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My thoughts on everything.

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That pesky nosehair, ever growing. I thought I would make a video game out of something that annoys me: Nosehair! I mean, why do we even have hair growing in our noses? It can't help tremendously like a filter. It's just a few strands of hair. And it has to be up my nose where it's hard to reach?   Anyway, I'm working baby steps here since I discovered it's hard to keep the scanline steady at 262. Everything I do seems to break it and more than half the time I spend working on it is ma



Jukebox Quiz

I've tried a couple of names for my "Far Side"-esque web comics: "47 Meatballs" ran for a long time, then I switched it to "Igloos Ablaze." I think of funny things for my projects. you should see the list of weird song titles I've made over the years. Now I'm trying a new title. I'm trying to do them every day. Every couple of days I just sit there trying to think up of funny puns and other weird stuff. A long time ago, I was trying to think of a short phrase containing the letters j, k, q, x an



Wow. That was fast.

And just like that, another day has passed. I spent most of this one sleeping too. I find that even though I usually get sleepy at about 9 or 10, I can't actually go to sleep until about midnight or so. I plugged in my old Commodore 64 (I failed in trying to find my Atari 800) and it still works well. That's about the only thing well on the Comoodore 64 front, I tried to program something for it and all the picture was displaying in red and black instead of the colors I wanted.   I wan



Most of October 7...

...was spent sleeping. I couldn't go to sleep, so I worked on Zyx. FINALLY got to semi-sleep at about 2 a.m. Woke up at 7:45a.m. to go to sleep on the couch so I could hear the phone ring. Yes, I'm still waiting for them to call me. It didn't ring. I got up at about noon. Then in the span of about a couple of hours, I got 3 calls. Two of them were robo calls and the other one was Terminix telling me when they'll come. So now while a couple weeks ago I would be sleeping right now, now I am awake



Zyx is not dead

I just worked on it today, in fact. It's been a hard few months on it, replacing backgrounds and music in it. I really like the new title screen music though. I don't know when this will be released. Probably next year some time.



pineapples in october.

Not to be confused with "Lemons in August." So I wondered today while looking at my incredibly long code about the banana movement in my pineapple game, if I could shorten it by adding a couple of extra variables. As a result, the code is a lot shorter with only three variables added. Right now I'm up to var47. The highest I got on GoSub was var39. So while it may seem that there's a lot less involved in this game, there actually is a lot more happening. This is the banana moving code.  



What I do when I get bored.

This blog entry begins in the unlikely year of 1862. When I get bored, I sometimes work on personal projects, like music CDs. In 1862, the epic poem "Goblin Market" was published. It was brought to my attention in an old issue of Playboy or something that my grandparents had. It was dated before I was born. I don't know why they had it. A few years after reading about it, I found the old poem online. Man it's long. So began the task I challenged myself of putting it to music. Like almost all my




Today I worked on the pineapple game. I switched from a zone height of 8 to a zone height of 16. While this enables more sprites on the screen, I doubt I will put any more on it. I did this just to see if I could do it. I like the way it looks anyway, so I did it. I would like some suggestions and feedback on the game because I'm getting almost 0 interest in it.   I also apparently had a dream a year ago about making crosswords about apples. Something I kept doing once a month. I'll ju



Channel F: The F is for fcranberry.

I still need to get the manuals for Trimerous done. I bet Kinko's is open on the weekend. I need to do it on the weekend because I'm waiting for a phone call that could come at any time during the day. Thus I spend all my waking hours waiting for that call.   While I was waiting today, I decided to delve into the Channel F and program my next game. Quest of the Cranberry is on the front burner now. I made screen 17 a minefield. I'm taking lots of ideas from Frank the Fruit Fly and impl



pineapples: part of this nutritious breakfast

I decided to change my avatar. With me programming a game about pineapples, it seemed silly to have an avatar of a watermelon up there. But I like silly things, so it wasn't all bad. I can't think of too many things left to do with this game, I think I'm nearing its end, which seems odd since I still have 9,997 bytes of data left, and the DMA holes to work with. So let's hear some suggestions. The latest binary will from now on always be on the pineapple website. I finally figured out how to cha



pineapple website up.

I made a website for the 7800 game I'm working on called "pineapple." You can find it here. It has instructions and a ROM to try out. It's really lovely. I am super sleepy. I tried to change my life around so I'm up during the day. I went to sleep at 2 p.m. and woke up at 7 a.m. I purposely did that so I would wake up at a sane time. But since I apparently need at least 12 hours of sleep each night, this means I'll probably go to sleep at about 6 p.m. or so.



First day of Autumn

Was spent mostly sleeping. I did however get to go to the post office (had to mail a game out), and I went to Ace's gift shop in search of Halloween stuff to add to my jack-o-lantern collection. Everything there is horribly overpriced. Please tell me why a medium-sized stuffed tarantula (about the size of a teddy bear) needs to be $24. So I went to Kroger's (Fred Meyer to be exact) and found a couple of things. Stopped at Burger King for some fries. They have fat puffy fries, not shoestring like



Hamburgers at the library.

