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My thoughts on everything.

Entries in this blog

A Future Comic

Have you ever read B.C. and wonder "How come nobody has done the opposite and make a funny comic about the future?" Well, I did. A couple of years ago, I started a new comic called "A Future Comic." It's the adventures of Mark Jones, a single father who moved to the Moon to be on the moon colony in the year 2700. I don't know what the son's name is, I never had to use it yet. I did a few comics like this and then quit.   I was looking through my comics folder on my computer. I was sick



burger madness!

Added/changed a bunch of stuff in the game since yesterday. I did not like the endless rows of mountains, so I changed that, which took a few hours. I also put a cloud in level 1. But since the cloud hung low, I changed it to a flapping bird. It was hard trying to design it so the beak would be a different color, but I eventually did it. So now there's three levels. Level 4, Doughy Desert, will have to wait until tomorrow. It's only 2 p.m. and I'm tired of programming f



the return of hamburgers on the Intellivision

I've decided to return to the HERTS on INTV. I added a lot to Game Boy GoSub yesterday, like a second level. I played the last HERTS ROM I had (v. 16) and was amazed at how far I'd gotten before I quit the project. Someone brought up the fact that most my games are food-based. I think this is due to me liking food. I think if people like, say, Rachael Ray, can enjoy food, surely I can. I just put it in video games instead of baking it. This also would add 20 pounds to my weight if I wa



GoSub Game Boy update

Lots of stuff added. Added some background music. My plan for this is to compose some songs and then randomly pick one to play for each level. Added collision detection for treasure and octopus. Added a level ending tune for when you get the treasure. The game then goes back to the title screen. Eventually I'll have an ending song and tune for an ending. The game (and music) also stops when you die. What I'm going to change: The "try" thing. Right now



Game Boy octopi

So I woke up this morning after going to sleep shortly after the last blog entry. I decided to attempt to put an octopus in GoSub. Everything went well and about an hour later, I had a randomly moving octopus moving around the screen. But there is a problem. I don't like the octopus sprite I designed. I designed two octopus sprites for a 2-frame animation. The problem is that I can only have an 8x8 sprite designed for it. Tomorrow I will attempt to add some collision detection to



GoSub problem solved

I had a problem when I was programming the Game Boy version of GoSub. The sub kept moving into the coral sometimes. But I took a few hours to work on it today and I think I finally solved everything. That's what the ingame part looks like. You can now bump into the coral and lose a life. But the treasure is not yet activated so you go right over the treasure without picking it up and ending the level.   I'm so sleepy but it's only 5 p.m. And I'm hot.



April 2022 calendar

Back in October 2021, I made the first of what I had hoped to be my monthly tradition of making a odd calendar every month. I had actually worked on around 1/3 of a November one, but then quit for some reason. I was looking through my old papers when I found the October calendar. Noticing that the month is almost going to change, I decided to make one for April 2022. I put in some ideas I had in the November one here. My idea came from an old Nickelodeon magazine where I remember them having wei



Candy cane time (part 2)

I redesigned the candy cane from yesterday's blog entry. It now looks like this: Now it's smaller and more colorful. The top is the bottom of the "1" character and the one below that is the bottom of a "K". I still need to find a use for this though.



Candy cane time

I made a candy cane on the Odyssey 2. It took four characters. The original goal was to see if I could swap out colors, make it display 2 pixels worth of a J, then not, then two again, then not. I tried various things but it became clear that would not work and not let me. So what I ended up doing was cutting off the top of a T and adding an X at the top end. The candy cane could face the other way if I changed its X position. Why did I make a candy cane? I had the candy cane idea



X-box "fun"

So I wanted to see if my X-Box still worked. This required a couple nights' work. I found the X-Box first. Then going through the garage a couple times last night for a half-hour, was unsucessful finding the games. I went to sleep yesterday morning and woke up last night. I went out this morning and found the games. They were with my Wii-U stuff. I don't know who mixed them in with those, but oh well. And as I was getting my games, a tower of containers fell. Luckily the only consoles that could



A late winter night's dream

I went through my Game Boy collection. I noticed several games were released for the Game Boy that are also on the Atari 2600. Centipede, Missile Command, Asteroids. I like the ones in the stand-alone cartridges because that's how they were made originally. I mean, Missile Command and Asteroids are two separate games, why put them on the same cartridge? In that vein, I thought I'd try my hand at something like those Atari games... All I have done is the title screen. That's all I'm go



Want $150?

