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Tell me what's wrong with .wmv format.

So I was going through my site when I found my old Mr. Claylegs clay animation. All the files were in .wmv format, so naturally they quit working. I read somewhere that HTML5 does not support .wmv files, so I had to go into Handbrake and convert them to .mp4. I watched the new videos to make sure I did it right. I did, but one thing struck me: They look exactly the same as the .wmv files. No difference whatsoever. So what idiot decided to make .wmv obsolete? It took me at least a half hour to do



Hamburgers 2 level 4

I have been working on Killer Bees so much recently that I decided to do something different. I worked on the beginnings of level 4 of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2. Level 4 is the snow level. I didn't have a snow level in the first HERTS game, instead I put in a mountain background. But I made a snow level for this game. Lots of snow. It's in the arctic. Had some hard time trying to get back in Game Gear programming. All my troubles went away when I introduced stuff to ma



Killer bees: RoSHa Ray

Worked a little on it this morning. Introduced RoSHa ray code. This is what it looks like when its activated. Also, as you can see, the life counter is now not zero. I also introduced a way to die. I am thinking I need a way to let the user know you can use the ray though. The easiest thing to do (because I hate hard things), and what I will probably end up doing, is just change the score color to green. If you can't use the ray then the score will be red.    



Killer bees: 1,624 bytes

Game progression keeps on going. At one point I was so angry that I had to quit working on it because I couldn't make a solid 262 scanline count. But thankfully Splendidnut helped me out. If I ever get this game released, I'll give him a free copy of the game because it wouldn't be without him. So I have the colored killer bees that progressively get meaner and meaner, a Beebot that moves around the screen, your bees that go after the Beebot. But this is far from finished. I have to a



Killer bees: Past the title screen.

So working all day yesterday and all morning today led to this: The Beebot can run away from the bee swarm. The bees (you) have to get him. I guess the yellow number will show the number of bees you have left. (Although if it does get down to 0, the game ends.) Another thing I managed to do is get the scanline count at a steady 262. I played a simple game of the Odyssey 2 killer bee game using O2EM. I didn't get very far. I think it was because the control scheme was a keyboard a



2,600 killer bees.

That is a lot of Killer Bees. While trying to figure out a simple project for the Atari 2600 I could do, I settled on the classic Odyssey2 game "Killer Bees!" I spent all day working on it. I woke up this morning and began work on it. About half an hour ago, my computer wasn't responding so I turned the whole thing off and back on again. It's working now. And so is the title screen for Killer Bees! Since the Atari 2600 has no built-in font, I decided to make it resemble a font. Didn't do very we



The Living Room

I was having a hard time with this. I hate it when code just flat out refuses to do what I tell it to. I want the giant flies to stay on the screen and bounce around. Originally they were supposed to be COVID-19 balls (you know, the gray things with red pokey things that stick out with triangular tips), but I couldn't draw them. So I made them flies. I should mention that I was working on Frank the Fruit Fly. I actually had to go to sleep (at noon no less, I was angrily working) with a broken ga



Level intro

I drew a picture of what I wanted the level intro picture to look like. I draw ideas on paper. Some ideas I have aren't implemented in the game yet. Like today's idea I got about some enemies I haven't put in the game yet. Chad and Chuck are a couple of cherries. I figured if they look like legs (like I drew them) then they should move like legs. But anyway, back to what I was saying. I put a level intro in the game. This is it. The stage number and location can be changed because it'




So last night was horrible. I spent a few hours trying to get rid of a 2-pixel line that showed up in the upper left side of the VB, but only on the title screen (and not on emulation). After trying various things and having nothing work, I decided to just cover it up with a hole. The same hole I use as the hole in the ground in the game. Then I went to sleep for a long time which seems to become normal. After sleeping at least half the day away, I woke up and continued work on the game.  



Cranberry enemies

So I added some stuff to Craig the Cranberry. I added enemies (Steve the Strawberry). I added collision detection to Steve the Strawberry. I added a health meter to the game. It drops when you touch Steve. And then I went to sleep. Couldn't get to sleep until about 4 a.m. Started trying at about 3 a.m. I woke up 15 hours later. I woke up about a half hour ago. It's now almost 8 p.m. I really enjoy sleeping, even when I do get weird nightmares. Sometimes I wake myself up when I start talking in m



Art imitates life.

Take a look at my two most recent comics that will go on my comics website next month. I've been trapped in this horrible life for too long. C'mon. All I want to do is go to my used video game store again. That's all. I've decided to put the cranberry game on hold since I can't get it working right at all on my Virtual Boy. Perhaps I can work on Frank the Fruit Fly again. At least I haven't run into an troubles for that lately. Finally went to sleep at 3 a.m. and got up at



Jumping cranberries

I began work on the game part of the game. Right now all Craig can do is move right, and make the background scroll. He can also jump by pressing A. I had to work on this extra hard because the in-game code is faster than the title screen game code. This results in a faster game once you start it. To make up for the discrepancy, I had to make extra code so the values (like of jumping) work differently because it mysteriously got faster.   Or perhaps it's a case of I don't know what I'm



Red cranberries

It's a fact. You know it, I know it. Cranberries are red. The Virtual Boy can only display the color red. Since it had been an awwwwwfully long time since I did any Virtual Boy programming (My Virtual Boy is tucked away in the corner of the den just waiting to be used again), I decided to attempt to make the title screen to Craig the Cranberry better. One of the main things I disliked about the screen was that there was no indication that the cranberry was rolling along. In fact, he was just sli



Aaron aand aan aant aarmy.

