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A new city

I decided to make a new level 7 background for Hamburgers. I changed the levels around so the milkshakes wouldn't blend into the background. For example, I moved the cave level so no brown milkshakes would appear in it. As a result, my level code is all screwed up. But it works. So then I needed to make the score appear darker. I changed the dark color from red to black. So I am not planning to share any ROMs from here on out because they contain the ending, especially now since the ending is e



Happy endings

Just about everyone loves a happy ending. Increase that number if the happy ending involves hamburgers. I am working on the ending of Hamburgers En Route to Switzerland for Game Gear. After that, I need to change a few things in the game that are there now due to testing. Then it will finally be done. So from April to July. It took 4 months to make this game so far. I should be asleep right now but I don't want to sleep because it takes forever and I'm sick of sleeping every SINGLE NIGHT! And it



No more Upmonster updates for today.

Well, I got really far on the Upmonster game. Most of today was spent on the 2-player version, while on Sunday, I just started on the game. I kept on updating and posting, and it looks like I've spammed the Intv forums with my Upmonster updates. So I'm calling it quits for today on working on Upmonster. Work will resume tomorrow. I can't help it, I just enjoy adding little feature after little feature and pretty soon I've got a different version of the game with new stuff added in. Or, in the ca



The Upmonster

I wanted a new project to work on for the Intellivision since the Waffles game is almost done. Also, I wanted to try to make a Doodle-Jump-like game for anything except the Odyssey 2 one which I failed miserably at. So I put those things together and decided to work on a Doodle-Jump game for the Intellivision. It took a few hours to finally see how and what would work about the platforms scrolling works, or at least what makes it work in this game. I am going to name the game "Upmonster," sinc



Hamburger songs

I was getting kind of angry about the two songs that played in a lower volume than all the rest of them. Apparently I forgot that I made the volume not at max level for the first two songs, thus making them sound quieter than the rest of the ones I made for the game. So I decided to try something as a last resort. I went and made each note in both the songs louder. It was hard going note by note redoing what I had done before, but at least the composing of the songs was already done. So I think




I got labels for the Kevin Vs. Tomatoes cartridges. I have to cut and print them myself. I tried my best but this is the best I could do. Needless to say, this is my copy. I would hope to do better than this very first attempt at cartridge label making. Perhaps there's some print shop I could get premade labels with my design on them?



Dead meat.

I decided to work on the game over screen for Hamburgers on Game Gear. After considering it, I didn't want to go with just a simple "Game over" message. It's old, tired, and cliche. So I decided to go with "you died." And, after a half-hour's work, this is what I have: Some somber music is planned but not in the game quite yet. Here's what I have left to do:   + compose game over music + make game ending music and screen + make sure game works on real Game Gear + make nuggets appear way l




So when my Hamburgers game gets finished, it will have 7 stages. I need some room for an ending and a game over screen, so that's what prompted me to decide that. And the "perfect score" will be 1,001. So that means that in order to advance to the next level, you'll need to shoot 143 milkshakes. 143 times 7 is 1,001. I read somewhere that 143 was also Mr. Rogers' favorite number (because of the fact that I, love, you had 1, 4, and 3 letters in it. He also didn't take into effect that the same go



Aardvarks Aare Aatacking Aatari

So I decided to make the Aaron the Aardvark game. It will be a shooting game where you shoot aliens. It will be a lot like Space Invaders. If I can, I will put in rotary support as well as regular controller support. If I can only do one, it will be regular controller support so I can play it if it ever gets released. This game is for the Atari Jaguar. I brought in the Atari Jaguar from the garage. I had to search a little bit longer for the controller. I'm debating whether I should spend the



Aaron the Aardvark

I was bored. So I went to work on a new Jaguar game. Well, it's more of a demo at this point. One thing I learned from this was I can't have more than one 8-bit image on the screen at once. I tried to have two images, both 8 bit with about 100 colors each on the screen, but the CLUTs were all screwed up. The more I worked on this, the more I got to thinking perhaps the Jaguar isn't as powerful as I first thought.   But I doubt I'll continue work on this. First off, I have no ideas on what the



Stupid noisy neighbors and their brat kids

I went back to work on Hamburgers Instead of the moronic games logo, I made this: And I made a song for level 6. During making the song, the program I used to make it crashed. Before it did, it saved my progress, which I thought was rather nice of it. I don't know why it crashed. There I was, working on it when all of a sudden I couldn't move the cursor or make anything work any more. Whatever. Some stupid noisy brats just moved in near me. They're out there riding their dumb bicycles an



Printer oddity

So I decided to try printing the manuals for Kevin Vs. Tomatoes on my home printer. It didn't look very good. This was about a couple weeks ago. Time passes. I thought to myself "Perhaps I should try again." I checked the ink levels for the printer. It was about half full of colored ink. So that wasn't the problem. Nevertheless, I tried again. The result: They looked much better than the ones I tried to print a few weeks ago or so. So now I have way better looking manuals. So now what needs to



DS games again

So I was wondering whether my burger game should have an ending or not. If I don't put in an ending, then that would mean the level number would increase. And it would be really hard (and weird) to put in a level number until infinity. So what I plan to do is I'm going to have 8 levels and have then each be 125 enemies long. That way, a perfect score would be 1,000 points and then the game would have an ending. Now that I've decided that, I guess there won't be an Easter egg after all since I



Burgers in the city

Level 6 of Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland will take place in a large, metropolitan city. The hustle and bustle of everyday people going about their jobs will be interrupted by a flock of flying hamburgers shooting French fries at flying milkshakes in the sky. Here's the breakdown of space used so far in the game: bank 0 - about 1% free. I hope I can fit the rest of the game's code in this bank. bank 1 - about 9% free. This is where levels 2 and 4 are stored. (Level 4 was originally level 1



Idiotic games.

