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black and white burgers (part 14)

Today I changed the title screen. Originally it was just going to be the title of the screen. But then I got to thinking, "How will people know when it was made? And who made it?" So I put in a copyright date and my name. My grandmother always said "You should always date stuff you make. That way you'll know when you made it." And I've been doing so ever since. Well, when I can (when it comes to video games). I found an old "magazine" I made about the NES and SNES. It was dated.



black and white burgers (part 13)

Day 4 of snowmageddon. Fortunately, it didn't get as cold as they thought it would. It's 34 and 1 p.m. right now. The sun has come out and has done a pretty good job of melting the snow. There is only about an inch left for it to melt away. The roads are navigable and have hardly any snow on them. I went to sleep at about 11 p.m. and woke up at 4 a.m. Decided to have a midnight snack and then I went back to bed and got up at about 10 a.m.   I worked on adding level 4 to the burgers gam



black and white burgers (part 12)

Day 3 of snowmageddon here. At least it melted somewhat and the roads are safe to travel during the day, but not at night because it gets into the low 20s. There are still about 2-3 inches of snow left on the stuff outside.   I went to sleep at 11 p.m. last night and woke up at about 1 p.m. I listened to what I had done with the burgers game over song, thought it complete rubbish, and started over again. This time I think I did it better. I don't think I'll work any more on this until



black and white burgers (part 11)

Today I worked on the sound. Most specifically, I changed the "game over" tune to include two channels instead of just one. In the end, I had to change the notes in the game over tune. I added a soft-playing treble part.   There are like 3 or 4 inches of snow on the ground still. Nothing went away today even though it got above freezing. I still have power (for now) so that's good. In case it goes out, I'll have to play my Game Boy. With 100+ games and a Game Genie to choose from. But



black and white burgers (part 10)

All I wanted was a dusting of fresh snow. I went to sleep. I woke up at about 7:30 this morning and saw that it had snowed at least 2 inches while I was sleeping. And it snowed more. I hope the power doesn't go out. If I mysteriously disappear for a week, it's because my power went out. It's 33 right now, but it's supposed to get like 10 degrees lower tonight.   I made a new snowy level for Hamburgers. I also made it so instead of shooting 20 shakes to advance, it's now 50. I also am w



black and white burgers (part 9)

So after getting all my presents at my sister's house this morning, I went home. I worked a little bit on Hamburgers for GB. I added something new that I worked on for a few hours but finally got in: now the milkshakes don't shoot only onion rings. They can also shoot pretzels. And they're not just ordinary pretzels. No. They're homing pretzels designed to move up or down to where you are. So your best bet is just to shoot the pretzel and let the milkshake go by. But remember: You don't get



black and white burgers (part 8)

I was playing this and noticed if you shot the enemy while the onion ring is going, the onion ring disappears. So I spent some time with the game and I made that not happen. I also started work on a second level. Burger in space. I had to change the colors of the milkshake because the glass was black. I don't know if I could just change one sprite's palette or not, so I just made another shake sprite since it is only 16 x 8.   I went to the grocery store this morning. It was



black and white burgers (part 7)

So I wanted to see if I could maintain the game's workingness with one less "wait_vbl_done()", a C Game Boy's equivalent of bB's "drawscreen". I was having two in there, which made the game play at its current speed. So I took one out, slowed down everything, and it works fine. No major problems. No weird white lines or anything. Not only that, you get a much smoother movement from the burgers and all the other sprites. But the scrolling goes faster. But that's okay because I added the enemies g



black and white burgers (part 6)

My curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to see whether adding in the chicken nugget would break the game in any way. So I programmed in the chicken nugget. And the game still works great. I took a video of it, but it looked pretty awful using just 30 fps, so I tried to find a screen recording software that would go 60 fps. I found one, I played it for a couple more minutes and the game works great. I still have the original picture that came on my desktop on my computer over fiv



black and white burgers (part 5)

Now you can download the game. It is a DEMO rom. Because I'm still working on it. You can download the game on its official website. I made a change to the clouds. They now look like this: All I need to do now in order to finish level 1 is add in the chicken nugget. If you touch the chicken nugget, you get an extra life. But I will make a change to the way they appear. In this version, a chicken nugget AND an enemy will appear at the same time. And the chicken nugget will only appear



black and white burgers (part 4)

Today I worked a while on the sound effects. I got a buzz sound in for getting hit, an explosion sound for hitting the milkshake with the French fry, and a siren-ish sound for French fry shooting and milkshake shooting.   While the game doesn't LOOK any different from yesterday, the sound effects are hopefully an improvement. And because of them, there will be no background music. I don't think I could think up of 10 more different tunes for a Game Boy game. Because it was hard just pr



black and white burgers (part 3)

Got up and worked on this some more. Found out something I didn't know and could use. And I have a message. If you're a programming whiz, please be nice, kind and courteous to newbs who ask you questions that you may think are stupid. After all, if they didn't know it, why ask it? Anyway, the milkshakes are in the game, complete with onion rings. I also added a "game over" message, so it's in the "technically a game" stage, meaning you can score points and die and do all the stuf



black and white burgers (part 2)