So today found me working on Aaron the Aardvark aagain (sorry.) My work today was mainly on the ants. I fixed a bunch of rules in the game today. It only took me a couple of hours. I went to work shortly before 1 p.m. and now it's almost 3 p.m. I have been sleeping a lot lately. It seems as though I have nothing better to do since everything's closed and I can't go out anywhere, so it just seems like there's no point to getting out of bed. Except when you have to pee. So I forced my head off my



The return of Aaron

For the first time in almost 10 months, I worked on Aaron the Aardvark for the Jaguar again. The time was spent trying to add a big huge boss in the game. And that introduced a lot of bugs. It's hard to tell whether I got rid of them all or not. Here is a picture of the very big UFO for Aaron to shoot his poop at. So here what Aaron has to do is keep shooting. It doesn't matter here where he shoots, he'll hit the ship. The hard part is avoiding the lasers. He'll get three points for e



Parody Pangrams

Bored out of my mind, I started reading one of my favorite books again. "Alphabet Avenue" by Dave Morice dives head first into the art of wordplay. A 'pangram' is a sentence or quote using all 26 letters of the alphabet. Here is an excerpt of the book:   "Peter Newby composed a twenty-six letter takeoff of 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.': QWYK GLAZ'D VOX JUMPS FERN BITCH." Glaz'd is a synonym for 'brown', Vox means 'fox', and 'fern' is defined in its former adjectival se



Back on the slopes

So the skiing mountains are closed (due to COVID). But that won't stop me from skiing. In fact, I spent all afternoon skiing. I was working on my Skiing game for the Channel F. I set out to fix all the things that were wrong with it. I think I succeeded. But there's just one thing left: The game has no goal. And I'm at a loss for what I should do with this. Should it be like SkiFree and have a Yeti come by and eat you up? If so, he'd have to be either a red, green, or blue one. Or should I just



Begone, ugly brown!

So I noticed that there was an ugly brown that showed up taking up the entire screen when switching between screens. I looked at the color palette in Emulicious's palette displayer and saw what color it was switching to. To change it to black, I had to change the palette in all the sprites I was using. I always hate using GIMP because it takes like 3 minutes to open it up because it's looking for fonts I don't use. So anyway, once that was done, I successfully got rid of the ugly brown. Now it's



Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2 - level 3

Work on level 3 has begun. As you can see, I finally managed to guess the correct combination to display black numbers. I need to apply this to the title screen as well. At first it displayed black, but then changed to blue for some mysterious reason. I had a horrible time trying to figure out why the onion rings weren't showing up. The answer: I never told them to. They would have if I started the game on level 2 and then beat it and went to level 3. Since I started the game on level



Game Gear musings

I have been looking on eBay for Game Gear related stuff I don't have. It's either something I have or some stupid rancid shovelware. It's kind of hard to find anything new and interesting when you have 146 Game Gear games. That is precisely the reason I wanted to develop Game Gear games. And it's the reason why I began work on Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 2 (and the first one as well.)   I think the Game Gear is better than the Game Boy because it has color. Not that I think Game



If you're happy and you know it...

I got an idea for Frank the Fruit Fly again. So I went to work on it. The screen involves two people clapping. And Frank tries not to get into the middle of their hands. (If Frank gets clapped in, he'll lose 3 points of health). Lots of things got into my way while programming this screen, but the most notable one is the fact that I can't draw. Which is worsened by the fact that my game I'm trying to make is graphics-heavy. This is what my first attempt looks like. I spent at least te



Chris again

So I worked on Chris the Cranberry (for the Odyssey2) again. I added some stuff. Tracks 1-3 are fixed and tracks 4-6 have random stuff. Tracks 1 & 4 are short, tracks 2 & 5 are medium and tracks 3 & 6 are long. I added the Cedar Games intro. Upon putting in the Cedar Games intro, the in-game timer decided to put airplanes for the variables with no value. So I fixed that as well.   I changed the Cedar Games intro a little. It's still a tree, but it's



Let there be light!

So I finally got the chance to go to Lowe's to get that dumb light bulb I needed. I had to ask the guy where they were. They came in a two pack, so I'm all set for the next 7 years (I got the previous one in 2016). I also had a little bit of trouble trying to get the dumb light bulb into where it is supposed to be plugged into. Five minutes later, after fighting with a light bulb, I got it in. And it works. Now that dumb lamp can go back in the attic. Hooray. Now it's light in here. I didn't kno



It's April 1.

I've been sitting here in the dark for about a week now. I've been up all night and asleep all day so I can't get to go to Lowe's to get that special light bulb I need. Mom brought down a lamp from the attic that looks like it's a million years old, but it still works, so I've been using that to light up the room.   To keep myself busy and to keep me from not go insane, I have been working on my various projects still. I have begun a new one from my love of crossword puzzles. I plan to



Burgers - 3/27/2020

Work on the Hamburgers game resumed. I had composed a song with the program I use to make Game Gear music with, but when I went to put the song in, it wasn't playing. As it turned out, I have to make it at the loudest volume (15) and then set it to my desired volume (8) using the game's code and not the music-making program. I must have spent like an hour trying to figure it all out, but then I got an idea about the volume. You never know with stuff like this. Some weird thing you don't know any



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