lines of code, but it kept being stupid until it decided it had enough and so it quit. It feels like that's what I keep having to do: wait for it to quit having fun annoying me.   I also changed the dem




It's day 1 of not having a cat. Yesterday, the dog kept looking around the house trying to find her. We kept telling the dog that the cat left and she's not coming back. I know, it's kind of sad, but there's nothing I can do about it. Oh well. I went out to the garage and I found my Gamecube controller. When the cat was alive, and in my room, I feared she would get trapped in the dark pantry, like she did a couple of times (luckily, I knew she was there and just waited for her to get tired of it



Bye, cat.

Our cat hasn't been well this past year. She began growing a tumor on the right side of her face, near her eye, but she kept acting like a normal cat and eating and stuff. Well, that changed a couple days ago when she stopped eating. I think mom and I both agreed that it was time to put her to sleep. So that's what mom is doing right now. I said goodbye to her as I put her in her carrier for what is presumably the last time.   The cat was originally my grandpa's cat. But he passed away



I give up again.

Nobody wants to help me with my stupid Atari 2600 project, so I give up. All I wanted to do was make a game about cutting nosehairs, but nooooooooooooooooo. Stupid life made it way too hard and made me hate my life and want me to die, so I'm giving up on it forever. I'm going back to stuff I already know how to do, like Pokemon Mini and Virtual Boy programming. Why did they have to make Atari 2600 assembly so stupid hard that I can't do much with it? Or is it that everyone can and I'm as dumb as



Fly swatting

I decided to go back to the night scene for the beach level in the Hamburgers game. Today I want to talk about Pokemon Mini programming.   I began the work making a fly-swatting minigame for Frank the Fruit Fly. I had to bump the size up to 254 KB, which is about half the size of a typical Pokemon Mini game (512 KB). If I had more ideas for making screens, I doubt I would have been able to get to 512 KB anyway. The first part of the work I did was making a score. The score will be



Seeing red

Went back to work on my Virtual Boy game I'm making. I got tired of all the outdoor scenes being at night. So I woke up at 2 a.m. and went to work trying to get the beach scene being during the day. At around 7 a.m. I got the hang of it and did it: I also got the words to be black, something I wanted to do from the beginning. All I could do was change the GPLT0 where the text's palette was stored. I couldn't change the text to use GPLTs 1-3, so I had to improvise and change the way I



Frank main game finished.

The main game of Frank the Fruit Fly has been completed. Since I have some time until September, and for those who want a more arcade-y experience, I've decided I'm going to program and put a minigame in accessible via password. The completed game without minigame is available on the Frank the Fruit Fly website. The minigame will be a version of Flies!, my cancelled Channel F game. A game which you swat at flies while avoiding bees. I was working on this for the Game Boy as well. Last night I pr




So last night I discovered my toilet was leaking. Water was dripping out from the valve. Goody. Another bill. Went to sleep at a little after 9 a.m. I just couldn't stay up and tape the parade. Then I woke up at 3 p.m. and went to my sister's house. She was fixing turkey. It was ready at about 4:30 or so. Or was it? Nobody there knew how long to cook it, and nobody knew if it was done, and nobody had a meat thermometer. So we ate it anyway. If I get salmonella and die, you'll know why. And then




I slept most of the weekend and Monday. I could sleep right now if I wanted to. Most of my waking hours of Monday were spent trying to make black outlines be on the other sprites in Hamburger. It took a long time to do this, but I finally did it. It looked kind of odd having a black outline on just the hamburger. I copied and pasted the sprites in an empty area in the .bmp file where all the sprites are stored, then outlined them. I just couldn't do it. So I tried again and had better



Level 7 - forest

I had to take a long nap. I can right now sleep on command. In fact, I was so sleepy, I fell asleep on my bed for a few hours a few hours after I got up. I don't know what is the matter with me. Anyway, I did take some spare awake time to work on my Hamburgers game. I started work on level 7, the forest. The music in it is from level 6, so I still need to compose some forest music for it. But this is what it will look like for the most part. I tried a long time to find a good forest p



Level select

So after giving up on Flies, I went back to work on Hamburgers. One of the things I wanted to do was put in a level select feature. Good thing I did because after playing level 4 and the game went to level 5, I found a bug. The snow was standing still for about a couple seconds and then started falling. I fiddled with the code and eventually got that fixed, although I don't know how. It was super late, about 1 a.m., when I tried to go to sleep. My clock read 12:59. Every ten minutes or so, I'd c



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