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Hamburgers again.

My burger game was giving me fits. The burger was sometimes blinking for a frame, disappearing. I asked for help in Lemon64, and someone was kind enough to test the game for me and said it was working fine. So I guess I'll chalk this up to my computer being a stupid moron and continue work. Before this, I successfully added another song to the game. It's amazing how much I forget after only 2 months of not working on it. But I got the song working well. I was just messing around with Goat Trac



Back to the Commodore 64

So I finally got my hands on my copy of l'Abbeye des Morts. Funny story. I apparently accidentally put in an old address I had. And that's where it got delivered. Lucky for me, the guy who it got delivered to contacted them (how, I don't know), and told them about it so they sent me an e-mail. They said the guy would put it outside his porch and I went and got it. I felt weird, like a package thief, to get my package as I walked back down the street to the place I live now. So I put it in. The



Adding rooms

This morning, I took a look at Castle of Doom for the Atari 2600. I found a few bugs. I think I fixed them. I'm going to add more rooms to the game. I was trying to think of a way to do that. Then it dawned on me, why not just increase the size to 16k? Then I can fit more rooms in it. So that's what I'm doing. Since I want some of the game to be new, I'm not going to share the rooms. Another reason not to share is that I programmed in the ending back when I thought I was done with it. So how m



This blog update brought to you by the letter Z

I was looking through my game with BGB's VRAM viewer and noticed the letter Z was not my font, rather the default one. Little things like this usually annoy me, even though the letter Z doesn't appear anywhere in the game. But, just to be safe, I went in and changed it so it does. It was a math error. I thought 19 in hexadecimal was 26. Apparently it's 1A. I looked at Midspace's code. Z was in my font. Apparently in that game I had split the tile code into three different sections. In Yum, I bun



More playtesting

I've been meaning to get around to playtesting Yum more on my Game Boy, but I haven't been. Today I got around to doing it. I found a new bug. It had something to do with the level being displayed as level 0 in the options screen once you died. I think I fixed it. More playtesting needs to be done. It's kind of hard to see on my Game Boy Pocket. I'm using my Game Boy Everdrive, could that have something to do with it? And it snowed a little bit. Since it's been above freezing, it didn't stick.



I tried.

That's it. I'm through. I officially give up Colecovision programming. It's too difficult. Even if I did end up doing what I wanted, I wouldn't have understood how I did it anyway. I guess it's back to only BASIC programming for me. Well, C too. Now I'm just waiting for the snow and wishing it got below 38 degrees. The news has been promising snow now for the past several days. Sunday night into Monday they said. Well, here it is, Sunday night, and it can't snow if it's only 38. And to think, th



I wish for a delish fish dish.

I've begun dabbling in Colecovision coding. It is really hard, though. I picked up what to do in Pokemon Mini assembly, I know a little bit of Game Gear assembly, but this. This is horrendous. My "game" so far is just me trying to get the hang of what to do. I gave it a title. It's called "I Sawed the Flawed Cod God." Eventually I'm going to add in a saw so you can saw the Flawed Cod God. But that's looking really far into the future, I guess. At least one of my goals was met: Changing what it



Pretty label (part 3)

I really missed the first version of the giant mouth I had for the label. Last night before I went to bed, I had an idea about perhaps how to make the monster I had less jagged. Went to sleep, woke up, remembered my idea and implemented it. The idea was to go into Photoshop, and get the "anti-aliasing" option and make the background a different color. This I think reduced the jaggies on the monster. Then, I changed the background color back to white, fixed up some issues with the teeth and skin,



Pretty label (part 2)

In order to make the mouth's anti-alias the same as the pizza, I had to redesign the mouth. You'll notice the mouth is open wider now, I did that by mistake, but I am against work that doesn't need to be done, so I'm keeping it in. I also made the word "yum" the same anti-alias as the mouth and the pizza slice. All that work took about an hour. I made the copyright notice smaller and moved it to the bottom. So this is attempt #3. I had a terrible time waking up. I slept for about 14 or so hour



Pretty label

I began work on a label since apparently nobody wants to make one for me. While I was working on this, I noticed that the stripes for the u in "yum" weren't quite correct. So I took the time to correct them. The title screen doesn't look much different, though. I wanted to make a similar style of label that I did on MidSpace (mostly straight lines). After about 45 minutes of work, this is what I came up with. Attempt #1. Yeah, I'm going to get rid of the black lines making up the mouth and pi



Centering the logo

Who knew that centering the logo would make such a drastic difference? I centered it horizontally and instead of it taking up 43 pixels it only took up 38. So I'm happy about that. What I wasn't happy about though, were some new bugs I had found. They were all pertaining to what speed the game should start at. I thought I had fixed this before, but apparently not. For example, if you start out on level 1 and get 100 points, you go to level 2. If you die at 100 points, the game switches back to s



Yesterday vs. today

Which do you like better? Yesterday's title screen or today's? Yesterday's was bigger but today's is more streamlined and less crazy. I can't choose. I'm watching the Warriors-Celtics game while I'm typing this blog entry. I heard on the news that there's going to be a big huge subzero temperature zone back east near the great lakes on Wednesday. While I wish I wasn't there, I sort of wish I was. The lowest temperature I ever endured was 8 in my years of living. (At least I remember.)   I've b



