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My thoughts on everything.

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2,600 tries

Yesterday I did it. I went to the grocery store. The day before that (Sunday), I ordered a pizza. I thought a "Cheeseburger pizza" would have, you know, a lot of meat on it. They skimped on the meat and instead put way too much cheese on it. Won't be ordering that type any more.   I went to the grocery store. It was pouring down rain. I hate getting wet. It was hard putting all the groceries in the trunk while it was pouring down rain. Before I went to bed (and after my trip to the gro



A final edit to the colors

I worked on Frank the fruit fly's color scheme again. I changed the graphics once again. They now look like this: The flowers now have stems and the blades of grass are standing up so you can tell it's grass and not, say, water. In order for this to work though, the banana in the game had to be darkened to the dark gray. Making it look less like a banana and more like a pickle or zucchini or something. Which I guess is ok, a fruit fly probably wouldn't pass up a zucchini, w



Huge hunger

I can't go to the grocery store in the middle of the night. Which is sad because I have almost run out of food completely. And I sleep all day and am awake all night. And I choked on my pills again. Needless to say, I probably should have slept some more.   I worked on Frank the Fruit Fly again. Trying to get the colors the way I want them to be.   It's funny because I was playing Super Mario Land last night and tonight I hear the invincibility music on the classical m



My computer is driving me crazy

Why would the BGB emulator for Game Boy be so screwed up? First I checked my latest file and it was all screwed up. Then after working on it with basically the same code, compiled it again. This time it wasn't all screwed up and was working fine. I don't get it. Is my computer trying to make me insane? It took a few more hours to get this: But I have no idea if it's okay or not because my stupid computer is trying to make me crazy. I kept clicking on "reset the game boy" the firs



Frank's banks

So I FINALLY got Frank to compile as a 64k game after working hard at it for a couple hours earlier today. What I plan to do is make Frank be at least 256k. So, on par with commercially-released Game Boy games back then. I have Frank's movements in one bank and will have the background data and other stuff in the other banks. I added a new theme for level 1. So what I will do next is add a level intro screen. This is necessary for the password to be shown some time. But not on level 1 since you



To be perfectly Frank

I decided to return to the Game Boy version of Frank the Fruit Fly after years. The last time I worked on it was in 2017. Today's work was trying to make everything work again because there was a new programming kit released. Not only that, I learned how to make actual lovely music for Game Boy with a tracker. One thing I still haven't needed to do was bankswitch. I really want to make a bigger game for the Game Boy, and I think Frank the Fruit Fly needs more than just 32k. What I am



I am bored.

I finally got the Burgerama stuff I wanted completed. So now I'm back to being bored again. I've been working on stuff nobody will ever hear. I wonder if I should get a soundcloud account and post my music I make on it. I don't know how that would work. Some of my music is good and some of it is well, weird. One weird work in particular I forgot about and last updated in November is "Wisteria Worms." Most of my musical stuff is MIDIs and me singing into a cheap audio recorder and then putting th



Save those guys!

I had to work all night on it, but finally, at around 4:30a.m., I had done it: I put in the ability to save the guy. I have no idea what took so long. I was working on it most of the day yesterday and into last night. As a result, I just woke up about 40 minutes ago at noon. I tested most of my results on a real Odyssey 2, but they kept not working once I pressed fire to start. They just gave me a black screen. It was so frustrating since they worked fine in O2EM.   I also changed the




"It's 20 years from now. The vegetarians have finally won the war between vegetarians and meat-eating people. The vegetarians have already been saved and got off Earth, leaving the poor meat-eating people behind. There is a flying hamburger hearing about the news on Earth and decided to help. He learned the awful truth: The vegetarians are going to blow up the Earth, and with it the meat-eaters! When the vegetarians learned of the hamburger, they had one choice: Go back to Earth's skies and get




I was able to take the little pill. Instead of risking choking on the bigger capsules, today it took probably about 5 minutes to open them up and put what was in them in a cup of yummy strawberry-flavored Yoplait yogurt. I guess I'll have to start doing this every freaking day now. It turned the once yummy yogurt into a mix of deliciousness and putridness, probably because I was afraid that the awful tasting pill gunk would make the whole thing taste bad, which I didn't want to do.   A



My throat isn't working correctly.

Well, I choked on my pills a second day in a row. I don't know what is wrong with my throat. I guess tomorrow I should just open up the capsules, put it in a drink and take it that way. I've done that before. The stuff tastes gross, but it beats choking on it.   After my choking fit, I went back to work on Burgerama. I added a game ending noise. I went to test it on my Odyssey². It worked okay, but there was a red thing at the top when the game over noise was activated. So I put sprite



My throat hurts.

I choked on one of my pills while I was taking them this morning. I had to go to the toilet to see if I could vomit it back up. No luck. But I was able this time to take the rest of them and eat my breakfast. After that, I thought I'd take some time to see if I could get that pill back up again. Nope. I've spent the rest of the morning burping a lot and my throat hurts. Not like a scratchy throat, like a muscle ache. In my throat. I guess that pill went down the entirety of my esophagus. It woul



Odyssey² update

My neighbor is having a remodel being done. Normally, having your neighbor remodeling her home wouldn't care. But I live in a condo. For the past couple of days, I've been hearing weird machines going on and on next door. I guess she was nice enough to tell us beforehand she was going to do this, I just didn't know when. It's now.   The big holdup for Jack and the Beanstalk was this: I PMed the guy to ask what the status was, and he replied he was looking for artwork. He doesn't want t



Art imitates life.

