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114 Game Gear games.

I don't know why I like to collect Game Gear games. I have an Everdrive for it, so I could just probably download every title and play it that way. But emulation sites are so darn stupid and ad-filled that the pages get ruined by having many ads, most of them try to trick you into downloading stupid apps that you don't want. I don't want that experience. It is a sad place to go. So I got a Game Gear game in the mail today. #114 to add to my collection. It is X-Men: Mojo World. I don't know why



Waffle machines.

Sometimes I feel like Bob, trapped inside a room spitting out toxic waffles you have to dodge endlessly (I doubt I'm ever going to die). Well, anyway, despite Mom being ill, I've continued work on this game because i want it done. And some very nice people have been helping me as well, so I hope they continue to do so, since I don't know very much about the Intellivision hardware. Right now we're designing various machines. Right now there's only two machines in the game. Right now the game is




She's worse again. She felt better yesterday. The drug Ativan is responsible for her feeling better, but apparently she can't just keep taking it for some reason. Which is a shame. I don't know why though. I also don't know why I have to live with her. I can't keep doing this, and I don't know what to do. There are some moments where I wish she would just die already. And I know she feels the same. It just isn't fair. I mean why does everything that could possibly go wrong DOES go wrong?



Worsening again.

Now she's worried that the medicine she's taking is only a short-term fix and won't really help her any for very long. I had to sleep all day and night. I went to sleep at 11am and was surprised to wake up at 4am. I thought it was 4pm, but no. Now she refuses to take the medicine and she went back to being helpless again. What am I supposed to do now? She told me she has a doctor's appointment on August 31. So she'll have to try to take Boost for the next 10 days. Lots of things can happen whe




Well, my last comment about her being better is still good, I hope. She woke up a half-hour ago in the middle of the night, I asked her if she was okay, and she said she was a little bit dizzy, but not suicidal like she was yesterday morning. I don't know whether she can still eat, as it's only 4:40am here. I hope she'll be well enough to go and watch the eclipse six hours from now. Once I know she's good, and once the eclipse is done with, I will go to sleep. Don't have to worry about her tryin




Now Mom can barely move. She managed to feed the dog, but I had to take the dog outside. We're going to have to get rid of our pets because Mom can't take care of them any more. I'm watching Mom slowly wither away to death. My sister is going to take Mom to urgent care today. I'm hoping they'll at the very least find out what's wrong with her. The poor dog will be confused as to why she's back at the Humane Society. And poor me watching my mom just die like this, very slowly. It's like my mom wa



Back home.

Well, that didn't work out well for Mom. My sister tried to take her to the mental hospital, but they said she didn't meet the qualifications. But I guess the good thing now is she can apparently drink Boost again. I couldn't sleep last night, so I tried to make a new level for Mouse in the House for Odyssey 2. I still need to test it on real hardware. I did test Oranges for Game Gear on a Game Gear. It works out well: the new colors, the collision detection I put in. I had to move the oranges



I'm sick of this

Mom is still sick. She's laying on the couch right now. She went to a counselor, but that didn't help. My sister called and she wanted Mom to go to the mental hospital, but she said she was too scared. There's something wrong with Mom, all she can do is drink Boost, and even that may come to an end soon. I don't know what to do. All she can do is say she's too scared to do anything and just lie on the couch. She went to the hospital a couple days ago, but they couldn't help her. I never thought




So I went along with Mom to go get a whole bunch more of those Boost drinks she's been drinking. I stopped at the electronics just thinking I would see an empty Switch display, but to my surprise, they had two Switches in! So I bought one and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I probably won't be able to go anywhere this weekend because of the dumb eclipse, so I guess I'll have to be content with MK8D for now. Setup was easy, I disabled the internet connection so hopefully I won't have to get any annoying u



Mom just left for the hospital.

I rarely talk about home life here. But this I just have to. Mom has been really sick lately, she can't eat or anything. It's been all downhill for a few months now. Since I can't drive, my sister has to take her to the hospital. Mom has been telling me all the stuff I need to do in case something happens, but I'm so helpless, if she dies, I don't know what I would do. I can't take care of this place all by myself. I'd have to pay the dues, do the upkeep work, and now I know why Mom has bee over



An HTML lesson.

So I went to sleep at 8pm because I was tired again. I woke up at 2:30am. It was then that I decided to write some more of my story from a few days ago. So I did. I spent about an hour and a half writing it. I intended to stop at 10,000 words. It was hard trying to reach that milestone without hardly advancing the story too much. Because once I hit 10,000 words, the story was only half over. So I did. And I uploaded the story onto my website. I was glad I had kept the other story I wrote on th



A novel idea.

So suddenly I was thinking. About my novel I had written. And the second one I was in the middle of writing but stopped. You see, there was a series of books when I was a kid about gross stories. It was like Goosebumps, but only gross. It was called "Barf-O-Rama." Long-time readers of my blog may remember this. The series ended after #15. At the end of book #15 was a preview of #16, but there never was a #16. #16 was supposed to be called "A Fungus Among Us." I was going to write one called that



Semi-working bankswitching

So I tried various tests and various things, and I have been able to make a 64k cartridge instead of a 32k one. But there is still more work to be done. I want a 1 mb cartridge. I am still trying to get this working. I don't know if/how I will get what I wanted. I am having trouble understanding it, too. Apparently a 64k cartridge is 4 16k banks. Yet I am able to fit the whole game so far without using any of the other ROM files I used to merge or whatever I did. But anyway, I have a 64k cartrid



There's always a catch.