I tried real hard to think of a place where level 6 can be in the game Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2. Then all these stupid bugs popped up. I was having a horrible time trying to fix them. I spent all night and into the morning working on this. At one point, I got the bright idea to just start over again. Sections of the code were ignored. Putting them in twice seem to do the trick, although I don't know why. That's a small picture. Don't know why it's so small, but oh well. Le



Dinosaur! (the title screen)

About 17 hours ago, I put on the internet the beginnings of a game I began working on called "Dinosaur!". This is for the Atari 2600 using assembly. And it's my most ambitious assembly game I have to date. What I want in the end is a game like "Jurassic Park" (for the NES). I bought Jurassic Park for the NES. (I also have a Game Gear version.) I haven't played it yet, but I know what the objectives are: To clear levels and shoot dinosaurs. I woke up at 6 p.m. after going to bed (finally) at 4 a.



Return of the comic from the future.

A while back, I lamented about while there was a comic strip occurring in the past ("B.C."), there was none from the future. Which seemed odd to me seeing as how there were both "The Flintstones" and "The Jetsons". So I decided to make a futuristic comic strip for my comics website. I made a couple weeks' worth last year and a week about 4 months ago. Well, while going through my papers I found two comics I had drawn, I think I wanted to keep going with the four months ago set, as they were date




I started to go online to schedule an appointment to get my ID card renewed. I get to the part where I actually begin to schedule an appointment, but I can't because there aren't any available openings in both of my local DMV locations! This is stupid. I think they need to open up a few more locations to better serve the area, but that will never happen because that would mean paying more government workers. And there's no money to pay them with NOW any way. BUT I NEED MY ID CARD because it expi



Midspace version 39

So last night I played some Mario Kart 64. Two of the computer-controlled players got the exact same time on one track. Before that, I got a new 2600 game in the mail: Cosmic Commuter. I put it in and the thing rolled. Did I have a PAL version? I went and cleaned up the contacts a little and then tried it. Success: No rolling. So if you think you have a PAL game (and are in NTSC land), one thing you can try is cleaning the cart. Then I worked on MidSpace. I tried and tried to get the game's lett



Midway Arcade's Greatest Hits: The Atari Collection 1

Asteroids, Battlezone, Centipede, Missile Command, Super Breakout, and Tempest are here to play on your Super NES. One bad thing I can say about this is there's no way to exit the game unless you die. That and it doesn't take very much time to go into demo mode, only like 5 seconds of inactivity. And it doesn't save your high scores. But I guess the good news is they're arcade perfect, so there's that. And the "1" in the title is a bit misleading, as this is the only Atari collection on the SNES



Mine craft.

I got an idea for a screen for Frank the Fruit Fly. It is basically my Explosive Diarrhea game. If you're not familiar with that, the goal is to cross a minefield without stepping on a mine. Stepping on one will send the player back to the left of the screen to try again. So basically, remember where the mines are and don't step on them. Since Frank only has to cross this once, I don't really need to reset the mine positions.   Right now the randomly placed mines are visible, but they




...is something I lack. It's been a boring day today so far. I went for a walk outside. You can see ash collecting on the pavement. I tried Castle of Doom on a real Atari 2600. I changed a level because even though the levels seem easy on an emulator using the keyboard, they seem to be much tougher using a joystick. Especially when you have broken ones. Third time was the charm. I don't know how I ended up with (at least) 3 joysticks, but hey, it works. Couldn't get to sleep last night. I finall



Castle of Doom

The smoke issue at my house is a little better today. I went for a walk and I could see little ashes falling from the sky. I worked for an hour on Castle of Doom. While I was playing it, I found an issue with room 52. So I fixed it. I also changed room 40 because I deemed it too hard and almost downright impossible. Some of the time was spent making a new room 54. I don't know whether I should change the name of the game because it's quite similar to "Room of Doom" by Commavid. (not to mention t




Woke up this morning. I was confused because it was dark outside. Perhaps it was actually 10 p.m.? No, it was 10 a.m. There have been an unusual amount of wildfires in my area lately. And it gave the sky an interesting (and smoky) shade of red. I don't think I've ever seen it get like this before. It's horrible. All the Portland news is talking about is people that need to evacuate certain areas. This is apparently bigger than COVID-19.   I tried to go for a walk. Didn't go as much as




Last night I actually did something I should be proud of. Instead of putting it off until who knows when like I normally do with things I think about doing, this time I actually did it. I played my Atari 2600. What game? Chetiry. Either the game goes really fast or I need a different controller. I started on level 9 because 0 is too slow and the points are too low. And I kept messing up at times placing the pieces which doesn't really help in a game like this. I was surprised the A music was use




I have come to the conclusion that I don't like Doom. I tried playing it on the Jaguar. Again. I got farther this time, level 4. With infinite energy. But the trouble I keep having is not shooting the monsters and stuff, but it's the fact that everywhere looks exactly the same and I get lost and the map doesn't really help all that much.   What prompted me to do this? I was going through the garage and I found the overlay. So I decided I should put the overlay on the controller and att



Zyx collection #2 possible

I will make a Zyx collection #2 under the two following conditions: My computer doesn't die (it turned 4 last April) I think of enough ideas (I only have 1 so far.)   I'm sorry I was the way I was in my last entry. It just kind of angered me that I didn't know the reason why ggn decided to abandon all that 6 years of hard work. I also hate surprises. I like to plan things out and have them be the way I expect them, so anything that throws a wrench in my plans is stupid



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