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My thoughts on everything.

Entries in this blog

A moving story about Billy.

I thought that the title screen didn't look very good with the copyright notice right under Billy. So I decided to change the title screen. I changed the title so it was a smaller font size. I think this looks way better than it did. Thoughts? I've also been working on this game for most of my waking hours again for the third straight day or so. And it is really hot in my room. Yesterday it was 77 degrees in my city. It's hopefully supposed to cool down. So now in the code I have a 6-digit sco



Having a ball?

Since I had a problem with the Atari 2600 version, I decided to abandon that version and instead attempt it on the Intellivision. It took most of my waking hours to get started on it. To have a good base to build the rest of the game upon. I had lots of trouble with the line clearing, there are still some areas that it does dumb things, so I made it impossible to do them. If the title screen looks familiar, I just took the cranberry title screen image, erased the words "Quest of the Cranberry,"



Follow the bouncing ball

For the past couple of hours and last night before I went to sleep, I was trying to get the ball bouncing around the screen in my new JezzBall-inspired game. You'd think such a thing would be relatively easy, but no. It came down to this. When the ball hits the border, it either goes two ways. For 4 borders, 2 x 4 =8. I needed 8 different lines of code to write in case the ball hits the wall. Since the ball is moving diagonally, it was a little harder. But I remembered some code from earlier abo



Frank and snow (part 3)

I designed a new screen for the first screen of level 2, since it is snowing where Frank the Fruit Fly is, the mountains. But I had a problem with something. The screen went all weird on the right hand side. It kept giving me 2 very short lines. I tried everything. I tried redesigning the mountain. No. I tried moving the clouds around. No. Then I just got rid of the clouds. That seemed to work. But why? Who knows? I really wanted those clouds in there, but oh well. Next on the list of stuff I



256 colors

So I learned something. The Jaguar can only display (or have available at any one point) 256 colors. The part in parentheses was the one thing I was having trouble with. I was coming up with rather weird stuff trying to make the backgrounds be 256 colors. As a result, they can only have 192 colors, because I apparently already have 64 colors ready to go in the other CLUTs. But I only have 3 other 4-bit cluts, which would only make 48 colors. So does this mean that CLUT 15, which displays text al



The information

While i was play-testing the Aaron the Aardvark game, I noticed that on some backgrounds, the white text was partly unreadable. I decided after earlier trying to change the color of the text that something else needed to be done. Then it hit me: Change the background! So I went and put in a black background in each of the four background images. I thought it diminished further the quality of the image by making it use less colors. Then another idea hit me: Put the background as a level. This way



More tacos

I was play-testing Aaron the Aardvark when I noticed when the taco came down, the ants kept coming out, thus enabling you to eat all the ants you wanted without the UFOs, and then get tons of lives before eating the taco and moving to the next level. So I stopped new ants from coming out when the taco comes falling down from the sky. I also made the taco stop lower so it looks better. I also changed the shooting so you can shoot at the UFOs and destroy them when they're at the top of the screen.



Taco SaTurday

So I spent a few hours last night trying to put a taco in the Jaguar game I'm making. Turns out I ruined the whole thing. Luckily though I had a backup from the last time I worked on it and restarted from there. I went to bed Friday with no taco, but the game wasn't broken any more. I took my melatonin gummy at about 8pm and laid in bed for a few dismal boring hours before finally falling asleep at midnight. I did not want to get up though, but I did and tried again with the taco. I finally go



Turning gray

About a month ago, I tried to make a gray shade in Frank the Fruit Fly and failed miserably. It worked, but Frank kept acting weird. I decided to come back to it today. I think I found out the reason why. I was using the a variable to move Frank around AND to switch between the two screens that made the gray shade possible. So I tried changing the a to b and lo and behold, Frank quit acting weird. mov b, [graytimer] inc b mov [graytimer], b



Yum Game Boy v. 40

I was testing version 39. The last version I saved was version 38. I don't remember why there was a version 39 if I didn't care enough to save it. Anyway, I noticed that sometimes all the food comes out at exactly the same time and goes exactly the same speed. And it looks quite bizarre. So I put in code. Food #4 comes out immediately, Food #1 comes out after a random amount of time between 1 and 64 ticks of the timer, then Food #2 comes out at double that, and Food #3 comes out after that. 60 t



Easy to Hard.

So I thought it had been awhile, so I decided to play my Switch. First I played Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I still think they should have made a Mario Kart 9 instead of just rereleasing Wii-U games. After I was easily beating my CPU competition, I decided to play Super Mario Odyssey. Man, that game is hard. I swear it took me 15 minutes to go around in the Sand world. I retraced what I did accidentally. And then I went inside the pyramid. It took at least 6 tries to get to the top of the stupid pyrami



Yum Game Gear

I decided to continue work on the Game Gear version of Yum. As I left it, it was still the face mouth opening and closing version. So a lot of work had to be done to make it more like the Game Boy version. I played with color palettes, programming various things, sometimes angrily. And I finally got the mouth moving around where I want it, a purple pickle to avoid, and a cookie and pizza with random y positions. Since the Game Gear has color, I decided to make the background black because it



I like giving up.