So I have decided to stop work on Frank the Fruit Fly for now. The reason is because I want to make a game larger than 32k. And to do that, I'd need to learn how. And I cannot find any tutorials online on how to do this. My plan was to make this a 1 MB game, with each bank being 32k, but if I can't find any tutorials on making a bankswitch game, then I can't continue. So I opened a thread on the Game Boy programming forums, but nobody has answered yet. My fear is that nobody ever will. Which is



Fade to black.

So I spent all night last night trying to get the fading to black code someone sent me actually working using C. I went to sleep at 3am despite having still failed at it. I woke up at 2pm today. After taking my pills and my daily m&ms bag (I need to eat something after taking my pills so my throat goes back to normal. Don't ask why.) I went back to work. After an hour, I FINALLY got the stupid thing working. Now when you exit a screen, the screen fades to black quickly and the next screen



Frank the fruit fly update: August 10, 2017

I wanted to go to sleep at midnight, I really did, but I just couldn't shut my mind off. I was thinking of stuff to do instead of just laying in bed for a half-hour trying to sleep being bored. So I got up and began work on Frank the Fruit Fly again. This time I put a banana in. It replenishes health. So I thought "Why do that if he doesn't lose health to begin with?" Well, if he doesn't go in the cat's stomach acid, anyway. So I made it so the longer Frank is inside the cat's mouth, the more he



NES ad I found

While going through some old tapes I had of Nickelodeon (just Ren and Stimpy, as a kid I WISELY taped the ads), I ran across this old ad I had of the redesigned NES. I've decided to relaunch the late NES page I had and put this old ad on here. I also have a print ad I need to scan and put on the site as well. So anyway, I am wondering if the ad will be viewable with the old html code I had laying around for videos. If you don't mind, go to the page with the ad on it and tell me if you can play i



ActionMaxs are hot.

I had an idea to get out my ActionMax and test it just to see if it still works. It had been in a hot garage for most of the summer. The first find was the gun, atop some PS1 games in a box. So I dug under the box. There was the ActionMax console. So I just took the whole box in and realized the sensor wasn't in there. So I went back into the garage, and looked for it. The first thing I did was look in the controllers, etc. bin. Luckily for me, it was in there. So I got the sensor back in the



Back to waffles.

So I got in the mood to work on the waffle project again. So I did that this afternoon. This afternoon because I slept all morning. I went to bed at 11pm and didn't get up until 1pm. And I fell. I thought I was going to move forward when entering my room, but apparently I wasn't, didn't realize it, and fell and made a hideous sound. Scraped my right arm too. I am anticipating having my butt hurt tomorrow. It was like a force field, or perhaps the long handle of the door knob getting into my clot



Way better music

So if you downloaded my Frank the Fruit Fly game last night, you'd notice that the "music" had turned to just random notes instead of actual music. Turns out I had corrupted the music making code, but fixing it got back the original music, but it didn't sound much better. So I went to work deciphering, trying to figure out just how to make music work with this thing. Each register has different notes to it, and it was up to me to figure out what note matched what register value. For instance,



47 sightings: August 5, 2017

47 has been bombarding me lately. A few days ago was our 47th consecutive day without rain. A few days later, a 47 year old man who is going to serve 32 years in prison got an extra 30 years tacked on for another crime. Looks like he'll die in prison. When I thought it was all over, I opened the paper today and saw this: So it's been a hot week. Last night I worked on Frank the Fruit Fly. I worked a lot on the inside of the cat's mouth. Here's what it looks like: Yes, I know the esophagus is q



It was fun while it lasted.

So I apparently can't make Game Boy games any more. When I try to compile them, I get a message saying temp file cannot be created. I can't possibly know what's wrong, since it worked before and now it quit. So last night I posted a message to the Game Boy forums. Went to sleep, woke up, and no response yet. I tried resetting the computer, I tried installing it over again, and I still get that same dumb message. Oh well. Before it quit working, I added some teeth to the cat, but I guess it is al



Perfectly Frank

So I'm trying to make Frank the Fruit Fly for the Game Boy. I was working on this most of yesterday and I guess I worked too hard because I had an eyeache last night. Although that might have been due to the temperature. It was 107 yesterday and if I am exposed to an air conditioner a lot, I get sick for some reason. Anyway, I have been trying to make a smoothless transition between screens. I'm guessing it's not possible. So I just hid the background after each screen change, making it flash wh



Oranges completed.

I finally beat Oranges on a grey brick GB last night twice. The first time I tested to see if the title screen music began at the beginning. It does. The second time I tested it for Start button functioning. I wanted it to keep playing if the start button was pressed and not play once it was depressed. That worked out well too. So I think I'm done with Oranges. It's like I could add any big changes, I'm using up about 80% of 32k. I guess it could use more, but not for a simple game like Oranges.



Comparing waffles to Oranges.

So with a momentary lull in activity, I decided to take a look and test the Game Boy game I made called Oranges. I had quite the time trying to beat it on a Game Boy, but I finally did when I switched to playing it on a Game Boy Color. I finished the game, and what do you know...one of the music channels wasn't playing! Looked through the code, added an extra call to it and played through it again. It works. On a GBC. I got mad at my Game Boy because it kept on denying me. Good thing I didn't se



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