So I was stuck for ideas. I had 5 comics on my page and I needed a sixth. I got to thinking, well, I'm not feeling very good. You know that old saying "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Well, what happens when life hands you limes instead? I must have sat there for at least five minutes, trying desperately to draw as many limes as I could without boring myself silly. And I knew that coloring a thing like this would be a chore, so I just picked two colors for the limes.



Someone stole my comic idea.

I thought of an idea of a deer and an ant eloping first, about half a dozen years ago. Then this comic recently in The Argyle Sweater: Mine was about a deer and an ant eloping in Las Vegas. Oh well. I can't find my original comic I did, and I doubt any court would care, but I just thought I'd say I thought of it first. And during my break, I thought of a few more comics for my webcomic, so it's fully loaded until 2/27. And I have a few more after that, but I haven't filled up the page



No needles this time

So as it turned out, I could wait to have my blood test because it hadn't been a whole year since I had the last one. Which I wonder why that is since I go every six months. So I'll get it next time.   But also today, I did something. I needed a break from my break. But it's not much. Just a little ditty I composed and tons of help getting it into the file. I guess in the way these things go, I really *am* stupid. Or ignorant. Or something. Because I had a heck of a time understanding



The phlebotomist's nightmare

I have to go to the doctor tomorrow. I go every six months. I get a blood test every year. So half my visits are good and half are evil. Tomorrow is one of the evil visits. I am a nightmare. I have no visible veins in my arm, so they have to take it out of my hand. I don't know why they have to do it, every test comes back fine.   Day two of my break from coding and I already have an idea of something I will do when I resume. I didn't do any coding, just picture drawing. These are real




I think I need a break. Like a few months of not coding anything break. Here I've been coding various things for various consoles and I can't shut my mind off because I have too many ideas I want to start on. The result is I have so many things I want to do and continue on and I never stop and go "that's enough," for a week or two. I'll sit back and look and play with what I do have of everything I own.   The problem with yesterday was I was so angry at my game I was working on I had t



I give up for good.

I've had it. I'm done. I will never make another video game as long as I live. You want to know why? Because I CAN'T. I fail at every attempt at making anything good. And if I make anything at all, it's not good. Heaven forbid I make a simple 2D Jaguar game without it slowing down on real hardware for no apparent reason. And don't get me started on Odyssey 2 programming. That stuff is as hard as a rock. So I guess what I'm supposed to do now is just sit here twiddling my thumbs doing nothing and



A rare video

Have you ever noticed all YouTube videos have the guy say "If you like what you see, subscribe!" or "Gimme money with Patreon!" ? Well, I have a video for you: No begging for money or subscribers, because I don't care about those things. I made this video about the Children's Discovery System. And it is historic because it doesn't feature those things. What it does feature is information and me playing Hangman on a rare console. And if you think that Hangman (er, "Mystery Word") i



Cosmocrash - spinners

Here's what I did with Cosmocrash in the last 21 hours. added in the spinners. As promised they're white characters, but if I have room left at the end, I may change them to sprites. made it so the score decreases by one if a meteor hits, and made the lives decrease by one if a spinner hits. made a game over situation, so the player can press either fire button to start a new game. in order to get plus graphics in here, I apparently can't have black characters, so I



Cosmocrash - 2 characters

I don't know why it took so long. But multiple attempts later, I did it: I put in a second character. I will change it to black when it's all done, but for now it's yellow because I've been testing its behavior. It seems to be behaving rather well now that I got it in (third day's the charm, I guess... ) I was still bored. I came back to it. I decided to work on the "spinners", those white hurricane-symbols from AstroSmash. I decided to try to put those in the game. It only took 45 m



Quiz Wiz Qrap

So I got in the mood to write some more questions for my Quiz Wiz cartridge I'm making. Actually, I was in the mood once before recently, but I didn't have the answer key. So I went searching for it. I found the answer key. Major milestone hit: I am now up to 301 questions. I need 1,001. I'm about 3/10 of the way done. It took me a year to do that. Hopefully I'll remember better so I can actually finish the darn thing. I think I found a cure for boredom now.   What I'm doing is matchin




Rafael told me that Goshzilla wasn't looking very good. I agreed with him. He told me about me once saying I would like to put Astrosmash on the Odyssey². I figured I could at least give it a try. If I finish it, it would most likely be released next year. I was trying to think up a name for this. I figured Cosmo=Astro and Crash=Smash. Plus, it gives it alliteration. I had no idea Astrosmash had an exclamation point at the end of it. Here's what I have so far: Not very much since I ju



Name that monster

A long time ago, I worked on a game called Goshzilla. Rafael and I came back to that game. He didn't like the name Goshzilla and told me to make the name serious. So I chose the name Michael. He wants a more monstery-sounding name. So now with both ideas shot down, I need to think of a new name for my Godzilla-like monster. I was thinking something beginning with K, like Kraken, or King Kong, for example. But I have no ideas. But at least I have a better looking title screen. I'll cen



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