Yum Game Boy

I decided to rename "Fast Food" for the Game Boy to "Yum". A couple of things led to this decision. #1. I wanted to differentiate myself from Fast Food 64 and Wave 1 Games. To make it clear that it's a different person making this game for the Game Boy. #2. The big ugly mouth monster on the title screen. He had to go. But what to replace him with? Why not the title of the game? But what to call it? I was working on a Master System game before the computer I had it on died so I went to Game Gear




Last night I rebegan work on my game from December on the 2600 called "4-Mula". I was having a hard time with it. It kept wanting to give me static noises for the longest time. I stayed up past 9pm and then gave up and went to sleep. This morning, I went and worked on it again and suddenly it worked correctly. I have no idea why, I just keep trying various ways to do things until what I want to have happen happens. Not a very wise way of coding, I know, but it's the only way I know how. Also l



Frank and snow (part 2)

On the left is Frank. On the right is snow. I don't know of any other way to draw snow except for a blob. And I am not sure if the snow falling thing is going to stay in the game or not. I just can't make it be random enough. I tried using user input as a way to try and make it random, but the results were it was somewhat predictable. But at least I made it so the snow falls and stays on the screen and doesn't go off outside of it.   Went to sleep at 8:30pm. I had some weird nightmares, mostly



Frank and snow

Time once again to work on Frank the Fruit Fly. I was having problems again, but they're solved. The problems were related to me switching to a new level: Level 2. First, the music didn't play. So I changed the way the variable value was gotten, and that did it. Each little tune has a value for a certain variable called bgm_select. So then I tried it and the upper left corner was all screwed up. Turns out I forgot to erase some code that was left over from the first way I got the variable value.



Read, issue 21.

I made a website for the celery comic book. It is lovely. I've also posted issue 21, and will post issue 27 when I'm done with it. I'll try to write legibly like I did in this issue. Alien Invasion came, and the stupid thing is broken. It won't work. Why can't people TEST their games before selling them? Argh! At least the other, non-Channel-F game I got decided to work, but it was sent to the wrong place. eBay is full of incompetent sellers. And sometimes you just run into a whole bunch at once



Cold celery.

So I have decided to make my comic book about celery again. I thought I had a webpage for it, but I don't. Anyway, something new I tried is to make the cover out of real items. This was employed by the Cartoon Network (out of all channels) shows "Amazing World of Gumball" and the short-lived "The Brak Show". I don't really watch CN much, even [adult swim] has made it so half of it is Family Guy reruns. Who watches those? Anyway, the plot here is that mr. celery gets a cold, and while he's resti



Return of the cranberry

Something struck me, urged me to continue work on Quest of the Cranberry for the Channel F. Last September, I deemed it too ambitious and gave up. But there was just something that was telling me, "no, this isn't as ambitious as Adventure, and that was made." Albeit for the 2600, but still. I tried to make a heart that gains back health upon touching it, but somewhere along the line I broke the collision detection, and at about 9pm, which is way past my bedtime, I gave up and went to sleep with



Alien Invasion

An alien invasion will be happening at my house soon. So I just happened to be on eBay at the right time. Earlier there was also Video Poker, which I would have gotten as well, but I clicked on it and it said it was "out of stock." There was only one and someone else must have bought it, which I don't blame them because it was only $40. So I bought the other one Alien Invasion, which was $80. So I will get in the mail sometime soon one of the rarer Channel F games. I went to get my Channel F o



Making another 2k game

Almost finished with another game. I am about to break the 2k barrier, which is good because I don't know of anything else I can add or change to it. Just got finished typing out the instructions for it. I even have a publisher for it, so don't ask to do so. So what is the game? Right now I'd like to keep it a secret because not everything is finalized (like the game) just yet. But I hope to have everything in line for a Spring release. Right now the code has over 2,000 lines. It's really frea




I made an options screen in Fast Food for Game Boy. You can turn off the in-game music (the sound effects still play), and start on a different level. The levels progress as you get deeper in the game, as more pickles and faster food come by. With this option you can start at the highest level and have these enabled at the start of each game. The worst part of coding this was trying to find out why there was a small sound at the beginning of the game, but I think I figured it out. As soon as I d



Bicycle Casino

So I got Bicycle Casino. I thought it was a weird name. Do you ride a bicycle to the casino? (I know, Bicycle is a brand of playing cards, but that's an odd name for a playing card company too. So is Nintendo.) Anyway, I took it for a spin. Lady Luck was on my side in the Video Poker segment. I kept getting lots of 2 pairs. I like this casino game better than the other Video Poker ones because it lets you win with a pair of tens or better. All others I have you need at least Jacks for a pair to



the second return of Frank the Fruit Fly on Game Gear

So I've decided to make Frank the Fruit Fly on the Game Gear again. This time it will closely resemble the Pokemon Mini version. What inspired me to do this was wishing it was in color. Then I thought "Hey! The Game Gear has color! I should go back and do the Pokemon Mini version on the Game Gear!" This doesn't mean I won't work on the Pokemon Mini version, though. The first problem I had was a wall to build with tiles. I thought I shouldn't waste a whole screen just to add a wall. So I hid two



Fun with icons

In a previous blog entry I described how both M$Paint and Adobe Photoshop both have the somewhat hidden power to make icons, the little pictures that show up before the web URL. (For example, AtariAge's is a blue circle with two chevrons). Well, I learned today that if you put an icon in a website, its name can be no longer than 8 characters long. I spent a long time trying to put an icon named "rowsgardenicon.ico" in my Rows Garden page I just created. I kept getting angry. Then I had the brigh



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