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On cloud 9

...In terms of HERTS3 on the Game Gear. I thought the cloud at the top left of my picture was the best looking one I drew. So I copied and pasted it, adding changes to some of them, resizing and rotating some so they didn't look all exactly the same. This is what I ended up with:   As it turned out I didn't actually solve the issue I had with the onion rings after defeating the boss. I think I know what caused it: I was checking one onion ring's collision then. So a simple additi



Fluffy clouds

I managed to get collision detection on the boss and onion rings in the boss part of the stage. But while playing the main part, I feel like the clouds aren't fluffy enough and I don't know what to do about it because I tried to make them as fluffy as I possibly could.   I also managed to get rid of the onion rings and boss when he's defeated. After trying to write 0s to clear the map and failing, I tried making all the colors in the background palette the same, and sure enough,



An endless barrage of onion rings

I sent an e-mail out in August to someone to see if they wanted to publish my NES burgers game. It went unanswered until yesterday because it landed straight in the guy's Spam folder for some reason. He was cleaning out his e-mail and found it.   This inspired me to work on my Game Gear version of HERTS3. It has some improvements and changes of HERTS2. I think I left off at the beginning of working on the boss stage. I am unsure because I last worked on it in August. I had in mind the



Narrow road

I worked on Stupidman today. I narrowed the road to the grocery store. That isn't all I did. I spent an hour trying to make the text "PAUSED." appear under the score when the game is paused. I had to put it in all the times the game can be paused (the action scenes). This took at least an hour to do. I had to move the famistudio song updating code around a little bit to make it work. I don't know why it would matter where it is, but apparently it does. I guess everything has to be in



Into the horizon

I changed the way Act 3 looks. I would like to make a longer game, so I changed it from Stupidman going to Mr. Germ's hideout to Stupidman going to the grocery store to buy some soap. This also will change the ending I had planned in mind. I need to take some time to think all this through. I have no idea how it will end since I decided to make the game longer. Act 3 will still be chickens crossing the road. The yellow lines on the road are also there to make the player think he's dri



The return of Stupidman.

Had to give up on Puppies. So I returned to NES programming and Stupidman. Last time we saw Stupidman, he had exited the museum after getting a tip. So in act 3, Stupidman goes in his Stupidmobile on his way to Mr. Germ's hideout. This is all I have so far of Act 3. You can press A to get rid of the message, but that's about it. Stupidman will be driving the Stupidmobile on a country road with lots of chickens crossing the road. Why are chickens crossing the road? To get to the other



Thick as a brick

Working on Puppies again. Today I made a new obstacle: bricks. It doesn't do anything different except it looks different because I think people would be tired of seeing the blocks after so many levels. Sometime soon I shall test this on my Everdrive. I haven't since I upped its size to 64k.   Not really celebrating Thanksgiving this year. The only thing I did different is I fixed myself stuffing. Later I shall attempt to fix the frozen mashed potatoes I got. I tried to go t



Save some more puppies

So I had to give up on the basketball game. I just couldn't get it the way I wanted it to. So I decided to get back into the Game Boy. I worked on Save the Puppies again. Last time it was worked on, I had just began to make it 64KB. I added a new level and fixed some sound issues. I don't know how many different levels I should put in the game. I beat all five one time.



Better basketball

So I've been working on my Odyssey² basketball game about all day today, taking a break to go to my haircutting appointment. I came back and began work on it again. I got the guys to be able to shoot the basketball. If they miss, they can pick it up with the Action button. A bug is that if player 2 presses Action while not touching the ball while player 1 is touching the basketball, player 1 picks it up. I'm deciding to leave this in because I don't know how to fix it.   Right now I ha



Sports time.

I thought to myself, "Self, I'm bored." What to do? Well, I could think about games I would like to make on the Odyssey². A sports game. There's a lot of them that haven't been done. I actually know a guy who plays lacrosse. I thought for a second about making a lacrosse game but decided against it. Then I was flipping through an old game catalog and noticed a picture of Basketball. That is a really crappy drawing. I think one could do better than that. So I tried. My result is the feature photo



A giant PEZ dispenser

Seeing tracking, I see during its cross country trek it went from Portland to Phoenix then back, but I finally got Garfield. The box has a small scratch in the corner, but they can't all be pristine, now can they? For this picture I had to go through my "small" PEZ dispensers (I don't have very many thank goodness) to find the Garfield one. I knew I had a small Garfield so I put it in the picture to illustrate how big the Giant one is. This one cost me $25 + $15 shipping (the shipping



Atari 2600 stuff

So I decided to go on eBay to see what rare 2600 game I could get for my collection. All I could get in my price range that I didn't have already was Shuttle Orbiter ($60-$65.) Interesting that the Challenger blew up 3 years after the game was released. I have it on tape. So I am waiting for my Atari 2600 AC adaptor to come so I can play my Atari 2600 again. I could use my frayed one, but I don't want to catch the house on fire. I am also waiting for my giant Garfield PEZ dispenser to come as we



Giant PEZ dispensers

So I was trying to find the ViewMaster stuff when I came across my Giant PEZ dispenser collection. This inspired me to go on eBay to see what I could find. I found the Garfield PEZ dispenser it was $30, but I made an offer for $20, and seller countered with $25. So I took it. Probably a little higher than it was at retail, but I never go anywhere that sells them, so this is the best I can do.   I found a Miss Piggy Giant PEZ dispenser with a starting bid at 1 cent. The auction ends in



