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The fumes got me.

It had been a looooong time since I hooked up my Jaguar. I think I'll do that later tonight. I was playing Aaron the Aardvark again on emulator when I found a few bugs (not the ants.) So I went back and I think I fixed them. While I was at it, I changed the copyright date to 2024 just in case it ever gets published. Forunately for me, I began collecting when games weren't horribly expensive so I was able to get a near complete collection. But I don't have a Jag CD and I don't want to spend $500


atari2600land in Jaguar stuff.

the fumes got me again.

Last night I played my Jaguar for the first time in a long time. I played some Wolfenstein 3D. I discovered something: The Jaguar has battery backup capabilities! I was poking around the number pad and when I pressed 1 it said "SAVE TO FILE 1". So when I was done, I turned the Jag off and back on again and sure enough, it saved my game at the level I had left off at. I discovered the map comes on if you press 5. I played it in God mode because I'm not very good at games like this.   So

pineapples for jaguar

I returned to work on the jaguar version of "pineapple." Why? I don't know. I don't have an idea for the sheep game.   My pineapple code was a big huge mess, so the first order was to clean it up and make sure it still works. I put the ingame code in a sub and the title screen stuff in another sub. Then, I decided to add a sound effect for when a banana hits a wall. So I played around with the MIDI drum set and put it in. Next on the agenda was to make it not play when the banana is mo

Jeff Minter Classics title screen questions

Here are some questions I have about the title screen for Jeff Minter Classics for the Atari Jaguar.   1. Do llamas really sound like sheep? The title screen has sheep baaing and at first I thought that might be the llama making a baa sound, but then I thought, "Well, llamas don't make a baa! sound..." or do they?   2. What is the computer voice saying during the intro music? It sounds like it's saying "Earth-crushing deeds." It's like the Pin-Bot paradox. As a kid, I had Pin


atari2600land in Jaguar stuff.

Bouncing banana

I got a bouncing banana. It bounces around the screen. Then I got the crazy idea of a Tapeworm-like level. I got it able to do this as well, but with a little extra code. I don't know how much code the Jaguar can handle for each vsync. I also got my .raw files to play correctly. So now with a banana bouncing around the screen, the next step is to add the pineapple in. So that's what I'll do next. I plan to have odd-numbered levels be the open field and even-numbered levels be this. I
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