Well, it took all day, but I finally found a way to put the score on the screen without it scrolling. I finally found out how to make a "window" on the Game Boy. And now I can have the game scroll. It's only 32k now though. But I know how to make it bigger if I need to. The score being 1234 is a test. And the three on the left is the number of lives remaining. I think I'm doing pretty good for not knowing much of what I'm doing here. I want to thank the people on the game boy discord



black and white burgers

With Nosehair potentially finished, I decided to begin work on a new game. I could have just continued work on Stupidman (NES), but I didn't feel like it. My target now is making a new Game Boy game. I originally wanted to make Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland for the Game Boy, but I didn't know how to make a banked GB rom. Now that I do, I decided to do this. It will not scroll, same as the NES version. GB scrolling and displaying text seems to be too hard for me to do. I got the background t



Building a better nose (part 2)

I decided that having it wasn't very "realistic" having the nosehair come out and then go behind the edge of the nostril. So I needed to find a different nostril type. I played around with some different characters, cutting some off at the tops like you can. I found this combination: Which I think I'll stick with. I really like this nostril shape. Some more fine-tuning included having the snot's beginning y position be lower so it starts at the base of the nostril instead of above it.



Building a better nose

Someone on Discord thought my nose looked like gallows. So I decided to see if I could make a better nose. I thought the C and J could be used as a basis for the nostril of the nose. I built a nose, but when I tried it on a real Odyssey 2, the top flashed a bunch. I decided to try to move it down a bit. I thought the problem was it was up too high. So I moved it down and lo and behold it was working good that time. Unfortunately I don't think I can move the grid in front of the charac



Nosehair and knee

So I decided to make Nosehair for the Odyssey 2 harder. When I was done, I played a little bit of it. If it got better and people like it more, one of the things I need to do is add a game over screen. That should be in the other bank, the one where the main game isn't kept. I tried putting the routine to check the high score in the bank where the in-game is in, but no dice. I got 152 points on the first try and 153 on the second.   I thought today my knee would be worse, but instead i



Nosehair Odyssey² update

So earlier this morning I finished up my Nosehair game to the point where I liked it. But then I had to go to the grocery store. As soon as I got out of the car, I slipped and fell on an apparent icy patch of cement. Landed on my knee and scraped it up a fair bit. I had to go home, so I did. I couldn't walk around Safeway with a hurting, scraped up leg. The pants I was wearing took the fall much better, there's no evidence of me falling on the ice and scraping my knee there.   Fortunat



Nosehair Odyssey² redux

One of the reasons I quit working on the Odyssey² version of Uncle Hairy's Nosehair was because I couldn't get the cutting version right when the scissors went up and down one space instead of 12. I thought to myself "There has to be a way to do this." So I started all over again. After a few hours of testing and retesting, I have this version. You can move the scissors up and down and it will move up and down smoothly and (I think) cut the hair where it needs to be cut and not make it shorter t



My stuff.

I made the cover for issue #89 of "SpongeBob Comics". I had to refresh my memory about what they looked like. Like for example, Gary the snail has eyes that branch out off of his head. I forgot that. Gary is much easier to draw than SpongeBob is. Fortunately, most of this story I thought up has lots of Gary in it. I worked on the first 10 pages of the issue last night before I went to bed.   I also decided that I will scan the pages and make it a pdf instead of an actual com



SpongeBob SquarePants: an essay

I wondered whether they still made the SpongeBob comic book. I have the first 12 issues. One quick Wikipedia look up (besides the fact they're begging for money when nobody has any any more) revealed it ceased in October 2018. I guess it's time for me to step in.   While sleeping, I had a dream about me making a SpongeBob comic book issue. That's what led to this whole thing. I often dream up comic ideas for my comic strip and stuff. This comic is called "One Shell of a Day." As the ti



Boxing day

Today's work on Uncle Hairy's Nosehair was putting the box in the game. It took about an hour, but I finally made it work. Next I will add in the score changing. I went to sleep at 4 a.m. and woke up at around 10 p.m. so I've been asleep almost all day today. Not only that, I'm still sleepy. I keep having weird dreams, some about games that don't exist. Today I had a dream that I discovered two R-Zone games I don't have in my own room. I was sad when I woke up and realized that was a



Uncle Hairy appears on Odyssey² (part 2)

I decided to do away with the nosehair pulling demon and instead have a bit of snot hanging on the end. You can't cut into the snot (it's rock hard snot), but you can cut into the hair and make it shorter. Like I said before, I had to make the y movement of the scissors similar to that of Tunnels of Terror. Because there is a ton of math involved in trying to make the hair counter's value be the same to make a cut from anywhere look good. It took me an hour alone to figure out what I did here no



Uncle Hairy appears on Odyssey²

"Here's a thought," I asked myself last night. "Why not attempt to make a version of Uncle Hairy for the Odyssey²?" I could not for the life of me get the scrolling of the hair (which is the grid) correct. And what I had to do since the grid can't grow by one pixel, is cover up the fact that the grid is growing only by 12 pixels (?) at a time instead of 1. Make it look like it's gradually growing. But I eventually, earlier today, got the thing going good.   But how to make it look like



Big chicken

I was working on Stupidman again today. This time I was trying to make the chicken appear bigger when it gets closer to the Stupidmobile. It starts out really tiny at the horizon then it's growing until it reaches its full size. This is hard to do on an NES with its limited sprites capablilty (and no zooming). But I think I did it reasonably well given that. I only used 4 tiles. 1 for the far away one, 1 for the not-so-far away one, and 2 for the close-up (shown here). I also narrowed



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