Tired and bored

So I decided I might not work on my Xs vs. Os game any more because I lost my enthusiasm for it. I just seem to be tired and sleep most of the time. I woke up at 3:30 a.m. after a five-hour or so long nap. Anyway, I do some work. I made 2 comics for later, I started a new page worth. And I came across this book of crossword puzzles in the bathroom, so I decided to do some. Some were my favorite size: 13 x 13. Some were easy, and some were hard.   I don't know what to do most of the tim




Another year, another ActionMax DVD sold. I thought I should do something for the ActionMax 35th anniversary in 2022 (That makes me really old.) So I figuratively dusted off an old project I was going to do but for some reason quit. I'm making my third ActionMax game. This one I hope to complete by May 2022. It is called "X's vs. O's." No, it's not a tic-tac-toe game. It's about saving X-Land from the invading O's. I think it would be like Call of Duty, but instead of shooing people, you're shoo



This is how i do it.

When I get really really ultra bored (which I am right now), I decide to draw comics. I recently decided that instead of drawing the box they're in myself, just have the printer do it. Which, while that does mean turning on the computer in the den, which isn't really all that horrible, except that you have to press "Enter" really fast because it gives a fan not working warning. Even though it seems to work okay without one. I don't usually work on it for tons of hours at a time like I do on this




So a copy of the one N-Gage game I don't have (Civilization) comes up on eBay. They want $700. I might have pulled the trigger if it was $200, or maybe $300. But $700 is way too much. So I didn't buy it. That led to me looking for a Tiger Quiz Wiz booklet I don't have. Almost all of them come in groups and with the console. I already have 3 consoles because they were bundled with cartridges I didn't have.   Which led me to me looking through all my Quiz Wiz cartridges I did have. There



Mr. Germ!

Introducing Mr. Germ. The world's oldest raisin has been living in luxury, spending its days laying on a pillow while having its picture taken by raisin enthusiasts. But that all changed once it was raisinnapped. Once he enters the raisin's room, Stupidman discovers a clue about who might have done such a heinous thing. He talks to the janitor, and the janitor says something about Mr. Germ doing this.   Mr. Germ is Stupidman's long time nemesis. He is a germ. He was introduc



Trouble At the Museum

Even though it was around 9 p.m. on my birthday, I started to program in the museum. Let's face it, birthdays are pretty much over around then. I was having a lot of trouble with programming the museum in. I kept confusing the types of curves. Until I settled on what their shapes looked like. ╚ became "L", ╝ became "backwards L", ╔ became "r" and ╗ became "backwards r". ╦ became "T". This helped immensely in trying to make the data for which screen should be displayed. And then once I figured ou



Stupidman stuff on November 1

So I put in the first screen of the museum in it. I was wondering how I was going to do collision detection. Then I thought up of me doing something similar in Save the Puppies which was also programmed using C. I used a lookup table to find whether the wall was there or not. That's what I did here. The museum will be bigger, but will have repeating rooms so I don't use as much space. I'm trying to conserve space because I don't know how much I have and I can't do mapping because I don't know ho



Work on Halloween

Today I put in the second act's introduction in Stupidman. Stupidman arrives at the museum. He'll go into it and find out who has stolen the raisin, as soon as he gets to the correct room. But first he has to wander around in there because he's so stupid he forgot what room it was in (well, unless you remembered it from the last time you played the game, if it ever gets finished and released, that is.)   My head hurts. This took a couple of hours of work to get just right. T



I play me: GoSub (Odyssey²)

Welcome to the first of a new blog series in which I go back a long time ago and play the old games I have made. I went way back in the archives and played CR-002: GoSub. It was released 9 years ago. That's almost a decade! How time flies, huh? I played this on an emulator. The game has 20 levels. And I beat all of them. It's a great little game, albeit tough at times. I thought I was going to die at level 7 after I tried twice, but I made it on the third try. I pressed fire to see if



13 hours of coding

So I went on my computer to work on my game at around 5 p.m. last night. I finally got done at around 6 a.m. this morning. This was due to the computer being an idiot and not liking me. But I finally got to a place where I could stop and so I did. I could have gone to sleep a few times with a broken game, but I feared I would no longer understand what I was doing, and my perfectionism got the best of me. It was hard and evil, but I got to a place where I could stop. I went to sleep at 7 a.m. and



Odyssey² news

The Jack and the Beanstalk problem has been fixed. I still don't know what it was. I also took some time and worked on Tunnels of Terror some more. It took a few hours, but I finally added in a new enemy that is always on the screen. So now there are two enemies on the screen instead of just one. Hopefully this will make the game better. I've used up 1,719 bytes in bank 0 (the bank the game is in) out of 2,048 so all that's left to do is bug fixes (if there are any needed to be fixed.) I think t



Act 1 finished

I can change how many cars the Stupidmobile can face. Right now, it starts at 0 and by 20, the cars go faster. And the last 10 cars go really fast. And then the level ends by the Stupidmobile going forth until it goes off screen and the game freezes and you need to press reset.   I am beginning to wonder how much room I have left. I still cannot figure out the .cfg file to make it produce a size larger than 32k PRG + 8 CHR rom. At least now I have discovered why my cartridge is 40k ins



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