I'm giving away $150 as a prize of a contest I'm running. The contest is designing artwork for the Odyssey² game I made called "Jack and the Beanstalk." The winner gets the artwork design used as the cover of the game. I had this contest idea since Marc was having trouble trying to come up with artwork for the game. A few blog entries ago, I posted something I did. Since it won't be used, you can use that as an idea. A little bit about the game: Jack must make his way up the



Poet tree - "sandwich (part two)"

Here is the end of the poem. "i'm so hungry i could eat a pig and that's what i'll do it don't matter my stomach's big it'll get bigger when i'm through i can't eat fruit like a grape or fig won't eat veggies too it's mostly 'junk' food that i dig that's how my stomach grew so to the kitchen my legs will tread i'll open a new package of ham place it between two slices of bread a few pickles and some mayo i'll cram into it, can't wait to be fed and down my throat



Poet tree - "sandwich (part one)"

Here is part one of a poem about fixing a sandwich. I am going to add to it.   "i am going to fix a sandwich right after this song i sing i had a craving, an itch to put on the thing   some pickles and mayo ham, how could i say no? this goes between two slices of bread that's exactly what i said   my sandwich will be the best the best one ever made it will certainly past the test the test of time and will not fade   into obscurity i'm f



Frustrating Odyssey² things

Well, the package from Club Odyssey from Brazil never arrived. Who knows where those packages went. Obviously not here. I also got to thinking about Jack and the Beanstalk. With all that work I did making it, checking and rechecking various bugs, it'd be a shame not to see it released due to a cause of not being able to find royalty-free artwork. I drew something to try to help. I know I'm not the best artist in the world, though, so I'm not giving my hopes up. As far as I know, Tunnel



Try burgers.

So I spent all last night working on something. I was so sleepy at 10p.m. that I just thought I'd go to bed, but once I got started, I couldn't stop. I saw the time change from 2 to 3 a.m. I was in the bathroom and changed the clock in there. It's stupid we have to do this.   Anyway, I said in the previous blog entry that I was going to compose a boss song for the boss fights. Well, I did that. It came out rather nicely I think. Now you can judge for yourself (if you can get to the end



The Return of Burgers in Color.

But first something I must note. I noticed that the status updates have been removed. How sad. It's the end of an era.   Now then, burgers. For the Game Gear. I quit working on Hamburgers En Route To Switzerland 3 for the Game Gear back in November. I decided to pick it up again. Now I know why I quit: The sprites went crazy upon shooting the enemy for a few frames. I don't know why, but I FINALLY found a workaround and they shouldn't any more. So now what I need to do is make a boss



An aid for making these things.

So I made a binder. I made a binder to put all my 26 Squares projects in. I accidentally printed off an answer. I looked at the sheet. An idea came to me: Instead of wasting sheets of paper, writing the alphabet dozens of times and crossing off letters, I should just cut out squares with the 26 letters printed on them and only write completed grids down. This way I could know at a glance which letters still need to be incorporated into a certain puzzle.   I made a cover for my binder.



26 squares website

I decided to get up an hour or so. I got up due to the fact that even though there were people remodeling the condo next door and redoing the roof of the condo next door and there is lots of pounding of the walls and roof, I could not get myself to get up. Sometimes when I wake up, I can see the veins inside my eyeballs, but it always goes away after a couple of minutes or so. Is that weird? Well, now that I got up, I decided to work on an official website for the crossword type I introduced yes



26 squares

I worked a lot today. I worked on Burgers To Go. I made the onion rings in the game. Later I made them gray. And yesterday and today I have also been working on something new. Crosswords with 26 squares. Each letter of the alphabet in a square and nothing else. Since there's only 26 squares, the crosswords are small, yet it takes about 60-90 minutes for me to make one. I have to make sure all 26 letters are used with no repeating a letter. I think if you like Wordle, you'll like this as well. I



Burgers To Go - March 8, 2022

My eye hurt yesterday. Only thing I can do is lay down and sleep when I get my eye aches. The only thing that will help. So I did. I think perhaps either I worked too hard on programming or it was just a migraine. Either way, after I woke up it was about midnight. I woke up and had some popcorn since I was hungry because I was sick from my eyeache. Then I went back to sleep since it was midnight and nothing was on.   I woke up at around 7 or 8 and began working on it again. I was worki



Burgers To Go

I thought to myself what can I do to make this an entertaining game AND use most of the power and size of a cartridge of the Pokemon Mini. I came up with these ideas: learn how to scroll (if possible. I know Pokemon Race is similar to Super Mario Land in that it's side scrolling. I don't know if I can figure out how to do that) make more than one level. make more than one enemy. make enemy shoot sometimes. Since I want to have more than one level, I decided on



Pokemon Mini

Last time I worked on anything Pokemon Mini-related was back in May 2021. So I decided it would benefit me if I just coded something, anything, just in case I needed to code anything for it. So I went back to work on a project I had going and stopped for some reason.   I think I know the reason. It was buggy. But I think I fixed the bugs and have it going good, at least on the emulator. Before that, I tried to add in a score. I ran into a snag because it wasn't working and the screen w




Bored again. Going through my computer, I found some issues of my magazine I used to make. If I decide to and have enough stuff I think up of, I'll make another one. And this will be its cover. Two puns in one! It was hard to get a picture of just a swimsuit without a woman in one, but I did. I am so bored. I bought Boxxle II for $50 on eBay. That's how bored I've been. It's hard living and trying to think up of stuff to do. I could just sleep all day and all night in my bed. I'm turn



Masks are stupid.

We still have to wear masks in our state. So when they recently decided to have us sheeple stop wearing masks on March 19, I thought I'd make a little comic to celebrate this fact. But then they moved the date up to March 12. While I'm happy since masks don't help at all, I already made March 12's comic  (I made today's on February 1.) Oh well. I'm still putting it up on March 19. And in case you don't read my comics, here is today's: I don't know why I do this. I guess I'm just one o



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