So I searched my blog for LFSR. No results. I guess it's time to give up on the game. I tried the other one, but then the duplicate card checker quit working for no apparent reason. I just wish I was a good programmer. I've done this for years, you'd think I would be great at this. I guess it's just because I'm stupid. Or some people just have a knack of it and I don't. I did, however, get a fourth item in Yum for Game Boy. It seems like you die faster now that there's 4 things to avoid or get



No randomness

So I googled "random in C" (what I'm using for this stupid game.) and found a whole bunch of examples, but they all use the rand() function, and efforts to find the included h files were in vain. But I did do one thing (I think): Shortened the code a bit for the dealing. It looks like this: for (i=0; i<5 ; i++) { // my stupid random code. carddifference=carddifference+3; if (carddifference>51) carddifference=14; Cardnumber[i]=cardtype+carddifference; if (Cardnumb



Red and green

So I made a new title screen for Chris's Casino for Virtual Boy. It wasn't fun trying to fix the text in Roulette. Playing this, it becomes clear I need to figure out a better way to make the cards more random in Video Poker. Hmm. I got a new X-Box game at the used video game store: Tecmo Classic Arcade. It works! Played a few minutes of Pinball Action. It kept my high score. Great! Looking through the other games, Swimmer looks a little like my White Water Madness only the character goes unde



Killer Heads of Lettuce again.

e5frog has offered his technical wizardry and assistance with my game, and as a result, we're polishing it up, adding more stuff as we go along. He added a high score counter, you know, stuff like that. When we're done, I hope to amaze all of you with the finished product. HOPEFULLY it will stop snowing for the year come spring when I plan to release the game. It's been snowing non-stop since about 1a.m. So 8 hours' worth of snow is on the ground now. It's only about 1-2 inches, but apparently e



Kevin vs. Peas

Found a bug in Kevin Vs. Blueberries. When the timer got below 10, it said 90, then 80, etc. until you got a blueberry, then it corrected itself. I fixed it. I was drawing a promo image for it when I realized I wanted the grass to be green, not blue. So I went and figured out something. I can have green grass, but the blueberry and snake would also have to be green. It could be a darker shade of green, but still had to be green. That's dumb, but I had to oblige to the Atari 800's hardware. So I



Kevin vs. Blueberries

Before you get all excited and thought I was programming a sequel to my Channel F game "Kevin Vs. Tomatoes," let me say that this was just me fooling around with attempting to make a program using just 10 lines of Turbo-Basic for the Atari 800. I woke up at 1:30am because I couldn't stand being thirsty any more. I lay in bed dying of thirst when I try to go to sleep and I don't bring any water into my room because I'm afraid I'd spill it all over my games accidentally. So anyway, after fooling



X-Box homebrew

So I found a website with a bunch of X-Box homebrew games on it. Now I'm wondering if there is a way to play these on a real X-Box. I googled "xbox emulator" and apparently it's a new thing only made possible last year. I found a quote from a website: "It uses modified x86 compatible hardware and thus it is possible to write an emulator for it." Yet, I guess the only one available is one called Cxbx. The newest console I ever played in emulation is the N64, and I just remember playing Super



Of pickles and oranges

So I was trying to put some replay value in my Yum video game for the Game Boy. I decided to make a "pickle juice" mode where the game spat out nothing but pickles and you get a point for each second you survive. Thus making the mode a version of the first Game Boy game I ever made: Oranges. You can access the pickle juice mode in the options screen. It only took about half an hour to do this since most of the code was written already for the main game. I just had to add a mode where the game



I want to use "if z=88 then pfclear"!

It's horrible when you're programming a game and have this dumb bug that you don't know how it happens and everything you try to do won't get rid of it. Unfortunately, I'm having this problem right now in White Water Madness. Every so often, the background goes black and a solid bar with no hole in it comes up. Then that bar disappears and a new bar with a hole comes up, but the background stays black. I tried to reduce the number of cycles I was using. While successful in reducing the number



Sega Game Gear collection

An update to my Sega Game Gear collection. I just bought Batman Forever, Super Monaco, and T2. When (if?) they come, I will have 140 Game Gear games. For the curious, a few years ago I made and now maintain my list of Game Gear games I have. One day I hope to have a complete collection. Which unfortunately means I will have to buy games I will never play more than a few times. And I'll have to buy games I don't even like, like all those stupid baseball games. And football games. The Game Gear h



Outside ears

Huge thanks to carlsson. That is the kind of feedback I needed in regards to the music. As a result, I got rid of the bass notes. Hopefully that will help with the tunes sounding okay. So with one channel not being used for music, I decided to get rid of the evil sounding buzz when you get a junk food and replace it with a (hopefully) more pleasant sounding "burp" tone. Let me know if this is any better. I do think though the notes did sound a whole lot better when they were higher in pitch. B



In tune?

I've been working on trying to get some suitable bass notes for the in-game music in Yum. When you work on stuff for so long, it starts sounding "correct" to you even though it may be all screwed up. Such is the case with this. So could someone please download and listen to the songs on here and make sure they sound good? I've attached the file here. Also, I got a new high score while testing the game: 414. Also, my Pokemon Mini flash cart came in the mail today. I need a micro USB cord to tes



Lowered music.

I guess it wasn't just my computer after all. Someone else spotted the graphics glitch in the C64 game. So I'll wait. I decided to resume work on my Game Boy game. For a lark, I went into the usually empty Game Boy programming forum. To my surprise, there was an answer from someone. Feedback! Someone mentioned a few things to work on, one of them being to lower the pitch of the music. So I did. But because I did, I found the bass notes to be too low, so I cut them out. That, and I got frustrat



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