So today I decided to not sleep and instead put in a splash screen in the Hamburgers game. At first this was in black, gray and white. Then I noticed "Hey, this isn't the Game Boy. Why not make it in color?" So I did. After a testing, one of the problems I described in earlier entry came back. So I had a fun time doing that. Oh, and if you've played the game, you've probably noticed the irritating yellow screen that pops up for less than a second in an intermission. As it turns out, the yel



Movies you listen to

One thing I have been wondering is why there haven't been very many long songs, like over an hour or so. I have 15 in my collection. I mean, if people have the attention span to sit through a two-hour stupid movie about superheroes, then why wouldn't they have the attention span to listen to a 2-hour piece of music? To my knowledge, the number of two-hour or so songs you need only one hand to count them with. Back in February I started work on a 2-hour long song. I stopped because I went to wo



Cave music

With ants on the kitchen counter once again (they're late this year), I began working on my Hamburgers Game Gear game. Today's task was not about programming, rather composing some eerie music for the caves level. My eye hurt a lot last night so I wasn't able to sleep very good. I slept for four hours last night, and couldn't get back to sleep. I later went to sleep at noon and woke up at 4 or so. I just finished my music, which was programmed oddly. By plunking out certain notes in the MOD ma



D(J) Day

So all the work on Doodle Jump for the Atari 2600 someone else had been doing inspired me to try and make one for the Odyssey 2. With the characters being platforms, the most I could have would be 12 at a time. But if I decide to keep working, I doubt I would make that many. So what I have now is a guy, a platform, jumping, and collision detection. I figured putting collision detection in would be the easiest way to have the guy keep bouncing. My program looks like this: Also, I have the begi



Problems coming back

So here I was, working on the burger game. I swear I didn't do anything like changing the code for it, but all of a sudden, the problems I thought I got rid of came back. So I had to unexpectedly code extra hours to try and stop the problems AGAIN. Looks like I fixed it, but who knows, they'll probably come back a second time. It's so anger inducing. Not helping things was the Everdrive. First it gave me an error code, then it said there was no games on the card even though there were. I eventua



Pokemon Mini programming

I went back to work programming my Pokemon Party Mini 2 game. I added in a snail-like Pokemon for the Electrode game. Someone suggested a snail wasn't Pokemon-y enough, so I went to work creating sprites for the snail like Pokemon called a Magcargo. After a few hours I actually got him in the game and working, moving right to left like a snail would. The next step is to make him move up and down, the whole point of the game is having the Electrode Pokemon avoiding the snail one while collecting



No having nuggets shoot at you

Another thing I found when I was playtesting the game was chicken nuggets sometimes shot onion rings at you. I had to put in a little bit of code that seems to have stopped this from happening as well. Basically what I told it to do was hold fire if a nugget was picked randomly (instead of a milkshake). I also made a website for the game and made the beginnings of a fifth level. The fifth level finds Zybort the hamburger in a long dark cave. I need to compose some eerie sounding music for this



No instant death

One of the things that kept bothering me about my Hamburgers game was the fact that sometimes you died for no apparent reason. So I wrote a little bit of code to try to stop that from happening that essentially says to only look for collisions if an item is shown on screen. The fact that I'm making a Game Gear game and not a Master System one is the fact that you can hide stuff off screen in a Game Gear game, but it would still be showing up on a TV screen. This seems to have worked for now. I



It finally decided to work again

So I had a working version of HERTS. I went to test it on a real Game Gear and the result was a flickering mess when an item got shot. Angry, I tried to stop it from doing this, but I gave up at about 9pm. Went to sleep a few hours later with a broken game. Woke up at about noon. A few more hours' work and I finally got it working on a real Game Gear. I also was able to add the onion ring shooting sfx back in the game. It sounds exactly like a computer ringing up an item's barcode at the grocery




So after giving up on Hamburgers ERTS, I began to realize that I wanted to finish the thing. So I went back to work on it. One thing I had to give up was the sound effect playing when the milkshake shoots an onion ring. It would have been nice to have, but the PSGLib wouldn't allow for it. Not only that, the MOD2PSG2 program I work with automatically nulled the channels not in use, so I can't use the SFX part of PSGLib, which is aggravating. But I am going to continue working on it. And one da



Mystery solved

My package came today. And I know why it went to California first instead of here. The guy put a cross inside the 7. the upper part of the seven was bended down a little, so it looked like a 4. So some dumb postal worker who didn't know that Europeans write sevens with crosses assumed it was a 4 and it went to California. So it wasn't the seller's fault at all, except for the fact that he should write his sevens better. So I put in the cart and it didn't work. So I took it out and put it back



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